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论对行政自由裁量行为的司法审查   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对行政自由裁量行为的司法审查是法院维护和保障法治的神圣使命。在广度上,所有行政自由裁量行为都应纳入到司法审查中去;在深度上,人民法院只对滥用职权或显失公正的行政自由裁量行为予以撤销或改变,对一般不合理、不适当的行政自由裁量行为则只能留给行政机关处置,法院不能予以改变或撤销,以保持行政自由裁量权与司法自由裁量权之间的必要张力,维持适度的平衡。  相似文献   

词汇衔接蕴涵着深厚的文化内涵,它与文化密不可分,因此在翻译中,由于民族间文化的不同,无法既传达文化含义,又保全词汇衔接。为使译文清晰易懂,必须采用一定的翻译策略来重新建立译文的衔接,从而重新构建起连贯。  相似文献   

In this article, I argue that resolving the Black–White academic achievement gap is incompatible with the emerging issues of global climate change. That is, solutions (equitable funding of schools and resources, school integration movements, and after-school and mentoring programs) for closing the gap in order so that Blacks in America and elsewhere can achieve equality of opportunity, recognition, and distribution with their White and Asian counterparts within the global capitalist world system undermine efforts to combat climate change caused by the aforementioned capitalist form of system and social integration. Climate change, via global warming associated with overaccumulation, resource depletion, pollution, and so forth, is a product of capitalist exploitation of the planet, and efforts to resolve the Black–White academic achievement gap, which is a product of capitalist structural reproduction and differentiation, seeks to integrate Blacks into the global capitalist world system so as to achieve equality of opportunity, recognition, and distribution with Whites. Doing the latter requires continuous economic growth within the finite resource framework of the earth, overaccumulation, and consumerism, which in turn perpetuate capitalism as a form of system and social integration amid its devastating effects (i.e., exploitation, ecological devastation, global warming, pollution, imperial wars, overaccumulation, and resource depletion).  相似文献   

城市的变迁和发展使得古城不古,为了避免失去城市的记忆,“保存”城市样本便成了留住古城文化的重要任务.笔者以襄阳古城为例,从资料保存方面入手,论述利用机载移动3D高清摄影技术对襄阳古城城市化进程环境下的资料保存.  相似文献   

知识分子在理想与现实尖锐冲突的矛盾与挣扎中,常常陷入精神与物质的双重困境。近些年的一批高校题材小说将笔触探及到了思想意识更加复杂的知识分子所聚集的环境—大学校园,剖析了学院知识分子内心的彷徨与迷惘,他们的生存困境和精神苦痛以及在困境中寻求精神救赎之路的执著。  相似文献   

单侠 《鸡西大学学报》2009,9(4):139-140
汉字的构形是有理据的。汉字在自身的发展演变过程中,其构形理据也发生了变化,或隐或显,或保留或失落。但就整体而言,整个汉字的构形系统仍然是一脉相承的。  相似文献   

Over the past decade, Chinese language teachers in Hong Kong have experienced a series of educational reforms. They are now expected to design and implement their own school-based Chinese language curriculum, and adopt innovative pedagogies and customized materials in the classroom. The current literature suggests that some teachers are not ready for or even resist changes amid new challenges and paradigm changes. This case study highlights the role of emotionality as a key factor for successful teacher change by proposing a local adaptation of the classic model, while pointing out that a combined mode of support inclusive of collective lesson preparation and teaching demonstrations/practical sessions in professional development programs is a key element that helps facilitate teachers’ change and provides teachers with experiential learning opportunities and enhanced confidence, leading to their voluntary adoption of the approach and gradual change in their beliefs and attitudes after witnessing the feasibility and effectiveness of the newly introduced concepts.  相似文献   

从《传奇》看张爱玲的心灵世界   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张爱玲那“沧桑看惯”的写作姿态,她那透过繁华喧嚣俯临人生苍凉底蕴的悲悯眼光,甚至对琐屑快乐、浮华欢喜背后透骨的凄凉的清醒认识,无不带有心灵的、精神的形而上性质。这也正是张爱玲比中国现代其他作家,甚至比鲁迅更为独特的地方,因为她开辟的是文学本身的道路。然而张爱玲的心灵世界也存在局限,那就是她在洞见人生的悲剧性处境之后,不是向更高的精神层面开拓,而是选择了妥协的后退,精神探求上的妥协退让必然导致琐碎情调的泛滥,张爱玲正是在这里折断了自己原来可以继续向上攀升的天才的羽翮。  相似文献   

李蓓蕾 《柳州师专学报》2010,25(5):49-51,54
素有"美国的华兹华斯"之称的威廉·布莱恩特是美国19世纪杰出的浪漫主义诗人,他的作品笔触细腻,意象丰富。而年小他30多岁的克里斯蒂娜.罗塞蒂则是英国维多利亚时期一位具有传奇色彩的女诗人,凭借机敏的触觉和甜美的抒情,她创作出许多音韵和谐、雅致动人的诗篇。通过对两位诗人的死亡诗在情调变换、抒情对象、意象运用及主题表达等方面的对比研究发现,在布莱恩特的死亡诗里,灵魂在愉悦的忧郁中再生;而在罗塞蒂的作品中,自我则在感伤的豁达中得以升华。  相似文献   

