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对中美大学图书馆罚款制度的再认识   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国内图书馆只关注罚款制度的合法性而忽略制订罚款制度需要考虑的具体因素:藏书量、人均流通量、复本量、流通权限和借期长短等。美国大学图书馆的罚款制度呈现出多样性,许多馆不收取超期罚款,丢书赔偿遵循替代性原则。国内大学图书馆应基于各自实际情况制订相关制度。  相似文献   

Analysis of twenty-six college and university libraries' monographic holdings in WorldCat shows that university libraries hold radically more rare titles and their collections are seven times larger than college libraries. Language and Literature (Library of Congress [LC] class P) accounts for 30% of university and 27% of college holdings. The number of books held declines and the number owned by only one library increases after the 2000 publication year. Since then, total library budgets have barely kept pace with inflation and book budgets have declined as a percentage of library expenditures. These changes align with current emphasis on priorities other than book collections.  相似文献   

图书馆在新旧图书馆搬迁、馆内格局调整、图书编目、图书入库、图书借阅的过程中产生图书丢失、图书错库、图书漏编、图书信息不一致等问题。这些问题将给读者和图书馆管理者带来不便,对读者而言,增加图书检索和查找的错误率;对管理者而言,不能准确把握图书的实际资产和馆藏。图书清点系统就是针对这些问题设计开发的软件,通过这一软件的应用,将能有效地解决这些问题,提高读者检索、查找图书的准确率和图书馆服务的质量,建立图书资产账目。  相似文献   

对怀化学院图书馆TP类图书按编目日期统计各年借阅量,依据文献老化定律、最小二乘法曲线拟合求得TP类图书的半衰期及老化曲线,利用TP类图书的老化曲线方程预测其借阅量,提出图书关联规则支持度的老化常数。实验表明:通过关联规则中的support(X)=support(X)×K'方法降低老化图书的关联支持度,减少老化图书相对较弱的强关联规则,解决了原书目推荐系统推荐给读者的书目中有相当一部分图书已失去使用价值的问题。此方法不仅适用于怀化学院图书馆馆藏图书的书目挖掘,对其他高校图书馆也有借鉴价值。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(27-28):443-450

高职院校大部分是由中等专业学校转制而来,其图书馆目前面临着文献总量不足、馆藏文献质量低和馆舍面积不足等困境.这些院校的图书馆一般具有较长的文献收藏历史.馆藏的各类历史文献虽算不上弥足珍贵.也不足什么珍本、善本,但却反映了一定历史时期我国的出版发行特点及文化背景.由于这部分文献具有特殊历史意义,对于需要它的特定读者仍有一定的参考价值,因此,建立"老书库",对这些文献进行特藏,既可以使这些文献得到保护,又可以满足读者的特定需求,还可以确保图书总量满足教学评估的要求.对图书馆的藏书建设是非常有意义的.  相似文献   

From the time the Reverend John Harvard donated his collection of books in 1638 to start the library at the newly established Harvard University [1], gifts have played an important role in the development of collections in U.S. academic and special libraries. Today, gifts are still vital to most libraries as publication costs rise and book budgets shrink. Over the years, much has been written on material gifts to libraries, from their use in collection building to the practical points of handling gifts and donors in the technical services area. Culled from the pool of literature, this annotated bibliography is a collection of many of the most useful and informative sources written on the various aspects of gifts in libraries.  相似文献   

This research was conducted to assess theft and mutilation of information resources in academic libraries in the Niger State of Nigeria, the reason why users resort to theft and mutilation, measures used to steal and mutilate information resources, possible measures to stem and curb these acts in the future. The survey research method was employed using the simple random sampling technique where three academic libraries were selected from all academic libraries in Niger State. Two types of validated questionnaires were designed and administered to both staff and student users. One hundred copies of the questionnaire were administered to library staff, out of which 72 copies were returned and found usable with valid responses. One hundred and eighty copies of the questionnaires out of 250 administered to student users were returned with valid data. The findings revealed that most of the offenders are students who use various methods to perfect these acts. It was also discovered that such stolen materials were concealed in clothes, files or bags. Mutilations of materials occurred in the form of tearing pages of text materials and writing on pages of books. It equally revealed that theft and mutilation were encouraged by the lack of adequate copies of titles to meet the needs of users among others. To address these problems, certain security systems, provisions of photocopiers and the extension of library hours are recommended.  相似文献   

As university libraries transition to digital collections and new services, their book deselection projects often lead to the adoption of cross-discipline quantitative weeding criteria (such as age and low circulation) in the interest of speed and presumed fairness. Cross-discipline quantitative rubrics, however, can have unintended negative consequences when applied to disciplines such as history and literature that rely on older books with low circulation statistics. The authors argue for a discipline-differentiated approach to weeding academic library collections that can employ quantitative criteria for disciplines, such as in the sciences, that are more reliant on current materials and qualitative criteria for disciplines, such as in the humanities, whose scholars benefit from ready access to older and low-use books.  相似文献   

袁芳 《图书情报工作》2016,60(24):92-96
[目的/意义] 构建一个以CALIS为主体的中文图书联合采访平台,可有效解决目前中文图书采访过程中的核心馆藏缺失以及采访馆员重复劳动问题。[方法/过程] 通过分析中文图书采访面临的困境和馆藏结构特征,提出联合采访平台的系统架构和功能。[结果/结论] 中文图书联合采访的实现必将促进产业(出版)和行业(图书馆)之间的融合,极大地提高高校图书馆中文图书采访工作的效率。  相似文献   

