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台湾地区进入20世纪80年代,经济迅速成长促使台湾当局作出金融自由化的决策,外部环境的变化也使得台湾当局加快了银行民营化改革步伐。在经过了长时期的争论后,1989年新“银行法”在开放民营银行自由的思想指导下,修正相关条款作为开放民营银行自由的依据,由此台湾地区银行开始了循序渐进的民营化过程。台湾地区银行民营化过程中“法律”的得失成败值得我们借鉴。  相似文献   

苏东剧变后,古巴社会主义政权危在旦夕。通过经济改革,古巴重新融入了全球经济、提高了国内经济效率,改善了人民生活,捍卫了祖国、革命和社会主义。古巴的实践,折射出了现实社会主义国家乃至第三世界的发展命运,并将随着古巴共产党思想的不断解放、政府社会保障能力的逐步提高而进一步深化。  相似文献   

本研究主要在探讨80年代至今,台湾地区高等教育财政改革所面临的问题与挑战及所采取的因应措施。台湾地区高等教育在90年代逐渐迈向普及化后,在财政困窘下,一方面是政府对大学的补助款逐年减少,一方面是大学体认到市场的优势,以市场的利基舒缓财政的压力,形成政府、市场与大学财政良性的互动关系。政府对大学财政的改革所采取的作为是:(一)以教学需求为导向,改变经费分配机制;(二)推动实施校务基金,协助公立大学财务自主;(三)对私立大学提供奖补助的经费;(四)5年500亿竞争性补助款的分配。至于市场对大学财政改革的影响,是1990年开始实施"大学弹性调整学费",除由政府订定每年收费标准外,大学按需求有10%上限的调整学费空间。对于学费征收,政府给大学自主的空间有限,学费对公私立大学有"市场失灵"的现象。所以,台湾地区公私立大学财政改革的作为仍以政府主导为主,市场的利基发挥的功能有限。最后,本文对台湾地区公私立大学未来财源筹措途径提出若干策略,作为改进的参考。  相似文献   

1978年以来,农村生产体制发生变化,血吸虫病防治工作为适应新的形势进行了相应调整,血防工作进入发展时期.然而,由于各种复杂的自然和社会因素,洞庭湖区人民始终未能摆脱血吸虫病的危害,20世纪80年代和90年代末,疫情两次回升.希冀改革开放后洞庭湖区血吸虫病的防治得失能为当前政府提供可资借鉴的依据,从而在新的条件下探索出新的防治对策.  相似文献   

Cuba's educational revolution since 1959 is examined with reference to a major debate over the quality of education triggered by a speech by Castro in early 1986. Castro drew attention to serious shortcomings in the quality of teachers, teaching, and the learning process. Cuba has responded to Castro's criticisms by holding an extended debate, strengthening testing standards (with some unfortunate results), promoting improvements in teacher quality, creating new elite schools, and revising curricula, amongst other measures. Outside observers, however, do not necessarily share Cuba's self-evaluation, for other educational problems exist, as do alternative perspectives on the quality of education issue, which can be seen as a permanent rather than a merely passing educational controversy in Cuba.  相似文献   

资本主义经济危机爆发以后,土耳其共产党积极回应。指出,这不是一场简单的"金融危机",资本主义为应对危机所做出的调整和"改变",其实质是为了掩盖危机爆发的根源,从资产阶级自身利益出发寻求摆脱危机的出路;危机进一步削弱了美国的经济垄断地位,但它在其他领域更加具有扩张性;此次危机发生在一个反对革命的时代,并未促进工人运动的高涨;共产党人的当前任务就是在反对资本主义中激发工人阶级的阶级意识,加强相互之间的沟通与合作。  相似文献   

以20世纪80年代初为界,中国共产党的对外工作在目的、准则、党际关系与国家关系等方面呈现出了不同特点。通过对这些特点的比较,可以看到中国共产党开展的党际关系在指导思想、职能、内容、形式等方面的创新。对中国政党外交走向国际化、服务意识增强、内容形式更加丰富和活跃的发展趋势也更加清晰、明朗。  相似文献   

