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文章调研美国公共图书馆、图书馆行业协会、代际专家和代际组织对公共图书馆代际项目的认知。图书馆界普遍缺乏对代际项目的理解与关注,但未来开展代际项目的倾向明显;代际项目开展的最普遍原因是,基于馆员对社区中存在问题或未满足的需求与社区可利用资源之间的有效匹配;图书馆具有开展代际项目的多元优势;图书馆可开展的代际项目类型多种多样。公共图书馆可从推广代际服务理念、评估社区代际项目需求和条件、探索非相关性老年人和年轻人代际项目、重视并收集积极老年人形象的馆藏资源入手,推动代际项目实践的发展。  相似文献   

公共图书馆对公众图书馆意识的培养   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
阐述了我国公众图书馆意识现状,在分析公众图书馆意识淡薄原因的基础上,探讨了公共图书馆对公众图书馆意识培养的途径。  相似文献   

通过分析第四次文化部对公共图书馆评估所存在的体系问题和原因,论述传递文献情报信息是公共图书馆的主要社会职能,中介性是否发挥到位应是评价服务效益的主要指标,提出科学匹配评估目的与方式、尝试用经济量化法评估公共图书馆服务效益的建议,认为科学有效的评估基础是文化主管部门开发并统一全国公共图书馆的业务管理系统,建立有效的数据共享机制和文献资源保障体系。  相似文献   

武吉虹 《晋图学刊》2004,(1):75-77,80
在深入基层调查研究的基础上,综述了运城市公共图书馆古籍文献资源的收藏和整理利用情况,分析了该地区古籍文献资源的收藏优势,同时也指出在整理和开发利用方面存在的不足,最后有针地性地提出进一步重视和做好古籍工作的几点建议。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]公共图书馆健康信息服务对公众"身心健康"具有积极作用,探析国外公共图书馆健康信息服务项目的建设经验,可为我国公共图书馆开展健康信息服务提供重要启示。[方法/过程]通过调查 EIFL-PLIP国外公共图书馆健康信息服务项目,以 13个发展中国家和经济转型期国家的健康信息服务项目为切入点,分析国外公共图书馆健康信息服务项目在项目主题、项目对象、项目内容、项目效果、项目保障上的实践特点。[结果/结论]我国公共图书馆在健康信息服务方面应进行多元协作,获取外部支持并发挥引导作用;关注需求,考虑用户特点兼重视弱势群体;培养人才,制定培训计划以提升服务技能;打造内容,加强资源建设与丰富服务类型;转变理念,规划试点项目及提升服务形象。  相似文献   


Advertisements for public library directors can reflect the evolution of the public library environment as libraries adapt to changes related to funding and technology. No study has examined whether the skills and attributes desired of public library directors have changed over time and whether they are associated with the characteristics of management or leadership. Content analysis of public library director job advertisements from 2000–2011 revealed a closer association with management than leadership traits and an omission of characteristics like advocating, fundraising, being politically savvy, and having a vision needed to position the public library as an essential resource to stakeholders.  相似文献   

《Public Library Quarterly》2013,32(3-4):69-80

While the public library exists to serve a diverse clientele, one group often ignored consists of those with invisible challenges, such as attention deficit disorder (ADD) and attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity (ADHD), in children and adults. This article covers background information on ADD/ADHD, diagnostic criteria, and common characteristics of the disorder. The role of the public library in serving the ADD user is examined through needs assessment, training, programming, collection development, and continuing education for librarians. The public library can and should ensure that those who suffer from disordered attention skills benefit from the ordered knowledge at their local library.  相似文献   


Outreach services provided by rural public libraries are crucial to fulfilling their mission to provide information access to the widest array of user groups. Particular socioeconomic and geographic factors in rural areas present challenges of access to information resources, yet there exists only a limited amount of published scholarly work examining outreach services provided specifically by rural public libraries. This case study of outreach services to elder users offers contextual evidence for the centrality of social equity and access to the larger work of rural public libraries. Primary data were collected through four semi-structured focus group meetings conducted with elder users of the agency’s outreach services as well as through narrative interviews with six agency staff members. Principal findings showed that elder users had particular information needs related to entertainment and intellectual stimulation, challenges of transportation, and a limited access to technology and internet service. WCPL outreach services were found to positively impact the lives and general well-being of elder users by providing vital social and community connections and serving as a key link for elder users to an institution understood to be central to the life of the community in general.  相似文献   

For more than a decade the Regents of the State of New York have recommended that public and association libraries in the state become public library districts with independent taxing authority. The Regents contend that such districts are preferable for several reasons, in particular for more reliable and higher per capita funding for library services. This study, using data provided by the New York State Education Department, examined the funding of all public libraries in New York during a ten-year period. The study found that while public library districts did demonstrate more reliable funding over time, they did not see improved per capita funding as compared to other library types found in the state.  相似文献   

