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Aim: To explore teacher’s perceptions of barriers and facilitators to physical activity (PA), including enabling, reinforcing and predisposing factors amongst children and young people (CYP) with intellectual disabilities (ID). Method and procedures: The Youth Physical Activity Promotion (YPAP) Model was used to inform semi-structured focus groups to explore PA of CYP with ID. Participants were 23 (9 male) teachers and teaching assistants, from three special educational needs (SEN) schools (1?=?Primary, 2?=?Secondary) within North West England. Three focus groups were held with between six and eight participants, audio and video recorded and data transcribed. Data were inductively and deductively analysed using Nvivo and represented through pen profiles. Results: Three pen profiles were developed and structured around YPAP Model to display themes within the data. Enabling factors (facilities (n?=?23) and activity type (n?=?39)); reinforcing factors (influences of peers (n?=?23), family (n?=?10) and teachers (n?=?19) to PA engagement); and predisposing factors (healthy lifestyle (n?=?15), enjoyment of PA (n?=?14), adaptations for PA (n?=?10), structured play (n?=?10), effects of disability on PA (n?=?8) and the CYPs attitudes towards PA (n?=?8)). Conclusion: CYP with ID enjoy engaging in PA, particularly activities that are of a fun and unstructured nature which allow for progression of skills and promote independence. Participants recognised that they, as teachers, had an influence on the CYP’s PA engagement, however suggested that parents have the most influential role. Similar to previous research, participants noted that CYP with ID had a lack of understanding as regards the importance of PA engagement and its benefits to health. It is suggested a strong home–school link for CYP within SEN schools could prove to be a key facilitator for active and healthy lifestyles education and choices.  相似文献   

Being able to set personal high-quality goals and having the skills to make plans for goal attainment are associated with higher performance, increased student involvement at school, and higher levels of self-determination. This study examines self-reported goals of 83 Norwegian elementary and lower secondary school students with and without intellectual disabilities. The study also looks into whether students feel that they learn goal setting and planning skills at school. Findings suggest that students are able to identify process and product goals for themselves. Most students set academic goals for themselves, followed by career goals and sports-related leisure time goals. No significant differences were found between typically developing students and students with intellectual disabilities. While roughly two-thirds of all students reported that they feel encouraged to set goals for themselves at school, almost 60% of all students expressed that they did not learn planning skills at school. This finding indicates the need to assist teachers with instructional materials for how to teach students these important skills for self-determination.  相似文献   

Do traditional, agrarian values put minority culture children at a disadvantage in North American schools? The available results are mixed. In this chapter we attempt to “unpack” some of the effects of traditional Latino family values on their children's early school adaptation and achievement. Our research suggests that agrarian-origin values, which differ from academic-occupational orientation of school personnel, do not necessarily work to the disadvantage of students. On the contrary, under certain conditions, these values may be complementary to those of the school and in fact serve to support educational adaptation and achievement. A key to our findings and analyses is the concept of educación beliefs among the parents in our sample. Not all strongly endorsed cultural beliefs are instantiated in ways that impact children's experiences and development. Some cultural beliefs lead to instantiation into everyday routines of families, while others seem to be readily available, expressed, and endorsed but not reliably acted on (D'Andrade & Strauss, 1992). Those beliefs that are instantiated into the daily routine are more likely to produce detectable effects on children's development, a conclusion supported by cross cultural evidence (Weisner, 1984).  相似文献   

Post-secondary education (PSE) is an important option in the educational and employment paths of students with intellectual disabilities (ID). However, PSE for young adults with ID is not in wide use across the world. Different issues might affect the geographical spread of PSE programmes. Some of these are related to the attitudes, expectations and/or funding for those programmes. In this systematic review, the PSE experiences of different stakeholder groups (young adults with ID, their parents, PSE staff and students without a disability) were examined by reviewing findings across 22 studies that investigated PSE for students with ID. This examination encompassed attitudes and motivation to engage with PSE, as well as stakeholders’ perceived barriers and facilitators in accessing and remaining in the three PSE models (separate, inclusive and mixed). Students with ID and their parents were the stakeholder groups least represented in the available evidence. Findings suggested that most stakeholder groups reported positive experiences of PSE derived mostly from gains in social skills and independence. Several barriers to accessing PSE were reported by each group, namely physical and academic barriers by students with ID, an understanding of the PSE system by their parents, and the lack of training by PSE staff. Evidence from the present review seems to indicate that inclusive PSE models were associated with a more positive experience across stakeholder groups.  相似文献   

