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呼唤善的教育评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
一教育评价做为教育过程的反馈环节,对整个中小学教育教学活动起着十分重要的导向作用。它不仅引导着学生的发展,而且对一个国家教育发展的水平、教育的后果及人才类型起着不可低估的影响。为了推进素质教育,促进学生全面、主动和生动活泼的发展,有必要对教育现状和教育评价进行深刻的反思。目前,这种反思集中反映在两个方面:一方面是对教育伦理的关注,其主要表现为对教育中社会公正和个体的主体价值的追求;另一方面是对教育异化的批判,即是从教育的本质和人性本质的高度进行反思。对教育伦理的关注和对教育异化的批判是从不同的理…  相似文献   

构建和谐社会是我们不懈追求的社会理想。和谐社会对人的社会属性有着特别的要求,而全纳教育能有效地对人的这些社会属性进行培养。构建和谐社会呼唤民主平等的教育、参与合作式的教育、多样化的教育,和谐社会的构建离不开全纳教育的参与。  相似文献   

This paper reports on a collaborative research study between three secondary teachers and two university researchers, initiated by the teachers, into the practice and impacts of assessment for learning in science, geography and history classes. The research provides insights into how teachers and researchers can collaborate to develop a research and practice agenda. The study illustrates the need for a dynamic interconnection between the personal, micro or school-related level and the macro or policy level factors. The findings highlight the importance of external support, shared teacher knowledge and beliefs, professional experimentation, and shared reflection on student responses to classroom innovations.  相似文献   

本文简要对比了两种教育,即为了经济富裕的教育和为了人的发展的教育。作者指出,因为迫切追求利润,对民主未来非常重要的价值正面临丧失之虞。如果教育真的要促进人的发展而不仅仅是为了经济增长和个人财富增加的话,批判性思考能力和想象力就绝不能忽略。  相似文献   

杨启亮 《教育研究》2012,(7):98-103
从选拔与淘汰意义上说的教学评价是为评价的教学,它关注的重心是评价,这样的教学可能会失落教学的价值,这不是教学论意义上的教学评价。教学论中所说的教学评价是为教学的评价,它关注的重心是教学,是为调节、激励、促进教学而评价。为教学的评价不是教学的"指挥棒",而是教学的"服务器",它生成并守护教学的价值。为教学的评价旨在创造教学的可持续发展价值,教学应该从这里觉悟到良心的拷问与责任的鞭挞,评价应该从这里检省到自己是否漠视、异化、失落了教学的价值。基础教育生死攸关的使命就在于它必须百倍地关怀那些被放逐、被贬抑、被薄弱的学生所拥有的可持续发展的教学价值。  相似文献   

对摄像机固定进行目标定位,提出了一种简单可行模型.利用仿射变换,通过简单的几何关系为定位问题提供一种全新的思路.  相似文献   

Low reading comprehension persists among deaf readers, and recent research indicates that low automaticity in recognizing words and parsing sentence patterns is a significant source of the difficulty. When a learner does manage to gain an insight about some aspect of printed English, there may be limited impact on comprehension until the new knowledge can be applied fluently because the multiple cognitive demands of reading call for completing basic linguistic operations with a minimum of conscious effort. The research literature agrees that the route to improved automaticity is effective practice, and, thus, practice is also a likely route to increased comprehension. This article presents considerations to guide the design of practice for deaf readers. Certain of these notions are relatively applied in nature and may shape practice activities directly, for example, the discussion of research-based guidelines for tailoring the sequence and composition of practice items. Other parts of the discussion, such as those related to word recognition, are more theoretical than directive, and they imply research hypotheses that can and should be tested empirically. A principal point of this article is that without appreciable improvements in practice, the reading of many deaf students will remain largely unimproved.  相似文献   

