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由联合国教科文组织亚太教育局、中国联合国教科文组织全国委员会、浙江大学共同主办的联合国教科文组织中国创业教育联盟成立大会暨首届年会于2014年11月26-27日在杭州召开。创业教育领域的专家、学者和实践工作者、企业代表就“我国创业人才培养的战略地位与路径选择”、“中国创业教育联盟的组织构架与战略构思”、“中国高校创业教育理论与实践”等议题展开深入研讨,提出我国创业教育要实施系统改革、加强平台建设、推进多方协作等建议。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine the activities of vocational education teachers when networking in entrepreneurship education. The study examines how the background characteristics of the teachers and their participation in planning and training activities explain the level of use of external stakeholders. As a method, a linear regression analysis has been used. The data consists of 448 Finnish vocational education and training (VET) teachers.The results show that the teachers' business background or work experience does not lead to richer practices regarding utilizing different external stakeholders. However, teachers that participated in school or regional-level entrepreneurship education planning or training utilize external stakeholders significantly more than their colleagues.  相似文献   

21世纪初,战略联盟这种企业合作的组织形式已成为高等教育机构合作的重要形式。高等教育外部环境的变化要求高校之间加强横向合作,高校与政府的紧张关系需要以高校联盟这种中介组织加以协调,后合并时代的高校需要寻找新的途径来提升高校的竞争优势,提高高校自主创新能力更需要高校组建联盟以实现协同创新。要解决高校联盟发展中的困境问题,就需要我们对高校联盟有着全新而全面的认识。  相似文献   

While the National Research and Education Network will meet the computer and communication needs of scientists, researchers, and educators, its implementation should also be used as an opportunity to extend the benefits of public networking technology to new groups of users. If built in a competitive environment, according to the principles of open interconnection, adherence to nonproprietary standards, common carriage, easy-to-use user interfaces, and respect for personal privacy, the NREN could demonstrate the great potential of public broadband networks in the future. As policy makers debate the role of the public telephone and other existing information networks in the nation's information infrastructure, the NREN can serve as a working test-bed for new technologies, applications, and governing policies that will ultimately shape the growing National Public Network.This paper was originally written in September 1991, so legislative citations are not all to the latest version of NREN legislation.The authors wish to thank Art Kleiner and Danny Weitzner for contributing to the writing of this article. A version of the article will be published in Building Information Infrastructure: Issues in the Development of the National Research and Education Network (B. Kahin, ed., McGraw-Hill), a collection of papers from a symposium sponsored by the Science, Technology and Public Policy Program and Strategic Computing and Telecommunications in the Public Sector Program of the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University.  相似文献   


In this paper we outline an analytical approach to identifying points in the policy process where management intervention to adjust organizational design could enhance delivery of innovation policy over time. We illustrate this approach using an example from native vegetation policy in the state of Victoria, Australia. We then use this approach to interpret recent reviews of the Australian Cooperative Research Centres (CRC) Program, a policy instrument aimed at enhancing national economic growth by fostering innovation in research and development.

The approach described in this paper is grounded in the idea of policy as a complex and adaptive organizational system.

From the findings it was apparent that reviews of the Australian CRC Program have recognized some of its complex and dynamic properties. However, they have been limited in their capacity to translate this recognition into practical recommendations for organizational design to improve delivery on innovation, particularly in relation to the uptake of research outputs by industries such as agriculture. We propose that this is likely to reflect the bureaucratic foundations of innovation policy and the difficulties associated with changing processes and ways of managing them that have become locked in to the organizational system.

The design of policy instruments to deliver innovation, such as the CRC Program, should be informed by a detailed understanding of the dynamics that are mediating between policy objectives and outcomes over time. Dynamics such as the impact of bureaucratic constraints on the flexibility of policy processes and the participants engaged in them. In the absence of this sort of understanding, dynamics that critically affect the capacity of policy instruments to deliver innovation are likely to go unidentified and left to run their own course to an unpredictable and potentially counterproductive end.

