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2007年5月12日,中国人民大学国际关系学院与《军备控制与安全》杂志主办的"军备控制与国际安全"学术研讨会在中国人民大学隆重举行.与会的30多位专家学者进行了广泛的交流,同时就未来中国军控研究的发展提出了许多建议.  相似文献   

本文拟对美国总统林登·约翰逊努力推动美苏军备控制,促进东西缓和进行研究。其主要是通过整理和研究约翰逊执政时期美苏领导人关于武器限制问题的对话,分析约翰逊对军备控制的想法。  相似文献   

本文拟对美国总统林登·约翰逊努力推动美苏军备控制,促进东西缓和进行研究.其主要是通过整理和研究约翰逊执政时期美苏领导人关于武器限制问题的对话,分析约翰逊对军备控制的想法.  相似文献   

无核区作为特定区域内国家核裁军、防止核扩散、建立互信措施的一种安全合作机制,也是一项具体的、操作性强的军备控制措施,或可以说是机制。根据军控理论,无核区属于军备控制的范畴,表现在核裁军与防止核扩散方面,即对核武器的“量”及“使用方式”的控削。  相似文献   

在军备控制课程教学中,教师应从军备控制的实践基础和历史背景介绍入手,讲述军备控制理论的形成过程,使学生明确相关理论的学理价值。同时,结合军备控制学习,指导学生从总体框架把握的高度,理解、掌握其主要观点和内在逻辑。研究性教学应特别强调引导学生把握军备控制研究的主要思路和方法,并将其作为整个教学的落脚点和归宿点。  相似文献   

从《英德海军协定》被英德双方签订到希特勒将其撕毁的四年中,德国潜艇部队从该协定中受益匪浅,迅速扩充,发展了新的学说,为其在第二次世界大战中发动潜艇作战奠定了基础。协定试图将德国海军的军备发展控制在一定的范围内,然而英国没有正确认识潜艇巨大的潜力,因此没有对德国潜艇的发展施加必要的限制,同时协定忽视制定战争法则来限制德国潜艇的使用,这些缺陷反而为德国海军军备扩张尤其是德国潜艇部队的扩张提供了促进作用。  相似文献   

朱光亚:遥远苍穹中最亮的星 20世纪50年代末,朱光亚被任命为中国核武器研制的科学技术领导人。他负责并组织领导中国原子弹、氢弹的研究、设计、制造与试验研究,地下核试验的攻关,高技术研究发展计划的制订与实施,国防科学技术研究发展及军备控制问题研究等工作,为中国核科学技术事业的发展作出了重大贡献。  相似文献   

新中国恢复在联合国的合法席位是中国及联合国广大主持正义的成员国对联合国的一大贡献。80年代以来,中国根据《联合国宪章》全面参与联合国事务,发挥安理会常任理事国的作用,在消除热点、军备控制、裁军、建立国际经济新秩序等一系列维护世界和平和人类发展问题上作出了贡献,赢得了广泛的赞誉  相似文献   

在人类历史上,战争从未长久地停顿过,迄今为止的战争,就其军事形态而言,都是绝对战争,进入21世纪,绝对战争正日益为可控性战争所代替,其根本原因在于战争手段的巨大破坏性制约了战争目的的无限性;世界经济全球化的加速发展制约了绝对战争的爆发与升级;战争的高消耗制约了战争的规模与强度。战争控制包括军备控制、危机控制、冲突控制和局部战争控制诸环节,就战争要素而言,战争控制涉及战争目的、战争手段、战争对象、战争方法、战争时间与战争空间因素的全面控制与全程控制,《孙子兵法》是战争控制的艺术杰作。  相似文献   

作为吐鲁番地区战后恢复与重建的临时性机构,吐鲁番监督府自光绪三年收复吐鲁番地区后就负责管理这一地区的生产生活,尤其是维吾尔族和回族等少数民族的事务。其执掌范围涉及政治、赋税、贸易、治安、军备、教育等各个方面,有效地加强了清政府对这一地区的控制和管理。  相似文献   

Rats experienced a spatial pattern of baited and unbaited arms in an eight-arm radial maze. The spatial pattern remained constant over trials, but the spatial locations that were baited varied unpredictably. Although there was no evidence of control by the spatial pattern during free choice training trials, the rats’ ability to locate baited arms in forced choice test trials was superior to that of animals in a control condition for which maze arms were not baited in a consistent spatial pattern. This is consistent with the results of experiments showing that spatial choices by rats in a pole box maze are controlled by abstract spatial patterns.  相似文献   

