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Purpose: We investigate how the structural conditions of eight different European agricultural innovation systems can facilitate or hinder collaboration and social learning in multidisciplinary innovation networks.

Methodology: We have adapted the Innovation System Failure Matrix to investigate the main barriers and enablers eight countries (England, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, The Netherlands and Switzerland).

Findings: Results show some of the recent trends the AKS actors in these countries have experienced and how these have affected their potential to act as collaborators in multidisciplinary innovation networks. Lack of funds, combined with horizontal and vertical fragmentation and the lack of proper evaluation criteria for collaborative innovation networks are among the most important threats we found.

Practical Implications: This study shows that each national AIS has some unique features. This means that the implementation of policies promoting collaboration and social learning (e.g. the European Innovation Partnerships and Operational Groups) should depend on a critical reflection of the existing structural elements of the AIS in each country and whether there is a need for inclusion of new actors, or whether certain innovations for collective goods should be promoted.

Originality: The paper contributes to the ongoing discussion in the scientific literature on the advantages and disadvantages of privatization of extension and advisory services and the shift from thinking in terms of the traditional Agricultural Knowledge System towards a broader Agricultural Innovation System.  相似文献   


This paper looks at brokerage functions in a project on building innovation capacity through improved networking. Innovation capacity influences how actors respond to changes in their environments. In such dynamic environments well connected sets of actors are at an advantage in that they can combine skills to address the emerging opportunities and challenges. However, policy and cultural barriers especially in African innovation systems raise the transaction costs of networking leading to weak connectivity among actors thus poor innovation capacity. This paper uses case studies from West Africa to illustrate that actors that play brokerage functions are critical in navigating around or dismantling the barriers and thus enhance innovation capacity. This paper assumes that innovation capacity rather than innovations per se is lacking in African agriculture. The paper is a product of an action research based study of Key Partner Organizations and the coalitions of stakeholders they formed around fodder innovation themes in Nigeria. We show that brokerage negotiates innovation barriers and improve networking. The paper concludes that brokerage roles are context-specific; policies that facilitate eclectic brokerage functions are critical. This paper is shedding light on the broadened scope for actors playing boundary roles, e.g. extension organizations under more relaxed organizational and policy contexts. There are few studies on brokerage and boundary work particularly in African agriculture. This study is a grounded discussion on the brokering functions in African rural development. It uses data from similar programmes to qualify observations and conclusions from the Fodder Innovation Project (FIP) case study.  相似文献   

王中 《成人教育》2019,(6):13-17
治理体系创新的关键是参与公共服务的各主体之间要突破原有关系瓶颈,形成一种需求导向、共同参与、协同发展、灵活高效的“新型关系”。学习型社会建设同样面临“新型关系”的建构,通过分析学习型社会建设的研究进展和实践特质,引导治理体系的系统创新,才能丰富各主体积极参与学习型社会建设的路径,形成更多具有亲和力的终身教育与学习服务形态,真正满足人民群众多元学习的需求。  相似文献   

目前大多数E-learning支持系统基于内容对象设计,由此造成的学习者控制、网络迷失和认知超载等问题已成为制约E—learning发展的瓶颈。本文借鉴“工作流”的理念,结合学习活动的流程化特性,提出了“学习流”的概念,并建立了学习流的数学模型——ATC模型,在此基础上分析了学习流的构成要素和控制策略设计,试图为E—learning系统的设计和开发提供新的思路和视角。最后简要介绍了本研究开发的基于“学习流”理念的管理系统功能架构,该系统已于2006年成功地应用于一项由教育部主持的面向全国的教师培训项目。研究结果表明,学习者对于“学习流”管理系统支持下的培训有着很高的评价和认同度;采用基于“学习流”的方式组织和管理学习活动,可以大大提高系统的易用性和学习活动的组织效率,避免学习者网络迷航,从而为实施有效教学、促进有意义的学习创造了条件。  相似文献   

OECD发布学习框架2030致力于构建新的学习生态系统,它在原有关键能力的基础上提出新的关键能力,同时将学生学习与发展的研究从点到面,扩展至同伴、教师、父母、社区等多个社会支持体系。其核心理念是主体性,包括学生主体性和合作主体性,即充分发挥各利益相关者的协同作用,共同促进学生的学习与发展。作为OECD学习框架2030的应用案例,葡萄牙国家课程改革项目使用综合性的学生能力界定、坚持精简课程的设计理念与自主灵活的实施方式,在促进学生能力发展和学校改进方面取得较好成效。从价值立场、逻辑假设和实践应用等方面对该框架进行反思有助于我们的深入理解。  相似文献   


