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Despite increased enrollment, outcomes such as grade point average (GPA), persistence, and graduation rates for college students with learning disabilities (LD) continue to lag behind those of their nondisabled peers. Reasons for the differences vary but may include academic and social integration, factors identified as important to the success of college students in general. This research investigated the relative influence of background characteristics, precollege achievement, and college integration variables on the academic success and intent to persist of college freshmen and sophomores with LD. While academic and social integration were not unique predictors of college GPA, both integration variables were unique predictors of intent to persist. The findings suggest that beyond high school achievement and background characteristics, college experiences as captured by academic and social integration are promising constructs to help explain the persistence of college students with LD. Implications for future research and practices for high school and college personnel are discussed.  相似文献   

杨军 《宜春学院学报》2013,(11):155-158
通过抽取江西2所高校660名大学生,运用BECK绝望量表(BHS)、青少年生活事件量表和大学生复原力量表对其进行,以期了解在校大学生绝望感现状及影响因素,为自杀预防与干预提供参考依据.调查结果显示:①73.5%的大学生存在不同程度的绝望感,绝望感水平在性别、年级上差异有统计学意义(p<0.05);②高绝望感组在生活事件及各因子上得分高于低绝望感组,而在内、外复原力上得分低于低绝望感组,差异有统计学意义(p<0.01);③生活事件既可直接影响绝望感的产生,又可通过心理复原力间接影响绝望感的产生.因此可以得出大学生普遍存在不同程度的绝望感,心理复原力在生活事件与绝望感中具有部分中介效应的结论.  相似文献   

学术性是大学的本质属性,大学教授是学术的化身,其学术力决定着高校的学术水平,是高校实现人才培养、科学研究和服务社会功能的重要因素。大学教授的学术力主要表现为学术生产力、学术创造力和学术影响力,而学术生产力、创造力和影响力又是学术制度、学术资源和学术文化等诸多要素共同作用的结果,对学术制度的合理建设、学术资源的合理配置和学术文化作用的合理发挥是提升大学教授学术力的关键。  相似文献   

In an exploratory study, peer tutoring in higher education is examined for students with visual impairment and students with learning disability (LD). Data were collected by means of interviews and focus groups. Findings indicate both academic and social benefits for tutees and tutors. Difficulties encountered are discussed, and differences between the two populations are raised. It is suggested that the visibility and complexity of the student's disability affected the tutoring encounter. Professional guidance is suggested as a means of reducing tutoring problems and increasing benefits.  相似文献   

大学生幸福感及其影响因素的研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
本研究采用开放式问卷调查法和量表法,对593名大学生的幸福感状况进行了调查。结果发现:(1)影响大学生幸福感有七个因素,即自我意识、学校学习、人际交往、恋爱、工作与社会适应、家庭环境、休闲活动。其中,自我意识是影响大学生幸福感的最主要因素。(2)大多数学生心理健康,常能体验到幸福。(3)大学生幸福感在性别、月均消费上差异显著,而在专业、年级上差异不显著。根据调查结果,我们为学校心理健康教育提出了可行性建议。  相似文献   

听力作为一项基本的语言能力,越来越多地受到大学英语教师和学习者的关注。调查分析学生听力现状,有助于找出大学生听力薄弱的原因并提出提高学生英语听力的一些建议和思考。  相似文献   

Allies represent a crucial faction in the work for social justice; as members of the dominant population who advocate for the oppressed, they are important collaborators in this struggle. This qualitative inquiry investigated the ally development of 13 college students at a religiously affiliated institution in a Midwestern urban area. The interviews yielded several common factors, including personality qualities, family influence, faith, and realizations of Otherness. Implications for fostering the development of allies are discussed along with suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

基于全国高校质量保障机构联盟(CIQA)和厦门大学教师发展中心联合开展的线上教学情况调查(学生卷)中的文本数据,采用LDA主题模型对学生的评论进行文本挖掘,分析新冠肺炎疫情暴发期间学生在线学习体验的影响因素,结果发现,学生在线学习体验的影响因素依次是教师教学、学生自主学习能力、平台和技术硬件设施等。为此,高校线上教学应从强化教师线上教学信息素养、增强学生线上学习适应能力、加大环境支持、补齐线上教学技术短板等方面进行改进。  相似文献   


