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Se presenta el contexto histórico y los antecedentes familiares, culturales y sociales en los que surge la figura de Vygotski y se hace una descripción minuciosa de su obra, de sus implicaciones y contribuciones a la Psicología Científica: su teoría sobre las funciones superiores en el hombre, la actividad instrumental como unidad de análisis de estos procesos superiores, los estudios sobre génesis y desarrollo de los procesos cognitivos y las variaciones culturales, la “zona de desarrollo potencial”, sus aportaciones a la pedagogía y al estudio de las deficiencias, su teoría de la organización neurofisiológica, sus aportaciones a una teoría general del desarrollo y su teoría de la génesis del pensamiento verbal y la función reguladora del lenguaje. Se citan algunas críticas a Vygotski y se formulan algunas implicaciones teóricas no formuladas explícitamente en su teoría.  相似文献   

This article examines the place occupied by maps in children’s picturebooks. After a brief overview of the different roles that are assigned to maps in children’s books, the article considers five French picturebooks—Warja Lavater’s Le petit chaperon rouge (1965), Olivier Douzou and Isabelle Simon’s L’autobus numéro 33 (1996), Véronique Vernette’s Cocorico poulet Piga (1999), Rebecca Dautremer and Arthur Leboeuf’s Le loup de la 135 ème (2008) and Kochka and Fabienne Cinquin’s Dans ma ville, il y a… (2011)—in order to focus on how the narrative, whether enclosed, superimposed or linked to the text in some other way, is evoked by the geographic shape of the maps. It is argued that the particular use and function of a map depends on its shape or placement in a book, distinguishing between the incorporation of maps only as a significant picture (its use) from the subject within the whole narrative (its function). Thus the article articulates what uses a map can have within a narrative. It also explores the mechanics of the iconotext, showing that a cartographic picture fulfils a precise, rather than a general, function of spatialisation. Hence three main functions of spatialisation in maps and mapping are distinguished, whereby an author could use maps to help a character discover, conquer, or organise a space.  相似文献   

