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In order to have a successful library program for offcampus students, librarians must understand who their students are and what they want. This paper will address the issues involved in conducting a user survey for off-campus students. The paper will cover details on developing a survey; it will discuss the logistics of sending and receiving; and it will examine one method of evaluation. This work is based on a student survey conducted by the University of Iowa Libraries during November 1998 and March 1999.  相似文献   


The use of a paper-based tally sheet systems for gathering reference statistics has been unchanged for decades. However, with new technology and data gathering tools being developed, libraries now have an alternative for gathering statistical data more efficiently. This paper will discuss the strengths and weaknesses of both paper-based tally sheet forms and electronic tracking systems being used in libraries and will encompass a variety of commercial, open source, and homegrown products. Preference for either tool will be explored and determine reasons for a libraries reluctance to embrace new technology and keeping with old methods.  相似文献   


While broad assessment projects are often used to steer library strategic planning initiatives, this article will present the benefits of qualitative interviews with distance learning constituents as a framework for developing a focused vision and targeted services. This article will describe the planning and execution of an assessment project used to build a foundation for future library resources and services to target off-campus users. The benefits of this analysis will be detailed. Based on the data, implementation strategies were devised to strengthen and further develop the distance learning unit at Florida State University Libraries.  相似文献   

As security and safety requirements were not considered during the creation of networks, there is a growing number of threats for individuals, enterprises, government agencies and organizations. This paper reviews these threats and the difficulties of dealing with them now. The Internet, as a consequence, is hardly adequate for processing sensitive information, because it can be protected neither by technology nor by law. In this situation, future “information societies” will be more risk-oriented than today: individual rights will be less significant and traditional legal instruments will need to be adapted to different sets of values.  相似文献   

What conservation strategies can be used for Tino Sehgal's 2005 work This Is So Contemporary, and what are their relations to oral traditions? Sehgal's art leaves no material traces, as the artist resists the use of photos and videos acting as a documentary surrogate for his work. This paper will explore how Sehgal's non-written documentation strategies connect to the work of Yumutjin Wunungmurra, a contemporary artist and ceremonial leader from Northeast Arnhem Land, Australia. The connection will be tracked through the role of caretaker and custodian that features in the workflow of both artists. The paper asks whether the performance-based strategies discussed can support the notion of conservation as a social process with multiple stakeholders.  相似文献   

All too often, applicants for low level paraprofessional positions in libraries are passed over or rejected, not because they are not qualified, but because they have professional experience or advanced degrees. The rationale behind these decisions is that the overqualified staff member in a low level position will continue to look for a better position more aligned with their skills, experience, and education; and when they find another job they will leave and their positions will have to be filled again. This essay argues that this reasoning is flawed and, regardless of the perceived inconvenience, library managers and administrators should want the best and the brightest working in all levels of their library.  相似文献   


During the past decade we have noted a marked increase in the use of special collections materials in the university classroom. This presents the library with an opportunity to assert its role as a unique and irreplaceable contributor to the University's core mission. Asserting this is predicated on the assumption that an instructor's goals will be met, that students will become successful researchers, and that library staff will survive the encounter. This is not easy to accomplish and this article is an attempt to describe those elements that we have found to be central to a successful instructional outcome.  相似文献   

Although federally supported geospatial data clearinghouses have appeared on the Internet, there exist few resources allowing for a coordinated collection of publicly available geospatial data over large areas. The completion of a national survey of potential producers of geospatial data provides users with a new way of learning about relevant, publicly accessible data when they embark on projects with a spatial component. This article presents a progress report on the National Survey of Geospatial Framework Data. The survey's methodology is described, allowing for readers to anticipate both the nature and extent of the survey results. Also described are the means by which the final results will be released. The survey results will serve as a major national source of information regarding where public geospatial data can be obtained at all levels of government. This article is intended to encourage access to the survey results so the results reach an appropriate audience while still timely and relevant. The survey will serve as a new source of information having implications for access to geospatial data nationwide. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd  相似文献   

A new digital distribution infrastructure is being created to parallel the structure in the physical world by which content is stored, distributed, and invoiced. Like in the physical world, book publishing will need fewer points of distribution than it has points of creation: there will be “distributors” handling the digital content of many publishers and some large publishers will handle the digital content of smaller ones. This system is just now taking shape and this paper defines the terms and enumerates some of the emerging players in this role. This paper was first presented during the “Making Information Pay 2007” on May 10, 2007 organized by the Book Industry Study Group (). The research completed will help any publisher with the task of finding a DAD. The research paper version of our work will be made available as a final White Paper, with conclusions and updated information by Klopotek Inc. that can be ordered at Klopotek.com  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(72):171-177