《Infancia y Aprendizaje》2013,36(3):245-248

El presente debate ofrece una visión crítica sobre el estado actual de la noción de modularidad de la mente aplicada a la comprensión del desarrollo cognitivo. El artículo central de Enesco y Delval propone que la noción de modularidad ha fracasado como alternativa al constructivismo, que se vería apoyado por los datos empíricos actuales procedentes de la psicología evolutiva y la neurociencia del desarrollo. Los comentarios de Núñez, Scerif y Gomila elaboran o matizan estas conclusiones.  相似文献   

Research evaluating phonics reading programs for children with severe intellectual disabilities (ID) is limited. The current study investigated whether using an online reading program (Headsprout® Early Reading; HER) as supplementary reading instruction for children with a severe ID leads to improvements in reading skills as compared to children not receiving this additional instruction. Fifty-five children from a special school were randomly allocated into the HER group or a waiting list control group. For six months, children in the intervention group received HER as supplementary instruction, whereas children in the control group received only ‘reading as usual’ teaching. Pre- and post-intervention tests on standardised reading measures were conducted. Analysis of data from outcome measures indicated that the HER group made improvements at post-intervention in comparison with the control group, with medium effect sizes on two domains from the main outcome measure. These results support the case for a larger research trial of HER for children with severe ID.  相似文献   

The need for graduate teachers to own their professional responsibilities to engage successfully with students with special educational needs (SENs) in mainstream classrooms has been recognised in educational policies and programmes in many countries for well over two decades. Despite wide-ranging research, questions remain as to how pre-service education courses can help beginning teachers to develop the required commitment, knowledge and pedagogies to feel confident in teaching students with disabilities. Challenges to find new ways to enhance pre-service teachers’ familiarity with special needs children, overcome resistance from some towards including SEN students in mainstream classrooms and develop a sense of efficacy in teaching are common to many programmes. In this paper, we report on a pilot study where adults with intellectual disabilities, as members of a community theatre, were positioned as the experts and explored their schooling experiences and personal biographies with soon-to-be graduate teachers in a 3 h workshop. Taking the lead and working collaboratively with the workshop participants, members of Fusion Theatre used drama activities to develop understandings of strategies that helped them to learn. By challenging the traditional power relationships between those labelled as ‘disabled’ and those who would be teachers, the workshop helped the participants to engage on many levels. Here, we report on the data, analyse the findings and discuss implications for other pre-service programmes.  相似文献   

This paper offers a critical discussion on voice and representation in youth digital media production in educational settings. The paper builds on existing calls from digital media and visual studies scholars to approach youth-made media with greater attention to context in production practices. In this discussion, the author addresses the importance of technological tools, media genres, settings, and program design in the construction of voice and representation for children and youth making digital media. The paper presents a case study derived from a three-year ethnographic research project and feminist intervention in one under-resourced school in Toronto, Canada. Through the examples presented in this paper, the author presents a critical discussion about the process and content of digital video created by girls making media in particular contexts, under distinct conditions.  相似文献   


En este artículo se presenta una revisión del primer Programa de Inmersión aplicado en la provincia de Quebec (Canadá) hacia la mitad de la década de los sesenta: el programa experimental de St. Lambert. Este programa fué diseñado para cubrir las necesidades y características de un grupo determinado de niños anglófonos canadienses. Se describen las características de éste programa, la evaluación que se llevó a cabo y los resultados obtenidos. Asimismo, se incluyen las modificaciones del programa original que han dado lugar a la aplicación de otros programas de características distintas que se describen a lo largo del artículo. En las conclusiones se pone de manifiesto la especifidad del diseño de estos programas con respecto al grupo para el que fueron diseñados y el desarrollo de nuevas formas de educación a partir de los programas de inmersión.  相似文献   


