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This study uses Foucault's work on knowledge and power to show that the politics of language and the politics of researching it are closely related. As a discipline, sociolinguistics has barely begun to investigate the relationship between academia and issues of power and the different ways it ultimately may reinforce the interests of a dominant linguistic group. Language loss studies tend to emphasize demographic and economic factors over other social issues. This study about Cajun French, a fast-eroding French dialect still spoken by around 250,000 people in Louisiana, argues that language loss is a social as well as a discursive process and that academic knowledge and discourse both play a significant role in language politics. The study advocates the use of local knowledge to enhance our understanding of sociolinguistic issues involving unequal power relationships.  相似文献   

文章阐述了油画语言的产生和发展,分析了在现当代艺术发展的剧烈波动期油画语言的变化以及油画新语言的发展。  相似文献   

高校图书馆图书损毁、丢失现状和防范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对当前高校图书馆图书损毁丢失现象,及原因的分析,有针对性地从思想教育、管理制度、服务质量等方面提出具体的防范措施.  相似文献   

作为网络游戏领域"异军突起"的互动情境体验型社交游戏,开心农场有着高度的典型性和代表性,通过对开心农场这一典型网络游戏的分析,教育者可以从一个全新的视角了解青少年的生活现状,探究青少年在开心农场游戏里的异化现象,诠释青少年在网络中的自我异化行为。以便能更好地解决青少年网络自我异化问题,还原青少年网络自我的本真状态。  相似文献   

文章主要分析了在翻译实践中,导致得失的原因及其取舍.作者认为,失乃翻译之必然,我们应该根据文本类型选择翻译策略,尽量将失的值减到最小.  相似文献   

汉代是中国妇女地位发生转变的关键时期。汉初妇女受礼教影响比较小。实际地位并不很低,随着男性对自我地位的抬高与对女性的贬损,对女性道德观念的宣传,女性开始自觉遵守这些不合理的伦理道德规范。  相似文献   

The themes of love, loss and magic have been enduring themes in fairytales, myths, legends and fantasy within the genre of children's literature. These stories frequently depict young protagonists who have been ‘orphaned’ in some way—for example, through death, betrayal, absence, rejection or unexplained disappearance. In many of these narratives an important feature is the power of the story to grip and hold its readers through the intervention of magic in its most sinister and beneficent form as well as the love and loyalty of friends and creatures drawn from the world of fantasy. What is seldom examined is the way in which the author's own biography of loss and love both informs and provides a major impetus to the stories they have written. This article explores the way in which the themes of love, loss and magic interconnect with two phenomenally successful contemporary children's writers. Using selected extracts from the work of Philip Pullman and Michael Morpurgo, the article suggests a dynamic synergy with the authors and their stories.  相似文献   

Mary Norton’s The Borrowers has a complicated narrative framework, through which the story of the small people, the Borrowers, is told. Once we find that the embedded story is carefully set at the turn of the nineteenth century, parallels with Burnett’s The Secret Garden are recognized, in which a lonely Anglo-Indian child experiences some mysterious happenings in an old English country house. Sharing the cultural ambiguity and the sense of loss, both the Garden’s Mary and The Borrowers’ Boy tell stories. Comparing the two works, I will explore the specific cultural meaning of the life of an Anglo-Indian child, and how it relates to the theme of The Borrowers.
Ariko KawabataEmail:

The authors investigated the relationship between abuse in adult relationships and the tendency to engage in unhealthy weight loss behaviors. Undergraduate women responded to questions regarding weight loss behaviors, whether or not they had recently been in an abusive relationship, and perceived body image. Results indicated that women who had recently been in abusive relationships were more likely to endorse unhealthy weight loss. Implications for college counselors are discussed.  相似文献   

当前中国文学理论界面临文学性迷失问题。这将使文学独立存在的合法性面临逻辑的解构。文学性迷失的实质是一种价值迷失。因此,纠正价值偏见、兼顾文学的关系属性考察与固有属性考察、强化文学性的共时普遍性与特质性等等是文学理论研究所必须进行的学术清理。  相似文献   

