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To determine the reliability of earliest school recollections, judges classified 100 third- and fourth-grade public school students into behvioral categories according to their earliest school recollections (ESRs). One year later, the same students were reclassified according to their most recent ESR. It was found that there was statistically significant agreement between a student's initial and most recent classification into behavioral categories. To the researchers' knowledge, the findings of this study represent the first attempt to support the value of the ESR as a reliable diagnostic tool for identifying students' behavioral patterns at school.  相似文献   

作为泛读课堂教学不可缺少的重要补充,泛读课外阅读学习需要关注个体学生的不同阅读兴趣与需求,帮助学生成长为具有自主阅读能力的人。必读、选读、定题读三合一泛读课外学习模式旨在改革传统大学泛读课外阅读现状,将传统的“完全教师控制”模式、“完全放任”模式转化为教师与学生商讨式的“必读、选读、定题读综合学习”模式。模式的核心在于激励学生进行主动的、自主的、有目标的课外阅读。它鼓励学生在课外阅读中的合作学习、师生之间的沟通交流。通过阅读开发学生高级思雏,并提高他们开展延展性活动的能力。其最终目标是培养学生的自主阅读意识和能力,使学生逐步掌握自主阅读所需的语言学习认知策略和自我管理元认知策略。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study investigated the relationship of interrupted memories of childhood abuse with the secrecy of the abuse. METHODOLOGY: Fifteen hundred people were randomly selected from the membership of the American Counseling Association and sent a questionnaire regarding childhood abuse history. Four hundred and twenty-three usable questionnaires were returned and analyzed. RESULTS: Thirty-two percent of the sample reported childhood abuse. Fifty-two percent of those reporting abuse also noted periods of forgetting some or all of the abuse. On the two survey items assessing secrecy, 76% of respondents reporting childhood abuse indicated there had been a time when no one but themselves and their abuser knew about the abuse; 47% indicated that an abuser tried to get them to keep the abuse secret. Forty percent endorsed both secrecy items. Respondents who reported forgetting abuse also reported one or both elements of secrecy more frequently than those who reported continuous memories of abuse. CONCLUSION: These findings are consistent with those of other studies that suggest that, among adults reporting childhood abuse, the experience of forgetting some or all abuse is common. Secrecy of the abuse appears to be associated with the experience of forgetting childhood abuse for many individuals.  相似文献   

阅读是获取语言知识最直接最有效的方法,阅读能力则是衡量掌握语言综合能力的一项重要标志。从阅读的性质着手,分析当前外语界对阅读能力的不同看法,探讨了阅读测试中选材和出题这两个关键问题。  相似文献   

注重方法层次的数学阅读是帮助学生进行数学学习的重要手段,可以训练培养其分析推理能力,通过简单的数学案例展示了预读、精读、通读、串读的方法和效果。数学的阅读是一种重要的认知方式,能调动学习的主动性,提高学习效力。  相似文献   

英语阅读与英语阅读教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要谈及英语阅读在语言习得中所起的重要作用 ,指出目前阻碍学生有效阅读的主要障碍 ,提出解决这些障碍的可行办法 ,以及如何进行成功的阅读 ,如何培养和提高学生的阅读技能。结论是学生的英语阅读能力与词汇量、文化背景和阅读技能等密切相关 ,且大量的阅读是学好英语的有效途径之一  相似文献   

This study examined the independent and interactive effects of supplement format (knowledge map vs. text vs. no supplement) and strategy (cooperative learning vs. cooperative teaching vs. individual study) on learning. After training and practice sessions, subjects studied a science and math passage over which they were tested. Two individual difference measures were also taken and combined into a general ability score. Repeated-measures analysis of variance of the recall variables indicated that (a) high ability subjects outperformed low ability subjects, and (b) cooperative learning with map supplements had a mutually facilitative effect on the low ability subjects’ recall.  相似文献   

The article outlines some practical and theoretical weaknesses of the concept of ‘reading age’. It considers ambiguity in the computational methods for determining the ‘average’ reading age and the tendency for a reading age to become a fixed property of a pupil rather than an estimate of his standing, relative to time of testing and choice of test. A theoretical standpoint is taken that insufficient is known about the way a reader develops for his attainment to be given a developmental or age‐based score. It is further suggested that in any case the relationship between age and reading development is imperfect. This point is developed further when the assumption of a linear pattern in reading development is criticized. It is further suggested that insofar as reading does follow chronological age an age‐adjustment in the scale used to express attainment is highly desirable. Practical considerations such as selection of reading material, comparison with other educational tests and the assessment of reading progress, are mentioned. The article concludes with a brief resume of the problems associated with reading ‘quotients’ and designating children as ‘under‐achievers’.  相似文献   

初读环节是整体感知课文、理解课文的基础,是培养良好语感的重要途径,也是学生在校学习要获得的一种最基本的语文能力。在初读教学中,要从整体观念出发,引导学生从了解全文内容入手,对课文有个初步的整体印象,把握文章构架,理解字词,为细读课文打好基础。可根据文体的不同、教学对象的差异,在读前提出明确的初读要求,让学生边读边思考,不能过于仓促,要关注全体学生,不能流于形式,要认真地检查落实。  相似文献   

"窄式阅读"是指学习者通过阅读同一风格、同一主题或某位作家的多部作品来提高阅读能力的一种策略.本文介绍了窄式阅读的理论来源--克拉森的"输入假设"理论以及有关窄式理论的一些实证研究,阐述了窄式阅读有利于学习者词汇和背景知识的积累,是一项有效的二语习得策略,如果这一策略被应用到外语阅读课教学当中,也将会对教师有很大启示.  相似文献   

读文思维状态按阅读者是否与课文思维流动方向一致而分为“原形阅读”和“超原形阅读”。超原形阅读是阅读者先触摸作者文思,然后跳出作者文思,根据阅读者已有知识参照系对课文某一局部作观察和思考。课文被想象成由许多方面合成的综合体,可作形式与内涵两方面的各种解析,从而获得清晰的超原形阅读印象。“超原形阅读”概念有助于广大语文教师在新的深度上认识读文教学。  相似文献   

阅读能力的培养始终是大学英语教学的首要任务.本文简要分析大学英语四级考试阅读理解部分的一些特点,它着重考察学生哪几方面的能力,及其对教学的启示.  相似文献   

“Knowledge is power.“Reading can bring us a lot of knowledge. It canalso help open our eyes and mind. If you give your mind to reading, you’ll  相似文献   

Introduction Depending on the perspectives of different fields of study, it is possible, broadly speaking, to see reading as practice, product or process. The first has been the interest of anthropologists and social psychologists whose concern is with reading and writing practices as linked to their uses in everyday life, not merely within schooling. The second orientation focuses on the form and meaning of written texts and their constituent parts. The third perspective pays relatively greater attention to the role of the reader in the ongoing processing of written language and the strategies that she or he draws on in constructing meaning from text.  相似文献   

语文阅读课姓"读"不姓"讲"。传统的语文教育思想体现了语文学习的基本理念,即读写吟诵,其中读是第一要素。阅读教学要重视感受、体验、咀嚼、涵泳。这是一个不断领悟、吸收、内化的过程。这一切,其基础在于阅读,抛开阅读,相当于学习语文成了无本之木、无水之源。  相似文献   

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