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台湾有线电视的覆盖率为百分之八十,同时台湾电视全面数字化的时间订为2006年,有线电视挟着庞大的资金,在数字化的过程较无线电视有着先天的优势。(AC尼尔森收视率调查报告2003,在晚间17:00到22:59的黄金时段,有线台曩括平均62.3%的市场占有率)而数字化后频道增多,台湾有线电视有着庞大的收视户,在第二次电视革命的来临之际,如何利用此点优势来占稳数字电视的市场是本研究的焦点。  相似文献   

We read and hear a good deal these days about the proper role of federal agencies, Congress, and broadcasters themselves in properly controlling quantity and quality of television advertising in the U.S. There seems to be a fair amount of criticism expressed and implied by government officials, the general public, broadcasters, agencies and advertisers on the whole question of advertising regulation—suggesting most of these people are dissatisfied to some degree much of the time. An interesting comparative situation is found in Britain where the Independent Broadcasting Authority has followed a unique approach to these problems for a number of years—and apparently pleases most participants and the TV audience. In the following discussion, Mrs. Marting describes the IBA approach and deals with its possible applicability here. The author is completing the Ph.D. at Ohio State University after earlier earning a journalism MA at Alabama, and spending a number of years in public relations and advertising.  相似文献   

As part of a Department of Health funded project nearly 2000 people were surveyed as to their use of two digital health information services, one on the Web and the other on digital interactive television (DiTV). The website was of a commercial company-Surgerydoor-and the DiTV service NHS based. This paper concentrates on the issue of trust in digital health information. Two of the main findings were that advertising was found to have an effect on trust, though the quality and type of advertising will impact in different ways on trustworthiness. DiTV subscribers who had either used the Living Health channel which carried NHS branded health information or had heard of the service, were more likely to say that the NHS was a symbol of trust for them compared with DiTV subscribers who had not used the service.  相似文献   

This systematic content analysis compares local coverage of Hispanic‐American news across newspapers, radio and television in Southwest cities with substantial Hispanic populations. Story prominence, Hispanic representation and content are examined.  相似文献   


Public Service Broadcasting in a Multichannel Environment: The History and Survival of an Ideal. Robert K. Avery. White Plains, NY: Longman, 1993.

Public Television for Sale: Media, the Market, and the Public Sphere. William Hoynes. Boulder and San Francisco: Westview Press, 1994.

Public Television: Panacea, Pork Barrel, or Public Trust? Marilyn Lashley. New York: Greenwood Press, 1992.  相似文献   

数字图书馆海量存储体系选择与比较   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
论文介绍了四种主流的海量存储体系DAS、NAS、FC SAN、iSCSI的特点,针对数字图书馆海量存储体系的选择问题对四者的技术参数进行了比较分析,指出了方案选择的基本思路。  相似文献   


The position of network censor, whatever the title appended to the job, is one of particular sensitivity. To the industry as a whole, he acts to forstall the program material that could cause criticism of the network, station, sponsor or program. A writer who feels that his work has been needlessly mutilated has a different conception of the role of the network censor. The public is largely unaware of his existence.

The pamphlet by the author of the present article, Taste and the Censor in Television (published by the Fund for the Republic, 1959, as an Occasional Paper on the role of the mass media in the free society), was the first major attempt to define the place of the censor. Another article of interest was George Gerbner's “Mental Illness on Television: A Study of Censorship” (Journal of Broadcasting, Vol. III, No. 4, Fall, 1959.)

