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Many people like animals such as dogs and cats and keep one or more of them as pets. If you keep a dog or a cat as a pet, you must know how to look after it. A grown- up dog needs two meals a day, not more. It can eat meat, fish, rice and some other thing…  相似文献   

1.Love me,love my dog.爱屋及乌。2.Let sleeping dog lie.莫惹事生非。3.He fell two dogs with one stone.一举两得;一箭双雕。4.Give a dog a bad name and hang him.欲加之罪,何患无辞。5.A good dog deserves a good bone.有功者受赏。6.Barking dogs do not bite.吠犬不咬人。(爱喧嚣者未必会做事。)7.Don"t keep a dog and bark yourself.不要养虎贻患。8.If the old dog barks,he gives counsel.老狗叫,是忠告。(不听老人言,吃亏在眼前。)9.A dog that runs after many hares kills none.贪多必失。10.Where there are no dogs…  相似文献   

(A) A seeing-eye dog is a special dog which helps blind people walk along the streets and do many other things. We call these dogs seeing-eye dogs because the dogs are the eyes of blind people and help them to see. These dogs are usually sent to a special school to learn to help blind people for several years.  相似文献   

Talk to Your Dog     
All of us often see dogs.As we know,a dog can’t1,but it can“talk”.It has feelings2as we do.Sometimes it may feel angry or afraid.If you watch a dog3,you can find outwhat it feels.You can see that it is4to tell you something.If a dog is5of you,it looks …  相似文献   

Once upon a time.there was a mollse in a mouse-hole.One day it sat up and listened attentively,and as it did So it heard someone bark……“Now,”thought the mouse,“that’ll be a dog,I might as well go out.I don’t think dogs eat mice.”  相似文献   

一、有关dog的习语1.a dog in the manger(manger n.马槽)占着茅坑不拉屎的人;自私自利的人2.dirty dog卑鄙小人3.let sleeping dogs lie别惹事生非,别自找麻烦4.dog days炎热的天气5.dog eat dog残酷无情的竞争;损人利己的角逐;相互残杀6.in the doghouse失宠7.lead/live a dog’s life过穷困潦倒的生活  相似文献   

Every living thing has a physical boundary that separates it from its ex-ternal environment. Beginning with the bacteria(细菌) and the simple cell and ending with man, every organism has a certain limit which marks where it begins and ends.Anyone who has had experience with dogs, particularly in the country-side such as on farms, is familiar with the way in which the dog handles space. In the first place, the dog knows the limits of his master蒺s “yard”and will defend it against encroachmen…  相似文献   

1.Let sleeping dogs lie. D on t wake ( ’sleeping dog. 莫惹是非 ) 。 2. H e led a dog s life. 他过着贫困的 ’活 。 3.A cat m ay look at a king. 谚 猫也 ( )以看国王指小人物也应该有些权利 。( ) 4.H as the cat got your tongue芽你为什不吭声 猫把你的舌头叼去了吗 ?( ?) 5.H e w as an old fox.他是个老奸巨滑家伙 。 6.W hen the fox preaches then bew are ,your geese. 谚 狐狸说教时 要当心你的鹅 ( ) , 。 7. I don t think they will kill the…  相似文献   

A Clever Dog     
Almost everyone likes dogs, and almost everyone likes 1(?) stories about dogs. I have a friend. He 2(?) a large police dog 3(?) Jack. Police dogs are very clever. Every Sunday afternoon my friend takes  相似文献   

dog(狗)1.Let sleeping dogs lie(Don’t wake a sleeping dog.)莫惹是非。2.He led a dog’s life.他过着贫困的生活。3.This country is going to the dogs.这个国家要垮台了。Cat(猫)1.There is nothing for it but to wait and see how the cat jumps.眼前只有静待,看着事情如何转变。2.Has the cat got your tongue?你为什么不吭声?(猫把你的舌头叼去了吗?)fox(狐狸)1.He was an old fox.他是个老奸巨滑的家伙。2.I play the fox several times,pretending to be in pain.有几次我故意装疼。(play the fox耍滑头)goose(鹅)1.I don…  相似文献   

