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Conservation of indigenous medicinal botanicals in Ekiti State, Nigeria   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
INTRODUCTION Ekiti State (about 7000 km2, Inland area) is situ- ated between 7°25′ and 8°20′ North and 5°00′ and 6°00′ East in the rainforest belt of southwestern Ni- geria (EKSG, 1997; Kayode, 1999; 2000). The state which was previously rich in botanicals is now being confronted with massive deforestation due to increase in population, urbanization, uncontrolled logging, lumber being used as fuel and developmental activi- ties since the state was created in 1996. Although stud…  相似文献   

对贵州牟尼河小流域百喜草种植模式的水土保持效应进行了比较,试验结果表明:种植百喜草能有效增加地表覆盖,截留雨水,改善土壤理化性质,减少径流量和泥土冲刷量,保持土壤水分,维持土壤地表温度,维持和培肥土壤地力。  相似文献   


University outreach is an educational and research-based information source enabling farmers to make decisions that improve the quality of their lives. This paper explores how collaborative efforts between the university and farmers have directly impacted in albeit Striga (‘noxious witch weed’) ravaged maize farms in rainforest farming systems in southwest Nigeria. Data were collected using pre-tested instruments from cross-section of 280 participating and non-participating farmers. Logistic regression results indicated that certain coefficient estimates such as gender, regularity of extension contact, membership of farmers’ group, female adult aged 16 and above, assistance in the provision of tractor-hiring services and improved crop yields were found to be statistically significant at p < 0.05. Furthermore, findings from sample statistics were reflections of peasantry as majority of the farmers had small mean farm size, large household size and low annual income from sales of maize crop. The major conclusion that could be drawn from the study is that the provision of extension by the university coupled with other factors have had significant positive influence on decision to adopt introduced cultural practices with attendant improvement on the well-being of participating farmers.  相似文献   

星源甲道张氏延光公泾邑后里派二十六世、二十七世所载同宗承继占拟血亲承继的61%和70%,昭穆相当和先亲后疏原则也得到了较好的实施,说明在清代徽州的拟血亲承继中,宗法原则仍然占据主导地位。而异姓承继也日益普遍与合法化,它逐渐蚕食和瓦解森严保守的徽州宗族社会,这种蚕食和瓦解速度相对比较缓慢。  相似文献   

李敏 《怀化学院学报》2001,20(2):108-112
湖南省四水流域水土流失严重,分析该流域水土流失的现状、特点及成因,结合该流域自然条件和社会经济条件,论述该流域水土保持的重要性和紧迫性,在此基础上提出了水土保持的有效途径.  相似文献   


This paper looks at brokerage functions in a project on building innovation capacity through improved networking. Innovation capacity influences how actors respond to changes in their environments. In such dynamic environments well connected sets of actors are at an advantage in that they can combine skills to address the emerging opportunities and challenges. However, policy and cultural barriers especially in African innovation systems raise the transaction costs of networking leading to weak connectivity among actors thus poor innovation capacity. This paper uses case studies from West Africa to illustrate that actors that play brokerage functions are critical in navigating around or dismantling the barriers and thus enhance innovation capacity. This paper assumes that innovation capacity rather than innovations per se is lacking in African agriculture. The paper is a product of an action research based study of Key Partner Organizations and the coalitions of stakeholders they formed around fodder innovation themes in Nigeria. We show that brokerage negotiates innovation barriers and improve networking. The paper concludes that brokerage roles are context-specific; policies that facilitate eclectic brokerage functions are critical. This paper is shedding light on the broadened scope for actors playing boundary roles, e.g. extension organizations under more relaxed organizational and policy contexts. There are few studies on brokerage and boundary work particularly in African agriculture. This study is a grounded discussion on the brokering functions in African rural development. It uses data from similar programmes to qualify observations and conclusions from the Fodder Innovation Project (FIP) case study.  相似文献   

