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大学生的心理问题大多与其心身疾病相联系.目前,高校越来越重视心理咨询在大学生心理问题中的干预作用,但是高校医院医务人员对心理干预的作用还认识不足、重视不够、研究不多.通过对大学生心身疾病的分析,探讨大学生心身疾病的医学治疗与心理干预相结合的策略与路径,以及时发现、治疗大学生心身疾病,减少高校由学生心理问题引发的危机事件的发生.  相似文献   

为了解身心障碍患者家庭亲职压力与社会支持具体现状及关系,以《社会支持评定量表》《亲职压力简表》为研究工具.结果表明,身心障碍患者家庭亲职压力处于非常高的水平,社会支持得分相对较高;与患者关系在亲职压力与社会支持(客观支持、主观支持)方面得分有显著差异,受教育水平在亲职压力和社会支持均存在显著差异;社会支持与亲职压力存在一定的关系(|0.014-0.339|),对支持利用度、主观支持对亲职压力有显著性的负向预测作用.研究表明,身心障碍患者家庭所接受的社会支持越多,护理人可能所感受到的亲职压力越低.  相似文献   

This study investigated adult attachment and acculturation frameworks of reported psychosomatic complaints related to perceived discrimination among a sample of Latino/Hispanic university students (N = 160). The model supported by the data suggests that attachment anxiety, acculturation toward the dominant cultural norms, and adherence to Latino/Hispanic cultural beliefs are important factors for perceived discrimination and psychosomatic complaints experienced by Latino/Hispanic students. Counseling implications and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

目的:探讨疲劳因素对特困生心身健康的影响,以建立特困生心身健康与疲劳因素关系的数学模型。方法:随机抽取108名非特困生和212名特困生,采用康奈尔医学指数(CMI)测验特困生的心身症状,采取疲劳评定量表(FAI)测验特困生的疲劳因子,用SPSS12.0录入和统计所有数据。结果:特困生心理健康总分、心身健康总分、疲劳总分、疲劳严重程度、疲劳所致心身后果高于非特困生,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:特困生比非特困生疲劳程度严重,易出现心身障碍。疲劳因子对男女特困生的心身健康的影响不同。  相似文献   

自我决策被认为是继专业化运动和父母争取权利运动后,促进障碍教育与福利发展的第三波障碍权利运动。它对身心障碍者未来的生活具有相当关键性的影响。文章对自我决策的理论内涵、发展、法律法规、研究成果和未来研究趋势做了综述,分析了自我决策对特殊教育和身心障碍学生的影响和意义,并针对当前特殊教育的现状提出了切实可行的培养办法。对于发展身心障碍学生的自我决策能力、增进积极的转衔成果、提高生活质量有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

9·11事件以来的十余年间,美国对灾后个体身心反应及其影响因素、灾后群体心理行为及其理论解释等进行了大量的探索,积累了较丰富的研究成果。未来灾后心理与行为的研究可从以下几个方面着力:从研究个体心理反应深入到群体心理行为;从关注消极心理反应拓展至积极心理反应;重视灾难后长时程的追踪研究;比较不同性质灾难事件的创伤反应机制;探究文化差异对创伤后心理反应的影响,从而将创伤心理实践建立在坚实的研究基础之上。  相似文献   

Pigeons received variable-interval (VI) reinforcement for keypecking during randomized presentations of seven line-orientation stimuli forming a continuum ranging from horizontal (0 deg) to vertical (90 deg). Each line presentation lasted for 30 sec and was preceded and followed by 30-sec time-outs. After responding stabilized, only responding in the two extreme stimuli (0 and 90 deg) was reinforced. As discrimination training proceeded, strong behavioral contrast and dimensional contrast effects appeared. However, only marginal local effects (local contrast and local dimensional effects), exerted by one line-orientation component upon a second, appeared, indicating that behavioral and dimensional contrast may be independent of parallel local effects. An attempt was made to apply Blough’s (1975) quantitative model of operant generalization and discrimination to the present discrimination procedure. However, this model did not predict the generalization gradient shape that was experimentally obtained. This experiment also yielded two serendipitous findings: (1) Positive behavioral contrast appeared in an extinction-related stimulus (time-out) when other stimuli were switched from reinforcement to extinction (hitherto, positive behavioral contrast had been observed only in responding to a reinforcementrelated stimulus when other stimuli were switched from reinforcement to extinction), and (2) final responding was higher in the presence of an extinction stimulus that had always been an extinction stimulus than it was in the presence of other extinction stimuli that had previously been paired with VI reinforcement.  相似文献   

A measure of mother-infant synchrony was developed and used to compare the interactions of mothers with preterm and mothers with full-term infants. Each mother-infant dyad was observed during a standard bottle-feeding session on 3 separate occasions: once prior to hospital discharge and 1 and 3 months after discharge. Synchrony, defined by the correlation between mother and infant behavioral rates during corresponding segments of the observation session, was found to (1) distinguish between preterm and full-term groups at 3 months and (2) successfully predict below-average Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment (HOME) scores at 9 months for dyads in which mother and infant behavioral rates were inversely related. Further analysis identified certain interaction characteristics related to synchromy.  相似文献   

