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There is a growing trend to offer students learning opportunities that are flexible, innovative and engaging. As educators embrace student-centred agile teaching and learning methodologies, which require continuous reflection and adaptation, the need to evaluate students’ learning in a timely manner has become more pressing. Conventional evaluation surveys currently dominate the evaluation landscape internationally, despite recognition that they are insufficient to effectively evaluate curriculum and teaching quality. Surveys often: (1) fail to address the issues for which educators need feedback, (2) constrain student voice, (3) have low response rates and (4) occur too late to benefit current students. Consequently, this paper explores principles of effective feedback to propose a framework for learner-focused evaluation. We apply a three-stage control model, involving feedforward, concurrent and feedback evaluation, to investigate the intersection of assessment and evaluation in agile learning environments. We conclude that learner-focused evaluation cycles can be used to guide action so that evaluation is not undertaken simply for the benefit of future offerings, but rather to benefit current students by allowing ‘real-time’ learning activities to be adapted in the moment. As a result, students become co-producers of learning and evaluation becomes a meaningful, responsive dialogue between students and their instructors.  相似文献   

人员测评模拟实践课程在高校教学中初步得以开展,它在高校培养人力资源管理人才方面日益发挥重要作用。在介绍目前人员测评模拟实践课程的教学目的、特点、教学内容、教学流程和实际教学效果的基础上,分析人员测评模拟实践课程教学中存在的问题以及问题产生的原因,最后提出改善人员测评模拟实践课程教学效果的途径。  相似文献   

对实验技术人员绩效评价进行研究,针对目前国内高等院校实验室技术人员的考核方式中存在的缺陷,在立足于理论和实践相结合的理念的基础上,借鉴企业绩效管理的方法和实践,提出了绩效评价应上升到人力资源管理的整体架构之中的高度加以考量,以实验技术人员职业生涯规划为出发点,对如何对其进行客观、全面、公正的绩效评价作出探索。  相似文献   

关于科技人才的培养与开发   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
今天 ,中国工程院教育委员会与高科技产业化研究会联合举办“科技人才培养与开发研讨会”,很有意义。高科技产业化研究会正在积极筹备成立人才委员会 ,今天和工程院一起开会 ,事实上是活动的开始。这次会议是论坛性的 ,通过讨论 ,对有关人才的问题集思广益 ,提出一些意见 ,希望能产生一定的社会影响 ,有些重大的问题还可以向上级反映。参加这次会的人员不论是工程院的还是高科技产业化研究会的 ,都是高层次的 ,讲的话也都是很有分量的 ,这是一个很大的特点。下面所谈的 ,是我的个人看法。1978年 ,小平同志在全国科学大会前 ,召开了一个科教…  相似文献   

Student evaluation committees play a crucial role in internal quality assurance processes as representatives of the student body. However, the students on these committees sometimes experience difficulty in providing constructive and structured feedback to faculty in an environment characterised by a strong power differential between student and staff. This study aimed to evaluate a leadership and quality assurance training implemented for students involved in internal quality assurance. Furthermore, we explored how students give shape to their internal quality assurance role. Students from three health sciences programmes participated in a mixed methods study to evaluate the training and reflect on their internal quality assurance role. Overall, the students were very enthusiastic about the training. Qualitative data analysis indicated that in their internal quality assurance role, students: (1) harnessed the power of the entire student population; (2) tried to create focus and take charge; (3) searched for a common ground with staff, and (4) they explained how they dealt with the power differential. Providing training for students with internal quality assurance roles is a valuable endeavour. Future research needs to investigate further ways to help students to contribute to internal quality assurance processes in higher education.  相似文献   

高级军事技术院校在全面培养和提高学员综合素质的前提下 ,怎样进行军事素质培养 ,实现高级军事工程技术人才“军”与“工”两方面素质的和谐统一 ,培养出适应军队现代化建设和打赢未来高技术战争需要的高素质复合型军事技术人才 ,本文拟就此谈些粗浅看法。一、高级军事工程技术人才必须具备过硬的军人基本素养军人基本素养是从事军事职业的人必须具备的不可缺少的军事素质 ,它主要体现在军人的职责、任务、仪容仪表、行为规范和组织纪律等方面 ,集中反映在中国人民解放军《内务条令》、《纪律条令》和《队列条令》中。高级军事工程技术人才…  相似文献   

