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李学勤先生说:“孔子与《周易》关系如何,是中国学术化史上的一个重大问题。如果确如古代史籍所说,孔子长期研习过《周易》,并亲自撰作了《易传》,那么《易传》便是有关孔子哲学思想的重要依据,同时探讨《周易》这部举世重视的古书的性质,必须与孔子和儒家联系起来。这会使  相似文献   

吴廷翰论道以《易》为宗,以孔子之言为准的思想,是对以往易学和经学思想的批判性总结和发展,其理论针对性是批评程朱以阴阳为气,以道为理的理本论思想,以及朱熹易学以图解《易》的治《易》方法。这亦是对张载、王廷相以来的气学理论的继承发展,体现了其经学与气学的结合,在明代思想史上占有重要地位。  相似文献   

易经是一部奇书。从形式到内涵,它都具有两重性,正是它的奇处。  相似文献   

中国古代建筑以其独特的构思与巧夺天工的营造而驰名中外,其魅力不仅在于它的外表形式,而更重要的是它本身所固有的文化内涵。揭开中国古代建筑的神秘面纱,我们就会发现其中竟然蕴藏着充满先哲智慧的《道德经》与《周易》的宇宙观,使无形的哲理通过有象的建筑而展现于世闻。道器结合,体用一源,这才是中国建筑的美感与力量之源泉所在。  相似文献   

文章在前贤辑录《谷梁传注疏》、《毛诗正义》、李善《文选注》中王弼佚文的基础上,结合新发现的《谷梁传注疏》一则王弼佚文,讨论王弼佚文的义理和价值,在此基础上,探讨王弼注《系辞》问题。  相似文献   

李莉 《华夏文化》2012,(2):34-36
“对待”一词,常见于易家书籍。“阴阳对待”的概念,是指阴阳相反而并立,相比较而并存。朱熹对此有过解释,他说:“是两物相对待在这里,故有文;若相离去不相干,便不成文矣。卦中有阴爻,又有阳爻相间错,则为文。若有阴无阳,有阳无阴,如何得有文?”(《语类》卷七十六《易》十二《系辞》下,林学履问周易时所记)此处的“两物”是指阴阳两物。朱熹认为阴阳相对,又同时并立,  相似文献   

刘淑丽 《寻根》2009,(6):40-43
周代对于女性的论述在《周易》中较为集中,尤其是其中的《家人》、《恒》、《成》等卦。战国时代的荀子就已经注意到了《周易》有关女性与男女关系的论述,《荀子·大略》说:“《易》之成见夫妇,夫妇之道不可不正也,君臣父子之本也。”《周易》者,“以此文王所演,故谓之《周易》”(李学勤主编:《周易正义》,北京大学出版社,  相似文献   

<正> 中国古典哲学的语言富于暗示性,古代学者曾做过大量解读,努力把感性暗示转为近于理性的明示。清初学者李柏在张载关学思想基础上对《易》中美学思想的解读和发挥,向我们提供了一个佐证。一、《易》的语言特点和它的局限  相似文献   

王博 《中国文化》2010,(2):53-64
<正>无论我们对于子贡"夫子之文章,可得而闻也;夫子之言性与天道,不可得而闻也"的说法做出如何的诠释,《论语》所见孔子思想中天道角色的模糊确实是显而易见的。①除了子贡这里的说法之外,我们看不到另外孔子和门弟子们讨论或者提到天道的例子。如果考虑到子产"天道远,人道迩,非所  相似文献   

师卦反映了《周易》关于战争问题的思想。本作认为,师卦初爻爻辞“师出以律,否臧凶”及《象传》“师出以律,失律凶也”中的“律”均不应释为军纪,本认为,“律”是指社会的基本制度,是规范社会行为的准绳。“师出以律,否臧凶”体现了《周易》关于战争目的、战争性质的思想。后世兵家、尤其是孙子继承了这一思想,并在战争手段(如何争取军事斗争的胜利)方面丰富和发展了这一思想,建立了完整的军事理论。  相似文献   

