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Much attention has been paid to restructuring in the media industries. Most of this attention has been directed at mergers and acquisitions and the associated increase in industry concentration. What has been largely overlooked is the extent of restructuring that reduces the size of media firms—divestitures. This article examines several cases of major media divestitures and calibrates the impact of these sell-off and spin-off restructuring events on the value of divesting firms. The analysis uses case studies and event study methodology. Given that the overall role of managers of large firms is to maximize the value and stock price, this event methodology directly measures the impact of divestitures on this ultimate goal of maximizing firm value. Case analysis examines the managerial strategies that motivated the divestiture event to explore the complexities of the divestiture as it unfolded. Event analysis results confirm abnormal returns that have the potential to significantly enhance the value of divesting firms.  相似文献   

There has been extensive restructuring in the media industries in recent times. This article examines the effects of large media restructuring transactions on the value of firms engaging in such transactions. It considers all media restructuring transactions with a value of over $1 billion between 1997 and 2008—a time period that included 1 of the largest waves of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) activity in industrial history, and was marked in media by transformative changes in the industry due to digital technology and the loosening of ownership restrictions under the Telecommunications Act of 1996 Telecommunications Act of 1996. (1996). Pub. LA. No. 104–104, 110 Stat. 56.  [Google Scholar]. Over that time period, 57 M&A transactions with a total value of $675 billion and 65 divestitures with a total value of $338 billion were identified. This article employs event-study methodology to calibrate the impact of these restructurings on firm value. Over time, the market was cautious about the ability of media firms to launch successful mergers or acquisitions, with losses for the media acquirers larger than those in cross-industry studies. This is even more pronounced when the acquirer is a non-media firm. Alternatively, divestitures yield positive results for both buyers and sellers. Recognizing the impact that restructuring has on firms, this work provides insights for understanding the market evaluation of future restructuring transactions.  相似文献   

本文以1469份有关医疗AI(智慧医疗)的中文报刊的媒介报道为研究对象,围绕医疗AI产生的海量媒介信息对聚焦社会关注、定位发展路径与战略选择具有重要的实证参考价值。借助词频分析、语义网络与LDA主题模型等文本分析方法,探索不同时期医疗AI的媒介文本聚焦内容,整合描述国内对医疗AI关切的主题分布。医疗AI的媒介文本数量与规模近年来增加迅速,关注内容逐步深入医疗AI的9个子集领域;此外医疗AI可能引发的社会问题及其对策也不断引发社会热议,应注重对医疗AI体制化建设的社会认知塑造。文章创新性的关注到医疗AI的媒介信息文本,并尝试构建医疗AI社会认知的隐含狄利克雷分布主题模型,挖掘医疗AI新闻文本信息的主题类别。  相似文献   

本文以1469份有关医疗AI(智慧医疗)的中文报刊的媒介报道为研究对象,围绕医疗AI产生的海量媒介信息对聚焦社会关注、定位发展路径与战略选择具有重要的实证参考价值。借助词频分析、语义网络与LDA主题模型等文本分析方法,探索不同时期医疗AI的媒介文本聚焦内容,整合描述国内对医疗AI关切的主题分布。医疗AI的媒介文本数量与规模近年来增加迅速,关注内容逐步深入医疗AI的9个子集领域;此外医疗AI可能引发的社会问题及其对策也不断引发社会热议,应注重对医疗AI体制化建设的社会认知塑造。文章创新性的关注到医疗AI的媒介信息文本,并尝试构建医疗AI社会认知的隐含狄利克雷分布主题模型,挖掘医疗AI新闻文本信息的主题类别。  相似文献   

战略规划具有引领与规范档案事业发展的功能,是档案治理现代化的重要方式。文章从静态视角比较分析中国与美国、俄罗斯、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚国家档案事业战略规划的理念、目标、重点任务、保障措施,发现我国战略规划兼顾传统档案工作模式与新兴业态发展,统领性更强,而其他五国战略主题更为明确,可操作性更强。从动态视角比较分析战略规划的流程、延续与更新,发现六个国家战略规划的制订均遵守科学规范的流程与方法,在坚守和变革中寻求平衡。我国档案事业战略规划需要统筹好环境扫描、规划方法、战略主题、战略目标和规划实施五项核心要素。  相似文献   