Graduate teaching assistants (GTAs) in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) have a large impact on undergraduate instruction but are often poorly prepared to teach. Teaching self-efficacy, an instructor’s belief in his or her ability to teach specific student populations a specific subject, is an important predictor of teaching skill and student achievement. A model of sources of teaching self-efficacy is developed from the GTA literature. This model indicates that teaching experience, departmental teaching climate (including peer and supervisor relationships), and GTA professional development (PD) can act as sources of teaching self-efficacy. The model is pilot tested with 128 GTAs from nine different STEM departments at a midsized research university. Structural equation modeling reveals that K–12 teaching experience, hours and perceived quality of GTA PD, and perception of the departmental facilitating environment are significant factors that explain 32% of the variance in the teaching self-efficacy of STEM GTAs. This model highlights the important contributions of the departmental environment and GTA PD in the development of teaching self-efficacy for STEM GTAs.Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) graduate teaching assistants (GTAs) play a significant role in the learning environment of undergraduate students. They are heavily involved in the instruction of undergraduate students at master’s- and doctoral-granting universities (Nyquist et al., 1991 ; Johnson and McCarthy, 2000 ; Sundberg et al., 2005 ; Gardner and Jones, 2011 ). GTAs are commonly in charge of laboratory or recitation sections, in which they often have more contact and interaction with the students than the professor who is teaching the course (Abraham et al., 1997 ; Sundberg et al., 2005 ; Prieto and Scheel, 2008 ; Gardner and Jones, 2011 ).Despite the heavy reliance on GTAs for instruction and the large potential for them to influence student learning, there is evidence that many GTAs are completely unprepared or at best poorly prepared for their role as instructors (Abraham et al., 1997 ; Rushin et al., 1997 ; Shannon et al., 1998 ; Golde and Dore, 2001 ; Fagen and Wells, 2004 ; Luft et al., 2004 ; Sundberg et al., 2005 ; Prieto and Scheel, 2008 ). For example, in molecular biology, 71% of doctoral students are GTAs, but only 30% have had an opportunity to take a GTA professional development (PD) course that lasted at least one semester (Golde and Dore, 2001 ). GTAs often teach in a primarily directive manner and have intuitive notions about student learning, motivation, and abilities (Luft et al., 2004 ). For those who experience PD, university-wide PD is often too general (e.g., covering university policies and procedures, resources for students), and departmental PD does not address GTAs’ specific teaching needs; instead departmental PD repeats the university PD (Jones, 1993 ; Golde and Dore, 2001 ; Luft et al., 2004 ). Nor do graduate experiences prepare GTAs to become faculty and teach lecture courses (Golde and Dore, 2001 ).While there is ample evidence that many GTAs are poorly prepared, as well as studies of effective GTA PD programs (biology examples include Schussler et al., 2008 ; Miller et al., 2014 ; Wyse et al., 2014 ), the preparation of a graduate student as an instructor does not occur in a vacuum. GTAs are also integral members of their departments and are interacting with faculty and other GTAs in many different ways, including around teaching (Bomotti, 1994 ; Notarianni-Girard, 1999 ; Belnap, 2005 ; Calkins and Kelly, 2005 ). It is important to build good working relationships among the GTAs and between the GTAs and their supervisors (Gardner and Jones, 2011 ). However, there are few studies that examine the development of GTAs as integral