Students with learning disabilities tend to enroll in two-year community colleges more than they do four-year universities, have lower graduation and retention rates as compared to their non-disabled peers, and experience greater academic, social, and personal difficulties when pursuing a college degree. Yet, despite the higher number of students with learning disabilities in community colleges, and the challenges they face as a marginalized population, the literature pertaining to these students is still growing. Thus, the purpose of this phenomenological study was to explore the lived experiences of students with learning disabilities within a two-year community college.  相似文献   

以中国民航飞行学院飞行技术专业部分学生为研究样本,利用多种统计分析方法对影响大学生数学成绩的因素进行分析,考察教师的教学水平、学生的高考数学成绩等因素对大学数学成绩的影响.结果显示:教师的教学水平与学生的高考数学成绩对大学数学成绩的影响均显著,但高考数学成绩只能解释大学数学成绩12.6%的变异.结论:教师的教学水平与学生的学习能动性对大学数学成绩有良好的促进作用.  相似文献   

文章论述了大学生成才的意义,分析了成才与高尚的品德、远大的理想、坚强的意志和创新意识这四个心理素质的关系。  相似文献   

论述了家庭因素、学校因素和社会因素对当代大学生和谐发展的影响。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine differences in intrinsic motivation and perceived academic competence as well as in their association between 5th‐ and 6th‐grade students with learning disabilities (LD) (n= 40) and their typically achieving peers. Participants were 980 Greek elementary students from the metropolitan area of Athens. As predicted, students with LD showed lower intrinsic motivation and perceived academic competence than students without LD almost across all subscales. Exceptions were noticed in intrinsic motivation concerning curiosity/interest and history subscales as well as perceptions of academic competence in the subjects of history and science. Support was found that among typically achieving students intrinsic motivation was positively and significantly related at a moderate level to perceived academic competence across all subscales, as opposed to students with LD, for whom few correlations were found.  相似文献   

The difficulties students identified with emotional and behavior disabilities present sometimes strain inclusive educators. General education teachers often find themselves ill equipped to provide effective support for both students with and without disabilities. An effective intervention that may hold promise for included students with academic and behavior problems involves the use of choice; more specifically, consequence choice, which provides students with the ability to select their own reinforcement. The current study examined the effects of choice of reinforcement via a single-subject multielement design with baseline for four students with emotional disturbance or behavior disabilities educated in an inclusion setting. With an increase in task difficulty, the behavior of two students indicated a functional relation between engagement and choice and two additional students demonstrated a functional relation between the presence and absence of reinforcement. Students did not distinguish academic behavior across the course of the study. The difficulty level of the instructional material, as well as the perceived preference of the reinforcers may play a role in study outcomes. Future directions follow study limitations and implications for inclusion practitioners.  相似文献   

通过问卷调查等方法,对现阶段晋北地区普通高校学生参加体育锻炼的现状进行调查研究,并分析影响其现状的主要因素,从学生锻炼的意识以及影响环境等方面进行分析和综述,以找出促进学生体质健康发展的合理方案。  相似文献   

王占银 《科教导刊》2020,(3):181-182
大学生宿舍人际关系问题是社会关注的热点问题,探讨宿舍人际关系影响因素与应对策略对大学生身心健康和校园和谐具有重要意义.本文归纳了宿舍人际关系的外在与内在影响因素,并从个体、学校和社会三个方面提出了应对策略.  相似文献   

以我国西部地区四所民办学院在校大学生为研究对象,运用多种方法统计分析,探析贫困生的人格特征及其成因,发现民办高校贫困生群体在人格特征、应付方式等方面与非贫困生群体有着显著的区别,在贫困生群体内部,人格特征也表现出一定的性别、年级等结构性差异.认为应有针对性地对贫困生进行教育干预,从而提高贫困生的心理健康水平.  相似文献   

作为大学生学习成果的直接评价指标之一,学业表现的影响因素具有复杂性。从社会及人口统计特征、个人特征和投入特征等三个维度构建高校学生学业表现影响因素的研究模型,采集和整合某高校7240名学生的相关数据,进行OLS回归分析、Shapley分解、Logit回归分析等数据分析。结果显示,社会及人口统计特征等先赋性因素对于高校学生学业表现的相对贡献度不超过30%,而学生投入特征的平均相对贡献度则超过40%。来源地区、民族和以图书借阅、参加学术讲座、参与志愿服务为考量指标的学生投入因素是决定学生能否在学业竞争中胜出的重要因素。  相似文献   

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