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This study employed ethnographic methods to describe and explain changes to beginning science teachers' (n = 6) practices and beliefs during a year long internship. Teaching practices were strongly influenced by the cooperating teachers. Initially, all six interns attempted to re-enact lessons they witnessed their cooperating teachers teach, including following lesson structures and borrowing representations, anecdotes, and jokes. Later, they independently implemented instruction that emphasized similar strategies as their mentors, regardless of whether or not they were experiencing success. Interns who were successful also shifted their beliefs to match their mentors.  相似文献   

School counseling interns are on the boundary of communities of practice. This study explored how school counselors develop competence during internship experiences by analyzing an online dialogue taking place among a small group of interns. Feelings of being on the boundary intensified with unsatisfactory supervisor‐intern relationships (lack of mutuality of engagement) or when interns experienced a sense of powerlessness to effect change at their internship placements (negotiating their repertoire). As boundary dwellers, interns turned to peers to make sense of their experiences (accountability to the joint enterprise). Implications include the importance of the supervisor‐intern relationship and the relationships among internship peers.  相似文献   

徐岩  张琳 《华章》2008,(21)
Acuve reading makes a reader interact with the text.It promotes learning,Acuve reading model actually presents six reading strategies that teachers should consider when teaching English to a class of non-native speakers.That guides both teachers and students in their working and learning.  相似文献   


Many preservice teacher education programs in recent years have increased the amount of time student teachers spend in field placements by adding an “internship “ component. An internship is typically longer than a practice teaching session and is designed as a bridge between being a student teacher and having full teaching responsibilities. This study explored the effect of an internship that had three key features: the interns were free to choose the nature of their field experience, no formal evaluation was involved, and the interns were attached to the school (or other institution) as a whole rather than a particular staff member. Under these conditions, the interns could (a) go more deeply into a specific teaching area; (b) gain greater knowledge of school culture; (c) become more familiar with school‐wide programs and activities; and (d) learn more about their distinctive interests and abilities as teachers.  相似文献   

进入21世纪以来,随着我国经济的不断发展,人们在对园艺产品数量需求日益增加的同时对质量要求也越来越高,园艺产品质量是城乡文明的重要表现,也成为我们国家生态文明建设的重要内容。因此,培养既掌握理论知识又具有实践能力的园艺人才成为广大农林院校园艺专业的培养目标。“园艺植物病理学”是园艺专业的重要基础课程,在园艺专业学生综合素质培养方面起着重要作用。新形势下对农林高校园艺植物病理专业教学工作也提出了更高要求。针对传统教学模式的不足,以内蒙古农业大学为例,从授课内容、方式、生产实践、师资建设等角度阐述了对“园艺植物病理学”课程教学改革的思考和探索。  相似文献   

Teaching culture along with language in the foreign language classroom is not an easy job.The definition of culture varies from different context,and non-native speakers do not share the same background with native speakers,thus it brings many difficulties to those who want to learn or teach culture along with a foreign language.Challenges in teaching culture along with English will be discussed as an exemplar in this essay.Meanwhile,suggestion on how to teach culture in the English classroom will be proposed at the end of this work.  相似文献   

"卓越园艺专业学位研究生"作为河南省农业经济结构调整和现代农业发展的重要人才支撑,如何创新园艺方向研究生的培养模式,使其能够承担起园艺产业发展的重任是本项目着重探讨的内容.本研究在完善和创新校企合作、产教融合协同育人机制的同时,把产业需求融入课堂教学和实践教学中,建立校企课程建设和专业设置合作机制,促进教学行为与企业需...  相似文献   

根据高职专业人才培养方案,校外硕岗实习是高职教育的重要环节,但是教育法、劳动法在实习生身份、报酬规定等方面存在空白,实习生的权益得不到有效的保障;另一方面,实习生的社会工作经验不足,社会阅历浅,心智尚未成熟。这就产生了下列问题:实习生的伤亡风险增加、同工不同酬、实习生违法违纪等。随着实习生队伍不断壮大,问题变得更加复杂,实习管~3.Z-作难度越来越大。因而完善相关法规,增强实习生法制意识,规范实习管理等事项急需解决。  相似文献   


