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多元智力论对工科大学新生研讨课建设的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
多元智力论为新生研讨课的丰富和发展提供了理论支持,新生研讨课只有在教学内容、教学方法和教师素质方面建立多元化的元素,才能够充分挖掘学生的多元智力品质,实现创新人才的培养。  相似文献   

Various European programmes represent invaluable help and source of experience for universities in Central and Eastern Europe. Being an emerging university that was established just 8 years ago, we welcomed the chance to be involved in numerous projects that introduced us to the area of European cooperation. Last summer two very interesting projects concerning our university were finished (in terms of financing from the sources mentioned above) and so it is a good occasion to evaluate the progress of our international co-operation in the last 3 years and to look forward towards further development of our established links. The first project was financed by The British Know How Fund and its aim was to bring together the University of Hull, UK, and the Faculty of Informatics and Management UHK in Hradec KrÁlové (FIM). The second project, called INSYPA, was a Joint European Project within the frame of the TransEuropean Mobility Programme for University Studies (Tempus). Both projects were extremely fruitful for us but so different one from another that we think it might be interesting to compare them. The contribution describes our original plans, their development, evolution of our partnership, the problems which arose and were solved. The main stress is given to expertise obtained, methods of assessment, persistent links and their influence on our integration to EU educational and research programmes.  相似文献   

This article reports the findings of a PhD study, which offers comparative perspectives on teacher education in a period of reforms, inquiring into stakeholders’ perceptions in English, French, Italian and Spanish contexts as case studies. The interaction of needs and constraints in European initial teacher education within higher education reforms, and the mediation between contrasting influences and diverse education cultures, are viewed as global phenomena: teacher education practices in different countries can be described as ‘translations’ of European policies, with innovative potential in glocal developments. This article explores some issues of the European dimension of teacher education, reporting the qualitative findings of the study, underpinned by a theoretical framework encompassing globalisation and social ecological studies. In the four case study contexts, the focus is on secondary teacher education; when a subject perspective is required, it concerns the area of modern languages, considering their transversal role in European education policies. Findings from the national case studies come from a limited empirical sample, but can be of interest in showing emerging tensions and trends.  相似文献   

智慧教育是一种比较新型的教育方式,智慧教育中做包含较多的新型技术,这些新型技术和知识的加入对学习者的学习热情有很大的帮助。本文通过对智慧教育环境系统所包含的方面进行详细的分析和论述,以此得出智慧教育本身以及实现方法的展现方式,使理论中的智慧教育符合现实的实际要求。  相似文献   

人类生存的环境由自然环境和社会环境(人工环境)组成。自然环境是人类生活和生产所必需的自然条件和自然资源的总称,包括阳光、温度、气候、地磁、空气、水、岩石、土壤、动植物、微生物以及地壳的稳定性等自然因素,而社会环境是在自然环境的基础上,人类为了不断提高物质生活和精神生活水平,  相似文献   

The ‘Bologna process’ is promoting fundamental changes throughout European higher education. Education ministers appear determined to reach, by 2010, a significant convergence of the national educational systems. This implies the necessity of adapting curricula in terms of structures, contents, learning attributes, learning tools and assessment methods. The EC ‘Tuning’ project was set up in order to investigate the feasibility of this process on the basis of ‘available experience and recent developments in several of the Member states… particularly from previous and on-going European co-operation in the context of the Socrates programme’. The Tuning project, initially aimed at five areas only (mathematics, geology, business, history, educational sciences), was later extended to other areas, including engineering: synergy groups were formed for this purpose. This paper summarizes the final report of the Engineering Synergy Group, which examined the ‘tuning’ of engineering education (EE) into European higher education, taking advantage of the work of previous and current thematic networks, such as H3E, EUCEET and E4. A set of recommendations is presented in the final section of the paper.  相似文献   

学校德育环境研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从一定意义上讲,德育的环境化是当前学校德育的一个重要走向。从学校德育环境的涵义、基本形态、作用机制、特征及功能方面,介绍和评述20世纪80年代以来我国教育界关于学校德育环境研究的主要观点,以求为当前中小学德育环境优化的实践提供一些理论上的帮助和启示。  相似文献   

教育在世界发展中具有非常悠久的历史,是东西方培养人才的主要方式。美术教学属于艺术类学科,相较于其他课程起步较晚,特别是针对专业美术的学习更是相对落后。传统的教学方式都是基于课堂实施的教学,教学内容枯燥、课程单一、教学方法机械化,教师的水平也有待提高,各种外在限制性因素较多。环境艺术设计是实践性和应用性都很强的科目,对学生的专业水平和能力具有很高的要求,仅仅掌握书本知识,照本宣科的学习理论,对于学生而言是远远不够的。基于目前环境艺术设计教学的新特点,以及应用性教学的特征,要培养出具有创新思维的设计人员,就必须完善教学体系,树立教学的科学观点,并考虑未来的发展前景,实现多学科的融合教学,从而提高教学质量,体现教育的新特征。  相似文献   

高校校园环境直接影响大学生的成长,同时对高校德育活动和学生思想政治道德素质的影响也很明显,故本文对此加以重点讨论.并提出相应的改进方案.突出强调创建和谐的校园文化.  相似文献   

随着我国高等教育进入大众化阶段,高等教育的规模不断扩大,发展速度不断加快,加之我国高等教育学龄人口猛增,人口、资源、环境对高等教育的影响与制约也变得越来越重要。文章论述了人口、资源、环境对高等教育影响与制约的关系,探讨了教育生态视角下的这四者是互为前提、互相制约的关系。  相似文献   

Activity 2 of project E4, “Quality Assessment and Transparency for Enhanced Mobility and Trans-European Recognition”, included the working group on “Quality Assurance in Engineering on a National and European Scale”. Its report can be found in Part 2 of Volume D, final report of the E4 Thematic Network (Firenze University Press 2003).

The Report of this Working Group is formed by three parts.

Chapter 2 explores the horizon of evaluation, and briefly summarizes evaluation mandate, focus and procedures in the light of quality and quality assurance, accreditation, responsibility, with particular reference to higher education.

Chapter 3 explores the ideas from a number of European evaluation models for higher education, and shows that their contents can be read in the frame of four fundamental “aspects” or “dimensions” of quality:

  • –?Requirements, objectives

  • –?Teaching, learning, assessment

  • –?Learning resources

  • –?Monitoring, analysis, improvement

Chapter 4 underlines that a Programme should be evaluated on the basis of its ability to put into effect a policy focusing—clearly and distinctly—on the external and internal efficacy of the learning process: specify worthwhile learning goals and enable most students to achieve the established objectives. The set of “aspects” examined in Chapter 3 is expanded into a minimum set of “factors”, that the Programme should address in a stable manner before it is submitted to an external evaluation.

In developing this activity, a selection of a few representative models was examined, bringing out the essential structure that they have in common. The reference documents can be found in the References section of this article.

What follows is extracted from the conclusions of Chapter 4.  相似文献   

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