members of their departments and determine how departmental teaching climate, GTA PD, and prior teaching experiences can impact GTAs.To guide our understanding of the development of GTAs as instructors, a theoretical framework is important. Social cognitive theory is a well-developed theoretical framework for describing behavior and can be applied specifically to teaching (Bandura, 1977 , 1986 , 1997 , 2001 ). A key concept in social cognitive theory is self-efficacy, which is a person’s belief in his or her ability to perform a specific task in a specific context (Bandura, 1997 ). High self-efficacy correlates with strong performance in a task such teaching (Bandura, 1997 ; Tschannen-Moran and Hoy, 2007 ). Teaching self-efficacy focuses on teachers’ perceptions of their ability to “organize and execute courses of action required to successfully accomplish a specific teaching task in a particular context” (Tschannen-Moran et al., 1998 , p. 233). High teaching self-efficacy has been shown to predict a variety of types of student achievement among K–12 teachers (Ashton and Webb, 1986 ; Anderson et al., 1988 ; Ross, 1992 ; Dellinger et al., 2008 ; Klassen et al., 2011 ). In GTAs, teaching self-efficacy has been shown to be related to persistence in academia (Elkins, 2005 ) and student achievement in mathematics (Johnson, 1998 ). High teaching self-efficacy is evidenced by classroom behaviors such as efficient classroom management, organization and planning, and enthusiasm (Guskey, 1984 ; Allinder, 1994 ; Dellinger et al., 2008 ). Instructors with high teaching self-efficacy work continually with students to help them in learning the material (Gibson and Dembo, 1984 ). These instructors are also willing to try a variety of teaching methods to improve their teaching (Stein and Wang, 1988 ; Allinder, 1994 ). Instructors with high teaching self-efficacy perform better as teachers, are persistent in difficult teaching tasks, and can positively affect their student’s achievement.These behaviors of successful instructors, which can contribute to student success, are important to foster in STEM GTAs. Understanding of what influences the development of teaching self-efficacy in STEM GTAs can be used to improve their teaching self-efficacy and ultimately their teaching. Therefore, it is important to understand what impacts teaching self-efficacy in STEM GTAs. Current research into factors that influence GTA teaching self-efficacy are generally limited to one or two factors in a study (Heppner, 1994 ; Prieto and Altmaier, 1994 ; Prieto and Meyers, 1999 ; Prieto et al., 2007 ; Liaw, 2004 ; Meyers et al., 2007 ). Studying these factors in isolation does not allow us to understand how they work together to influence GTA teaching self-efficacy. Additionally, most studies of GTA teaching self-efficacy are not conducted with STEM GTAs. STEM instructors teach in a different environment and with different responsibilities than instructors in the social sciences and liberal arts (Lindbloom-Ylanne et al., 2006 ). These differences could impact the development of teaching self-efficacy of STEM GTAs compared with social science and liberal arts GTAs. To further our understanding of the development of STEM GTA teaching self-efficacy, this paper aims to 1) describe a model of factors that could influence GTA teaching self-efficacy, and 2) pilot test the model using structural equation modeling (SEM) on data gathered from STEM GTAs. The model is developed from social cognitive theory and GTA teaching literature, with support from the K–12 teaching self-efficacy literature. This study is an essential first step in improving our understanding of the important factors impacting STEM GTA teaching self-efficacy, which can then be used to inform and support the preparation of effective STEM GTAs.  相似文献   

