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概述了我国旧志没有索引,新编省、市、县新志绝大多数未编制索引以及地方志书后索引编制工作严重滞后的情况,论述了在续修地方志工作中推广内容索引的必然性和现实可行性,并主张将索引当做志书体裁之一,实行述、记、志、传、图、表、录、索引八体并用,以志为主的地方志编纂新体例。  相似文献   


The past ten years have seen remote access to electronic resources emerge as the preferred method of use for many, if not most, library patrons. Unfortunately, the misuse of the Internet has also led to a culture in which many personal computer users feel they must install accessory programs that complicate the normal processes associated with the retrieval of Web-based information. Various programs that users install, often with the best of intentions, can interfere with the authentication processes that many libraries and their vendors use. An exploration of firewalls, ad-blockers, pop-up blockers, Web accelerators, and similar software will examine the complications caused by popular programs in each category when users attempt remote access to library-provided information resources. Additional exploration will focus on similar complications experienced by users behind workplace firewalls. Discussion of each type of software will include minimally invasive remedies to recommend to users and suggestions for managing the technical support burden. Particular attention will focus on the interaction of firewalls and related software with popular remote access solutions such as EZproxy. Finally, analysis of this situation will include consideration of human factors, including suggested messages to convey to skeptical patrons and network administrators.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work is to address the changes in the role of the publisher, based on the analysis of the dynamics and performance of the major publishing houses in Argentina today. Based on a number of interviews, we will seek to identify and analyze the tension occurring between the cultural and business logics among stakeholders with a particular interest in the field. These actors share a “publisher’s practical sense” that outlines their habitus and refers to a series of dispositions for action consisting of technical and theoretical knowledge, intuitive processes which, together, make up the publisher’s practice.  相似文献   

Three emotion work themes were displayed in the discourse of individuals who lost their jobs and of their family members. Foregrounding-backgrounding of emotions indicated not only how some individuals and family members exerted effort to express positive emotions, but also why they would do so (for deep authenticity). In the construction of normalcy, respondents made an effort to portray and enact their lives as similar to the way things were before the job loss. By (re)instituting traditional masculinities, the men who lost their jobs were able to be "real" men in an emasculating situation. Taken together, these findings offer possibilities for further theoretical development and for communication interventions that can be applied by human resource professionals, career and outplacement counselors, family members, friends, and the individuals themselves.  相似文献   

This paper investigates eParticipation practices and the mechanisms of influence that help promote changes in public policy formulation. We use the perspective of power as a lens for our investigation. We analyze eParticipation processes in the drafting of three public mobility policies in major Brazilian cities. Based on comparative and retrospective cases, we propose a processual framework for understanding eParticipation practices and the mechanisms used over time to influence decision-making. We show how the actors involved, tools chosen, platform design, interactions on the platform, mediation, and mechanisms used by engaged citizens and the government influence public policymaking. Our study contributes to the literature concerning eParticipation with an original processual framework to explain actors' practices and the mechanisms of influence on policymaking in digital participation spaces. Additionally, we broaden the discussion regarding the complementarity between possession and practice views of power. We argue that a better understanding of the eParticipation platform interactions that influence public policy decisions requires attention to formal authority and critical resource control. However, it is also necessary to recognize the interactions and mechanisms implemented in practice. Our findings are helpful for policymakers seeking to create effective participatory processes while considering citizens' opinions.  相似文献   

图书馆编目技术服务的未来   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
付蔚 《图书馆杂志》2007,26(5):19-22
编目技术服务一直是图书馆技术服务的核心,是图书馆服务的基础,也是图书馆学科研究的重要领域。然而随着信息环境变化,图书馆编目技术服务面临众多挑战和变革,其主要的原因为何?有那些议题最受争议?其未来发展方向为何?都是本文所要探讨的内容。  相似文献   


Libraries are reevaluating technical services processes and making technological, organizational, and workflow changes in order to optimize productivity with ever shrinking resources and provide effective user services in the rapidly changing information environment. However, regardless of how much tinkering we do with streamlining processes, little will change until the culture of technical services changes. This workshop discusses the culture of the library profession and presents a case study of one library's attempt to transform that culture.  相似文献   

主要探讨台湾图书产业销售结款制度转向之症结与趋向.2004年以来台湾图书产业面临销售率陡降等诸多问题,2008年更引爆了两大连锁通路商收款制度的转变.逢此巨变,产业链的上下游各环节都面临着极大的应变问题,甚至面临能否继续生存的压力.本文分析的重点包括产业链各层面受到的冲击,以及整个产业以结款制度为基础的未来发展态势.根据研析,不仅产业链的上下游关系将持续调整,长程而言整个发行体系可能被迫重新定位,改变角色.  相似文献   

Geospatial data play an increasingly important role in natural resources management, conservation, and science-based projects. The management and effective use of spatial data becomes significantly more complex when the efforts involve a myriad of landscape-scale projects combined with a multiorganizational collaboration. There is sparse literature to guide users on this daunting subject; therefore, we present a framework of considerations for working with geospatial data that will provide direction to data stewards, scientists, collaborators, and managers for developing geospatial management plans. The concepts we present apply to a variety of geospatial programs or projects, which we describe as a “scalable framework” of processes for integrating geospatial efforts with management, science, and conservation initiatives. Our framework includes five tenets of geospatial data management: (1) the importance of investing in data management and standardization, (2) the scalability of content/efforts addressed in geospatial management plans, (3) the lifecycle of a geospatial effort, (4) a framework for the integration of geographic information systems (GIS) in a landscape-scale conservation or management program, and (5) the major geospatial considerations prior to data acquisition. We conclude with a discussion of future considerations and challenges.  相似文献   