While the idea of policy as a complex organizational system is well known, there remains a substantive gap in knowledge as to how thinking about policy in this way might be applied to generate practical options for improving organizational design. The analytical approach described in this paper addresses this gap in knowledge. In the absence of such approaches, the effectiveness of policy instruments such as the CRC Program, which are intended to foster innovation, will continue to be limited by deficiencies in organizational design.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,中国学前教育政策和管理体制经历了从企业/社区福利服务为主到社会化服务为主的体系转变。这种转变是导致学前教育服务不足的根源,致使中国学前教育当前出现了很多问题,如学前教育供给不足,地区差异大,服务质量不高,弱势群体入园难等,无法满足日益增长的社会需求和期望,使得"入园难"逐渐成为突出的社会问题。根据学前教育服务的现状,要实现《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》所设定的相关目标,应在认可学前服务有正外部效应的基础上,顺应中国公共服务发展的规律,建立政府责任明确的国家学前教育公共服务体系。政府要在财政政策上加大对农村学前教育的投入、充分考虑到东、中、西部的差异,帮助弱势家庭,为贫困儿童、流动儿童提供学前教育补贴。同时,优先保证中西部农村学前教育师资队伍,利用多种资源发展农村幼儿教育,逐步完善学前教育监管体系。  相似文献   

2009年4月8日至10日,第二届中德高等教育论坛在浙江大学召开.本文对这次研讨会从大学人才培养模式改革、大学教师专业化和教学能力建设以及高等教育国际化与本土化这三个角度进行了综述.  相似文献   

区域经济发展普遍存在不均衡现象,过度的发展差距将对整体经济发展水平会起到严重的制约作用。研究区域域经济发展水平评价指标体系有着重要的现实意义,依据指标体系建立原则提出由经济发展因素、社会发展因素、政府管理因素、对外开放因素和区域创新因素5个大类25项具体指标构成的指标体系,并建议采用因子分析法运用该指标体系对区域经济发展水平进行综合评价。运用该指标体系结合粤东地区汕头、潮州、揭阳和汕尾4市2011年统计数据对该区域经济发展水平作出综合评价,评价结果能比较客观反映各城市的经济发展情况。  相似文献   

本文通过对中小企业在国民经济发展中的地位和作用的分析,指出中小企业在提供就业机会、培植企业家精神、维护市场竞争、激励创新和优化资源配置方面的重要功能。在此基础上,针对我国中小企业发展的现状,指出对中小企业再认识的必婴性,对我国传统的中小企业观和中小企业政策提出了重构和调整设想。最后,对我国中小企业的发展战略进行了研究。  相似文献   

文章通过对教师发展学校内涵、特征及乌鲁木齐市建立教师发展学校迫切性等方面的阐述,针对乌鲁木齐市中小学教师培训的现状,提出了建立教师发展学校的思考。  相似文献   

"一带一路"建设背景下,职业教育国际化发展是中国职业教育"走出去"战略的重要路径。国际理解教育,作为联合国教科文组织推行70年的一种全球教育理念和行动计划,与教育国际化存在内在联系,从而也成为职业教育国际化发展的必然选择。它将有力推动中国职业教育国际化发展的进程。课程化发展则将是职业教育国际化和国际理解教育深度融合的一座桥梁。国际理解教育的主题和内容框架可构建为五大维度(全球化、和平、人权、文化多样性、可持续性)及其十七个分主题。它是国际理解教育课程化的理论基础。国际理解教育课程开发或基于国际理解教育的职业教育课程开发,有待更多学者的研究和实践。  相似文献   

写作学若要成为一门独立的学科,就应该明确自己特定的研究对象。思维是作者在写作过程中最根本的活动,写作学的研究应以作者在写作过程中的思维活动作为研究对象,充分揭示作者在这个过程中的思维特点及其规律,并以此为前提建构思维写作学体系。  相似文献   

This article addresses issues regarding implementation of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) within formal education systems. In particular, it seeks to identify the basic essential components of ESD pedagogy. The authors present a theoretical pedagogical framework based on accumulated theory and experience in the field. The framework aspires to encompass the majority of prevailing pedagogies within a simple set of four basic principles. It will be argued that the four principal pedagogies are basic and indispensable prerequisites for achieving the goals of ESD, and the lack of one is sufficient to undermine the ESD's pedagogical construct.  相似文献   