This paper reports the outcomes of a study, undertaken from a phenomenographic perspective, of university academics’ experiences of their own growth and development, i.e., what it means to them, what they are trying to achieve, how they go about it, why they do things that way ... The outcomes presented are based on a series of interviews with teaching and research academics at a research intensive university. The group as a whole showed a range of views of academic development, representing in particular a varying focus on:
•  Academic performance, in terms of increasing work output, academic standing or work quality;
•  Personal learning, in terms of ongoing accumulation of new knowledge and skills or increasing depth of understanding in one’s field of study;
•  Disciplinary or social change, in terms of contributions to one’s field of study or a relevant social community.
Implications for our understanding of academic development and academic work are discussed.  相似文献   

In two experiments, rats were given intermixed or blocked preexposure to two similar compound stimuli, AX and BX. Following preexposure, conditioning trials took place in which AX (Experiment 1) or a novel compound stimulus NX (Experiment 2) was paired with a food-unconditioned stimulus in an appetitive Pavlovian preparation. Animals that were given alternated preexposure showed lower generalization from AX to BX (Experiment 1) and from NX to a new compound, ZX (Experiment 2), than animals that were given blocked preexposure, a perceptual learning and a perceptual learning transfer effect, respectively.  相似文献   

In science education, inquiry-based approaches to teaching and learning provide a framework for students to building critical-thinking and problem-solving skills. Teacher professional development has been an ongoing focus for promoting such educational reforms. However, despite a strong consensus regarding best practices for professional development, relatively little systematic research has documented classroom changes consequent to these experiences. This paper reports on the impact of sustained, multiyear professional development in a program that combined neuroscience content and knowledge of the neurobiology of learning with inquiry-based pedagogy on teachers’ inquiry-based practices. Classroom observations demonstrated the value of multiyear professional development in solidifying adoption of inquiry-based practices and cultivating progressive yearly growth in the cognitive environment of impacted classrooms.Current discussion about educational reform among business leaders, politicians, and educators revolves around the idea students need “21st century skills” to be successful today (Rotherham and Willingham, 2009 ). Proponents argue that to be prepared for college and to be competitive in the 21st-century workplace, students need to be able to identify issues, acquire and use new information, understand complex systems, use technologies, and apply critical and creative thinking skills (US Department of Labor, 1991 ; Bybee et al., 2007 ; Conley, 2007 ). Advocates of 21st-century skills favor student-centered methods—for example, problem-based learning and project-based learning. In science education, inquiry-based approaches to teaching and learning provide one framework for students to build these critical-thinking and problem-solving skills (American Association for the Advancement of Science [AAAS], 1993 ; National Research Council [NRC], 2000 ; Capps et al., 2012 ).Unfortunately, in spite of the central role of inquiry in the national and state science standards, inquiry-based instruction is rarely implemented in secondary classrooms (Weiss et al., 1994 ; Bybee, 1997 ; Hudson et al., 2002 ; Smith et al., 2002 ; Capps et al., 2012 ). Guiding a classroom through planning, executing, analyzing, and evaluating open-ended investigations requires teachers to have sufficient expertise, content knowledge, and self-confidence to be able to maneuver through multiple potential roadblocks. Researchers cite myriad reasons for the lack of widespread inquiry-based instruction in schools: traditional beliefs about teaching and learning (Roehrig and Luft, 2004 ; Saad and BouJaoude, 2012 ), lack of pedagogical skills (Shulman, 1986 ; Adams and Krockover, 1997 ; Crawford, 2007 ), lack of time (Loughran, 1994 ), inadequate knowledge of the practice of science (Duschl, 1987 ; DeBoer, 2004 ; Saad and BouJaoude, 2012 ), perceived time constraints due to high-stakes testing, and inadequate preparation in science (Krajcik et al., 2000 ). Yet teachers are necessarily at the center of reform, as they make instructional and pedagogical decisions within their own classrooms (Cuban, 1990 ). Given that effectiveness of teachers’ classroom practices is critical to the success of current science education reforms, teacher professional development has been an ongoing focus for promoting educational reform (Corcoran, 1995 ; Corcoran et al., 1998 ).A review of the education research literature yields an extensive knowledge base in “best practices” for professional development (Corcoran, 1995 ; NRC, 1996 ; Loucks-Horsley and Matsumoto, 1999 ; Loucks-Horsley et al., 2009 ; Haslam and Fabiano, 2001 ; Wei et al., 2010 ). However, in spite of a strong consensus on what constitutes best practices for professional development (Desimone, 2009 ; Wei et al., 2010 ), relatively little systematic research has been conducted to support this consensus (Garet et al., 2001 ). Similarly, when specifically considering the science education literature, several studies have been published on the impact of teacher professional development on inquiry-based practices (e.g., Supovitz and Turner, 2000 ; Banilower et al., 2007 ; Capps et al., 2012 ). Unfortunately, these studies usually rely on teacher self-report data; few studies have reported empirical evidence of what actually occurs in the classroom following a professional development experience.Thus, in this study, we set out to determine through observational empirical data whether documented effective professional development does indeed change classroom practices. In this paper, we describe an extensive professional development experience for middle school biology teachers designed to develop teachers’ neuroscience content knowledge and inquiry-based pedagogical practices. We investigate the impact of professional development delivered collaboratively by experts in science and pedagogy on promoting inquiry-based instruction and an investigative classroom culture. The study was guided by the following research questions:
  1. Were teachers able to increase their neuroscience content knowledge?
  2. Were teachers able to effectively implement student-centered reform or inquiry-based pedagogy?
  3. Would multiple years of professional development result in greater changes in teacher practices?
Current reforms in science education require fundamental changes in how students are taught science. For most teachers, this requires rethinking their own practices and developing new roles both for themselves as teachers and for their students (Darling-Hammond and McLaughlin, 1995 ). Many teachers learned to teach using a model of teaching and learning that focuses heavily on memorizing facts (Porter and Brophy, 1988 ; Cohen et al., 1993 ; Darling-Hammond and McLaughlin, 1995 ), and this traditional and didactic model of instruction still dominates instruction in U.S. classrooms. A recent national observation study found that only 14% of science lessons were of high quality, providing students an opportunity to learn important science concepts (Banilower et al., 2006 ). Shifting to an inquiry-based approach to teaching places more emphasis on conceptual understanding of subject matter, as well as an emphasis on the process of establishing and validating scientific concepts and claims (Anderson, 1989 ; Borko and Putnam, 1996 ). In effect, professional development must provide opportunities for teachers to reflect critically on their practices and to fashion new knowledge and beliefs about content, pedagogy, and learners (Darling-Hammond and McLaughlin, 1995 ; Wei et al., 2010 ). If teachers are uncomfortable with a subject or believe they cannot teach science, they may focus less time on it and impart negative feelings about the subject to their students. In this way, content knowledge influences teachers’ beliefs about teaching and personal self-efficacy (Gresham, 2008 ). Personal self-efficacy was first defined as “the conviction that one can successfully execute the behavior required to produce the outcomes” (Bandura, 1977 , p.193). Researchers have reported self-efficacy to be strongly correlated with teachers’ ability to implement reform-based practices (Mesquita and Drake, 1994 ; Marshall et al., 2009 ).Inquiry is “a multifaceted activity that involves making observations, posing questions, examining books and other sources of information, planning investigations, reviewing what is already known in light of evidence, using tools to gather, analyze and interpret data, proposing answers, explanations and predictions, and communicating the results” (NRC, 1996 , p. 23). Unfortunately, most preservice teachers rarely experience inquiry-based instruction in their undergraduate science courses. Instead, they listen to lectures on science and participate in laboratory exercises with guidelines for finding the expected answer (Gess-Newsome and Lederman, 1993 ; DeHaan, 2005 ). As such, teachers’ knowledge and beliefs about teaching and learning were developed over the many years of their own educations, through “apprenticeship of observation” (Lortie, 1975 ), in traditional lecture-based settings that they then replicate in their own classrooms. To support the implementation of inquiry in K–12 classrooms, teachers need firsthand experiences of inquiry, questioning, and experimentation within professional development programs (Gess-Newsome, 1999 ; Supovitz and Turner, 2000 ; Capps et al., 2012 ).A common criticism of professional development activities is that they are too often one-shot workshops with limited follow-up after the workshop activities (Darling-Hammond, 2005 ; Wei et al., 2010 ). The literature on teacher learning and professional development calls for professional development that is sustained over time, as the duration of professional development is related to the depth of teacher change (Shields et al., 1998 ; Weiss et al., 1998 ; Supovitz and Turner, 2000 ; Banilower et al., 2007 ). If the professional development program is too short in duration, teachers may dismiss the suggested practices or at best assimilate teaching strategies into their current repertoire with little substantive change (Tyack and Cuban, 1995 ; Coburn, 2004 ). For example, Supovitz and Turner (2000 ) found that sustained professional development (more than 80 h) was needed to create an investigative classroom culture in science, as opposed to small-scale changes in practices. Teachers need professional development that is interactive with their teaching practices; in other words, professional development programs should allow time for teachers to try out new practices, to obtain feedback on their teaching, and to reflect on these new practices. Not only is duration (total number of hours) of professional development important, but also the time span of the professional development experience (number of years across which professional hours are situated) to allow for multiple cycles of presentation and reflection on practices (Blumenfeld et al., 1991 ; Garet et al., 2001 ). Supovitz and Turner''s study (2000) suggests that it is more difficult to change classroom culture than teaching practices; the greatest changes in teaching practices occurred after 80 h of professional development, while changes in classroom investigative culture did not occur until after 160 h of professional development.Finally, research indicates that professional development that focuses on science content and how children learn is important in changing teaching practices (e.g., Corcoran, 1995 ; Desimone, 2009 ), particularly when the goal is the implementation of inquiry-like instruction designed to improve students’ conceptual understanding (Fennema et al., 1996 ; Cohen and Hill, 1998 ). The science content chosen for the professional development series described in this study was neuroscience. This content is relevant for both middle and high school science teachers and has direct connections to standards. It also is unique in that it encompasses material on the neurological basis for learning, thus allowing discussions about student learning to occur within both a scientific and pedagogical context. As a final note, it is rare for even a life science teacher to have taken any coursework in neuroscience. The inquiry-based lessons and experiments encountered by the teachers during the professional development provide an authentic learning experience, allowing teachers to truly inhabit the role of a learner in an inquiry-based setting.  相似文献   