Counselors at university counseling centers (UCCs) should be prepared to provide services to sexual assault victims and survivors, as an estimated 23% of females and 5% of males are assaulted during college, with rates being higher for sexual and gender minority students. We surveyed doctoral interns (N = 49) at UCCs regarding interns’ training and educational experiences during their graduate programs, practicum, and internship placements, as well as the services that the interns and UCCs provide to recent victims. Among our findings, 96% of the sample had expected to work with a recent victim, 82% had already done so, and only 22% perceived themselves as fully prepared to provide such services. In addition, the majority of UCC interns had focused on sexual assault cases during case conferences, didactic trainings, and supervision. These results have implications for graduate programs and internship sites.  相似文献   

目前工学结合模式下实践教学中的学生管理存在诸多缺陷,一方面学校对学生的日常管理较为薄弱,实践单位对学生管理贡献较低,另一方面学生自我管理能力较差.地方高校应加强学生管理制度建设,进而在实践教学计划中植入学生管理,最终构建以学校认真管理、实践单位参与管理和学生自我管理为内涵的“三位一体”学生管理新模式.  相似文献   

Research indicates that partner placements—pairing two preservice teachers with a mentor teacher—provide a supportive and collaborative context for learning to teach. This qualitative study examines three partner placements in a 100-hour urban field practicum to understand how preservice teachers experience and perceive partner placements, and what facilitates or inhibits collaboration. Results from two successful and one less than successful placement indicate that mutuality, scaffolding, and the appropriation of skills and resources facilitate productive collaboration and promote professional learning. However, participants revealed that partner placements are temporary scaffolding, which prepares one to become a teacher, but does not represent the “real world” of teaching. Recommendations are provided to guide the implementation or refinement of partner placements.  相似文献   

While case-based discussions can empower students to apply knowledge to contextual clinical situations, scheduling these activities is a challenge in crowded curricula. Case-based eLearning activities, derived from existing cases discussed within anatomy small group tutorials, were created incorporating principles such as interactivity, reinforcement, and feedback. Over half of the students accessed one or more of these online cases, with 18% accessing all eight online cases provided. Access increased as the semester progressed, particularly just before summative examinations, implying students used these primarily as revision aides. Students rated both formats highly, but favored the online format with regard to enjoyment (P = 0.048), learning (P = 0.101), and feedback (P = 0.086). However, more students discussed these cases in small group tutorials within the anatomy dissecting room than completed them online (122 vs. 67) and themes emerging from free text comments included a desire to have more time dedicated to these cases during small group tutorials, and an appreciation for the opportunity for discussion with staff and learning through doing. Additionally, native English speakers rated the anatomy room discussions significantly higher in all aspects than non-native English speakers, suggesting that non-native speakers may be hesitant or reluctant to fully participate in front of peers. While online case-based learning activities are a useful adjunct to anatomy teaching, particularly for revision, assumptions that “digital natives” have an innate preference for digital resources require critical evaluation, as students still place a high value on opportunities for discussion with staff during their studies.  相似文献   

农业专业实验室管理体制的改革   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
该院构建了实验中心管理模式。建立了园艺植物栽培与设施园艺、园艺植物育种与生物技术、园艺产品采后处理3个面向全院服务的平台实验室。探讨了新时期农业专业实验室管理体制改革的主要途径和方法,总结了多功能、高水平、高效益开放实验室运行的成功经验,为全面推进专业实验室的建设和管理水平提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