麻城山丘区面积大,水土流失严重,洪水灾害频发。一段时间内,人们不合理地经济活动,破坏了自然植被,导致境内植被覆盖率降低,土地失去植被的庇护,水土流失加剧,造成洪水径流量和洪峰流量加大,加重了洪水灾害。二十多年的水土保持工作实践表明:以小流域为单元的水土保持综合治理工作,通过在流域内实施工程措施、生物措施和农耕措施相结合,坚持山、水、林、田、路统一规划,拦、截、灌、蓄、排优化配置,集中连片,规模治理,防范减灾效益显著。事实证明,水土保持工作是山丘区防治洪水灾害的根本措施。  相似文献   

本研究以技术接受与使用整合理论(UTAUT)为基础,通过对北京大学等四所高校教师网络教学方式采纳情况进行调查,探讨了影响高校教师网络教学方式持续使用意向及使用水平的因素。研究结果显示:绩效期望、努力期望和社会影响会直接正向影响高校教师的网络教学方式持续使用意向,进而影响其网络教学方式的使用水平;教师的网络教学方式持续使用意向和促进条件对网络教学方式的使用水平均有显著影响。此外,性别、网络教学经验会调节社会影响对持续使用意向的影响,年龄会调节绩效期望对持续使用意向以及促进条件对使用水平的影响。最后,文章根据研究结果提出了政策建议及未来研究方向。  相似文献   


The authors examined the needs of digital information service web portal users. More specifically, the needs of Korean cultural portal users were examined as a case study. The conceptual framework of a web-based portal is that it is a complex, web-based service application with characteristics of information systems and service agents. In addition, the users’ reactions to the technology can impact the service quality. As such, a model that specifically measured cultural portal user needs was created by implementing data quality, service quality and technology adoption models. Through confirmatory factor analyses and model respecifications, the authors suggest a measurement model consisting of 5 first-level latent variables, with 19 observed variables. The measurement model confirmed the research hypothesis that data quality, service quality, and technology adoption models complement each other in assessing the needs of cultural portal users.  相似文献   


Purpose: There is inconsistency in the design, understanding, implementation and monitoring of soil health programmes. Despite mounting scientific evidence for the credibility of certain soil health indicators, an increase in the reporting of programme benefits, and progress in communicating these benefits, many farmers remain hesitant to implement structured management plans and strategies tailored to address soil health. The purpose of this research is to investigate the proportion of Lachlan and Macquarie Valley landholders who implement a structured soil health programme and to better understand the role of extension in the management of these.

Design: Non-parametric analysis of a mail-based survey supported with content analysis of landholder comments was used.

Findings: Results suggests that the overall landholder attitude towards soil health management is positive, although soil health management programmes are often inconsistent, unstructured, or ad hoc. Ongoing communication between landholders, agronomists, extension agencies and scientists is shown to be vital in the adoption of soil health management programmes.

Practical implication: By understanding landholder attitudes and management practices, as well as the role of extension, extension efforts can become more targeted and effective.

Value: This article shows that soil health management is a primary focus of Australian farmers and elucidates the importance of extension efforts in management and planning. Areas where extension should be focussed are identified.  相似文献   


The Farmer Field School (FFS) is a form of adult education using experiential learning methods, aimed at building farmers’ decision-making capacity and expertise. The National Research Institute in West Africa conducted FFS in cowpea cultivation and we use this experience to analyse the implementation of the FFS approach. How does it work in practice? The curriculum deployed is compared to the ‘principles’ for FFS curricula. We assessed the impact of the FFS on the implementation process of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices in farmers’ crop management. The appreciation of different stakeholders is also recorded. The analysis shows that the FFS was used as a tool to transfer messages, rather than to foster experiential learning among farmers. The article seeks to analyse the reasons for this shift in objectives and concludes that the way in which the FFS approach was applied in the case of the cowpea project did not allow optimal benefits to be derived from IPM practices.  相似文献   

