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王艳 《出版经济》2002,(11):26-28
进入新的世纪,我国的报业、广播电视等媒体正逐步向集团化方向发展,以应对日趋加剧的市场竞争和加入世贸组织带来的挑战。值得注意的是,大多新成立的集团都面临着资金的压力。集团要想作大作强,必须有充足的资金支持。我国“十五”期间对报业的政策支持已逐渐收紧,单靠报业本身传  相似文献   

报纸具有记录性好、易于保存、报道及时和详尽等优势,拥有固定的读者群体,是高校图书馆必备的纸质文献。湖南人文科技学院图书馆采用了有别于传统报纸管理的方法:架层类别排架法、差异要求阅览法、一一对应法。架层类别排架法既符合读者的阅览兴趣,又有利于读者阅报后的正确归位和报纸管理员的更新与整架工作;差异要求阅览法有效地解决了报纸乱架问题;一一对应法大大节省了报纸更新的时间成本。  相似文献   

现行报纸管理工作中若干问题的探究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
从订购、编目及查询装订和馆藏排架三个方面着手,指出了出版形式灵活多变的报纸给现行报纸管理工作带来的一些问题,拟在通过对问题的探究找寻出路。  相似文献   

甄珍  张田  吴华伟 《编辑之友》2018,(6):108-112
美国报业自2008年金融危机之后进入衰退时代.但金融投资大亨巴菲特却因逆市收购数十家小型地方性报纸而引发报业人士强烈关注.文章综合查询相关资料,从巴菲特收购报纸路线图、巴菲特拥有的报纸情况及其经营报纸的策略三方面,对巴菲特旗下报纸的情况进行综合介绍.  相似文献   

黄峥 《新闻界》2008,(4):28-29
投递质量难以监控,段道优化无从下手,这是一直以来存在于报纸发行投递管理中的难点问题。本文从技术手段的运用上探讨如何进行报纸发行投递的科学化精细管理。  相似文献   

This study examines the problems associated with cultural integration in the aftermath of a corporate acquisition. Based on focus groups and one-on-one interviews with members of a post-acquisition organization (PAO), the results reveal three identity tensions used by organization members to reconcile conflicting pulls toward identification and disidentification: collaboration/competition, assimilation/autonomy, and consensus/command. Findings indicate that members across the four sites of the PAO reconcile these identity tensions differently, resulting in more evidence of disidentification at the two sites that had been acquired by the larger organization, than at the other two sites which had been long-standing locations of the acquiring organization. Implications are discussed relative to cultural and identity issues during periods of organization mergers and acquisitions.  相似文献   

Finding an appropriate temporary storage location for books and providing access to them is a significant challenge for libraries undergoing renovations. The current article describes the use of a document management company by an academic library to store 430,000 books for 8 months and provide a retrieval-on-demand service. Aspects covered include the selection of a commercial storage provider with its own retrieval service; details of the move to and from offsite storage; the integration of the service with library processes; communications and user feedback; book usage during the storage period; overall costs; and lessons learned from the experience.  相似文献   

本文试图从观念研究的角度,以"同人办报"为参照,探讨"同人报"何以既声名显赫,却面目模糊。实际上,在现已公开的史料中,"同人报"的提法始见于1957年,原本只是"集体所有制报刊"的同义词。由于初始意义并不具体,而看似相仿的"同人办报"又早就被认定为错误路线。在当时的历史情境下,"同人报"被重新解读、赋予意义,和"资产阶级报刊"等同起来;并藉此暴得大名,沉淀为集体的记忆,乃至成为基本的表述语汇。正因为从一开始,在不同理解之间,存在太大的差异,所以始终难以在理念上形成具体的共识。随着历史流转,当时语境逐渐消散,"同人报"的含义也就越发飘忽难定。  相似文献   

把目前关于报业“集团化”的研究称之为显学,似乎有点过,但倘用汗牛充栋来形容其文章数量,想必不会有太多异议。可是当业界和学术界频频运用(甚至言必称)“集团化”一语时,却少见有人  相似文献   

Using Everett Rogers's (2003) Rogers, E. M. 2003. Diffusion of innovations, 5th, New York: Free Press.  [Google Scholar] theory of innovation in organizations, this nationwide study examines U.S. weekly newspapers and their adoption and management of innovation—specifically, the online newspaper. From a theoretical standpoint, the creation of the online product was somewhat unsystematic. The data reveal that most weekly newspapers were not following any type of innovation management strategy when developing their online editions. This study echoes the findings of Saksena and Hollifield (2002) Saksena, S. and Hollifield, C. A. 2002. U.S. newspapers and the development of online editions. The International Journal on Media Management, 4: 7584. [Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar] in the assessment that newspapers are adopting and managing emerging technology in a “relatively haphazard fashion.” Most newspaper managers report they did not develop a business plan for the new product or set specific, measurable goals to aid in assessing the success of the online newspaper. In addition, almost ¾ of the newspapers did not gather target-market or audience research before launching the online newspaper. The study found that newspaper managers were sensitive to their staffs' questions, needs, and concerns about publishing an online newspaper; and most involved their staffs in the decision-making process. A majority reported that they did not meet any resistance from their staffs about the adoption of new technology to produce the online newspapers.  相似文献   

