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大部分师范生认为自己对从事小学数学教学有一定的准备,但具体到分数教学,师范生的自我评价较低.师范生对学科知识中的"算法"知识掌握得较好,能够正确地向小学生解释如何计算分数除法,但对"算理"掌握较差,在数学教学法知识方面,师范生准备还不够充分.解决问题时,所使用的教学表征以言辞表征和符号表征居多,直观表征很少,只有少部分师范生根据小学生的认知特点采取恰当的表达方式.大专生和本科生在大部分调查项目上的表现比较一致.  相似文献   

2013年2月NCATE与NCTM联袂发布美国最新数学教师职前专业标准——《NCATE数学教师标准》(2012),标准精简了结构,规范了职前数学教师的学科知识和专业技能基准,保持着重视数学认知实践的传统,却反而削弱了学科内容要求.分析和研究美国数学教师专业标准的内涵和特点,把握其专业标准的演化及其实施执行中的经验和教训,对于构建中国数学教师专业标准有着重要的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

超级画板作为一款功能强大的动态几何软件应用于数学师范生的培养,可通过创设情境,降低难度,透视本质,动手实验,创建模型等方式帮助学生学习数学知识.超级画板能提高学生的作图能力、教学设计能力、解题能力、编程能力等各种教师职业技能,并能对学生进行数学美的教育,并健全数学观.  相似文献   

准教师在教育实习中表现出教学监控能力弱的问题,最重要的原因是高师院校对培养准教师的教学策略和教学技能的理论教育与实践操作欠缺。高师院校要思考的是如何构建多元化实践空间以培养准教师有效的教学策略和教学技能,为准教师提升教学监控能力开辟途径。  相似文献   

With a view to reflective teacher education an instrument was developed to determine prospective teachers’ preferences for different ways of learning. The instrument was used for assessing the relationship between these preferences and other student characteristics, such as age, gender and previous schooling. Moreover, changes in reflective attitudes during teacher education were measured. A conclusion is that more attention should be given to differences in learning orientations.  相似文献   

This study reports entry-level mathematics attitudes of pre-service primary teachers entering an initial teacher education (ITE) program one decade apart. Attitudes of 360 pre-service primary teachers were compared to 419 pre-service teachers entering the same college of education almost one decade later. The latter experienced reform school mathematics curricula compared to the earlier cohort who experienced traditional curricula. Attitudes were determined by administering Aiken’s Revised Mathematics Attitude Scale (Aiken, 1974). Analyses indicate generally positive attitudes on entry to ITE. The earlier cohort demonstrated greater Enjoyment of Mathematics while the later cohort exhibited higher scores on the Value of Mathematics scale.  相似文献   


This study utilizes the conceptual framework of culturally responsive pedagogy and theoretical suppositions about the culturally responsive teacher educator to examine the learning experiences of teacher candidates of color. Findings from the case study of a teacher educator’s and teacher candidates’ of color teaching and learning experiences in a semester-long course revealed the following: (a) The teacher educator’s culturally responsive content was characterized by resistance, revelation, and support and (b) culturally responsive teacher educator pedagogy involved instructional approaches of modeling change and building community. Implications for culturally responsive pedagogies in the teacher education classroom and professional development are explored.  相似文献   

数学史与数学教育关系(HPM)的研究是国际数学教育的新潮流之一,西方学者对数学史所具有的教育功能已达成了共识.然而在如何运用数学史于数学教育方面,国际上都还处于研究阶段,在我国把数学史运用于数学教育中也是正在进行的数学课程改革的热点问题.而帮助理解数学、提高数学的宏观认识、进行人文教育正是HPM的三个主要作用.  相似文献   

In an attempt to better prepare future teachers to fight against social injustice, support their culturally and linguistically diverse students and wrestle with social and educational complexities around the globe, many education programs have increased the number of study abroad programs and international service learning projects. In this qualitative study, we explored seven preservice teachers’ experiences related to humanizing pedagogy after participating in a study abroad program combined with an international service-learning project in a South African rural community. Analyzing multiple data sources such as interviews and reflective journals, we discovered that the preservice teachers grappled with the political, social, economic, and educational differences they encountered during the international project and wrestled with conflicting ideas and beliefs about poverty and language. They identified their relationships with students as catalysts to address these educational issues and their need to reverse systemic inequities. They built caring relationships with students in the community and developed additive perspectives the focused on the students’ community cultural capital. The preservice teachers expressed deep critical reflection and a desire to promote a more fully human educational world where students have the opportunities to enact their agency, their creativity, and their language and culture.  相似文献   