Este artículo se centra en la figura de Binet, llamado por algunos autores padre de la psicología experimental. Aunque tradicionalmente se asocia a Binet con la medición del CI, sus trabajos se extendieron por muchas áreas. Se destacan sus importantes aportaciones a la psicología experimental, a la psicología diferencial y a la psicología de la educación. Su gran cantidad de publicaciones nos muestran la energía creativa de Binet y su vinculación con un gran número de disciplinas científicas.  相似文献   

This paper is part of a larger study that aims at highlighting students’ interpretations of the idea of the ‘Balance of Nature’, as well as its use in their reasoning about the future of an ecosystem, in order to subsequently develop a learning environment that might promote a reconsideration of its validity and usefulness. Our focus here is particularly set on whether and how non biology-major students use this idea when making predictions about (a) the future of an ecosystem that is supposed to have suffered a human-driven disturbance, and (b) the future of an ecosystem that is supposed to be protected against such disturbances. Administering a questionnaire of 12 items - 4 of which concern us here - to 61 1st-year educational sciences students at the University of Patras, we traced - among others - their reasoning about (a) the future of three ecosystems (forest, sea, lake), supposed to have suffered different human-driven disturbances (fire, oil spill, new population introduction), and (b) the future of a protected forest ecosystem of a national park. According to our findings, most of the students found it very likely for a disturbed ecosystem to fully recover its initial state - mainly due to a ‘recovery process’ or inherent ‘recovery mechanisms’ - showing a strong belief in an extremely resilient ‘Balance of Nature’. Moreover, most of them appeared to believe that if human-protected, an ecosystem will be in a continuous ‘balance’, while very few were skeptical enough to claim a non-predictable future for it.  相似文献   

《Infancia y Aprendizaje》2013,36(78):31-47

El presente estudio intenta probar la hipótesis básica de la teoría del Distanciamiento de I.E. Sigel, así como contribuir a precisarla. Para ello llevamos a cabo un estudio longitudinal con 68 familias de la provincia de Sevilla. Grabamos las interacciones de niños y niñas con sus progenitores a los 22 meses y los 7 años, y pusimos en relación el distanciamiento paterno y materno con el desarrollo cognitivo presente y posterior de aquéllos. Los resultados demostraron la proyección evolutiva del distanciamiento, especialmente del materno; también indicaron que el distanciamiento más eficaz no es el más elevado sino el más ajustado a posibilidades de comprensión y desarrollo de niños y niñas. Por otra parte, se demostró la adaptación de las madres a los niveles de competencia de sus hijos-as, al tiempo que, sin embargo, mantenían un cierto estilo interactivo. Por último, el distanciamiento medio materno a los 22 meses predijo el distanciamiento en los niños a los 7 años. Estos resultados se discuten en sus implicaciones sociogenéticas y para la teoría del distanciamiento.  相似文献   


Se hace una síntesis de la obra de Luria. Luria emerge de la escuela rusa reflexológica pauloviana, que había dado un nuevo enfoque a la psicología, acercándola a la fisiología y utilizando el método experimental. La metodología está muy desarrollada en la obra de Luria, que define tres líneas de investigación: el método de análisis estructural (planteamiento de problemas experimentales a personas con objeto de estudiar su actividad mental y comportamiento dirigidos a alcanzar una solución); el método genético-experimental (consistente en el estudio de la evolución de los procesos psíquicos superiores en el niño); y el método patológico-experimental (análisis de la conducta de cerebros dañados). Luria sitúa a la psicología en la interacción entre la fisiología y la biología, pero también dio importancia a la interacción entre individuo y su medio. El medio humano es la sociedad. El sistema nervioso regula la búsqueda del equilibrio entre los procesos psicológicos y el medio.  相似文献   

Andreas Libavius’ (c. 1555–1616) three part collection of letters, the Rerum chymicarum epistolica forma ... liber (1595–1599) is a particularly important text in fashioning the subject of chemistry as a demonstrative science and as a didactic discipline. Where Libavius’ Alchemia, which some have claimed to be the first textbook of chemistry, had mostly a humanist agenda, the Rerum chymicarum ... liber more directly sought to wrest the subject of “chemistry” away from Paracelsian adepts, and established the methodological basis for a specific form of knowledge suitable to the university. Making use of Aristotle’s Posterior analytics Libavius created a “floor-plan” for chemistry that integrated practical experience with natural philosophy, and could thus, he claimed, penetrate more deeply into the structure of nature than other academic disciplines.  相似文献   