This paper examines how post-secondary agricultural education and training (AET) in sub-Saharan Africa can contribute to agricultural development by strengthening the capacity to innovate—to introduce new products and processes that are socially or economically relevant to smallholder farmers and other agents. Using the AET system in Mozambique as a case study, this paper examines the role of AET within the context of an agricultural innovation system. This innovation systems perspective offers an analytical framework to examine technological change in agriculture as a complex process of interactions among diverse actors who generate, exchange, and use knowledge, conditioned by complex social and economic institutions. The paper argues that while AET is conventionally viewed as key to the development of human capital, it also has a vital role to play in building the capacity of organizations and individuals to transmit and adapt information, products and processes, and new organizational cultures and behaviors. The paper emphasizes the importance of improving AET systems by strengthening the capabilities of organizations and professionals; changing organizational cultures, behaviors, and incentives; and building innovation networks and linkages. The paper offers several recommendations to enhance the effectiveness of AET for agricultural innovation and development. Key reforms include aligning the mandates of AET organizations with national development aspirations; inducing change in the cultures of AET organizations through the introduction of educational programs and linkages beyond the AET system; and enhancing innovative individual and organizational capacity by improving incentives to forge stronger links between AET and other stakeholders.  相似文献   

As universities create service-learning programs, educators are experimenting with pedagogical approaches that enhance learning outcomes while benefiting communities. We present a qualitative case study of a radio-based, service-learning program, grounded in a Freirean foundation and aimed at developing the cultural competence and sense of citizenship of undergraduate students while empowering working-class high school Latino/a students. Undergraduate students benefited the most from the program; they enhanced their cultural competence skills, awareness of social issues, and sense of civic responsibility. Latino/a high school students who stayed in the program for at least a year developed self-confidence, self-esteem, and a sense of self-efficacy.  相似文献   

在教育制度创新方面,中国地方政府从未停止探索的步伐,但对这些创新的主体、动因、领域、外部参与和绩效,则缺乏足够的研究。本文以"中国地方教育制度创新奖"为基础,运用文本研究的方法,对近三届159个创新案例进行了整理分析。研究发现:我国地方教育制度创新还存在"应景"式的一窝蜂现象,创新具有被动和倒逼的特征;教育制度创新的地域分布和内容分布不够均衡;社会公众、政府自身和非营利性组织在促进制度创新中作用不大;创新的外部参与和教育资源投入不足。对此,应从现行教育制度的解释权、政府对公众需要的回应性、教育改革的"硬骨头"和制度创新的绩效分析等方面加以解决。  相似文献   

电大学习支持服务体系的机遇与创新   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
学习型社会建设是广播电视大学面临的历史使命,在学习型社会建设的大背景下,越来越多的“远程教育共同体”将诞生,远程教育学习支持服务体系将支撑“远程教育共同体”的运行。通过对远程教育学习支持服务体系发展历史的分析,指出远程教育公共服务体系的发展方向是现代服务业,要按照现代服务业的市场机制运行。针对远程教育公共服务体系的发展形式,指出广播电视大学的学习支持服务体系需要不断创新并对其建设提出建议。  相似文献   

A school health promotion project was carried out in an elementary school in Sweden where active participation, gender equality, and empowerment were leading principles. The objective of the study was to understand challenges and to identify social processes of importance for such a project. Focus group interviews were conducted with 6 single-sex groups (7–12 year olds) in grade 1–2, grade 3–4, and grade 5–6 on 2 occasions. The analysis used a grounded theory approach. The analysis identified the core category “normalization processes of violence and harassment.” It is argued that school health promotion initiatives need to be aware of normalization processes of violence and, which may be counter-productive to the increase of empowerment and participation among all pupils.  相似文献   



The important role of learning is noted in the literature on demand–driven approaches to supporting agricultural innovation. Most of this literature has focused on macro-level structural perspectives on the organization of pluralistic innovation support systems. This has provided little insight at the micro-level on the dynamics of demand articulation, and the related interplay of matching farmers' demand with supply of innovation support services. This paper contributes to understanding this interplay using the concept of the dynamic learning agenda.  相似文献   

This paper uses case studies to focus on distance learning in developing countries as an enabler for economic development and poverty reduction. To provide perspective, we first review the history of telecottages, local technology-equipped facilities to foster community-based learning, which have evolved into “telecenters” or “Community Learning Centers” (CLCs). Second, we describe extensive site visits to CLCs in impoverished portions of China and Mexico, the centers operated by premier universities in each respective country. These CLCs constitute the core of new emerging systems of distance education, and their newness poses challenges and opportunities, which are discussed. Finally, we offer 12 points to develop further the concept and reality of distance learning in support of economic development.  相似文献   

