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1. A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真情。 2. A trouble shared is a trouble halved.两人分担,困难减半。 3. A true friend is the best possession.真正的朋友是最好的财产。  相似文献   

A good book is a good friend.好书如挚友。Actions speak louder than words.事实胜于雄辨。A fall into the pit,a gain in your wit.吃一堑,长一智。Be slow to promise and quick to perform.不轻诺,诺必果。A bird in known by its note,and a man by his talk.闻其歌知其鸟,听其言知其人。格言  相似文献   

A good way to send a secret message to a friend is to write it in invisible ink.Your friend will know how to make the invisible writing on the paper become visible.Anyone else will think it is just a blank piece of paper.  相似文献   

1. Q: Do you have any friend in Canada?What does he/she do? A: I have a friend in Vancouver named Wang Daguang. He is a real estate agent.2. Q: What is the name of your friend in Canada?How did you get to know her?  相似文献   

A I heard the story about a king in Africa who had a close friend with whom he had grown up. The friend had a habit of looking at every situation that occurred in his life (posi- tive or negative) and remarking( 评论), “This is good! ” One day the king …  相似文献   

请同学们先看两道中考题:1.-Lily is coming by plane tomorrow.-Let’s go to airport to meet her.(四川眉山)A.a;a B./;a C.the;the D./;the2.Lin Lin often practices English chatting with her American friend.(山东德州)A.in B.by C.for D.with分析:上面的两道中考题均是考查同学们对介词by的掌握情况,答案为:1.D项;2.B项。英语中,by的用法比较复杂,它既可用作介词,又可用作副词。为帮助同学们能准确运用,  相似文献   

Catch What? Catch 22! One day I talked with a new college graduate here in Beijing.A diploma from one of the top universities in hand,my young friend was eager to earn his first bucket of gold in the bustling China market,but his parents urged him to continue his education abroad.After telling his story,my young friend sighed and added,"This is really a catch-22!"Well,it is a fancy term—I mean that of catch-22.But,are you sure you are in a situation of catch-22?  相似文献   

“A friend walk in when the rest of the world walks out” Sometimes in life. You find a special friend;  相似文献   

Somebody said that“A father is a treas-ure(财富),a brother is a comfort(安慰),buta good friend is both.”Everybody wants tohave a lot of friends.When you are in trou-ble,your friends can help you go throughit.When you succeed.you can enjoy the  相似文献   

1.Without a friend,the world is wilder-ness.没有朋友,世界犹如荒野。A man without a friend is only half a man.无友的人只能算半个人。  相似文献   

1.Kill two birds with one stone.一箭双雕;一举两得。2.A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.双鸟在林不如一鸟在手。3.Birds of a feather flock together.物以类聚,人以群分。  相似文献   

One of the most important things in every teenager's life is a friend.So thismonth in “Teen Life”we thought it would be good to reflect on what friendshipmeans.We have brought you three people’s stories of friendship about makingfriends,losing friends and a tale about the difference a friend can make in a  相似文献   

H ello,everyone!M yEnglish nam e is John.Iam a happy boy ofeleven years old.M y favorite friend is A m y,she hasa pair of big eyes and long hair.A m y can play the piano,she alsocan play the saxophone.I have a very nice fam ily.T hereare three people in m…  相似文献   

(A)Friends are very important to all of us. When we in trouble, we need friends to offer us encourage and help, because of a friend in need is a friend  相似文献   

冠词练兵场 1. I have ____ uncle. He is good at mending TV sets. (青海省) A. an B. a C. / 2. There is ____ “h”in the word “hour”. (南京市) A. a B. an C. the D. / 3. ——Do you know ____ girl in white? ——Yes. She!s ____ old friend of mine. (连云港市)  相似文献   

A fool's heartdances on his lips.愚人心坦荡,挂在嘴唇上。A fox m ay grow grey,butnever good.狐狸会变,但本性难移。A friend is a second self.朋友是另一个我。A friend is bestfound in adversity.患难见真友。谚语四则  相似文献   

My Best Friend     
There is a boy in our class. He sits in the front row, between Ma Linjing and Wu Yaxin. His name is Li Bin. He is my best friend.  相似文献   

M oney m akes the m are go.有钱能使鬼推磨。Its outofdate.过时了。M onkey see,m onkey do.机械模仿。Titfor tat.以牙还牙,针锋相对。Exam ple is better than precept.身教胜于言教。The sooner,the better.越快越好。Tim e and tide waitfor no m an.岁月不待人。Facts speak louder than words.事实胜于雄辩。A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真情。Like father,like son.有其父必有其子。W here there s a will,there s a way.功夫不负有心人。/有志者,事竞成。Practice m akes perfect.熟能生巧。W hen in R om …  相似文献   

.单项选择1.That's an old picture his family.A.with  B.to  C.for  D.of2 .There is “e”and “u”in the word“excuse”.A.a,a  B.an,a  C.the,an  D.an,the3.L ucy her mother.A.looks the same  B.look the sameC.looks like D.look like4 . - Which is your friend over there?- in the black coat.A.That  B.One  C.The one  D.This5 .Is Mrs Green in or in now?A.China,English   B.Chinese,EnglishC.Chinese,England  D.China,England6 .It's time to go home now.A.a  B.an  C.the  D.×7.…  相似文献   

A man is going to the house of a friend.  相似文献   

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