What used to be a clear-cut division between the duties of professional and para-professional catalogers has become blurred in many libraries. The authors will illustrate this point by discussing the evolution of responsibilities held by para-professional and professional catalogers over the course of a 10-year period in the Cataloging Department at California State University, Northridge (CSUN). Comparisons will be made among organization charts and workflow patterns during this 10-year period. CSUN′s evolution has been dramatic as a result of the January 1994 Northridge Earthquake, and will be described in terms of pre-earthquake and post-earthquake. Of the several contributing factors responsible for blurring the boundaries, technology played the major role. Para-professional catalogers have more responsibilities with streamlined workflow. The results of these changes at CSUN have been mostly positive, and have provided lessons in organizational change from which other libraries may benefit.  相似文献   

Much has been written about the structure and processes of China's mass media changes before and after the late Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping initiated the economic reform and open-door policies in the late 1970s. Many of them focused on the commercialization, depoliticalization, and internationalization of Chinese media as a result of the market economy and external openness. Little known, however, is how the audiences get caught up in the interplay between the fast changing social structure and the evolving media system in China. Using the uses and dependency model as a framework, this study seeks to determine the effects of the media transformation on the audiences and their media use in the new environment. In this article we argue that the uses and dependency perspective best helps explain why Chinese readers prefer a particular kind of news and why the Party organs are losing ground to other more market-oriented media.  相似文献   

College and university libraries invest a significant amount of funding and staff time in institutional repository projects with the goal of collecting, preserving, and disseminating the intellectual output of their communities. Institutional repositories are often built without an expressed need for such a service; for this reason, libraries must actively promote them, educate users, and liaise with faculty to ensure success. Technical services and public services librarians have equally important roles in instituting and ensuring the success of institutional repositories in their communities.  相似文献   

Goethe's writings dealing with rhetorical concepts are representative of major concepts held by many Germans. His distrust of formalized, structured expression of ideas are representative of the distrust many German writers have in relationship to the study of human communication. At the same time, Goethe had to resolve this problem when he was required to offer formal instruction to actors.  相似文献   

Linkage analysis as an aid to web search has been assumed to be of significant benefit and we know that it is being implemented by many major Search Engines. Why then have few TREC participants been able to scientifically prove the benefits of linkage analysis in recent years? In this paper we put forward reasons why many disappointing results have been found in TREC experiments and we identify the linkage density requirements of a dataset to faithfully support experiments into linkage-based retrieval by examining the linkage structure of the WWW. Based on these requirements we report on methodologies for synthesising such a test collection.  相似文献   

Newspapers that seek first-mover advantage too often have expended financial capital and personnel resources on new media initiatives without fully appreciating the obstacles or the potential outcomes, an approach that may be understandable in an increasingly competitive marketplace fueled by the explosive growth of the Internet. Newspaper editors still question whether and how to integrate their Internet editions into existing newsrooms in hopes of leveraging the strengths of each. A survey of 63 major metropolitan U.S. newspaper editors showed that these managers have a high level of commitment to integration. In addition, a statistically significant relationship was found between multiple procedural or policy factors and management perception that integration had met management objectives. If integration between the newspaper and its online service is the desired outcome, the most important factors appear to include having a partnership with other media, instituting a converged news desk that handles stories regardless of medium or distribution method, having management commitment to integration, equalizing perceptions of status between newspaper workers and online workers, empowering online staff to actively participate in planning meetings, utilizing the online service for breaking news that occurs off-publication cycle, and encouraging print-side staff members to generate content for exclusive use online.  相似文献   

The Company of Biologists Ltd own, print and publish three major biological journals. Since 1983, we have concentrated on introducing ‘automatic’ methods for journal production. Word processor disks now accompany 89% of articles submitted to The Journal of Experimental Biology. By the use of disk translation software and Optical Character Readers, 76% of these articles are now processed automatically. Over the past few years, the availability of computer disks, however, has required substantial changes in editorial and subediting practices to make it economically worthwhile to use the disks submitted. Optical character recognition is a very useful fallback technique when non–standard disks are submitted, but does require absolutely clean copy. Typesetting is still essential for tables, mathematics and papers that have been substantially altered editorially or are on non–standard disks with a poor quality printout. The economics of the use of disks is briefly discussed together with the overall package of changes needed to make it viable. Inevitably the experience that we have gained will be biased by the scientific nature of the work being set; many other fields would be softer options for the use of disks or other automatic production methods.  相似文献   

针对目前本体集成领域相关概念和集成工具较多、集成过程不一、集成方法介绍过少等问题,简要辨析本体集成的概念,给出本体集成的基本过程。对比分析国内外流行的本体集成工具,对目前本体集成领域新出现的方法,如形式化概念分析法、范畴论法、RDFS闭包图法等理论基础和实现过程进行详细分析,以便为国内学者在该领域的研究提供启发和指导。  相似文献   

农家书屋可持续发展影响因素分析与对策研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
李英 《图书情报工作》2010,54(1):104-107
总结农家书屋的发展现状,从内部环境要素和外部环境要素两个方面分析农家书屋可持续发展的8个要素和发展中存在的问题,从“建立农民需求导向的资源建设管理体系”、“确立农家书屋可持续发展的管理体制”和“制定完善的农家书屋管理制度”三个方面详细讨论农家书屋可持续发展的相关对策建议。  相似文献   

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