论公共图书馆法人治理结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
法人治理结构源于对企业的生产经营活动进行科学组织的需要,其应用范围现在已扩展至公益服务领域.法人治理结构一般由决策层、执行层和监督层3个方面的相互协调、相互制衡关系构成,公共图书馆的法人治理结构也是由这3个方面的协调与制衡关系构成.组建图书馆理事会是图书馆实施法人治理结构的根本标志.美国、英国等发达国家大都建立有较完善...  相似文献   

Academic integrity has long been an issue of concern to the academic community, and in recent years has attracted attention worldwide. As the country with the world's largest research output, especially as shown during the recent pandemic, China is actively working to combat academic misconduct. To explore China's initiatives and actions in this regard, 75 Chinese official policies from the national level were collected, analysed and reviewed. Based on the policy text, this study examines the construction of the academic integrity system in China. Through grounded theory and text analysis methods, six parts of the policy system were identified: current status, goals and objectives, polycentric governance, cultural-cognitive measures, normative measures and regulative measures. The results show the specific measures taken by China with regards to each part and indicate that an academic integrity system has been formed in China.  相似文献   

Book Review     
Over the last 2 decades, mergers and acquisitions (M&;A) have become the most preferred strategic tool of firms in the media industry. As still claimed by analysts and managers, M&;A deals are expected to generate greater economic efficiency, especially through size effects (economies of scale and scope and other synergies). However, it seems that the hopes placed in these synergies are generally disappointed. Indeed, among a sample of 11 media firms for fiscal years 1998 and 1999, it appears a firm's size and a simultaneous presence in many businesses of the media industries do not improve economic performance, nor does the possession of complementary assets. The existence of economies of scale and scope, or at least the ability of firms to implement them, has still to be proved. Inversely, the internationalization rate of firms, especially for non-U.S. firms, and their level of focus on the media industries both appear to improve economic performance. These results, based on data available when AOL Time Warner and Vivendi Universal M&;A deals took place, raise the issue of the economic rationality of such mergers.  相似文献   

Although owned media formats that pursue brand-policy objectives have been receiving considerable attention in industries since the beginning of the millennium, virtually no research results are available about their conceptual background and strategic management. Using total interpretive structural modeling, this study examines two research questions: (1) Which success factors for the evolving brand-owned media concept can be identified? (2) How can these factors be systematized in terms of interrelations and hierarchies? Results indicate that the success of brand-owned media depends on a complex interrelation of eight factors. Content-centric factors such as content quality and the non-advertising character of brand-owned media are most important for creating relevant content and for achieving media success in terms of reach and frequency. In contrast, brand strength is not regarded as a precondition of brand-owned media success but rather as a result.  相似文献   

Due to the increased importance of transnational governance, individual states become increasingly interdependent. This is also reflected in the news media coverage and media attention to foreign affairs. The European Union (EU) represents a case of advanced globalization. This study investigates news media attention to fellow EU member states. The main objective of this study is to explain what factors determine whether EU member states report about each other. The analysis is based on large-scale content analysis data of TV news and newspaper articles of 27 EU member states gathered during the 2009 European Parliament election campaign (N = 19,106) and employs network analysis to explain differences in media attention. The findings show that there are indicators at the national level that are independent of EU governance, as well as factors related to the European integration that determine whether two states report about each other. As such, countries that are neighbors, and where the same language is spoken, are more likely to report about each other. Furthermore, smaller, older, and EU member states that are more supportive of the European integration report more on fellow states.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 总结国内公共图书馆法人治理结构的特点与经验,为我国公共图书馆法人治理的进一步发展提出建议。[方法/过程] 在总结国内公共图书馆法人治理结构理论研究与实践基础上,详细介绍浦东图书馆法人治理结构试点情况,总结成功经验,发现存在问题,提出发展建议。[结果/结论] 浦东图书馆法人治理结构主要有3个特点:通过制定章程和负面清单,明确各方权责,确保理事会的决策地位;理事会成员组成以社会人士为主,并下设专业委员会,有利于图书馆利益相关方的共同治理和科学决策;建立了立体化、制度化的监督体系,保障法人治理有效运行,并不偏离公益服务方向。浦东图书馆法人治理结构试点取得初步成效:管理更专业化,资源更社会化,服务更多元化。我国公共图书馆法人治理的进一步发展需要提高决策的深度,拓宽监督的广度,完善配套政策和环境。  相似文献   

