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Counselor educators are challenged to prepare students for working with culturally diverse clients. The recent attention paid to multicultural counseling competencies has defined domains of learning; however, training methods to support the development of multicultural counseling competencies have received less emphasis. This article focuses on experiential learning as a teaching and learning methodology to increase students' multicultural counseling competencies. The authors outline ethical and practical suggestions for using experiential learning in multicultural counseling curriculum.  相似文献   

Three studies revealed that self-instructional and traditional training were equally effective methods of teaching basic counseling skills to novice counselor trainees.  相似文献   

Neophyte counselors trained in the use of their own imagery to practice counseling interviews were compared with a similar group not receiving the training. The mental practice was hypothesized to have experiential value for neophyte counselors resulting in positive effects upon selected behaviors commonly found with counseling experience. Results indicated that the ability to discriminate differing levels of empathic responses, the ability to evaluate accurately one's own performance, and the amount of preinterview confidence were significantly higher for the mental practice group. However, the communication of empathy and the subjective evaluations of the counselors during the interview did not prove significantly higher. This article discusses the potential value of mental practice as a supplementary experiential training technique and some considerations for its use and further study.  相似文献   

To study the effects of behavioral versus mental rehearsal in acquiring test interpretation skills, we randomly assigned students in a counseling-related testing course to one of two training groups or to a delayed-control (DC) group. The treatment groups received identical instructions, modeling, feedback, and review of target skills but practiced in either a microskills (MS) or mental practice (MP) mode. Ratings of videotaped interviews of the MS and MP trainees did not differ but were superior to the DC group's ratings on measures of general counseling and test interpretation skills. Those in the MS group had more confidence in and perceived greater benefits from their training than did those in the MP group. Implications are discussed, and a suggestion is made for combining MS and MP training methods.  相似文献   

Counseling skills can be learned through self-management programs, as well as through more traditional methods. The benefits of self-management in counselor training are discussed, and an outline of an applicable procedure for self-change projects is detailed. Two examples of completed self-managed change in counselor behavior are included.  相似文献   

This article describes a semester-long role play of a client by the instructor in an advanced undergraduate counseling seminar. This training method allowed students without counseling experience to actively learn about the issues and challenges of the counseling process.  相似文献   

The author examines the rationale, methods, strengths, and limitations of using fiction as a way of teaching students about family counseling.  相似文献   

This study presents the results of a self-study of interdisciplinary work that has generated profound changes in our teaching practices. The research grew out of an interest in exploring the nature of our work and the practices that contribute to its success. Our self-study revealed that our work process consists of five stages and is the product of careful weaving of our different disciplinary lenses. The five stages are creating a collaborative environment, initial inquiry, shared inquiry, scholarly connection, and in practice and beyond. We describe these stages in detail, illustrating our use of dialog, reflection, and scholarly inquiry across our disciplines to improve our teaching.  相似文献   

“以本为本”战略下,推动课堂教学改革是本科教育从“学科知识”迈向“学科素养”的重要途径。文章引入项目式教学与课堂讲授相融合,围绕认知结构内化、教学互动加强、教学效果评估等关键环节,构建了一种指向学科素养的“项目承载、三图一体”教学模式。教学实践表明,该模式有效促进了学生理论知识和实践技能融合能力、解决问题和团队合作能力、跨学科综合思维能力等素养的形成,对理工交叉类课程教学有普遍借鉴意义。  相似文献   

教学是一种人之为人的实践活动。教学引导人的智慧成长的使命决定了它是一种智慧实践,教学本质的教育特性决定了它是一种伦理实践,教学过程的交往属性决定了它是一种情感实践。教学是教师以个人的方式与学生进行个性化的接触,只有当个体真正地进入教学,教学促进个体生命成长的意义才能得以真正实现。  相似文献   

The author discusses a paradigm for understanding the myriad of counseling theories and their corresponding intervention techniques. The paradigm organizes counseling theory and practice around three principles: a way of being, a way of understanding, and a way of intervening. The paradigm assists counselors in sorting out the similarities and differences between the counseling theories and allows them to eclectically use various theories and techniques without losing the consistency and cohesiveness of working within a structure.  相似文献   

在IEA(International Ergonomics Association, IEA)关于人因工程师9项核心能力的基础上,项目组构建了基于核心能力的人因工程实践教学设计与评价,主要包括基于核心能力的人因工程实践教学设计和基于核心能力的人因工程实践教学评价。基于核心能力的人因工程实践教学设计结合人因工程师的9个核心能力和能力要素,构建了人因工程课程实践教学主线图。在此基础上,要针对每一能力要素,细化能力指标。这种教学设计强调从课程核心能力培养的角度出发,从核心能力、能力要素和能力指标三个层级,依次细化培养目标和评价体系,思路清晰、目标明确,可以兼顾能力培养的全面性和评价维度的客观性,在实施中收到了良好的效果。  相似文献   

We conducted an interpretative phenomenological analysis of five counseling students' experiences collaborating with American Sign Language–interpreting students during counseling practice sessions. Themes were identified in developmental domains of counselor self-awareness, counseling relationship, and advocacy interventions. Interdisciplinary collaboration led students to address cultural deficiency models and increase multicultural competency and efforts in social justice.  相似文献   

计算机基础课程教学改革与实践   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着计算机及应用技术的迅猛发展,使用计算机的能力已成为当代大学生知识结构的重要组成部分。使大学生熟练地掌握计算机技能已成为刻不容缓的问题。文章主要介绍我校采用转变教学理念、改进教学内容、改建机房及改革各种可行的教学方法和手段,大大地提高了学生的计算机应用能力,以适应社会发展的需要。  相似文献   

中国地质大学(北京)团体心理辅导工作的实践与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国地质大学(北京)心理咨询中心自2004年成立以来,一直致力于提高学生的心理健康素质,通过多种形式开展心理健康教育工作。其中,团体心理辅导工作自2007年9月起每学期定期面向全校学生开展。分析结果表明,团体心理辅导工作总体开展得比较成功,团体心理辅导效果明显。在总结团体心理辅导工作实践的基础上,本文对今后的工作提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

通过实验组数据,揭示专项技术练习在武术长拳套路教学的重要性及必要 性,为科学安排长拳教学结构,提高教学效果,增强学生体质,提供了一 定的参考依据.  相似文献   

实践教学中的案例教学法探析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
案例教学作为实践教学的重要一环,对于如何从实践中学习,形成自觉的法律思维能力有极大裨益。但不能夸大案例教学法的作用,有必要对案例教学法进行反思,探析其与传统的课堂讲授、理论教学的关系,加强实证教学,引入诊所式法学教育。  相似文献   

高校思想政治理论课教实践教学正处于不断完善的过程中,作为其中重要课程之一——马克思主义基本原理,更应该加强实践教学。文中就此门课程的课堂实践教学方面进行探索,针对现在课堂实践教学的缺乏,提出可资借鉴的一些课堂实践教学实施方法,不断探索行之有效的教学方法。  相似文献   

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