This case study is based on a research through design project (RTD) that focuses on a technical communication video of the live-action format. It investigates the usability and design-implications of a live-action how-to video, by means of analyzing user-centered data such as YouTube analytics data, usability, and comprehension assessments. In the study, four key live-action video affordances are identified: verifiability, comparability, recordability, and visibility. The identification of these affordances when related to the users’ assessments resulted in several design implementations that would warrant sought-for communication efficacies. Findings show that some assumed efficacies appear to be mitigated by the complexity and the density of the video information. One implication of this is that the implementation of conventional video editing techniques and the addition of on-screen text that serve to make content briefer and more concise into instructional live-action videos requires the technical communicator’s careful consideration.  相似文献   

State test score trends are widely interpreted as indicators of educational improvement. To validate these interpretations, state test score trends are often compared to trends on other tests such as the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). These comparisons raise serious technical and substantive concerns. Technically, the most commonly used trend statistics—for example, the change in the percent of proficient students—are misleading in the context of cross-test comparisons. Substantively, it may not be reasonable to expect that NAEP and state test score trends should be similar. This paper motivates then applies a "scale-invariant" framework for cross-test trend comparisons to compare "high-stakes" state test score trends from 2003 to 2005 to NAEP trends over the same period. Results show that state trends are significantly more positive than NAEP trends. The paper concludes with cautions against the positioning of trend discrepancies in a framework where only one trend is considered "true."  相似文献   

透视政府制度建设:顺德农村税费改革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
顺德在税费改革过程中,并没有出现中西部地区所面对的困难。本文指出这是因为顺德早于20世纪90年代初,便开展了综合政府改革,为税费改革的推行提供了制度保障。与此同时,税费改革的推进,又进一步促使顺德政府改革的继续完善,加速了顺德由经营性政府蜕变为服务型政府的过程。文章提出,顺德不同制度变革之间相互促进的过程,对全国目前正在展开的政府改革,有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

介绍了利用遥感、地理信息系统和全球定位系统技术建立和更新黑土侵蚀强度动态数据库的方法和过程。黑土侵蚀强度动态数据库的建立为治理和合理开发利用黑土资源提供了科学手段和依据 ,为区域资源环境评价、分析提供了背景数据  相似文献   

以广东外语外贸大学开展的本科生导师制专项评估为例,通过总结专家组的评估意见和分析学生问卷调查的数据,发现经过多年的实践,本科生导师制在促进学生的思想成长和学业指导等方面起到了积极的作用,学生普遍认可导师的工作态度和指导成效,但同时存在导师职责不清、指导不力、沟通渠道不畅、指导计划不明、指导频率过低、指导效果欠佳等方面的问题。为此,提出进一步明晰导师工作职责、加大导师制的宣传和培训力度、采取多样化的本科生导师配备方式、合理安排导师指导学生的数量、改善导师工作环境和条件、建立以正面激励为主的奖惩和监督机制等改进策略。  相似文献   

<人船模型>是动量守恒问题中典型的物理模型.利用<人船模型>及其典型变形,通过类比、等效方法,可以使许多动量守恒问题的分析思路和解答步骤变得极为简捷,有时甚至一眼就看出结果来.  相似文献   

以河北省山区为研究对象,利用全国第二次土壤侵蚀遥感调查数据、土地利用二次调查数据和DEM数据,依据生态修复的基本原理和方法,制成土地利用类型图、地面坡度分级图、海拔分布图等相关图件;采用空间叠置的相交工具及数据挖掘等方法,进行河北省山区生态修复的空间设计,并对河北省山区生态修复适宜性进行分区.研究结果表明:河北省山区可以分为2个大区、4个亚区、20个类型区.大区中适宜生态修复区面积为73 989.46 km2,在评价区和研究区所占比重分别为71.35%和60.20%;暂不适宜生态修复区为15 501.61 km2,所占比重分别为14.94%和12.61%;不适宜生态修复区为14 224.71 km2,所占比重分别为13.71%和11.57%.20种类型区中14种类型区可进行生态修复,根据采取的生态修复措施又可以分为5区.研究结果可以为河北省山区今后的生态修复工作提供科学依据,加快水土流失的防治步伐.  相似文献   

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