企业经理人才测评师培训主要包含人力资源理论、人才测评理论、人才测评系统理论与人才测评系统应用四部分内容。人力资源理论包含人力资源管理理论、企业组织理论、企业绩效考核体系理论、企业岗位与制度理论;人才测评理论包含心理学理论、人格测定与分析、职业能力分析、职业生涯规划:人才测评系统理论包含信息技术在人才测评过程中的发展与应用与协同与共协理论与测评系统应用分析;人才测评系统应用包含工商管理知识测试与分析、工商管理能力测试与分析、工商管理人才素质综合测试技术评价与分析。  相似文献   

Much of the research conducted on the use of interactive whole-class technologies in primary school classroom focuses on teacher-to-student interactions. This paper, drawing on a social theory of learning, reports on a qualitative case study undertaken with two primary school classes in one school in New South Wales, Australia where the interactive whiteboard (IWB) was used. Here the focus of the lessons was on literacy where students were learning to write reviews. The results of the study demonstrate that the use of the IWB can provide for learning in a whole-class setting where interactions between students feature. Consequently, the teacher is able to take on a facilitator’s role.  相似文献   

Learning Environments Research - The design of learning environments is being increasingly investigated, largely as a result of higher-education providers being challenged by both societal and...  相似文献   

针对知识经济时代高等院校实验室技术人员培训的重要性,倡导终身教育理念,提出具体的培训体系、培训内容及培训形式;基于模糊理论,引入一套培训综合评估指标体系.  相似文献   

从目前职业生涯规划测试状况及目前我国软件人才测评状况分析,提出必须从脑科学、心理学及软件技术角度分析研究软件研发人才必备的专业素质、测评与选拔方法,为软件人才的选拔提供可供参考的评测标准,帮助软件企业确定从业人员所需具备的专业素质及综合素质要求,为企业在人才招聘、选拔和培训等方面提供科学的依据.减少企业由于用人失误所造成的损失,节约企业运营成本,帮助企业选拔合适人才并进行人岗匹配,充分发挥软件人才在区域经济增长中的作用.  相似文献   

实验技术队伍建设是一个长期的过程,涉及多个方面,除完善聘用制度和考评体系外,还应通过精致化的管理,在人才引进、职位晋升、经费支撑等方面为实验技术人员的全方位发展营造更为广阔的空间。  相似文献   

本文针对乌海市化工企业人才现状、应用化工技术专业人才需求、培养目标和职业岗位群等情况进行了调研.通过调研,掌握了企业的岗位用工标准和应用化工技术专业学生在工作中存在的问题,为今后的人才培养和专业建设起到了一定的指导和借鉴意义.  相似文献   


The study provides an insight into how teachers may facilitate students’ group learning in science with digital technology, which was examined when Norwegian lower secondary school students engaged in learning concepts of mitosis and meiosis. Quantitative and qualitative analyses of the teacher’s assistance draw on Galperin’s conceptualisation of learning.

Findings reveal patterns in the teacher’s guidance: the teacher fulfilled the orienting, executive and controlling functions while assisting students in identifying the key features of mitosis and meiosis and solving the compare and contrast task. The teacher relied on and interplayed with the available mediational resources: compare and contrast task, digital animations, and collaborating peers. However, it was the compare and contrast task that demonstrated an approach to study scientific concepts which may have contributed to the development of learners’ understanding about to engage in learning in science. By adopting such an approach, learning activity has the potential to not only help students to achieve learning outcomes but it acquires a functional significance, becoming a tool in the learning process aimed at the development of students’ as learners. The digital animations, in turn, demonstrated scientific processes that were otherwise invisible for students and triggered group discussions. The study, therefore, raises questions about the need for practitioners’ awareness of the type of support the technology and other resources provide to assist both conceptual learning and enhancing students’ agency in learning to learn.  相似文献   

理工大学法学专业人才的培养特色   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
据教育部 1999年 6月的一项调查显示 ,我国有 10 7所理工科院校开设了法学专业。这些学校在办法学专业的过程中都面临着同样的问题 :理工科大学法学专业有生命力吗 ?如何办出自己的专业特色 ?其毕业生在人才市场上的竞争力如何 ?我校 1995年开办法学专业 ,从那时起我们就一直在思索上述问题。在对我国的法律职业及法律服务市场进行了调查后我们发现 ,随着社会的发展 ,近年来我国的法律服务市场发生了几个显著的变化 :1高科技争议、知识产权争议在法律服务市场中所占的比重越来越大。2外语好、计算机基础好的法律人才尤其受欢迎。据我们对广…  相似文献   

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