文章通过邮件、电话、当面访谈和实地考察等方式对美国公共图书馆代际项目的发展现状及特点进行了介绍与分析。美国公共图书馆所开展的代际项目数量有限,但类型多种多样。代际项目发起的主要原因是图书馆对社区中存在问题或未满足需求与社区可利用资源的有效匹配,面向人群主要为社区中弱势或服务不足的老年人和年轻人,核心理念是促进二者之间的相互支持并发展互惠关系。代际项目的运作特点包括强调参与者的平等与互惠、给予参与者充分自主权、注重与不同部门和机构间的合作、发起者多为儿童和青少年部门等。文章从年轻人、老年人、图书馆、社区四个层面分析了代际项目产生的影响。  相似文献   

公共文化服务体系中公共图书馆地位及作用探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
由公共文化服务体系的内涵入手,通过分析公共图书馆的主体构成和职能,提出公共图书馆在公共文化服务体系中的定位,探讨其在公共文化服务体系中应发挥的作用.  相似文献   


The achievement of social justice, which implies the development of collections and the design of services for different user groups, is an objective present in the mission of public libraries. Since the 1950s, Croatian public libraries have been continuously developing collections and services for different user communities. However, one user community has remained largely unrecognized – LGBTIQ people. Therefore, the aim of the research presented in this paper is to examine the importance of the role of public libraries in the life of the LGBTIQ community in the Republic of Croatia. With a sample of 259 respondents, information behaviors, attitudes and experiences of LGBTIQ people in relation to public libraries have been examined via an online survey. In particular, this study explored the extent to which members of public libraries differ from non-members. The obtained results should contribute to a better understanding of the information needs and behavior of members of sexual minorities and help bring this group of users closer to (Croatian) public libraries by ensuring that libraries more adequately respond to their needs.  相似文献   

根据公共图书馆的基本功能、原则,借鉴国外图书馆的管理体制与经验,结合国内发达地区公共图书馆服务与管理的实践,针对西南地区公共图书馆服务管理现状与存在的问题,理清思路,提出解决问题的策略,规范西南地区公共图书馆服务管理的标准,促进西南地区图书馆事业的健康发展。  相似文献   

分析了中西部基层公共图书馆服务现状和存在的问题以及当前的政策环境,从图书馆规划、环境建设、人才队伍建设、宣传推广等多方面提出了相关的建议,并建议基层公共图书馆利用外部环境多方面寻求支持,从而促进基层公共图书馆在新的政策环境下更好更快地发展。  相似文献   

以东莞图书馆实行绩效管理为例,探讨了公共图书馆绩效管理的内涵,绩效考核体系的构建,以及绩效考核的实施和效果,提出了良性绩效考核的7个特征。  相似文献   

美国公共图书馆经费保障制度的形成历经自然演化、制度确立、州政府参与和联邦政府拓展的演进过程.这种制度通过自然演变到人为确立,再以图书馆专门法的形式得以固定,最终完成制度的形成和变迁.美国公共图书馆经费保障制度的演进过程是各种利益主体和各级别政府逐步参与到图书馆事业中,并推动图书馆事业各项相关立法的实现过程,这对于构建我国图书馆的经费保障制度具有参考价值.  相似文献   

省域公共图书馆绩效的DEA测算与评价   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
为优化公共图书馆资源的配置,需要对其资源投入产出的相对效率进行测算和评价。利用数据包络分析(DEA)评价方法,对我国31个省域公共图书馆绩效进行了测算与分析,可以为地区公共图书馆资源利用效率的提高和绩效比研究提供决策支持信息。  相似文献   

公共文化服务体系建设是我国在新时期开展的文化建设举措。公共图书馆作为重要的公共文化基础设施和公益性文化服务机构,是我国公共文化服务体系的重要组成部分。阐述了中小型公共图书馆在公共文化服务体系中的作用,分析了中小型公共图书馆构建公共文化服务体系的优势.并提出了构建措施。  相似文献   

Results of a 2017 survey of 983 public librarians in the U.S. and Canada show that libraries increasingly provide opportunities for both youth and adults to practice yoga at the library. This article examines how these public library yoga programs work and what impacts they have. Most libraries have limited means to assess the impact of these programs. Nonetheless, over 80% of responding librarians said participation in yoga programs had met or exceeded their expectations, and 60% said yoga programs have brought new users into their libraries. These results suggest that yoga programs in public libraries are having significant effects.  相似文献   

中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅《关于加快构建现代公共文化服务体系的意见》,确立了中国特色现代公共文化服务体系的基本遵循,形成了“建立基本公共文化服务标准体系”的政策措施,提出了提升服务效能的重点任务,部署了以社会化增强公共文化发展动力的新任务与新方式,明确了推动与科技融合发展需重点解决的问题,完善了经费、人才和法律保障机制。贯彻落实《意见》精神,对于推动公共图书馆事业在“十三五”时期可持续发展,十分重要。参考文献14。  相似文献   

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