从力学对高等数学知识的具体需求与进度要求的研究出发,以高等数学的认知结构研究为途径。以保证质量、消除高等数学教材和力学教材的进度差异为目标,采取边教改边总结的实践探索模式,形成了一个较理想的综合教改方案。  相似文献   

目前,考察师范生在学教过程中关于教师身份理解的知识和信念的意象研究正成为研究师范生数学教学信念发展和改变的重要内容.利用访谈和分析实习日记的个案研究,可以发现,在教育实习过程中,师范生关于教师即讲授者的身份理解发展处于中心位置,其他成分发展处于边缘位置,甚至消失,让师范生撰写和反思实习日记对教师身份理解发展具有潜在的价值.  相似文献   

Involving people outside of a science course can foster learning for students enrolled in the course. Assignments involving friends and family provided such opportunities in an undergraduate physics course for prospective teachers. These assignments included reflecting upon prior experiences, interviewing friends and family members, engaging them in exploring physical phenomena, and teaching them with relevant websites. The six strands of science learning articulated in Learning Science in Informal Environments (National Research Council in Learning science in informal environments: People, places, and pursuits. National Academies Press, Washington, DC, 2009) provided a framework for analyzing the prospective teachers’ responses. Through such assignments, the instructor created opportunities for the prospective teachers to use and build upon knowledge learned in class as well as to gain confidence and experience in facilitating the learning of others.  相似文献   

《数学教育学》是一门年轻而发展迅速的学科,已形成了一定的科学体系并具有较强的实践性。本文对该课程的教学进行了探索和改革,从转变教学观念,明确学科定位;教材结构与教学主线和教学改革设计三个方面进行了论述。  相似文献   

对数学教育学的课程内容,教学形式和教学方法以及学生成绩评定的改革进行了初步的探索。  相似文献   

高校教师学习教育学知识及理论,不仅应该着眼于解决教学活动中的现实问题,其根本的意义在于提高教师们的教育素质和教育境界。教师们教育素质的提高,不仅对现实的教学活动有用,而且能够使国家的教育事业奠基在坚实的信念、境界、知识的基础之上。这是从事教育学教学的教师、从事教育管理的工作人员及学生都应该具有的理性认识。  相似文献   

Mathematics teachers face a myriad of instructional obstacles. Since the early 1990s, mathematics education researchers have proposed the use of constructivist practices to counteract these ever-prevalent obstacles. While we do give credit to the choices of instructional activities the constructivist paradigm promotes, there are problems with its use as the foundation of mathematics pedagogy (e.g., Phillips, Educational Researcher 24: 5–12 1995; Simon, Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 26: 114–145 1995). In this paper, we will analyze and review the literature pertaining to the conceptual tenets and operational practices of constructivism, and the viability of these practices for meeting the professional teaching standards proposed by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM; 2000). We will then review the literature pertaining to a paradigm of teaching that may be more applicable, that of persuasive pedagogical practices, and the ways in which these practices can differentially meet the goals of the mathematics standards. The differences between constructivism and persuasive pedagogy lead us to believe that the adoption of the theory of teaching as persuasion, or persuasive pedagogy, may be more appropriate for learning mathematics and the identification and correction of misconceptions. Further, these pedagogical practices correspond with suggestions for mathematical discourse provided by NCTM (2000).  相似文献   

德国批判教育学述评   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
20世纪60年代德国批判教育学产生,各批判教育学派的代表人物对批判有不同理解,虽然批判的教育学生主张的意识形态的批判开启了教育学 的新视角,但是也很容易导致一种批判的意识形态。因而对批判应该加以分析,辨别和探讨,同时也应该进行自我批判,从这个意义上来说,教育学应该是批判教育学。  相似文献   

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