The article that follows is intended to convey the flavor of the censor's work, and provide an adequate introduction to this important phase of broadcasting self‐regulation and management. It is possibly the only study of the broadcasting executive as a decision‐maker. As such, it should be of extreme interest to anyone in the creative and the business ends of broadcasting.  相似文献   

The deregulation of television and resulting implications for programming and the public interest have been the focus of considerable debate. This study investigated perceptions of issues related to current policy, perceptions of the effectiveness of television in meeting informational needs, and whether perceptions have changed since deregulation. Significant differences were found between pre‐ and post‐deregulation attitudes toward policy‐related issues and the quantity of commercials on television. Perceptions of the amount of news broadcast, coverage of local issues, and the extent to which programming meets local needs revealed no significant change since deregulation. The results revealed strong public support for the requirement that broadcasters cover more than one side of controversial issues.  相似文献   

Periodically, technology develops what is touted as a new medium which makes all others obsolete. Television was going to erase radio, tape was going to do away with disc recordings, and quadrasonic sound will do away with stereo which in turn replaced monaural recording methods. Getting the most attention on these lines now is cable television and the competing methods of home video recording—cartridges, cassettes, videodiscs etc. In the following article, Mr. Christians, a Ph.D. candidate in communications at the University of Illinois, suggests that the so‐called home video “revolution” is really nothing of the kind—but rather more of the same content and controlling interests merely wrapped in different garb.  相似文献   

芬兰是世界上图书馆事业较为发达的国家,政府将图书馆事业作为社会福利事业和文化教育事业的重要组成部分,在财政和立法上给予大力支持。论文介绍了芬兰国家图书馆、公共图书馆及寄存图书馆的发展现状,包括其财政资助、立法、管理机制、服务内容等各个方面。  相似文献   


Local television newscasts have been criticized for being too frivolous, but an analysis of San Diego stations indicates more newscast time is devoted to significant issues of the day than to anything else.  相似文献   

This study was part of a larger project directed by C. E. Osgood and J. C. Nunally of the University of Illinois, conducted under a grant from the National Institute of Mental Health. It is especially interesting, not only because of the current controversy over television program control, but for the light it throws on the operation of the network departments charged with the censorship function.  相似文献   

国内外现行数字图书馆运行模式比较   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15  
中外数字图书馆既有国家、基金投资 ,也有专业机构投资 ,还有企业投资 ;既有免费存取运营 ,也有市场化运营。文章提出我国数字图书馆建设要统一规划指导、分工协调 ,建立在竞争中可持续发展的多种运行模式、三级体系和分学科结合多层级运行结构 ,要提高服务水平、加强信息安全、版权应用等相关研究。  相似文献   


Married and single male and female prime‐time televison characters are presented very stereotypically and traditionally while formerly married female characters are presented less traditionally but somewhat more negatively.  相似文献   

On February 2, 1968, about 20,000,000 Americans watched South Vietnam's Gen. Nguyen Ngoc Loan shoot a suspected Viet Cong in the head on a Saigon street. Color film of that execution was shown on NBC's Huntley‐Brinkley Report. There was also a black and white still photograph by Eddie Adams of Associated Press. The impact of that single news story on public opinion about the war will be argued for some time. In an attempt to analyze the audience reaction to the NBC film report, a content analysis of audience mail to NBC was performed. Further, questionnaires were sent to the letter‐writers for additional information and to further explore their reasons for writing.  相似文献   

This study extends earlier research on the television generation's media‐related behavior. Those who have grown up with TV are often said to be (therefore) more devoted to TV and less inclined to read than people born earlier. To provide evidence, data on TV and newspaper use and on attachment to both media in Germany, 1970–1995, were cohort‐analyzed, controlling for the age‐specific effect of the introduction of private TV in the mid‐eighties. While younger birth cohorts are less interested in the newspaper, the TV generation is not more devoted to TV than most of the preceding cohorts.  相似文献   

This paper explores the role played by habit in shaping audience behavior through an analysis of Nielsen audience data. Through the use of a structural equation model, comparisons, are made between individuals’ weekday and weekend viewing patterns to determine if similarities persist despite the structural and programmatic differences in those time periods. Results indicate that habit plays a significant role in viewing behavior.  相似文献   


Scholars have long debated the adequacy of women's images on television. This study traced the development of trends and economic influences in serial programming devoted to single working women since 1966. Results suggest that the networks have made considerable progress in the quantity and status of roles presénted, but minority females continue to be underrepresented. Individual network contributions also vary, suggesting that role characterizations are more a function of program economics than social advocacy.  相似文献   

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