Se aborda en este trabajo la dominancia o lateralización hemisférica cerebral, en cuanto posible factor etiológico de interés para la neuropsicología de la dislexia evolutiva. Se precisan las relaciones con la lateralidad manual y se revisan, a la luz de los conocimientos actuales, los conceptos legados por Broca y Orton. En este sentido, también se revisa la teoría de la dominancia desde el principio (Kinsbourne) en cuanto contrapuesta a la teoría de la progresiva lateralización hemisférica en la ontogenia (Lenneberg). Los principales modelos de dislexia basados en la organización cerebral se agrupan según hagan referencia a la integración interhemisférica, a la especialización hemisférica o a la integración intersensorial. Como aplicación a la educación, se proponen algunas consideraciones generales derivadas del enfoque neuropsicológico y se revisa críticamente el carácter generalizador de una educación basada en la hemisfericidad.  相似文献   

En «El aprendizaje de las matemáticas elementales como proceso condicionado por la cultura», Carlos Vasco examina el «mito» de que las matemáticas son un «lenguaje universal de la ciencia» y, por tanto, una materia supracultural. En sus análisis de casos de niños colombianos, llega a la conclusión de que las matemáticas pueden depender tanto de la cultura como el aprendizaje de la literatura o la historia. Según Vasco, la mayoría de los enseñantes cree que los niños no saben nada de matemáticas cuando entran en la escuela; por tanto, la enseñanza de la «matemática moderna» sólo puede llegar a un pequeño porcentaje de los niños. Vasco aduce que sólo los estudiantes que pueden construir sus propios «sistemas conceptuales a pesar de sus maestros» y desentrañar por su cuenta la maraña de sistemas simbólicos serán inmunes a la «fobia a las matemáticas».  相似文献   

Vanda falcata (Thunb.) Beer (Orchidaceae), a famous native orchid of China, Japan, and Korea, is known as one of the most beautiful and charming orchid species in the world (Ohwi, 1965; Lawler, 1984; Arditti, 2008). V. falcata is widely cultivated and delights the world with its compact plant shape, elegant white blooms, and sweet coconut-like scent. However, vegetative propagation by division has limited the development of V. falcata because of its inefficiency (Mitsukuri et al., 2009a, 2009b).  相似文献   

Résumé Une expérience d'enseignement a été menée avec des élèves de Cours Moyen (Grade 4 et 5). Les élèves ont participé à une activité spécifiquement élaborée, la production de problèmes de fractions, à l'aide d'une terminologie spécifique, grâce à la production et à l'observation d'un ensemble de critères. Ainsi, les interactions au sein de la classe ont été organisées dans le but d'élaborer un système commun de significations, basé sur des outils sémiotiques appropriés, qui ont permis au maître et aux élèves de partager des significations mathématiques. De telles interactions nécessitent une négociation de nouvelles normes sociales qui détermine, pour le maître et les élèves, un nouveau contrat didactique.
A longitudinal teaching experiment was conducted with fourth and fifth graders. Students participated in a specially designed activity, the production of fraction problems using a specific terminology developed through producing and applying a set of criteria. The interactions within the class were organised with the goal of developing a common system of meanings, based on appropriate semiotic tools, allowing teacher and students to share mathematical significations. Such interactions require a negotiation of new social norms determining, for teacher and students, a new didactic contract.