Media multitasking has been receiving increased attention from communication scholars as well as scholar in other fields, with studies focusing on the prevalence, predictors, behavior, and effects. Several recent papers have provided overviews of findings from media multitasking research, or provided frameworks to help researchers think about conceptual issues around multitasking. This article expands on those efforts by refining the methodological elements that are important to consider in media multitasking research. We discuss the validity of operationalizations in previous studies, and the impact that design and measures had on the conclusions drawn. In order to do this, we map the different options for manipulating and measuring media multitasking, discuss the implications, and provide guidelines for future research examining media multitasking to help connect disparate findings and provide additional guidance for researchers to move forward with this topic.  相似文献   

深圳图书馆法人治理结构试点探索及思考   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
深圳图书馆作为公共文化服务机构被列为中央编办与深圳市共抓的法人治理结构试点单位。2007年正式启动试点工作,经过文献调研,制定实施方案,拟定理事会章程和配套制度草案,以及理事推选,2010年组建了理事会。法人治理结构试点运行至今,初步建立了分权制衡的组织架构,进行了政事分开的有益尝试,促进了开放民主的治理取向。但也存在一些问题,如法人地位未能完全落实,配套制度衔接不力导致改革后劲不足,法人章程与地方立法修订未能及时跟进,理事会决策缺乏专业委员会支撑等。下一步将继续完善理事会构成机制、推举机制、决策机制和监督机制,培育理事的社会基础,推进法人治理建设。参考文献8。  相似文献   

By the multiple usage of immaterial resources across organizational and national market borders, globally acting media conglomerates are able to achieve outstanding synergies. For this reason, they are expected to realize higher margins of profit than smaller-size, nondiversified media firms. However, no empirical evidence has been found for a positive correlation between a firm's size or its presence in many businesses of the media industry and its economic performance until now. Consequently, possible synergies do not seem to be fully exploited in many cases. This article analyzes how to institutionalize and implement synergy management in decentralized media organizations. For these purposes, we first develop a basic understanding and then conduct an exploratory case study on Bertelsmann's approach, which overcomes the stress ratio between corporate coordination and independent action at the operational level. Distinguishing various product types and triggers, this case study renders the process of synergy management more precisely and illustrates how to arrange responsibilities between organizational units. Finally, by relating the results of the case study to the body of literature, we work out patterns of responsibility assignment and drivers of success for strategic integration. In contrast to operational integration, the latter may lead to synergies due to cross-divisional cooperation and business development.  相似文献   


This article examines major determinants of interlocking directorates of media companies by applying resource dependency theory. The study found that firms with greater dependence upon advertisers and financial institutions have more representatives of those interests on their boards. Diversified media companies were found to have more attorneys and interlocking directorships with competing firms.  相似文献   

