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Librarians offer a unique perspective on e-books: on one hand they collect these resources and train users as part of their jobs, while on the other hand, they may be users of e-books themselves. With recent increases in research expectations for Canadian academic librarians, this study aimed to discover: when librarians do research, do they use e-books and how often are they using them? This study examines the results of a survey of 392 academic librarians from across Canada. The survey generated data on librarians' use of, and attitudes towards, e-books. While a number of studies examine the use and opinions of e-books among other user groups, this study examines how librarians search for or use e-books differently than other user groups. Results will help librarians to improve their liaison work and make more informed collection development decisions at their own institutions.  相似文献   

蓝峻 《新闻大学》2004,(1):68-72
一、介绍 作为当前电视台经营收入的主要来源,电视广告收入目前已经成为各家电视台经营和竞争的焦点。根据央视市场研究股份有限公司(CTR)提供的广告检测数据,2002年全国电视广告投放额按电视台公开价格计算达到910亿人民币,比2001年增加了2.1%。直接源于巨大的电视广告金额的刺激,对于电视收视率的采用和重视于是被越来越多的电视台所接受。从80年代开始,收视率这个名词开始被实务界和学术界所了解和运用。直至今日,“收视率=广告收入”,这个源自西  相似文献   

This historical account examines the Federal Communications Commission's investigation and hearings into newspaper ownership of radio stations. The hearing, which lasted from 1941 to 1944, were the opening round in what has proved to be a long‐term concern of the commission—cross‐media ownership in local markets. In the years since the newspaper hearings, the FCC has held to its decision to police cross‐media ownership case‐by‐case with the goal to avoid local monopolies. FCC ridings blocking cross ownership have been argued repeatedly, but the commission's authority has been upheld. Thus the hearings had an important result: The FCC reasserted its responsibility to ensure ownership diversification of broadcast stations. The hearings set the stage for future action by the FCC to police cross ownership, action that has been upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court.  相似文献   

信息化进程对于人类记忆是双刃剑,信息技术在强化社会生活记录能力的同时也引发了新的社会失忆现象,数字记忆成为新一代文化记忆。本文在简要爬梳数字记忆由来和现状的基础上,阐述数字记忆的基本原理和社会价值,归纳出多资源互补、多媒体连通、迭代式生长、开放式构建等特点,从目标定位、文化阐释、资源整合、编排展示、技术支撑五个方面提出构建数字记忆项目的架构和要领。本文还分析了图书馆、档案馆、博物馆等记忆机构在数字记忆建设中的重要角色及其原因,倡导图档博机构在数字记忆构建中拓展职能,增加活力。参考文献31。  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the evolution of community radio in postapartheid South Africa where a three-tier broadcasting system—public, commercial, and community—has replaced the monopoly of a state-run behemoth, the South African Broadcasting Corporation. The paper commences with an overview of South Africa's institutionalized culture of exclusion in the broadcasting sector and in other social spheres. A conceptual review of participatory communication precedes and provides foundation for the examination of the operations of two community radio stations located in two of South Africa's previously marginalized and disenfranchised communities. Although South Africa's adoption of community radio answers perpetual questions about the sustenance of community radio, the ongoing experience poses a few challenges.  相似文献   

In the past 2 decades, cable television and the Internet have greatly increased the availability of media content. The phenomenon has reinvigorated a longstanding debate about the effects of this media landscape, as people selectively get exposed to specific content. Based on U.S. national survey data, this article advances research in this area by analyzing the interplay between individuals' ideological predispositions, their selective exposure to cable news, and the relationship between selective exposure and their attitudes toward an issue with key policy-making implications: Mexican immigration. Results indicate conservative Republicans are more likely to watch FOX News, which is associated with negative perceptions of Mexican immigrants and higher support for restrictive immigration policies. Findings also suggest that liberals who get exposed to FOX News also show less support for Mexican immigration.  相似文献   

作为文化创意产业,电视媒体的发展离不开“创新”这个强大的助推器,尤其是在媒体竞争不断加剧的今天,创新已经成为整个行业发展的一个最为核心的主题词。没有创新就没有发展,没有创新就意味着将被淘汰出局,这是不容回避的残酷现实,是市场竞争使然。目前,中国电视市场已经发生了内在而深刻的变化,有人称之为“零和博弈”。与此同时,新媒体的冲击,使得本已上升空间有限的广告市场面临着重新的切割与瓜分。在这样一种态势下,靠资源优势、地缘优势形成的媒体格局划分正在经历着源自于市场力量的重新洗牌,媒体之间的比拼实际上已经晋级为创新意识、创新能力、创新机制、创新体系的比拼、媒体之间的较量已经跃升到智力的较量、管理的较量、品牌的较量、战略的较量。如何在这场以创新为核心特征、以品牌为利器的角逐中壮大自身,抢占制高点,获取更多的市场份额,已经成为摆在媒体管理者和从业人员面前的极为现实的问题。  相似文献   