This paper presents a model of how children generate concrete concepts from perception through processes of differentiation and integration. The model informs the design of a novel methodology (evolutionary maps or emaps), whose implementation on certain domains unfolds the web of itineraries that children may follow in the construction of concrete conceptual knowledge and pinpoints, for each conception, the architecture of the conceptual change that leads to the scientific concept. Remarkably, the generative character of its syntax yields conceptions that, if unknown, amount to predictions that can be tested experimentally. Its application to the diurnal cycle (including the sun's trajectory in the sky) indicates that the model is correct and the methodology works (in some domains). Specifically, said emap predicts a number of exotic trajectories of the sun in the sky that, in the experimental work, were drawn spontaneously both on paper and a dome. Additionally, the application of the emaps theoretical framework in clinical interviews has provided new insight into other cognitive processes. The field of validity of the methodology and its possible applications to science education are discussed.  相似文献   

学生违纪处分制度是保证高等学校校生关系良好建构的重要保障,它能否得到合法与合理的施行对学生以及高等学校本身都有着极其重要的意义。2005年湖南某学院学生替考案作为一个典型案例,其中存在着许多不公平、不正义的问题。要正确地处理高等学校学生的权益保护问题,必须在科学发展观的指导下,以学生为本出发思考处理问题,对2005年的《普通高等学校学生管理规定》的学生违纪处分制度作出完善。  相似文献   

In recent years, semiotics has become an innovative theoretical framework in mathematics education. The purpose of this article is to show that semiotics can be used to explain learning as a process of experimenting with and communicating about one's own representations (in particular ‘diagrams') of mathematical problems. As a paradigmatic example, we apply a Peircean semiotic framework to answer the question of how students develop a notion of ‘distribution' in a statistics course by ‘diagrammatic reasoning' and by forming ‘hypostatic abstractions', that is by forming new mathematical objects which can be used as means for communication and further reasoning. Peirce's semiotic terminology is used as an alternative to concepts such as modeling, symbolizing, and reification. We will show that it is a precise instrument of analysis with regard to the complexity of learning and communicating in mathematics classrooms.  相似文献   

Since their inception, a dominant characteristic of higher education institutions has been their reliance on the advantages conferred by geographic and political boundaries. However, emerging technologies and growing consumer power are challenging the status quo. The application of Internet-based information and communication technologies in education—e-learning—is now making it possible for education to transcend space, time, and political boundaries. In e-learning, content and mode of delivery are increasingly defined by external groups: students as well as employers. The emergence of e-learning is weakening the dominance of traditional providers of higher and continuing education—nonprofit colleges and universities—and they are being challenged by a proliferation of alternative institutions and providers with the skills and attitudes required to succeed in the new educational marketplace. Partnerships will allow traditional suppliers and intermediaries to contribute from their respective comparative advantages. In a common emerging model, traditional universities provide the intellectual capital, content, and content support; evaluate student performance; and award appropriate degree credit or certification. Intermediaries contribute in such areas as hardware and software provision, instructional design for the Web, website and communication for maintenance, record keeping, teacher training, and technical support for courseware development and marketing. Although this trend is not yet well advanced in the Asia Pacific Region, there are already a few pioneers, and interest is strong and growing among the major stakeholder groups—traditional academic institutions, traditional students, emerging intermediaries, professionals with a need for continuing education, and private sector corporations with the need to provide educational opportunities for their workforce. The Asia Pacific Regional Technology Centre (APRTC) is an example of an emerging intermediary organization. Its primary focus is on providing continuing educational opportunities for agricultural professionals throughout the Asia Pacific. It relies almost exclusively on e-learning for educational delivery and carries out its work through multisectoral partnerships. Initial experience indicates that the approach works in the region and is cost effective and that all partners and the clients can and do benefit from the collaboration.  相似文献   

提高高等职业教育吸引力的关键是为高职教育提供合适的发展环境,强化学校与社会的联系。金融危机后,我们应该顺应中国国情,用系统思维方式积极探索解决高职生就业问题的新模式,包括调整结构、配置资源、均衡发展和科学规划。  相似文献   

目前,我国高校正积极探索将"导师制"逐渐推行应用于本科生人才培养。基于此管理模式,本科生创新创业能力得到更加系统的培养。文章通过问卷调查和数据分析探索"导师制"对本科生创新创业能力的促进作用。发现开展"导师制"之后,本科生参与创新创业项目的数量和获奖数目逐年增加,有效地激发了本科生创新创业的兴趣,培养了学生的创造力。探索和思考"导师制"的实施方法,有助于应用型人才的培养,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

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