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Although approval plans have long been an accepted tool for monographic collection development, they have seen comparatively slow adoption for music scores. This slow adoption is mirrored by a relative dearth of literature about music score approval plans. At a time when changes in the financial and publishing landscape are having a profound impact on collection development practices and current trends in organizational restructuring are placing greater demands on librarians' time, the need for contemporary discussion of approval plans is that much greater. This article discusses the ups and downs of one library's foray into music score approval plans.  相似文献   

The task of acquiring materials in the area of religion on a level to support research and teaching for graduate or professional programs is a challenging one. Even within the relatively narrow scope of religious or theological studies, the quantity of published material makes it a substantial task to review all newly published titles. The concept of an approval plan, whereby books published within a defined subject area (or areas) are automatically shipped to the library, at first seems a logical and elegant method of reducing the burden on typically overworked bibliographers. Unfortunately, experiences from a variety of seminary and theological libraries corroborate our essentially negative experiences with approval plans. It appears that for specialized collections such as theological libraries, approval plans may be a good idea whose time has not (or perhaps never will) come. Some of the problems with approval plans are discussed, and the alternatives used by the Divinity Library at Vanderbilt are presented.  相似文献   

A survey of 291 academic librarians addressed the question of how libraries choose approval plan vendors, specifically how much emphasis is placed on various approval plan services and product features in choosing between competing approval plan vendors and how vendor performance is rated in those areas. Traditional services, including expertise in managing approval plans, e.g., profiling, and acquisitions services, customer service, and discount rate, along with corporate reputation and business practices, retained their core status. Electronic financial transactions was found to be very important to the libraries already using these services. Outsourcing services, e.g., cataloging or physical processing, with approval plan vendors, although newer, appear established and of considerable interest to some segments. Vendor performance was rated highest in corporate reputation, approval plan management, and in electronic financial transactions. Libraries with approval budgets under $100,000 expressed a degree of satisfaction with approval plan vendors on a level similar to larger libraries.  相似文献   

This study examines holdings of 21 members of the Association of Research Libraries for books reviewed in American Historical Review. The study asserts that approval plans are inadequate for collecting from small publishers or from scholarship that crosses disciplinary boundaries. Although approval plans increase efficiency in collection development, the need for expert selection cannot be overstated. Results indicated that small publisher's books were less likely to be in libraries than university press publisher's books, and that history monographs are frequently classified outside disciplinary boundaries, and are therefore invisible to approval plans that define disciplines based on classification systems.  相似文献   

When purchasing continuations from book vendors, libraries have essentially two options: a) establish standing orders, or b) receive on approval plans. Both options offer advantages and disadvantages. Librarians need to explore both options fully to decide which is best for their needs before purchasing continuations. This article explores the two options for acquiring continuations and explains both the advantages and disadvantages for each option so that librarians can make informed decisions. While all book vendors can offer these two purchasing options to libraries, this article specifically addresses purchasing continuations from Yankee Book Peedler, Inc.  相似文献   

In the selection of a new approval plan vendor, most of the library's attention is on pricing, selection procedures, publisher coverage, and profiling. In most cases, less thought is given to what events will actually take place between the time profiles are completed and books are shipped to the library. Decisions surrounding this time period can make the difference between a successful and problematic approval plan implementation. This article, developed by a bookseller, explores these issues and the options libraries have in the implementation phase of approval plans.  相似文献   

Exploring the question, “Once approval plans are established, how does one know whether they are preferable to firm ordering?”, this paper questions traditional assumptions about discounts and staff savings in a library with numerous approval plan agreements. Analyzing the acquisitions patterns of four different groups of selectors at a large research library, it concludes that approval plans profiled to obtain core essentials are preferred by many selectors over firm ordering these materials. Profiles implementing this approach appear to be more difficult to establish for European than for domestic materials. Levels and types of services expected from vendors in a budgetarily constrained environment are enumerated.  相似文献   

During Spring 2021, eight students at the University of the Pacific participated in an internship where they performed a DEI audit of the library's book and music score collection. An internship is one documented type of High-Impact Practices and research studies show that High-Impact Practices lead to higher retention and graduation rates. Deep learning occurred as student interns participated in developing the methodology, evaluating book and music score collections, reading assigned articles pertaining to DEI in librarianship and publishing, and providing recommendations on closing identified collection gaps. To evaluate their learning, the interns were asked to complete three surveys at the beginning, middle, and end of the project. These surveys were evaluated by a mixed methods research approach to incorporate qualitative and quantitative data in assessing the student interns' understanding of library collections, the publishing industry, and academic DEI issues. This study contributes to the literature on High-Impact Practices in academic libraries by describing a unique and valuable way to involve students in diversifying the library collection.  相似文献   

