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一、把握职业学校学生的特点从教育阶段看,中职生群体是不同于大、中、小学学生的“特殊群”。他们不如大  相似文献   

大学生“特殊群体”是相对于“一般大学生群体”而言,在思维方式、社会认知、心理需求、个性表现和行为方式等方面呈现出一定共同特征大学生个体的总称。这些大学生特殊群体大多存在一定的心理偏差,是出现心理问题的高危群体。本文从心理学角度出发,切合高校思想政治教育工作的实际,提出了关注和帮助高校大学生特殊群体的三个“一”的新方法,为思想政治教育工作者提供工作参考。  相似文献   

在农村学校有一类学生,父母双双外出打工,全靠爷爷、奶奶管教。他们大多缺乏良好的家庭教育,自律意识差,行为上较为放纵自己,厌学情绪强,有些甚至有随时辍学的念头。我们把这类学生姑且称为“特殊群体”。如何对他们加强教育管理,成为广大教师、家长关心的问题。校行政领导、班主任、班团干部紧密配合,形成对“特殊群体”管理教育的良好氛围。三者要经常保持联系,紧密配合,思想上形成共识,上下齐心协力,形成对“特殊群体”管理教育的良好氛围。注重调查研究,摸清情况,建立“特殊群体”管理教育档案,做到有的放矢。没有调查就…  相似文献   

小议青少年“御宅族”的道德危机、成因及“出宅之道”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王艳 《天津教育》2008,(11):30-31
随着时代的发展和人们思想的变化,青少年中出现了一些“特殊群体”和“边缘群体”,这些群体的成员,其心理特征与行为方式。与“一般”青少年有着较大的差异和区别。在教师、家长和其他人眼中。他们不可避免地被划入“另类人群”的范畴,甚至被贴上“问题学生”的标签。本期“德育”栏目选择性地介绍几类“特殊青少年群体”,研究他们行为“特殊”或“边缘化”的原因。探讨对他们的教育方式。面对这些青少年。我们首先应做到靠近、了解和关注.而不是一味地排斥和拒绝。这样对他们的教育和转化才具有可能。  相似文献   

独立学院大学生群体政治思想现状、成因及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
独立学院大学生是不同于普通公办高校大学生的特殊群体。从纵向看,有生源的层次性和不同阶段的特殊性;从横向看,有优秀生、迷惘生、后进生、相对贫困生、心理贫困生、纨绔生和专转(升)本生群体。主要原因是学校、政策和社会等诸多因素综合作用的结果。独立学院要认真贯彻落实《中共中央宣传部教育部关于进一步加强高等学校思想政治理论课教师队伍建设的意见》,创新教育方法,针对各种特殊群体,实施分层教育。  相似文献   

一、重视大学生情感教育,激发起学生内心的情感目前我国的高等教育已由精英阶段迈向了大众化阶段,大学生群体的规模、结构、素质及社会地位都发生了深刻的变化。而从中国社会的特点看,大学生一直是一个承载社会、家长高期望值的特殊群体,“学而优则仕”“望子成龙”的思想根深蒂固;大学生自我定位比较高,成长欲望强烈。而转型期的中国社会给扩招后的大学生提供的优越的就业岗位却明显不足。这势必在大学生群体中形成特殊的精神、情感、心理等问题。教育的目的不仅要培养学生掌握扎实的专业知识和技巧,而且还要培养他们的人格魅力,具备辨别真…  相似文献   

特殊教育就是运用特殊手段和方法对特殊群体进行教育,强调“特殊性”,是在传统观念影响下对特殊群体进行教育的一种称谓。而融合教育强调的是“一般性”,主张特殊需求儿童与普通儿童的教育相融相合,使所有儿童能够在同一环境、同一起点接受同样的教育、得到同样的对待。新世纪以来,我国学者对于融合教育的研究主要集中于对融合教育国外发展经验的学习借鉴和融合教育发展建议和策略,但仔细审视近年来融合教育的发展,可以发现影响特殊教育向融合教育发展的关键因素在于观念层面从“他们”到“我们”的转变,价值层面从“补偿性”到“权利性”的转变,实践层面从自觉到自为的转变等三个方面。因而,在未来发展中,应从以政策引领实践、打造优质教师队伍、发展数字化教育模式和营造融合教育良好氛围等方面推进特殊教育向融合教育发展。  相似文献   