The increasing emphasis on participation in education offers the starting point for this paper. Participation appears to be a strategic notion in a particular problematisation of education: this is installed through certain ways of speaking and writing (discourse) and through certain procedures, instruments and techniques that are proposed and developed in different places and spaces (technology). Participation is thereby claimed to empower individuals and to emancipate the child or the student from dominant regimes of power, including liberating them from oppressive traditional educational practices. Foucault's concept of governmentality, which offers us a specific understanding of power, helps us to analyse the discourse and technology of participation in a different way: participation comes to be seen not as an increase in freedom and empowerment, but as an element in a particular mode of government or power. According to this analysis the plea for practices of participation appears as an interpellation or call, governing the way that people act and behave, and encouraging them to think of themselves in a very specific way. We characterise this in terms of immunisation.  相似文献   

提升"成人性":成人教育学肩负的使命   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国成人教育学的现实困境在于成人教育合法性的让渡,抑制了成人教育学的发展需求。西方成人教育学科的发展路向、教育学科的争论与反思以及当今中国成人教育的深刻转型为成人教育学提升“成人性”奠定了未来发展的方向。  相似文献   

Investigation of interrater agreement for the Adjustment Scales for Children and Adolescents (ASCA) discriminant classifications is reported. Two teaching professionals or paraprofessionals working in the same classroom for a minimum of 1 hour per day provided independent ratings of the same child using the ASCA. A total of 119 students ranging in age from 7 to 18 years were independently rated on the ASCA. Results indicated significant and moderate to substantial interrater agreement for the discriminant classifications. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

近年来,经教育部批准,相继有90余所学校升格、新建为本科院校。各申办学校都能面向社会,立足学校实际,制定出具有各校特色的申报计划,取得了很大成功。焦作大学在积极申报本科的过程中,结合自身特点,以质量求生存,以特色求发展,从多方入手,作了许多有益的尝试和探索。  相似文献   

司马迁创作<史记>之目的是"究天人之际,通古今之变,成一家之言".在天与人的关系上,司马迁又尤其彰显人的历史主体性及其独特价值.司马迁对于"人"的独特认识不仅表现在他为刺客、游侠、医生、商人等小人物立传,还表现在他对女性人物的刻画之中.司马迁笔下的女性不以柔弱、温婉取胜,而以坚强、睿智流芳.司马迁是在尊重历史的基础上尊重了女性,以其"不虚美,不隐恶"的史笔,真实记录了这些女性的生活.  相似文献   

2004年7月30日上午,从中国农业大学这座中国农业的最高学府中走出一批特殊的学生,他们平均年龄33.1岁,早已褪去年轻人的青涩腼腆;他们全部为在职人员,基层和涉农学员占总数的61.13%,是国家基础建设的中坚力量.他们是中国农业大学网络教育学院的第一批毕业生,也是中国农业高校深入基层,通过现代信息技术大力培养应用型人才的一次成功实践和探索.  相似文献   

丰富的写作材料是提高写作水平的关键,教师可以指导学生在观察中、阅读中,背诵中,练笔中及通过电视、网络等途径积累材料.  相似文献   

张楚廷教授立足于"人本主义哲学"或"人哲学"思考教育与课程,提出了人的教育、人的课程、五I课程构想、结构改造主义课程观、人文引领的和谐课程走势等基本概念或命题。为防止人的异化、使人更像人、让人更高大,张教授主张加强人文课程、警惕和改造社会课程、科学课程。张楚廷课程理论具有内涵理解的深刻性、表现形式的多样性、内容特质的人本性、语言风格的诗话性、自我实践的广泛性、使用价值的普适性等鲜明特色。深沉的民族情怀、深切的教育情感、深厚的哲学情结、深长的生命情致是张楚廷能创立特色鲜明课程理论的主要成因。  相似文献   

高强 《巢湖学院学报》2003,5(4):7-10,16
我党80多年的光辉历程正是中国文化伴随社会主义革命和建设的发展历程。从毛泽东同志的“双百”、“二为”方针,到邓小平同志的“两手抓,两手都要硬”的论述,再到江泽民同志提出“三个代表”中的“始终代表中国先进文化前进的方向”,党的三代领导人对文化建设的论述,恰恰反映了中国先进文化发展的过程。党的十六大首次提出全面建设小康社会,强调了必须大力发展社会主义先进文化,建设社会主义精神文明,用“三个代表”重要思想统领社会主义文化建设。全面建设小康社会,必须建设有中国特色的社会主义的先进文化。  相似文献   

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