One of the biggest challenges of a Reference Librarian is trying to respond to an information request on an unfamiliar topic. This article will cover techniques to use when confronted with a request on a subject with which the librarian is completely unfamiliar. It will explore techniques that librarians can use to keep up-to-date with current events, styles, music, and trends. It will also deal with staying informed about relevant terminology, print resources, and electronic sources of information.  相似文献   


This article will describe how merging service points in an academic library is an opportunity to improve customer service and utilize staffing resources more efficiently. Combining service points provides libraries with the ability to create a more positive library experience for patrons by minimizing the ping-pong effect for assistance. The Access Services Department at the University of North Texas Libraries was charged with management of the circulation and reference services offered at the service desk. Streamlined planning and modernized management of the desk and its impact on customer service in a changing library environment will be discussed.  相似文献   


This column discusses the point-of-care tool Clinical Pharmacology. This review is primarily intended for newer health sciences librarians who are learning about drug references and clinical decision-making support systems or health sciences librarians making collection development decisions, although any librarian will find this review useful. A sample search will be provided to highlight the database’s unique features as well as a comparison to other resources.  相似文献   

This forum presents a personal view from a museum professional of the museum field's stake in the sustainability movement. The author takes the opportunity of a discussion within a national museum association about the possible implementation of environmental sustainability standards and argues instead for systematically engaging the entire museum field in re‐thinking and restructuring the foundations of culture in our society. The author concludes that sustainability will require rebuilding the foundation blocks of our social and economic structures, both locally and globally, and that museums have the potential to play important roles in facilitating these processes. However, as is the case with all change, new skills will have to be acquired, values will have to be reassessed and priorities will have to be reset. These are the challenges of the 21st century.  相似文献   


This paper will use circulation data to explore usage trends for physical textbooks in an academic library over a sustained period of time. Conclusions will be drawn from the analysis to determine the usefulness of aging physical textbook collections in academic libraries and inform recommendations for efficient models of lending and management.  相似文献   


This concept was initially developed by William Wilson, library consultant, PROVIDENCE Associates Inc. It was modified for a presentation at die 1996 Texas State Library Association Convention. It outlines a different way of thinking about funding libraries, an innovative framework that will interest legislators in the plight of their under-funded library services. Wilson and Waters refer to this new structure as a “Library Authority.” The concept would allow the question of funding to go directly to the voters, who are those most concerned with the quality of libraries. This quality is also addressed by Waters, who considers quantity and volume as a faulty line of reasoning for gathering support. “We make little mention of the long-term impact associated with introducing a four-year old to the world of books… or to the economic impact derived from helping a saleswoman locate a new market for her products.” Mr. Waters hopes others will assist in fleshing out this concept for the good of all libraries.  相似文献   


Excel® offers powerful features that can spare its users countless hours of tedious and unnecessary effort. Pivot tables and pivot charts are robust tools that can streamline the work of analyzing library data, making it nearly instantaneous, visually engaging, and efficient. Although electronic resource usage statistics will be used for illustrative purposes, countless types of data in a tabular format are suited to the application of pivot tables and pivot charts. This article will discuss background and approaches for using these tools, followed by a companion article that will demonstrate essential techniques and applications.  相似文献   

In the developing world, a common trend is to have north–south collaborations constituting most of the continuous professional development (CPD) activities for librarians. The emerging drift highlighted in this article is a north–south–south initiative aimed at rebuilding the University of Juba Library through capacity-building of the library staff. This article will illuminate the process of equipping library staff with cataloging skills in the absence of previous library training. This endeavor is a result of the collaborative efforts of Makerere University Library (MakLib) in Uganda and the University of Bergen Library (UoBL) in Norway under the Juba Library Automation Project (JULAP). JULAP's main objective is to rebuild the University of Juba Library with the components of library automation and training of library staff. This article will concentrate on the practical training of the library staff in cataloging and the hands-on training on the Koha integrated library system to lay the groundwork for computerized library services for the University of Juba. This article will also highlight the challenges and lessons learned so far while articulating strategies for the future.  相似文献   

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