En este trabajo se describe la naturaleza y secuencia de adquisición de las preguntas interrogativas parciales en niños de habla catalana y/o castellana dentro de un marco de análisis según el cual la adquisición de las estructuras lingüísticas se construye gradualmente desde estructuras concretas hasta estructuras más abstractas. La muestra utilizada se compone de 10 niños y niñas procedentes de corpus longitudinales cuyas edades van de los 17 meses a los 3 años. El análisis se ha realizado atendiendo a la estructura sintáctica de la oración, los errores, los pronombres y adverbios interrogativos, y la tipología verbal. Los resultados muestran que la secuencia de adquisición pasa por un momento inicial caracterizado por producciones estereotipadas o fórmulas, durante el cual sólo aparecen algunas partículas interrogativas en estructuras muy concretas. Posteriormente la interrogación aparece con otros pronombres y adverbios y se diversifica a otros verbos, además, no se observan errores en la construcción sintáctica. Estos resultados suponen un hecho diferencial respecto de estudios previos en lengua inglesa.  相似文献   


The objective of the present article is twofold. On the one hand, it aims to analyse the relationship between argumentation and education with a special emphasis on the difficulties that occur when defining and assessing argumentative skills. These difficulties are related to the thinking patterns underlying the argumentation models and, at the same time, are reflected in the educational models used to train and to assess students’ argumentative skills. On the other hand, this article presents and discusses common and distinctive aspects of the papers selected for this monograph.  相似文献   


En el presente artículo se revisan y clasifican un amplio número de investigaciones sobre el aprendizaje y la enseñanza de la lectura inicial. La selección de los estudios respondió a dos criterios: que se centraran en las primeras etapas de la enseñanza de la lectura y que atendieran a las características de la propuesta metodológica de los docentes. Encontramos muchas investigaciones sobre la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la lectura que investigan aspectos muy diversos, en función de los elementos de la situación educativa que enfocan, la metodología que utilizan, y el paradigma o teoría psicológica de la que parten. En esta revisión se organizan estas investigaciones atendiendo a su aproximación más o menos parcial o global a la práctica de enseñanza de la lectura. Esta organización nos permite apuntar diferentes conclusiones acerca del alcance y limitaciones de estos distintos estudios.  相似文献   


The process of including students with disabilities is necessarily influenced by teachers’ attitudes towards them and towards their inclusion in education. After detecting the need to study the attitudes present in preschool and primary and secondary school teachers, this study was proposed as it was decided that an analysis of such attitudes could help to develop a better understanding of the current needs of the education system. This study analysed data on attitudes from a total of 175 teachers (29.10% male) working in state schools (50.30%) and semi-private schools in different autonomous communities of the Spanish state. An adapted version of the teacher questionnaire on attitudes towards students with special educational needs arising from disability was used. After analysing the psychometric properties of the questionnaire, further purification of these properties resulted in an assessment instrument comprising 22 items. It is worth highlighting the appraisal that teachers carry out of their training, the existence of resources, as well as their own level of involvement.  相似文献   

In the past 50 years research on attitudes toward people with disabilities has repeatedly revealed negative attitudes by predominantly using self-report measures. The main aim of the present contribution was to develop an Implicit Association Test (IAT) to assess implicit attitudes toward people with disabilities. For this purpose 47 university students majoring in special education (11 male, 36 female) were asked to complete the IAT in addition to self-reported explicit attitudes (affective, cognitive, and behavioural component). Moreover, the students were asked about the amount and perceived quality of their contact experience with people with disabilities. Results showed that participants reported on average most negative explicit attitudes in the affective, followed by the cognitive and the behavioural component. On average, students were more likely to associate the category ‘disabled’ with the attribute ‘unpleasant’ on the IAT. Overall, explicit and implicit attitudes were only weakly correlated. The amount of contact significantly predicted the three components of explicit attitudes, but not implicit attitudes. The results and limitations of this study will be discussed with respect to their implications for the educational context.  相似文献   

This study analyzed the magnitude of experimental intervention outcomes as a function of violations in internal and external validity for studies that included students with learning disabilities. The results indicated that treatment outcomes were significantly affected by the following violations: teacher effects, establishing criterion levels of instructional performance, reliance on experimental measures, using different measures between pretest and posttest, using a sample heterogenous in age, and using incorrect units of analysis. Furthermore, the underreporting of information related to ethnicity, locale of the study, psychometric data, and teacher applications positively inflated the magnitude of treatment outcomes. A weighted hierarchical regression analysis revealed that composite scores of the aforementioned high-risk variables accounted for 16% of the total variance in effect size. The implications for interpreting intervention research to practice are discussed.  相似文献   

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