近年来,随着研究生学习上“吃小灶”,各自埋头“单干”比重增加,随之而来的是研究生不愿参加班级和学校集体活动,对政治学习漠不关心,考虑自己多、关心别人少,集体主义观念比较淡薄,以致使思想教育“事倍功半”。为此,加强研究生群体意识的培养,通过创造良好的群体环境,以群体活动感染、教育个人成了研究生思想政治工作中不可忽视的重要环节。一、从人才的德才兼备看群体意识培养的重要性人类是在群体中生活的。马克思、恩格斯在《德意志意识形态》一文中指出“一个人,他的生活包括了一个广阔范围的多样性  相似文献   

加强少数民族大学生“四个认同”意识的教育是新疆特殊区情和新疆高校特殊的学生群体结构的要求。在通过一系列的思想政治教育手段对大学生进行“四个认同”教育的同时,利用汉语教学丰富的承载性和人文优势,也不失为加强少数民族大学生“四个认同”教育的有效途径,可从教师育人意识、教学方式及教材建设方面入手采取一些具体措施。  相似文献   

道家文化对中国教育的影响是多方面的,其负面影响主要体现在:从教育理想上看,道家主张人性“复归”,培养“质朴”“、无私”“、柔弱”的自然人,否定了人的进化、私欲和刚强;从教育内容上看,道家主张“绝圣弃智”,提高人的道德修养,否定教育的积极作用;从教育管理上看,道家提倡无为而治、小国寡民的管理思想,否定刚健有为和组织之间的交往。  相似文献   

This study examines religious identity development of pupils at Dutch schools for secondary education (mean age 16.4). With the help of a theoretical conceptualization of “religious identity development” empirical research is carried out. Main question is whether differences in terms of religious commitment and exploration between pupils of the four participating schools can be explained by religious denominations of pupils and the importance the pupils' parents attach to worldview. It is concluded that school in general has no significant main effect on religious commitments and explorations of pupils. Religious backgrounds of pupils should be taken into account. Because pupils themselves do indicate that school has influence on the way they look at life, further research is needed in which specific school aspects (like the way pupils evaluate religious education) should also be taken into account.  相似文献   


The study sought to examine the current Zimbabwean school system; establish the extent to which it is conducive to students making decisions about the selection of subjects they learn at school; to examine the nature of children's rights and the extent to which these rights are practiced in schools and in the prevailing socio-economic and political milieu. A stratified random sample of 100 pupils, 24 teachers and five school heads was used in this study. Both qualitative and quantitative data were collected using a questionnaire, an interview schedule and observing both pupils and teachers. The study found that teachers and pupils seemed to be aware of pupils’ rights to participate in deciding the subjects they studied; and most teachers and school heads felt it was more of their duty to decide for pupils because of their immaturity. Therefore, determining the school curriculum content should involve school heads, teachers and pupils instead of choices being made and the content dictated to pupils.  相似文献   

关于小学生心理健康教育的几点思考   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对小学生进行心理健康教育是必要的,也是可能的。在小学教育阶段,应结合小学生身心发展的特点确定心理健康教育的基本目标、具体目标以及教育内容。  相似文献   

小学生闲暇时间的管理有利于促进人的个性化和实现人的全面发展。提升小学生闲暇时间管理的策略为:在社会层面,将闲暇教育列入国家和学校教育的议程,动员社会力量开发闲暇活动可利用的资源;在学生层面,树立正确的观念,重视闲暇时间的管理,学习科学方法,合理管理闲暇时间;在学校层面,培育闲暇时间管理意识和技能兼具的教师队伍,开发建立闲暇时间管理的课程体系,落实闲暇活动设施与场所的多样性与开放性;在家庭层面,发挥父母为第一任教师的启蒙作用,坚持整体性原则,形成家庭、学校、社会教育的合力。  相似文献   