随着计算机技术的普及和广泛应用,计算机交互的娱乐性问题引起心理学家的关注,并形成特质论和状态论两种观点。基于这两种观点的研究,并重点讨论了最近 Woszczynski提出的交互作用模型。根据该模型,娱乐性是既包含特质影响也包含情境作用的人格因素,其中人格特质为潜在变量,情境作用为外源性变量,两者的结合共同调节着计算机交互中个体的行为。针对该模型存在的问题,今后有必要发展可用于分离特质和状态这两种不同心理成分的测量技术,并纳入到整合研究的范式中开展研究。  相似文献   

This paper examines the intercultural interaction experiences of local, first-year students (n?=?25) in their first few weeks at university. The focus on local students complements existing intercultural interaction literature, which has tended to concentrate on the experience of the ‘cultural other’ student. Employing qualitative analysis, the study revealed relationships between how students conceptualise culture, see diversity and experience their initial intercultural interactions on campus. A link between students' cultural backgrounds and the depth of their intercultural interaction experiences emerged.  相似文献   

确切地说出自己所在位置是人们日常生活中经常遇到的事情。有很多可供选择的表示方位的词语或地理术语,这些词可能都合适,但在特定的情境下,要从这些词语中选择最合适的词语来表达自己所处的方位,要做出最合适的选择,就必须得知道“我们现在在哪儿?”“谁想知道我们在哪儿?”“对方又在哪儿?”。文章在借鉴了前人研究的基础上,结合对日常生活的观察和体验,对如何确定方位进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

用修订的身心健康量表、应对方式量表对512汶川地震重灾区370名中小学生进行调查.结果显示:在回避、漠然、愤怒、自杀等不良情绪、兴趣及睡眠障碍维度年级主效应显著;在强迫、敏感不良情绪及失眠、身体不适维度上性别主效应显著;强迫、回避及自杀不良行为维度及注意力、失眠、身体不适等生理维度上性别与年级的交互作用显著;在退避与幻想应对方式方面年级主效应显著;在退避应对方式上有性别主效应.重震区儿童青少年的身心健康及应对方式有年级和性别差异特点,且应对方式对不同的学生群体的身心健康有不同的影响,提醒震后对学生群体的危机干预要分性别、年级或年龄区别对待.  相似文献   

Longitudinal observations of maternal and infant characteristics were used to investigate the consequences of early day-care intervention for infants at high risk for intellectual retardation due to sociocultural factors. High-risk infants and their mothers were compared on social and intellectual characteristics with a control group not enrolled in an intervention program and with a random sample of mother-child dyads from the general population. Results from group comparisons indicated that mothers of high-risk infants in a day-care intervention group interacted with their infants in ways quite similar to mother of high-risk infants who were not enrolled in the intervention program. Both high-risk groups differed from the general population of mothers on interaction and attitudinal measures. Changes across time on the measures taken were roughly parallel from all three groups. Multiple regression analyses using maternal variables and mother-infant interactional variables to predict 36-month Stanford-Binet scores for the high-risk samples indicated that children's intelligence was predictable from previous maternal behaviors and attitudes, particularly for the control group, and that early day-care intervention apparently had altered the predictiveness of some maternal factors.  相似文献   

This paper addresses interactions of lightwave with microwave,and is divided into two parts.In part one,the background and the main topics of the research filed are introduced.In part two,some research activities at Shanghai University are reviewed,These include optical control of microwave devices,photoinduced electromagnetic radiation,lightwave interaction with superconductors,microwave control of lightwave,and the microwave approach to highly irregular fiber optics.  相似文献   

We present the simulation of the dynamics of fluid-cylinder interactions in a narrow three-dimensional channel filled with a Newtonian fluid, using a Lagrange multiplier based fictitious domain methodology combined with a finite element method and an operator splitting technique. As expected, a settling truncated cylinder turns its broadside perpendicular to the main stream direction and the center of mass moves to the central axis of the channel. In the case of two truncated cylinders, they first move around each other for a while and then stay together in a "T" shape. After the "T" shape has been formed for a long enough time, we found no vortex shedding behind the cylinders. When simulating the fluidization of 60 truncated cylinders, we captured the features of interactions among fluidized cylinders as observed in experiments.  相似文献   

Although considerable attention has been given to interactions between events serving as the positive (S+) and negative (S−) stimuli in successive discriminations, there has been little study of similar interactions in simultaneous discriminations. We propose that in a simultaneous discrimination, given what is typically relatively little experience with the consequences of responding to the S−, some of the value of the S+ transfers to the S− with which it was paired. Furthermore, the mechanisms responsible for this transfer of value appear to be the higher order Pavlovian association between the S− and the S+, as well as within-event associations between them. Although in typical simultaneous discriminations, negative value does not appear to transfer from the S− to the S+, when adequate experience is provided with the S−, contrast typically develops, reducing the value of the S− (negative contrast) and enhancing the value of the S+ (positive contrast). This model of stimulus interactions has implications not only for simple simultaneous discrimination learning, but also for research using combinations of discriminations (e.g., transitive inference in animals and humans). This model may also have implications for a number of human social psychological phenomena.  相似文献   

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