高校就业指导体系建构问题研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
当前,高校毕业生就业率成为对高校培养人才质量的检验指标,以及对高校社会适应性的检验指标,与学校的生存与发展紧密相连。面对产业结构的调整和高校毕业生大幅度增加的双重压力,高校就业指导工作日显重要,建立一支高水准、高效率的就业指导队伍成为高校建设中应优先解决的问题之一。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代后,新文化史作为新社会史的一种批判,在欧美学界逐渐兴盛起来,后结构主义的语言学转向、文化人类学、文化马克思主义和年鉴学派共同在学理上促成了新文化史的成形,加上经历过20世纪六七十年代社会政治运动的左派知识分子的推动,文化转向成为了代表历史学典范转移的一种话语。而新文化史在实践的过程中,又必须不断进行调整,以维系其合法性。首先是不断调整文化的定义,从偏重解读符号体系的意义转向将符号与实践相结合;其次是调整文化与社会之间的关系,不再将社会排除在文化分析之外;最后是更新对客观性的理解,不再把文学叙事同虚构必然结合在一起,并且开始重视虚构背后的建构过程。  相似文献   

Education has been the subject of much debate during the late 1980s. The Education Reform Act 1988 marks a major shift to the right in central government approaches to state education. However, despite these changes there has been little attempt to develop an alternative vision of education not founded in the ideology of ‘the market’. In 1989, Women for Socialism held a conference which brought together socialist‐feminists to begin the process of building a vision of an education system which would challenge the oppressions of class, gender and race.  相似文献   

王英  王民 《教育学报》2003,(10):42-45
20世纪 8 0年代以来 ,世界范围内兴起了新的一轮地理教育改革的浪潮。90年代以来 ,地理教育的改革不断深入 ,给地理教育提出许多新的问题和新的任务。本文主要是通过对美国的权威地理杂志 1 989—2 0 0 0年间所发表的文章进行分析 ,归纳出美国地理教师所用的教学方法的种类和特点 ,对中国地理教师有所借鉴和启发。  相似文献   

埃尔多安就职土耳其总理以来在内政外交政策上做了很大的调整:对内打击军方势力,扩大新兴阶层的影响,调整经济政策促进了经济的快速发展,赢得了人民的支持.对外正发党政府实现了外交的多元化,其外交政策显示出更大的独立性;同时正发党政府以“零问题”外交方针改善了与中东各国的外交关系.中东剧变后,正发党政府适时调整自己的中东政策,巩固了土耳其的地区大国地位,使正发党政府的内外政策得到进一步施展.  相似文献   

随着我国农村经济和市场的快速发展,我国原有的农村土地制度已无法满足现阶段农村社会发展的需要,因此,在农村现代化的进程中,引导农地流转和适当集中成为了农村经济发展的必然结果。自新中国成立以来,国家对于土地流转的政策经历了多次调整,基层政府与农民的关系在角色的演变中也发生了很大的变化,并对农村经济社会的发展产生了重大的影响。近几年来,我国农地流转进展较快,在取得重要进展的同时,基层政府与农民在互动中产生了一些新的问题。因此,如何在基层政府与农民关系的重塑中构建良性的互动机制和环境,实现政府职责与农民权益实现,成为了当前我国农地流转进程中不可忽视的重要问题。  相似文献   

以梯田农耕为主的生产方式和父系社会结构,使哈尼妇女在传统文化中处于被动、从属的地位。在现代化背景下,哈尼地区的生产生活方式急剧变化,随之而来的是文化的强烈碰撞与冲突,甲寅村哈尼妇女在宗教祭祀、生产劳动、民间艺术和文化教育等活动中的参与度不断提高,参与范围不断扩大,并在文化活动中实现了角色的嬗变,为哈尼文化的传承、创新和传播做出了突出的贡献。这种现象应引起广大学者和民族工作者的重视,从而为保持中华文化的多元性提供参考,同时在民族文化建设中关注妇女的作用。  相似文献   