This research was conducted to assess theft and mutilation of information resources in academic libraries in the Niger State of Nigeria, the reason why users resort to theft and mutilation, measures used to steal and mutilate information resources, possible measures to stem and curb these acts in the future. The survey research method was employed using the simple random sampling technique where three academic libraries were selected from all academic libraries in Niger State. Two types of validated questionnaires were designed and administered to both staff and student users. One hundred copies of the questionnaire were administered to library staff, out of which 72 copies were returned and found usable with valid responses. One hundred and eighty copies of the questionnaires out of 250 administered to student users were returned with valid data. The findings revealed that most of the offenders are students who use various methods to perfect these acts. It was also discovered that such stolen materials were concealed in clothes, files or bags. Mutilations of materials occurred in the form of tearing pages of text materials and writing on pages of books. It equally revealed that theft and mutilation were encouraged by the lack of adequate copies of titles to meet the needs of users among others. To address these problems, certain security systems, provisions of photocopiers and the extension of library hours are recommended.  相似文献   

The abuse of library materials defined in terms of theft, mutilation, unauthorized borrowing and vandalism was investigated in University of Port Harcourt (Uniport) in Nigeria and King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM) in Saudi Arabia. The study sought to find out the ways the collections of the two institutions were abused by various classes of readers and for various reasons. By interviewing librarians, and analysis of collection use records, it was revealed that students, as well as faculty, staff and external readers indulged in abuse of library materials, motivated by situational, conceptual, attitudinal and other factors. It was observed, however, that Uniport had more problems with the misuse of library materials than KFUPM. Recommendations relating to library building design, tightening of security, generous and flexible loans policies, etc., were made for improved collection protection. Besides, public relations campaign and multilateral co-operation on book theft detection would help to discourage in particular the uninitiated or new converts from any acts of library abuse.  相似文献   

我国公共图书馆可以从以下几方面加强连环画馆藏建设:连环画馆藏基础雄厚的馆继续完善珍品收藏;各馆抓住目前老版连环画大量再版机会,加强能"用"的收藏,破解馆藏连环画"藏""用"矛盾;各级地方馆收藏有其所在地地方特色的连环画,形成各馆不同的馆藏特色。  相似文献   

读者如果将图书馆外借图书遗失,则理当进行相应赔偿。国内众多图书馆采用以图书原价为基数乘以一定倍数的方法计算赔偿额度,但是用这种简单倍率制计算出的赔偿金额往往与图书馆实际损失相去甚远。从重置成本视角分析外借遗失赔偿可厘清图书赔偿过程的真实成本构成,确定一个合理的赔偿额度,从而在图书馆和遗失者之间达成平衡,有助于构筑和谐的图书馆氛围。  相似文献   

University libraries in Pakistan spend a large portion of their funds on buying books and these are still the most important part of libraries' collections. Selection policies and practices play fundamental role in developing a strong book collection. This study aims to explore the policies, methods and procedures of selecting books in the university libraries of Pakistan. Data for the study were collected following multi-method approach, through questionnaires and unstructured interviews with the university librarians and faculty members for the doctoral research by the present author during 2003 to 2004. The analysis of data shows that the factors affecting successful execution of the practice of effective selection include: overly dependence on the faculty for selection, constraints of faculty members as selectors, non-availability of selection aids, lack of awareness regarding online resources available for selection, etc. The study suggests some feasible ways to improve the situation. The findings and suggestions may be of value to the countries with similar situations in the developing world.  相似文献   

特藏资源是每个图书馆区别于其他图书馆并能独立存在的基础。虚拟书可以相对简单、直观而真实地在线展示图书馆的特藏资源,是对传统文件浏览方式的有效补充。为了让读者能够在线欣赏图书馆的特藏资源,北京大学图书馆借助MegaZine 3设计开发虚拟书平台。通过测试,证实MegaZine 3是特藏资源在线展示的一个有效工具。  相似文献   

The number of items placed into a university library book sale was compared with the sale receipts to ascertain the amount of theft. Seventeen per cent of the sales materials' value was stolen, but analysis of staffing costs indicates the acceptance of this loss rate was more cost-effective than paying staff to monitor the sale full-time.  相似文献   

高校图书馆对毕业生赠书的管理与再利用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高校图书馆开展毕业生赠书工作,把毕业生的赠书列入补充馆藏的重要来源,勇于服务创新,充分发挥捐赠图书的价值,让更多的读者利用和互享文献资源,为我国早日成为节约型社会做出贡献.  相似文献   

大学图书馆古籍特藏文献合作存储问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信息资源数字化环境和共建共享趋势引起大学图书馆在馆藏布局、资源结构和信息保障方式等方面的深刻变化,其理念、功能和使命的日益改变,给大学图书馆的古籍特藏文献资源的存储与管理带来巨大挑战。文章在分析我国大学图书馆古籍特藏文献存储和利用现状的基础上,探讨建立全国性或区域性大学图书馆古籍特藏文献的合作存储模式和管理方法以及构建大学图书馆古籍特藏文献合作存储模式的具体设想。  相似文献   


The abuse of library materials defined in terms of theft, mutilation, unauthorized borrowing and vandalism was investigated in University of Port Harcourt (Uniport) in Nigeria and King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM) in Saudi Arabia. The study sought to find out the ways the collections of the two institutions were abused by various classes of readers and for various reasons. By interviewing librarians, and analysis of collection use records, it was revealed that students, as well as faculty, staff and external readers indulged in abuse of library materials, motivated by situational, conceptual, attitudinal and other factors. It was observed, however, that Uniport had more problems with the misuse of library materials than KFUPM. Recommendations relating to library building design, tightening of security, generous and flexible loans policies, etc., were made for improved collection protection. Besides, public relations campaign and multilateral co-operation on book theft detection would help to discourage in particular the uninitiated or new converts from any acts of library abuse.  相似文献   

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