This article reports the findings of a survey conducted in 1986 of music collections in academic libraries of the Association of Research Libraries. There were five sections in the survey instrument: (1) General Information; (2) Staffing and Location of the Music Collection; (3) Collection Development Policies and Procedures; (4) Collection Evaluation Policies and Procedures; and (5) Tables. These sections correspond to the major questions which initiated the survey: (I) Where did Louisiana State University (LSU) rank in music holdings and budget among the respondents? (2) In relation to collection size and budget how did LSU compare in staffing, and where did the majority of other ARL libraries house their material? (3) How many libraries had collection development policies as guidelines for developing their collections? (4) How many libraries had formal collection evaluation procedures, and what bibliographic sources were used for this (5) How did other institutions view the provision of chamber music "performance parts" and "elementary/secondary classroom materials" in a research collection, and what were the collection preferences for certain book, non-book, and score materials?  相似文献   

This paper will describe the process whereby an approval vendor provides machine-readable records corresponding to books sent to a library automatically and on approval, for loading into the library's automated acquisitions system.  相似文献   

The approval plan profiling session, when vendor and library meet to establish specifications for a new approval plan, has received little attention in the literature. Preparation for the session requires decisions on a range of issues bearing upon the ultimate success of an approval plan such as publisher scope, subject specifications, duplication control, and budget. Organization of the session itself is also important. In addition to creation of a new profile, the profiling session is an excellent opportunity for library staff and the vendor, working together closely for a day or more, to lay the foundation for a strong and lasting relationship. This article is primarily intended for librarians new to the administration of approval plans. It outlines the steps necessary to organize a successful profiling session, whether for an entirely new approval plan, or for a new plan replacing a plan with another vendor.  相似文献   

When Mississippi State University Libraries established a university press approval plan, the Collection Development Department was asked to decide whether to cancel existing standing orders with seven university presses or block these presses from the approval plan. Books were received through both avenues for eight months so that cost, timeliness of delivery, and receipt of titles most appropriate for the Libraries’ needs could be compared. Findings showed a 4.72% cost savings with the approval plan, but 82% of the titles were received earlier through the standing orders. Of books received through the standing orders, 29% were not received through the approval plan, with more than half not matching departmental profiles. Return privileges with the approval plan meant unsuitable titles could be returned, a significant advantage not possible with the standing orders. As a result of the study, the libraries chose to cancel the standing orders and receive books selectively through a university press approval plan.  相似文献   

The approval plan is a widely used method of getting scholarly and scientific books into scholarly and research libraries immediately upon publication at minimal cost to the libraries. It was developed in the early 1960s by the former library book-selling firm of Richard Abel & Co., now Blackwell North America. It is a quite sophisticated and complex computer-based system which grew out of a radical, and hence risky, solution to a related set of long-term unresolved difficulties in the building and maintenance of scholarly library collections. The history of the evolution of the system within the context of resolving many of these problems is traced here.  相似文献   

While consortia have been successful in cooperating among members for the purpose of sharing electronic resources, they have struggled to extend that level of cooperation to print materials. OhioLINK is investigating methods to accomplish this goal. This paper expands on that initiative and presents a method for creating a shared approval plan for purchasing U.S. university press titles. It presents a subject-based solution stemming from a prior research initiative with OCLC for establishing financial commitments and randomized ownership of materials to be shared among consortium member libraries. This study projects results of this method by applying a prior year's publication output. The results do not describe a perfect plan but one worth exploring as a means to cooperatively purchase and share print books.  相似文献   


Many libraries have entered into cooperative or consor-tial agreements to reap the cost benefits of electronic purchases, to share a library system vendor, or to divide collection-building responsibilities. However, among such cooperating libraries the formal coordination of approval plan profiles has seldom been attempted. Many questions need to be answered before a group of libraries could enter into a cooperative approval plan. Would the political and administrative costs of designing and maintaining a cooperative profile be sufficiently offset by a broadened overall collection among cooperating libraries? To what degree do libraries acting independently achieve the same approval plan results that a formal coordination of profiles would generate?

The Triangle Research Libraries Network (Duke University, North Carolina Central University, North Carolina State University, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) is comprised of four geographically-close institutions that have been building cooperative collections for more than 50 years. Some of their agreements have been quite formal and others have been quite informal.

This study looks at the degree of approval plan overlap among TRLN libraries; at circulation data for these overlapping titles; and at lists of titles not acquired within the consortium. The results may inform the question of whether separate, uncoordinated approval plans already meet the need of the TRLN consortium, or if consortial approval plan cooperation might benefit the group.