This article analyzes the circulation of the term “confidence” as a prominent signifier for neoliberal logics, taking George W. Bush’s response to the economic crisis in Fall 2008 as a case study. It traces the public circulation of confidence in previous presidential administrations and notes that much like previous administrations, Bush’s response to the crisis was rooted in confidence. Bush identified a loss of confidence as the underlying cause of the economic crisis, and his focus on the need to restore lost confidence allowed him to violate his traditionally conservative principles in order to save the free market. Additionally, Bush’s reliance on the term in the context of the economic crisis articulated the nation-state to the national economy through neoliberalism as a prevailing economic logic.  相似文献   

判别分析的错判损失   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对回代正确率作了推广,提出了判别模型损失的概念,并以判别模型的损失为标准来衡量判别模型的好坏。  相似文献   

如小说书名所示,《失落的继承》关乎"失落"。为探求"失落"的内涵,着眼于中心人物Jemubhai隐喻意义上的"死亡",以及他妻子Nimi的死亡事件,论证中心人物Jemubhai的内心死亡乃引发他生命中种种"失落"的源头。实际上,死亡的阴影不只笼罩在中心人物Jemubhai的故事中,还通过"死亡"一词(death)及其一系列同源词的反复出现而渗透到整部小说的脉络中,由此推导出"死亡"乃小说的主线之一,换句话说,也就是"失落"的内涵之一。  相似文献   

教育是生命的事业,生命是教育的原点,对生命尊严的捍卫和生命质量的提升是教师角色转型与开掘的根基和动力。教师生命的意义及价值不仅是在其教育的轨迹中显现和张扬的,而且也是在生命的对话中成就和丰满的。然而,教师角色话语的纷繁与教师角色表达的冲突,导致教师在角色的虚化、泛化和钝化中走人踽踽独行的坚冰之旅。重新保持对教师角色的生命追问,意味着我们必须帮助教师在角色发展的语脉和坐标中,敞亮和澄明教师身份存在的方式和教师主体实践的方向。唤醒教师的生命自觉,提升教师的教育智慧,打造教师的专业文化,这将是从实现教师角色到超越教师角色的根本路径。  相似文献   

论文从张贤亮救赎意识的批判人手,揭示了张贤亮的“控诉+倾诉”的叙事策略、主体的文化身份认同、女性客体的审美化三种救赎方式,深入探讨了张贤亮式的救赎意识所代表的当代知识分子的精神症结所在,并以此探索中国知识分子由传统向现代性转型时的精神内伤和启蒙危机。  相似文献   

近代以来的新儒学思想立足儒家传统,试图融通西方文化以改造中国的思想体系,虽然存在许多不足但也造成了一定的影响.新儒学在文艺领域影响了文艺理论的构建和文艺创作的实践,总体来说也是得失参半.在当下儒学越来越受重视的大环境下,新儒学如何存续并继续在文艺领域产生积极的影响,有赖于新儒学本身的理论改造与创新  相似文献   

课程的迷失与回归——一个人文主义者的追索   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
科学技术的迅猛发展 ,造成了现代课程对科技、文化及其自身的一系列误读 ,反观迷失在“工具理性”中的现代课程 ,不难发现“陶冶”的游离与放逐 ,而“人”的发展则迫切地呼唤着课程指向人的“终级关怀”、指向人的生活、指向人的自由交流与对话 ,从而踏上回归路途  相似文献   

要:从变压器原理出发,考虑农用变压器的运行特点,通过计算和分析得出,对64标准变压器实行换铁芯改造后,容量约可降低一级,但在低负载率下的运行损耗低于86标准同容量的变压器.研究了按73标准生产的变压器,在进行换线圈改造前后容量的变化关系.并由计算得出,铜易铜的线圈改造方案虽然降容幅度很大,但在1/4以下低负载运行时节能效果显.铝换铜的改造,不但可以保持容量不变,而且在农用变压器低负载率运行时,也具有节能效果.  相似文献   

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