黄熹 《新闻大学》2004,(2):73-74
拥有三大报业集团的广州报业向来以竞争激烈而闻名全国。近年来,随着经济社会的发展以及读者阅读兴趣的转移,广州报业竞争的“主战场”也较以往有了一些新的变化: 首先,主流新闻的地位愈显突出。所谓主流新闻,是指各级领导重视、群众广为关注的重大时事政治、经济新闻。且不说《南方日报》、《广州日报》这两家机关报,就连一向偏重社会新闻的《羊城晚  相似文献   

NATURE出版模式   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
分析Nature杂志的办刊宗旨和主要特色,介绍Nature杂志的出版者——自然出版集团的经营模式,包括其服务对象和用户需求以及自然出版集团的经营方针。通过Nature在创办新刊合作出版和科学新闻网站的运行,预测其最新发展趋势;在此基础上,提出对我国科技期刊发展的借鉴和启示。  相似文献   

科学数据的整合与管理是国家信息资源战略方针之一,目前还没有长期有效的方法与手段。韩国科学技术信息研究院在此领域走在了亚洲前列。其最新研制开发的“Big”科学数据整合与管理开放平台P—CUBE就是很好的解决方案。文章介绍P—CUBE的定位、架构、技术体系和应用。最后,给出结论。  相似文献   

章平 《新闻大学》2001,(4):77-81
随着经济体制改革和国家对媒体经营“放权让利”政策的推行,广告逐渐成为各新闻媒体的主营收入。据统计,广告经营占媒介收入来源的69%,广告营业额的多少,直接影响着媒介的生存状态。报  相似文献   

Between the years 1993 and 2000, the W. K. Kellogg Foundation sponsored the Comprehensive Community Health Models (CCHMs) Initiative in three Michigan counties. CCHMs was comprised of three closely related community initiatives carried out in the midst of a failed national health care reform effort and the continued penetration of managed care arrangements into many health care systems. This experimental initiative set out to test the hypothesis that traditional healthcare system animosities and exclusionary practices could be overcome by stakeholder participation in an ongoing, structured, collaborative dialogue about improving access to health services. In the process of collecting data through surveys, interviews, content analysis, and observation, we were struck by the occurrence of several overarching tensions that we perceive to exist in our data. The present article elucidates five such tensions and suggests how third parties such as communication researchers, evaluators, and practitioners can facilitate community health improvement initiatives and better their own data interpretation by acknowledging and understanding these tensions.  相似文献   

Between the years 1993 and 2000, the W. K. Kellogg Foundation sponsored the Comprehensive Community Health Models (CCHMs) Initiative in three Michigan counties. CCHMs was comprised of three closely related community initiatives carried out in the midst of a failed national health care reform effort and the continued penetration of managed care arrangements into many health care systems. This experimental initiative set out to test the hypothesis that traditional healthcare system animosities and exclusionary practices could be overcome by stakeholder participation in an ongoing, structured, collaborative dialogue about improving access to health services. In the process of collecting data through surveys, interviews, content analysis, and observation, we were struck by the occurrence of several overarching tensions that we perceive to exist in our data. The present article elucidates five such tensions and suggests how third parties such as communication researchers, evaluators, and practitioners can facilitate community health improvement initiatives and better their own data interpretation by acknowledging and understanding these tensions.  相似文献   

刘峰 《编辑之友》2016,(8):19-22
对于出版机构来说,IP化经营从理念到系统性、可行性的策略与方式还需经过长期探索和反复实验.由于面向场景的融合能够引导出版机构实现跨越式发展、推进商业模式创新、提升IP在融合生态中的影响力,所以这是Ip化经营的可行思路.文章在分析以IP为核心推进场景融合的内在逻辑后,认为可从强化场景思维应用、社群运营、打造“场景力”、提升IP内容与受众连接的契合程度、介入社会生活等几个方面,深化对IP化经营策略的探讨.  相似文献   

《广西日报》昭平版初创时期194 4年 5月 ,日寇发动湘桂战役 ,桂林被迫疏散。当时桂林的文化人 ,一部分向重庆方向撤退 ,一部分则顺漓江南下 ,向平乐、昭平方面疏散。欧阳予倩先生领导的广西省艺术馆那时正在演出《草木皆兵》和排练《杏花春雨江南》。敌人疯狂前来侵犯 ,欧阳予倩手无寸铁 ,只得赶忙雇了船 ,带着艺术馆全体工作人员和家属向昭平方面撤退。差不多同时到达昭平的有桂林文委委员张锡昌、广西大学千家驹教授、桂林广西日报总主笔莫乃群以及广西工会负责人徐旭 (寅初 )、周匡人等 ,还有胡愈之的弟弟胡仲特等。这些文化人一到昭平 …  相似文献   

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