Sick as a Dog     
当形容一个人病得很重时,英语中有这样的说法:Sick as a dog,为什么人们会用"狗"来表示"生病"的意思呢?原来,英语中dog一词有时含有贬义,比如:俚语going to the dogs,表示"糟糕透顶";dog in the manger,表示"犬占马槽、自私自利"的意思。  相似文献   

Training Animals     
People realize that, although animals may not have the same intelligence as human beings, they are smart enough to learn certain things. Dogs are extremely useful as companions for blind people. When a dog has been properly trained, it will always lead its blind master in the fight direction and keep him out of danger. For example, seeing-eye dogs learn never to cross a busy road when cars are coming,  相似文献   

Different from many super stars who keep purebred(纯种的) pets,Lin Xilei(林熙蕾),who is always fond of dogs very much,took back a mixed dog from an animal shelter(动物收容所)not long ago.The pitiful looks of  相似文献   

Think and Answer     
As Mr White was going to church,he met a farmer with three children.Each child had three baskets. Each basket had three hens. And each hen had three chickens. Chickens,hens,baskets,farmer and children. Do you know how many people went to church?(2)The following is a group of letters,but two are missing. Can you work them out?J F M A M J J A ? ?N D(3)Who'll WinTwo dogs—a white dog and a black dog decided to run a 50-metre race. The black dog won by 2 meters. In other w…  相似文献   

英语中常见的比喻主要有明喻、暗喻、换喻、提喻四种.为了更好地阅读和写作英语,我们必须准确掌握这四种表示比喻的方式.一、明喻:用一种事物明比另一种事物,被比喻物和比喻物同时出现,表示二者的相似关系.常用like或as一类的比喻词连接.如:(1)die like a dog像狗一样死去,意为悲惨地死去.  相似文献   

Hunting, in which the young man was an apt scholar, was now the order of the day. Tiburcio was an artist in woodcraft as well as in his knowledge of the habits of animals and birds. On chilly or disagreeable days they would take out the pack of dogs and beat the thickets for the javeline. It was exciting sport to bring to bay a drove of these animals. To shoot from horseback lent a charm, yet made aim uncertain, nor was it advisable to get too close range. Many a young dog made a fatal mistake in getting too near this little animal, and the doctoring of crippled dogs became a daily duty. All surplus game was sent to the ranchito below, where it was always appreciated.  相似文献   

Dogs are flesh-eating animals. From the Stone Age( 石器时代) menlived in caves( 洞穴). The dogs first became man?s friends. Soon the mentrained( 训练) the dogs to help people in the hunt to carry their burdens(担子), to guard their camps and so on.Dogs have a fine sense of smell ( 嗅觉). They can go in search ofmissing things. For example, a golden seal(图章) in a museum(博物馆)was missing some years ago, and the policemen searched for it every-where in vain(徒劳). Finally a dog found the go…  相似文献   

廖振言 《中学教与学》2006,(2):F0004-F0004
If you are in a town in a westerm country,you'll often see people walking with their dogs.It is still true_1_ a dog is one of the most useful_2_ in the world,but the reason that one keeps a dog _3_changed.Long,long ago,a man met a dog and _4_ it to help him fight_5_animals,  相似文献   

<正>Ms Wu asks([a:sk],让)the pupils(['pju:pl],学生)to draw([dro:],画)dogs,and give them names.吴老师让学生们画小狗,再给小狗起名字。 Guan Wei draws a red dog.The name of the dog is Wangwang.It's a small dog.管维画了一只红色的小狗,名叫汪汪,是一只小个子的狗。 Yu Qian draws an orange dog.The dog's name is Qiuqiu.It's a fat dog.  相似文献   

Dog drags car 狗拉车 Can you drag a car?Of course not!A dog can!This dog comes from Tianjian.His name is baby.Baby looks big and strong.It is 80cm long weighs 80kg.its head is as big as a basketball.It can drag a 1.5-ton(吨)  相似文献   

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