《型世言》中“臂上焚香”、“把”、“老爷”、“嫂子”、“老妈/老妈官/阿妈”、“脚跟头人”、“人材”、“俏花”八条词语未被解释,其义当为:1.“臂上焚香”,把物用钩针挂在臂上去烧香;2.“把”,嫁娶;3.“老爷”,对出家人的尊称;4.“嫂子”,对所爱女子或妻子的爱称;5.“老妈/老妈官/阿妈”,对妻子的泛称;6.“脚跟头人”,熟人;7.“人材”,女子的姿色;8.“俏花”,用珠穿缀而成的花状头饰。  相似文献   

Norway rats have been shown to depend on short-term spatial memory to find food on a radial arm maze (RAM), but what locomotor search tactics are involved in using this memory effectively? Four experiments distinguished tactics of distance minimizing, central-place search, trail following, thigmotactic search, and random search by using different configurations of a RAM placed flat on the floor of an arena. These search tactics make similar predictions on an elevated RAM but predict different outcomes on a floor RAM because the rats are free to approach the food from any direction. After initial trials dominated by exploration, rats traveled along arms to food, even when the resultant distance was up to three times the minimum distance. With no food present, rats also traveled along arms; with no arms up to present, they traveled along walls to food. It appears that both maze arms and arena walls engage mechanisms related to trail following in rats.  相似文献   

钢琴弹奏的发音问题,对声音的质量要求是要掌握声音的艺术,“歌唱”地弹奏。在教学中, 通过相应的弹奏方法,找到适当的、美的符合作品要求的声音。要理解重量弹奏法的重要性以及掌握这种方法,同时处理好紧张与放松的关系,把二者统一起来,形成一种舒适自然的状态,获得理想的音色。要追求富有共鸣的声音,就必须加强掌关节的训练,不断培养学生的听觉。声音的好坏和变化还取决于指触,手、手指、手臂的三种触键,将在音量、音质、速度上产生丰富多彩的变化。  相似文献   

《左传·僖公三十二年》记载着秦穆公的一句话:"尔墓之木拱矣。"杜预为"拱"作注说:"合手曰拱。"在今人看来,这个注解似乎可作两种理解:其一,指"双手手指对接";其二,指"两手手臂合抱"。较有影响的今人译注,均作后一种理解,可是杜预的原意却是前者。  相似文献   

宠物在现代生活中占据越来越重要的地位.人们对宠物的观念也在不断改进.在大街小巷到处都能看见宠物的身影.本期《体验》就带你来走访北京新天地国际动物医院。  相似文献   

Male rats were tested in a 12-arm radial maze with 6 arms that were standard in length and 6 arms that were half the standard length. As previously reported by Brown (1990), revisits to short arms were more likely than revisits to long arms. Two explanations of this effect of mazearm length on choice accuracy were experimentally contrasted. The first attributes the effect to diminished discriminability of visited and unvisited arms when the arms are short. The second attributes the effect to a relatively lax choice criterion being applied to short arms. An analysis of the microstructure of choices, applying the logic of signal detection theory, provided evidence for the latter explanation.  相似文献   

Rats trained in a 16-arm radial maze with arms half the standard length demonstrated extremely low, but above chance, choice accuracy (Experiment 1). Rats trained in a 12-arm maze with short arms demonstrated a substantially higher degree of adjacent-arm responding than did rats trained in the same maze with long maze arms and, when response stereotypy was disrupted by a forced-choice procedure, the short-arm group chose less accurately than the long-arm group (Experiment 2). In a 16-arm maze with 8 short arms and 8 long arms, there was a strong preference for short arms and no evidence for a difference in the ability to discriminate previously visited arms from unvisited arms as a function of arm length, as measured by a two-alternative forced-choice procedure (Experiment 3). These results are interpreted as indicating that arm length affects a choice criterion, with a relatively lax criterion being applied to shorter arms.  相似文献   

Rats were trained over a number of sessions on an eight-arm radial maze with eight trials on each session. Each of four arms on the maze contained a different pattern formed by sequences of reward (two pellets) or nonreward (no pellets) over successive trials within sessions. The patterns were single alternation, double alternation, and two patterns in which four rewards or four nonrewards were preceded and followed by two nonrewards or two rewards, respectively. The other four arms on the maze served as control arms and always contained one pellet. It was found that rats tracked all of these patterns when they were required to climb over barriers to enter and leave arms. However, rats showed no ability to extrapolate patterns beyond the training trials. These findings, and a further analysis of arm-choice stereotypy, led to the conclusion that rats tracked by using a trial-number strategy.  相似文献   

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