本文试图通过县级电大构建网络教学平台的自身实践与理论思考,探索新教学模式推广中交互式教学环境建设的可行性和完善途径。  相似文献   

The article traces the Welsh origins of “translanguaging” from the 1980s to the recent global use, analysing the development and extension of the term. It suggests that the growing popularity of the term relates to a change in the way bilingualism and multilingualism have ideologically developed not only among academics but also amid changing politics and public understandings about bilingualism. The original pedagogic advantages of a planned use of translanguaging in pedagogy and dual literacy are joined by an extended conceptualisation that perceives translanguaging as a spontaneous, everyday way of making meaning, shaping experiences, and communication by bilinguals. A new conceptualisation of translanguaging is in brain activity where learning is through 2 languages. A tripartite distinction is suggested between classroom translanguaging, universal translanguaging, and neurolinguistic translanguaging. The article concludes with a summary of recent research into translanguaging with suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

The introduction of mass public education posed unfamiliar problems for the governments of modern states, and the ways in which governments worked through those problems can reveal much about the culture and values of a state. This paper focuses on central Government officials and the Ministers they advised, with particular attention to the pivotal period 1960-1976. Trends identified include: the shift from post-War optimism to the more pessimistic view of schooling since the late 1960s; the dynamics of professional development amid over-rapid expansion and contraction; relationships between training institutions and schools; and policy-makers' changing perceptions of teachers as professionals. Four themes are considered in detail: the imperatives of numbers; status concerns as a driver of change; linkages among the 'partners' in the schooling enterprise; and accountability. Some questions are posed about the sustainability of the schooling enterprise in England and Wales.  相似文献   

针对高黎贡山自然保护区百花岭区域生态环境的保护情况,提出以提高保护区周边群众生活水平来达到保护生态的看法.  相似文献   

Victims and survivors of sexual violence are sometimes blamed for the assault because of irrelevant factors such as how much they had to drink or what they wore. Research has indicated that conservative religious beliefs increase the prevalence of victim blaming. In order to see if this pattern extended to college administrators, we used a hermeneutic phenomenological approach and interviewed eight sexual assault investigators at a faith-based institution to understand their lived and shared experiences. Four significant themes emerged from our study: the tension between student care and a legally defensible process, hope amid a never-ending saga, forbidden knowledge, and victim blaming. We conclude with a call to focus more carefully on language used, recommendations for decreasing the prevalence of victim blaming, and on preventing investigators from compassion fatigue, vicarious traumatization, and burnout.  相似文献   

如何用权力保护权利,是当前推进依法治考的关键。这既需要从立法上完善相关法制,也必须从法的实施上转变招考行政机关的角色及招考行政机关工作人员的观念,还需要作为社会普通公民的广大学生,充分认识到维护自身权益的重要性和必要性。  相似文献   

研究企业认知协调机制对知识增长和战略变革的影响,构建基于知识增长的竞争力演化模型,并从模型的结构分析中得到竞争力演化的七种原型模式,进而利用模型对竞争力演化模式进行数值模拟,分析和讨论知识增长、竞争压力和战略变革初期竞争力三个因素对竞争力演化模式转换的影响,通过案例分析检验演化模型和模式的现实解释和预测能力。基本结论是,在企业战略竞争中,要达到和保持竞争力演化的优势状态和避免陷入同步或劣势状态,不可或缺的两个基本前提是:(1)改进组织认知协调机制,提高组织知识内部更新、复制和传递的速度和质量,确保企业知识增长的竞争优势;(2)适时进行战略创新,保持战略周期的平滑演化,确保战略变革初期竞争力的演化优势。  相似文献   

The Singaporean education system is undergoing many changes in order to develop schools and nation which cultivate learning and education. A crucial success factor to these initiatives is the teacher. Singapore needs reflective teachers who can continually reflect upon their own practices to find better ways of teaching as well as maintain their purpose and direction amid a sea of changes. This article describes attempts during the years of 2002 to 2004 to develop trainee teachers into more reflective teachers at the National Institute of Education (NIE), focusing specifically on the experience of two revamped pre-service teacher education modules. The experience suggests that a social constructivist approach, in which trainee teachers discuss and debate critical issues impinging on their professional practice, is more successful than the traditional ‘tell and regurgitate’ approach, in developing reflective teachers.  相似文献   

荀子的社会理想是维护和建立社会等差秩序。他从价值理性和工具理性两个层面架构礼,表达了他的社会理想。他为社会等差秩序的合理性作了哲学的论证,使得这种秩序具有了形而上的意义。  相似文献   

文章运用层次分析法对中国新疆与哈萨克斯坦的区域竞争力进行了分析与评价,可以看出,除了基础设施竞争力和管理服务竞争力两个指数新疆高于哈萨克斯坦外,资源环境竞争力、经济实力竞争力、产业市场竞争力、对外开放竞争力、人力资本竞争力、科技创新竞争力六个指数均低于哈萨克斯坦,尤其是在经济实力竞争力和对外开放竞争力上差距最大,而且从区域整体竞争力上看,中国新疆与哈萨克斯坦相比有弱化的趋势。  相似文献   

教学评价是新课程评价改革中的重点和热点问题。教学评价可分为课前、课堂、课后评价三类。构建以课后作业评价为主体的发展性教师评价体系,包括作业内容的设置、设计及评阅的指导思想、设计及评价的形式,分析表明该评价体系具有可行性和重要意义,能充分体现教师的工作量和工作绩效,以促进教师的有效专业发展。  相似文献   

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