This article deals with the evolution of inequalities in access to tertiary education in the Czech Republic since 1989. Following the 'velvet revolution' in 1989, the demand for both secondary school education (with a secondary school diploma) and post-secondary education has grown considerably. The opening hypothesis of this article is that there has been an increase in educational inequalities in the Czech Republic since 1989 resulting from the unequal development of the secondary and tertiary sectors of the educational system. The author starts with the findings of Gerber and Hout (1995) and Gerber (2000), that the pressure caused by an excess of applicants between these two levels of education disadvantages the lower social strata. Using logistic regression, the author models the influence of social origin on the likelihood of a successful transition from secondary school to post-secondary school in the period 1948-99. The hypothesis of the growing influence of social origin on success in the transition between secondary and post-secondary schools in the 1990s was not, however, confirmed. On the contrary, the trend after 1989 testifies rather to a decrease in inequalities in access to post-secondary education|spagf|ro|epagf|.  相似文献   

Eating, drinking, locomotion, and rearing activities of rats, maintained under a 12:12-h dark:light cycle, were measured continuously over 24 h a day for 40 days in the KGbox-24. For 20 days, beginning on Day 11, the shocks were given through the grid floor of the box 1 h after the beginning of the dark phase (at 2100 h). The daily food and water intake decreased, and there was no further gain in body weight after the introduction of shocks. The 2100-h shocks had some associative effects: (1) Suppression of ingestion developed during the period of 2000–2100 h; (2) acceleration of general activity developed during the period of 2000–2012 h; (3) anticipatory suppression of eating developed toward the end of the light phase. The 2100-h shocks also had suppressive aftereffects upon eating and drinking, especially during the early stage of the 20-day shock phase. Compensatory drinking was observed during the light phase, but no such effect was found for eating. Some findings which are not usually obtained in short-session experiments remain to be explained. References to two timing systems are made.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,福建外贸凭借出口导向的外贸政策和廉价劳动力的优势发展迅速。但是进入21世纪以来,金融危机的冲击与我国乃至福建省外贸出口长期积累的结构性矛盾不期而遇,众多出口企业生产经营遇到了切实困难,产业步入调整与阵痛并存的周期。福建外贸面临转型升级的关口,产业链整合是福建实现外贸转型升级、产业优化的重要途径。  相似文献   

In 1951, the Polish Academy of Sciences was set up in Warsaw, more or less on a Soviet model, by the merging of two academies, one in Cracow and the other in Warsaw, that traced their origins to the late Eighteenth Century. The achievements of Polish science owe much to the excellent training and research facilities offered by the Academy, achievements that have won much recognition abroad, both West and East. Confronted with severe financial constraints since the period of transition began in 1989, the Academy has had to make painful adjustments and above all to face the fact that the salaries which it can afford to pay its researchers are abysmally low. Until such time as the economy improves, the continued high quality of the research undertaken by the Academy and its institutes and centres will depend upon their success in developing fruitful foreign partnerships.  相似文献   

The People's Republic of China has followed a planned economy since its founding, when the ownership of the means of production reverted back to the people. Education, too, gradually entered the orbit of planned and proportionate development. Since the period of rehabilitation of the national economy (1950-52), a total of five five-year plans have been put into effect starting in 1953, the first year of the First Five-Year Plan. Planning in education and the educational system itself have both improved and become more complete.  相似文献   

Internationally, changes to academic work are a response to the massification of higher education and a changed and changing higher education context. The majority of these adjustments involve a casualisation of academic work, widely characterised as being of a de‐skilling nature, alongside the emergence of new, as well as changing, roles that typically function across traditional boundaries and frequently involve elements of up‐skilling. The paper points to the value of the latter group of adaptations, characterising them as ‘direct‐response’ changes to new environmental conditions. In contrast, de‐skilling adaptations, classed as ‘indirect‐response’ changes, are viewed as impacting negatively on key aspects of higher education. Inter‐professional teaching practices are advocated as an alternative to the casualisation strategy, based on the belief that it would empower large numbers of existing groups of higher education workers to make a fuller and richer contribution to student learning and help prepare them for an uncertain future.  相似文献   

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