An examination of monographs in four selected Library of Congress classes supplied to the TRLN libraries by Yankee Book Peddler over a six month period in 1997 provided data to examine issues surrounding a consortial approval plan. The degree of overlap among the four institutions was defined, and circulation statistics showed whether books acquired by multiple libraries had a high level of use. A list of YBP titles not acquired by any of the libraries during the same timeperiod wasalso analyzed, to examine whether formal cooperation might have usefully broadenedtheoverallcollection.  相似文献   

A multicase approach was used to explore evaluation methods being used in academic medical libraries that are engaged in strategic planning, including where in the planning and implementation process evaluation is being incorporated and how the evaluation data are collected, analyzed, and incorporated into future strategic planning processes. Data collection included document review (strategic plans, memos, Web sites) and interviews (semistructured individual interviews and focus groups). The strategic planning process used at each institution varied yet could be mapped to Bryson's process for strategic planning. Strategic planning was found to serve as a management tool, providing libraries in the study with direction and focus; however, there remains a strong need for leaders to communicate the importance of incorporating evaluation into the planning process.  相似文献   

For public libraries, as with most organizations, effective strategic planning is critical to longevity, facilitating cohesive and coordinated responses to ever present and ever changing political, economic, social, and technological (PEST) forces which shape and influence direction. Strategic planning is widely recognized as a challenging activity, however, which can be both time consuming and unproductive, and there exists limited guidance regarding how to evaluate documented and disseminated strategic plans, particularly within the not-for-profit sector. In response, this research proposes and tests an inspection-based approach to the evaluation of strategic plans, based upon a rubric specifying the key attributes of each of the core components of a plan, combined with an appropriate assessment scale. The rubric provides a method to identify and assess completeness of strategic plan, extending to qualitative assessment of communication aspects such as specification and terminology, and synergistic aspects such as cohesion and integration. In the most comprehensive study of its kind to date, the method is successfully trialed across the devolved Scottish public library sector, with the strategic plans of 28 of the 32 regional networks evaluated. Of the 28 plans, 17, or 61%, were found to be incomplete and/or to contain contradictory or uncoordinated components. It is recommended that Scottish public libraries improve not only completeness of plans, but also their precision, specificity, explicitness, coordination, and consistency, and overall mapping to library services. Recommendations are made for further widespread application of the rubric.  相似文献   

A review of five domestic approval plan vendors was organized and conducted during 1986 and 1987 to meet several objectives. These objectives were: (1) to respond to some staff dissatisfaction with the vendor's service; (2) to determine if the budget was being utilized effectively; and (3) to decide if another vendor could provide better service. After completing a literature review, the Collection Development Resource Allocation Subcommittee developed a checklist which was sent to vendors to guide their onsite presentations. Members of the Acquisitions Department, the Humanities and Social Sciences Department, the Science and Technology Department and the subcommittee completed an evaluation form following each vendor's presentation. Staff also had the opportunity to provide an open-ended written response after all vendor visits were completed. The evaluation forms were tabulated and telephone evaluations were conducted with other libraries currently using one or more of the vendors. The Subcommittee and three department heads used the information obtained through these steps to recommend a change in vendors.  相似文献   

Academic libraries acquiring e-books through approval plans and other acquisition methods might question whether their collections are properly balanced between e-books and print books since patron needs vary across subject areas. This study examines seven years of monograph purchases at Texas A&M University Libraries (TAMU) through the approval plan vendor. Acquisition and use data are analyzed across subject areas. Study results inform how to balance print and e-collections to effectively support academic programs. TAMU purchased 78% of the monographs in print despite adopting an e-preferred approval plan, though most subject areas had higher e-book use compared to print.  相似文献   

Academic health sciences libraries in the United States and Canada were surveyed regarding collection development trends, including their effect on approval plan and blanket order use, and use of outsourcing over the past four years. Results of the survey indicate that serials market forces, budgetary constraints, and growth in electronic resources purchasing have resulted in a decline in the acquisition of print items. As a result, approval plan use is being curtailed in many academic health sciences libraries. Although use of blanket orders is more stable, fewer than one-third of academic health sciences libraries report using them currently. The decline of print collections suggests that libraries should explore cooperative collection development of print materials to ensure access and preservation. The decline of approval plan use and the need for cooperative collection development may require additional effort for sound collection development. Libraries were also surveyed about their use of outsourcing. Some libraries reported outsourcing cataloging and shelf preparation of books, but none reported using outsourcing for resource selection. The reason given most often for outsourcing was that it resulted in cost savings. As expected, economic factors are driving both collection development and outsourcing practices.  相似文献   

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