随着农业税的取消,乡镇政权建设正面临着一场历史性的巨大变革;乡镇政权体制改革已成为目前社会各界讨论的热点问题。社会各界对这一问题的研究成果,可从乡镇建制的去留、乡镇规模的确定、乡镇职能的转变、乡镇人员的精减及分流安置、乡镇政权体制改革的模式选择及相关改革措施的配套等六个方面加以述评。  相似文献   

研究生科研创新能力提升的系统分析及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提升研究生科研创新能力是研究生教育中面临的挑战性难题。研究生科研创新能力培养是一个系统工程。本文在对系统中各要素进行剖析的基础上,提出了完善和制订相关政策措施以优化外部环境、突出共性问题和强调学科专业特色结合、加强导师队伍建设、全方位开展学术交流、优化课程设置、重视学术道德和学风建设、多方位调动研究生主观能动性等建议。  相似文献   

制定一种适应我国体育科技发展需求的规划与决策,提出了具有中国特色的多层次体育科技创新体系建设战略模式.结合我国体育科技创新的现状,从知识、技术、管理和制度创新4个方面,提出了国家层面的体育科技创新体系建设的现实路径,以期为提高我国体育科技的国际核心竞争力提供理论参考.  相似文献   

混合学习的新视野:构建组织的学习与绩效体系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
组织的学习与绩效体系是组织保持并提高创造力和适应力的源泉,对于组织战略的制定和实施起着重要的支持作用。通过引入工作场所学习的概念拓展了组织中混合学习的内涵,然后基于新的混合学习,构建了组织的学习与绩效体系,该体系包括知识管理、绩效支持、在线培训等。最后从绩效技术的视角审视了该学习与绩效体系的有效性和局限性。  相似文献   

This paper describes the development of a framework – the SIS Components – for describing effective teaching and learning in science, to support a system wide change initiative. The methodology used and the analysis that led to their refinement, is traced to expose the different issues involved in constructing the notion of effective practice. These issues have to do with purpose, politics and audience. They determine features of the framework such as specificity, elements focused on, and the support structures that are put in place to establish the particular discourse being promoted. The paper describes the different research methods used to establish, to promote and to validate the components, and outlines the different senses in which this and any framework can be seen as contingent on the setting for which it is intended.  相似文献   

旅游地系统演化机制研究——基于两个系统的耦合分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
旅游地演化系统由于其复杂性以及外界环境的变化导致演化系统时刻存在着各种随机的和不确定的因素,要对旅游地演化系统包含的众多变量和参量组成的高维时空进行研究,不仅在实际上行不通,而且其研究结果也很难检验。鉴于旅游地生命周期与旅游环境承载力理论从研究对象到研究指标上具有耦合性,本文提出把旅游地演化系统投影到以二者为子系统耦合构成的低维空间来研究此问题,提出二者在发展阶段和演变过程中存在相互对应的关系特征,并在理论分析的基础上提出旅游地生命周期及其旅游地演化系统具有周期性、动态连续性。最后作者根据旅游地演化系统的耦合性和周期性提出了需要进一步深入研究的内容。  相似文献   


The trend towards demand-driven agricultural research has focused attention on the inclusion of farmers in research planning. Theoretically, this should enhance ownership and increase the applicability of research. However, in practice, several tensions emerge with regard to the operationalization of such ‘user-driven research planning systems’, and this paper aims to address these.

The paper analyzes a public and private research planning system by means of a comparative qualitative case study approach focusing on institutional aspects of research planning systems. While the systems have different approaches, the tensions are quite similar, dealing with the different and often limited perspectives on innovation of the actors involved, different progress monitoring and output evaluation criteria, and information asymmetries between the actor groups which influence there capacity to successfully act in the research planning system. The analysis prompts the importance of synchronizing perspectives on innovation and capacity building among all actors to enable them to successfully operate demand-driven research planning platforms.  相似文献   

职业院校的建设发展离不开良好的办学环境,良好的办学环境需要职业院校在新的形势下创新体制机制。地处非中心城市的高职院校面对区位劣势和环境限制,如何寻求办学新途径,实现创新和突破,是非中心城市高职院校普通关注的共同课题。本文通过四川职业技术学院的体制机制创新实践,为同级同类高职院校的创新发展提供范例和指导。  相似文献   

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