This case study aims to reveal how conceptualization of native speakership was constructed and reinforced in a South Korean university classroom of English as a foreign language (EFL). In addition, it examines how this conceptualization positions native speakers, a non-native EFL teacher, and learners, and what learning opportunities were provided in this classroom. The participants of the study were one instructor and his students. The data include classroom observations, interviews with the teacher and students, and student surveys. The findings indicate that the students had been exposed to American English more frequently than any other English variety. Also, they wanted to learn American English in and outside of the classroom. Furthermore, this study shows that American English norms were revealed in the teacher’s beliefs and reinforced in his classroom through his instructional materials, classroom practices, and evaluation of the students. Thus, as a mediator between native speakers and learners, the teacher positioned native speakers as authoritative possessors of correct pronunciation and expressions for his students to imitate. Consequently, the students learned about pronunciation and informal expressions as modeled by American native speakers rather than learning to use the L2 communicatively as recommended by the institutional policy. This study has important implications for English language teaching in South Korea, specifically in terms of the concepts of native speakership, student learning, and teacher education.  相似文献   

The paper describes how integrating instruction in reading and vocabulary can aid language learning for non-native speakers of English. It discusses the theories behind some of the difficulties in learning English and gives some practical methods for lessening those difficulties. Finally, the article delineates the differences in focus and emphasis between teaching reading and vocabulary skills to native students and teaching the same skills to non-native students.Dr. Gidmark is Assistant Professor of Skills & Writing at the University of Minnesota General College, where she also coordinates the Reading Laboratory. Address reprint requests to the author at the University of Minnesota General College, 106 Nicholson Hall, 216 Pillsbury Dr. S. E., Minneapolis, MN 55455.  相似文献   

Predoctoral interns' responses to an internship supervision training questionnaire indicated that counseling center interns supervised more trainees, received more supervision in their supervisory roles, reported more supervision training activities, and yielded higher supervisor development scores than did non‐counseling‐center interns. A qualitative analysis of participants' responses showed that non‐counseling‐center interns desired more supervision training and opportunities to provide supervision during their internship year than did counseling center interns.  相似文献   

为厘清《利济学堂报》(1897)中关于近代农学知识的传播脉络,认识其对近代农业的指导意义及地位。采用传播统计和原始文献分析方法,统计了《利济学堂报》中涉及农学知识的篇目,共57篇文章,并归为农政、蚕桑、农作物、园艺、土壤肥料、植物保护、农贸、农产制造、农具等12个子类目。其中,蚕桑、农政、农作物、农产制造、土壤肥料五类所占比重较大,占所有文章的72%,并对所有类目作了内容分析,了解各自的发展态势,进而掌握农业这一整个学科的概貌。《利济学堂报》中分门别类的农学知识几乎囊括了现代农学的二级次生学科,为之后专业性农业期刊《农学报》的诞生提供了重要的学科分类标准及信息来源,"农学琐言"专栏的设列充分表明该刊认识到农业知识的重要性,为其后专业性农业科技期刊《农学报》的产生作了良好的铺垫作用。  相似文献   

顶岗实习是高职教育的重要环节之一。顶岗实习具有明显的职业特征,因此需要通过顶岗实习协议明确界定学校、企业、学生三方主体之间的权益和责任,并以此实施有效的劳动管理。高职院校应优选实习企业。对顶岗实习过程实施有效的监控和管理,确保顶岗实习教育效果。实习单位通过企业文化教育、薪酬设计激励等有效管理促进实习生向人力资本的转型。顶岗实习生在享有劳动保险的基础上应遵守企业劳动管理制度和学校实习管理制度。  相似文献   

许多英语非母语人士来华访问时常用带有地域特色的英语进行交流,这就要求作为交际中介的口译员对英语地域变体有良好的驾驭能力,而国内本科生在学口译前所接触的多为美国或英国英语,对其他变体了解甚少,因此很有必要在口译教学中提高学员对英语变体的敏感度。文章分析了英语地域变体的主要特征及其对口译的影响,提出了帮助本科生克服变体干扰、适应现实工作环境的对策。  相似文献   

中学指导教师在数学教育实习中扮演着重要的角色。调查发现,绝大部分实习生在教育实习的过程中获得了中学指导教师对他们的指导。指导的内容集中在课堂教学设计和教学技能方面。大部分实习生都认可指导教师的工作。在实习中大多数指导教师没有获得如何从事指导工作的培训机会及取得相关工作的资质;他们与高等教育机构联系甚少;指导实习生的过程中存在单打独斗的问题。  相似文献   

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