El artículo expone una serie de recomendaciones respecto a la Batería Predictiva de aprendizaje de la lectura. Concebida para evitar que el niño sea prematuramente introducido en el proceso de la lectura, su objetivo es evaluar la aptitud para aprender a leer. Algunos errores importantes que se cometen en su aplicación son: considerar que la batería vaya a revelar aptitudes ocultas en el niño, o predecir lo que va a ocurrir durante el aprendizaje. En este sentido, la validez de la batería dependerá de la acción pedagógica. La batería debe aplicarse íntegramente-si no no tendrá valor predictivo- en las condiciones adecuadas. A continuación se rebaten algunas de las críticas dirigidas a esta prueba y a la utilización de medidas de diagnóstico en general como, por ejemplo, no tener claro el objeto de medida, la falta de validez, y la provocación de medidas segregacionistas que perpetuarían las jerarquías sociales.  相似文献   

According to numerous studies (Barrouillet & Camos 2002; Brousseau 1988; Chevallard 1988; Riley et al. 1984; Schubauer-Leoni & Ntamakiliro, Revue Des Sciences de L’éducation, 20(1): 87–113, 1994; Vergnaud 1982; Xin, The Journal of Educational Research, 100(6):347–360, 2007), a combination of many factors, including curriculum, didactic contract and task design, can potentially lead to students experiencing difficulties in developing of a full understanding of addition and subtraction and their relationship in problem solving. Few studies (Conne, Recheche En Didactique Des Mathématiques, 5, 269–332, 1985; DeBlois, Éducation et Francophonie, 25(1), 102–120, 1997; Giroux & Ste-Marie, European Jornal of Psychology of Education, 16(2), 141–161, 2001) describe the misinterpretations of problems as a factor related to learning difficulties. We have studied how and why elementary school students misinterpret the mathematical structure of a simple additive word problem and what kind of possible (hidden) misinterpretation may occur. We analysed possible mechanisms of misinterpretations in word problem solving, discussing various examples of correct and incorrect solutions resulting from the misinterpretation of a problem. We gave the elementary school students a word problem, which could potentially be misinterpreted, and observed their solving strategies. Our results show how the particular form of mathematical misinterpretation—structure substitution—may help students obtain a correct answer and thereby hinder the development of their mathematical reasoning. We further discuss different ways of addressing this phenomenon in teaching practice.  相似文献   


En los últimos años se constata un auge singular de la neuropsicología de las dificultades de aprendizaje, en especial de la neuropsicología de la dislexia evolutiva. En este trabajo se estudia, como posible explicación etiológica de la dislexia evolutiva, el fallo en el desarrollo madurativo cerebral; se revisan y analizan, a efectos de poder ofrecer pronósticos y modos de intervención apropiados, la diferencia entre la hipótesis del retraso y la del déficit en la maduración, así como la alternativa de restitución o sustitución en la recuperación funcional. Se examinan también otros problemas relacionados entre sí con la dislexia y con la neuropsicología del desarrollo, a saber, la base neurofistológica para formación de subgrupos disléxicos, la disfunción de secuenciación oculomotora como etiología de dislexia y, por fin, la luz que la dislexia adquirida aporta a la dislexia evolutiva al relacionar lesiones del lóbulo parietal inferior con el subdesarrollo madurativo de estas mismas zonas cerebrales.  相似文献   

Indigenous knowledge and science revisited   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
This article provides a guided tour through three diverse cultural ways of understanding nature: an Indigenous way (with a focus on Indigenous nations in North America), a neo-indigenous way (a concept proposed to recognize many Asian nations’ unique ways of knowing nature; in this case, Japan), and a Euro-American scientific way. An exploration of these three ways of knowing unfolds in a developmental way such that some key terms change to become more authentic terms that better represent each culture’s collective, yet heterogeneous, worldview, metaphysics, epistemology, and values. For example, the three ways of understanding nature are eventually described as Indigenous ways of living in nature, a Japanese way of knowing seigyo-shizen, and Eurocentric sciences (plural). Characteristics of a postcolonial or anti-hegemonic discourse are suggested for science education, but some inherent difficulties with this discourse are also noted.
Masakata OgawaEmail:

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