在新千年与新世纪之交,我们迎来了新图书馆落成开放的第一年.由市政府投资6600万元、占地23亩、建筑高度61.45m、主楼13层、裙房7层、建筑面积达26851m2,设计藏书量为230万册,可设800个阅览座位的无锡市新图书馆是无锡市社会主义精神文明建设的重点工程、标志性建筑,也是迄今为止无锡市投资规模最大的文化设施.新图书馆工程于年内竣工并部分对外开放,被列入市委、市政府2000年为民办18件实事目标之一,充分体现了市委、市政府对公共文化事业的高度重视.  相似文献   

旅游世界是不同于日常生活世界的世界,这个世界的呈现很大程度上依靠旅游中存在的三类标签。文章通过对这三类标签的符号学分析,最终导向的是旅游主体在旅途中所追寻的理想主体的灭亡,而这一揭示亦得益于拉康的镜像理论。  相似文献   

In 2007, Duke University Medical Center Library instituted an interactive, online PubMed tutorial and quiz for medical students to replace an in-person lecture. This article describes the events leading to this educational paradigm shift and how the tutorial was implemented. Important concerns in the switch to an online approach to PubMed training were student satisfaction and the extent to which searching skills would improve. To determine the effectiveness of the online model, two years of student quizzes and evaluations were examined. Results indicate that students benefit from and appreciate the interactive tutorial.  相似文献   

station, this study looked at what motivates audiences to turn away. Among the findings of a general public survey of more than 350 people were that (a) drivers frequently switch stations during a mere quarter-hour listening span, and (b) avoidance of commercials (or zapping) was by far the most influential motivator. In light of these findings, this article discusses the limitations of conventional Arbitron quarter-hour methodology to measure station switching and explores how the company's experimental electronic Personal People Meter (PPM) can offer a welcome solution to this problem.  相似文献   

Business faculty were surveyed to determine their attitudes toward institutional repositories, disciplinary repositories, and open access journals. The majority of faculty was unaware of institutional repositories at their local institutions. However, approximately one third are using disciplinary repositories and are receiving encouragement from their departments to do so. Likewise, many faculty are unaware of open access journals. Open access journals are seen as lacking prestige and being lower quality publications in the business field due to the lack of prestigious publishers and editors. Many faculty believe their prestige would fall if they published in an open access journal.  相似文献   

In the university environment, libraries and writing centers often operate as separate entities, but they provide similar services to students. The placement of the writing center inside the library may provide opportunities for partnership. At Florida Gulf Coast University, the Humanities Librarian and the Writing Center Director decided to take advantage of their close proximity and observe each other's service desks. The authors identify five challenges common to librarians and writing consultants as well as cooperative solutions. Furthermore, an exploration of how other libraries and writing centers around the country are working together inspired additional avenues for collaboration.  相似文献   

丁滨 《编辑学报》2013,25(4):402-404
由于科技期刊工作的特点,长期从事科技期刊编辑工作容易出现焦虑、厌倦、淡漠情绪。认为:科技期刊编辑只有生活精彩,工作才能精彩。应保持生活的激情、思维的活力、怡情的爱好、写作的热情和优雅的形象。只要热爱生活,就能保持工作的动力与创意的源泉,灵感与思路、热情与干劲,让编辑工作在快乐愉悦中完成,实现自我效能的最佳发挥。  相似文献   

Stepping beyond traditional mass communication and political communication frameworks, this study utilizes the integrated behavioral model to predict traditional broadcast and print news media exposure. Specific focus is given to experiential (Is politics interesting?) and instrumental (Is politics important?) attitudes. A secondary analysis is performed on 2010–2014 World Values Survey data (N = 6,961) consisting of representative samples collected from the United States, Germany, Australia, and Sweden. Interest is a statistically significant predictor of both types of news media exposure, but importance and Interest × Importance are statistically significant for broadcast only. The positive predictive value of political interest for broadcast is isolated to only those individuals who perceive politics to be of low personal importance. Discussion focuses on task difficulty when comparing broadcast and print news media exposure and the theoretical implications of the study’s findings. In addition, a research agenda based on the integrated behavioral model is proposed for the study of news media engagement.  相似文献   

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