The prime task of a school is to enable its pupils to achieve well in the full range of ways possible. To establish whether a school is doing as well as it should, examine how pupils are actually faring in as many aspects as possible of their development. In a world in which various ethnic groups have such differentiated positions of status, power, and educational success, this scrutiny has to be directed especially at any measurable differences between pupils of different ethnic backgrounds.  相似文献   

听障学生在离开学前语训班进入普小随班就读的过程中,还会出现与人交往困难。资源教师要把对听障学生进行坚持不懈的语言训练当作首要任务。一、练好字词句,推动创造性思维的发展。包括一字多词,一词多句和扩展句子,发展语言两种方式。二、多种形式结合,强化听说能力。在训练中教师为学生提供可看、可听、可读的直观材料,引导学生看说结合、听说结合、读说结合。三、挖掘生活因素,拓宽学习渠道。教师努力从听障学生的生活中汲取素材,依据其兴趣及个性精心设计语言活动的过程,激发他们学习语言的兴趣。包括从体验中引说,从生活中引说,从动画片中引说。经过坚持不懈地训练,听障学生的语言能力均有了较大的提高。  相似文献   

As a society, we have a responsibility to provide an inclusive built environment. As part of the need to promote inclusion, there is now a growing trend to place pupils with special educational needs (SEN) into a mainstream school setting. This is often facilitated by providing a specialist SEN resource base located within the mainstream school. This article outlines why the whole school should be considered when locating and implementing a SEN resource base. It also highlights the wider opportunities for enhancing inclusion for pupils with SEN when giving holistic thought to the wider context of the resource base. It then indicates a four‐stage approach, using the illustrative example of a pupil with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD), to help evaluate the optimum SEN resource base location within a mainstream school setting. Finally it highlights some benefits and challenges of an enriched school environment for all pupils when considering genuine inclusion.  相似文献   

The Flemish government considers well-being of pupils as an important output indicator for the quality of education. The education inspectorate needed an instrument to measure this well-being in a school context, an instrument that should also be a basis for actions plans aimed at enhancing pupils' well-being. The development of this instrument is described in this article. A total of 342 pupils were interviewed. The material from these interviews was used for construction of—mainly Likert-type—items for a questionnaire. A pilot version of the questionnaire was examined by experts and tested with a random sample of 306 pupils. The experimental version was tried out on a random sample of 2054 pupils. This resulted in a questionnaire with four consistent scales and thirteen subscales. Significant differences between schools were found. Atmosphere at school, contacts with teachers, involvement in class and at school, school regulations and infrastructure were among the best predictors.  相似文献   

The education of children with behavioural difficulties is under scrutiny from various quarters. The provision of specialised school environments isbeing questioned and, at the same time, there is pressure to minimise the exclusion of disruptive pupils. The study reported in this article lookedat a group of children whose behaviour had prompted placement in a school for emotionally and behaviourally disordered (EBD) pupils. The results showed the overall rate of psychiatric disturbance in the group was 86% and, in particular, that the rate of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) was 70%. These findings suggest that a significant minority of disruptive pupils may have their difficulties compounded by the presence of ADHD, and raises the question of whether specific screening processes should be established for such pupils.  相似文献   

钟梅红 《天津教育》2021,(1):140-141
小学语文中的作文教学引起了人们的重视,通过写作文既能培养学生的想象力,也能促进他们语文素养的提高.因此为了促进小学生的全面发展,教师更应该把握语文写作的环节培养小学生的想象力,提高小学生的思维能力.本文主要探讨了小学生的写作现状和写作对小学生想象力培养的影响以及培养学生想象力的措施.  相似文献   

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