This article continues and extends the emerging scholarship of strategic media management by examining the day-to-day challenges that media managers face when managing strategic renewal in traditional print-oriented media firms. The aim, in particular, is to shed light on the tensions and paradoxical situations that middle managers need to deal with in contexts where taken-for-granted industry recipes and well-established business practices have become problematized as a result of industry-wide technological and cultural change. Based on an empirical case study, the article identifies and elaborates on three interconnected paradoxes, rooted in the history of the company and past decisions of its top-management: (1) balancing employees’ needs for stability with organizational needs for change; (2) bridging employees’ needs for security and tradition and the organizational need for learning and taking risks; as well as (3) reconciling employees’ needs to “focus on themselves” with organizational needs to collaborate for collective success. Theoretically, the article contributes to the literature by working toward a new paradox perspective on managing strategic renewal in media organizations. This theoretical perspective is offered as an interpretive framework for empirically exploring and critically examining the dynamics and complexities of strategic media management in the continuously changing business environments of the industry.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to investigate the extent to which trust in media is affected by personal media use and the framing of politics as a strategic game. The study is based on a four-wave panel survey matched with media content data, which allows us to investigate not only correlations but also individual-level effects on media trust. In accordance with previous research, our analyses show that the use of specific media types leads to more trust in those specific media. The results also show that media framing of politics as a strategic game has a negative effect on trust in the media. The more citizens are exposed to game-framed news, the less they tend to trust the media, with the exception of tabloid newspapers. Overall, these results lend support to the assumption of contagious effects of game-framed news. In a concluding section, we sum up our results and discuss the implications of our findings.  相似文献   


A constant theme in strategic media management literature is the transformational impact that digital media technologies and deregulation have had on shaping media firms’ corporate strategies. Whilst the role of corporate strategy is to encapsulate a firm’s long-term direction and scope of activities, it will also give a strong indication of how the firm will compete and be positioned in an industry. However, the transformative effects of a highly technological media environment have changed our traditional view of how the media industry is defined, and so developing a strategic recipe for competing in an ill-defined industry becomes more challenging. This paper examines a single media firm’s corporate strategy and perimeter and considers this in the context of a changing media industry. The paper takes a practice-led approach by undertaking a longitudinal analysis of a firm’s acquisition and divestment activities in order to understand its corporate perimeter and by implication the industry or industries where it competes. We argue that by exploring a media firm’s corporate strategy and perimeter over time, scholars will not only be able to better understand the dynamics of media practice and strategy, but also gain an insight into the changing nature of the media industry. The paper concludes that the 'five forces framework' on industry structure, profitability and attractiveness remains a relevant form of strategic analysis that can help media management researchers to conceptualize and understand the evolution of media firm corporate perimeter and the industries in which they compete.  相似文献   

Conclusion: What is the future for Digital Publishing? It is very difficult to understand the real value of all the different business models that have been introduced to the market in this very chaotic and evolving arena. The recent disillusions with the Internet and the “new economy” downturn have also made the publishing industry very cautious of investing in new business ventures. Many new projects have been suspended or postponed because they were based only on estimated or assumed online revenues. Meanwhile, very real operating expenses far exceeded original estimates or start-up budgets while sources of revenues remained elusive. On a more positive note, inside all the major publishing houses there is a stronger knowledge of the importance of creating a digital content database. Traditional publishers are learning that their intellectual property and editorial content can be used for many different products and delivered in many different media. Probably in the next months one of the big strategic issues will be the integration between the traditional print on paper products as the viable revenue model with all the other digital media in development. Finally, the questions remains how the market will accept as well as pay for content in different digital formats?  相似文献   

Recently, attention has been paid to the opportunities of data sharing across government sectors for complex public problems. These so-called ‘data collaboratives’ are seen as a novel way of leveraging different sources of data and expertise for societal impact. Data collaboratives come with new challenges that might require new governance structures and processes. So far, scant attention has been paid in the literature to data collaborative governance. This study aims to fill that gap. Building upon the collaborative governance and information sharing literature, a framework for Data Collaborative Governance is developed. This framework was tested in a living lab that focused on the public problem of anti-social behavior. Empirical data was collected over a period of one and a half years and analyzed based on an abductive research approach. The findings show that data sharing adds new elements to collaborative governance theory and practice. This study also demonstrates that a living lab is a promising methodology for studying data collaboratives. Finally, it shows that working across boundaries of organizations and sharing data to address complex problems in more collaborative ways has the potential to generate insights for complex public problems.  相似文献   

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