史前时期文化差异较大的成都平原的宝墩文化和川东地区的哨棚嘴文化,商周时由于受到外部文化的强有力冲击而逐渐衰落。伴随而来的是成都平原新的考古学文化——三星堆文化的诞生。三星堆文化涵盖了成都平原及川东地区,在此背景下一个统一的考古文化区——巴蜀文化区在夏代晚期形成。形成后的巴蜀文化区,在长江中游古文化催化下,原有两个区域的文化不断交流、融合,使得这两个同处于四川盆地的古国在民风民俗、社会状况、文化特质变得十分接近,逐步完成趋同发展、整合的过程。  相似文献   

Electronic media would appear to offer the prime forms of communication for the future. Television, the internet, the mobile phone and any number of other innovations present an apparently overwhelming threat to the continuation of the paper‐based media with which most of the adult community is familiar.

The book, in particular, would seem an anachronism. Its production methods, its distribution systems, the physical entity itself, belong not even to the century just finished but to an earlier era altogether. It finds its provenance in a mediaeval technology, its purpose in a society that could accept a pedestrian form of communication, well suited to sharing the printed word with the few who could read it and afford it.

And yet the market for the conventional book remains buoyant. Statistics indicate decline in neither the number of titles published nor sales revenues.

In fact, the new media are indeed impinging on the book market but more slowly than might be imagined. The technologies which have brought us screen‐based devices and telephonic communication have also brought dramatic improvements in the speed and economics of book manufacturing and are beginning to offer highly competitive solutions to both the production and the distribution of conventional books.

This chapter begins with a look ahead to the alternatives shapes of the book of the future. It then accounts for the continuing presence of the conventional book in this scenario by briefly tracing the development of an ancient craft which has evolved through technological innovation into a sophisticated production process which transformed the economics of production.

These technological and economic changes in conventional book manufacturing are set against the advantages and challenges of new media to show how all future forms of the book have a competing place in the market.  相似文献   

中国传统哲学的开端,是"穷根究底"的精神,无可厚非地是源于对未知世界不断探索和永远追求的学问.但随着中国封建社会的形成与发展,中国传统哲学精神开始"走火入魔",为求"安身立命",中国传统哲学精神发生了变异.而作为蕴涵着传统哲学精神的儒、道、释三家知识体系的开源,以学成家,由家立教.在丧失了"穷根究底"的精神,求"安身立命"之后,就必然各自依照自身的社会功能和社会位置,发展出一套伦理的、道德的政治观念与生活宗教来.这是传统哲学精神向"安身立命"的生存境地变化的必然结果.  相似文献   

Usāma ibn Munqidh (d. 584/1188) is best known to historians for his “memoirs” entitled Kitāb al-i‘tibār, which provides a very personal and detailed window into the world of an aristocratic Syrian Muslim in the period of the Crusades. But historians have almost completely ignored a lesser-known work by Usāma called Kitāb al–‘a.(s)ā, or The Book of the Staff. This anthology consists mostly of poetic excerpts relating to walking-sticks and staves, but, scattered throughout, it also contains a handful of narrative anecdotes about Usāma and his times very much akin to the material found in his “memoirs”: tales of miracles, of encounters with the Franks, of Usāma's family, and the courts of the amirs and atabegs of his day. This article presents these extracts translated into English for the first time, with commentary, in the hope that the Book of the Staff will attract the attention of historians that it deserves.  相似文献   

鲁西奇  罗杜芳 《寻根》2002,(2):24-27
在阅读和生活中,时常见到异地同名的现象。顾炎武在《日知录》中谈到先秦时有三个丘舆、两个鄢陵、两个械林、两个重丘、两个姑蔑、五个盂、两个州国、两个楚丘、五个昌黎,并指出:“汉时,县有同名,大抵加东、西、南、北、上、下字以为别,盖本于《春秋》之法。燕国有二,则一称北燕;邾国有二,则一称小邾,是其例也。若郡县同名而不同地,则于县必加一‘小’字。沛郡不治沛,治相,故书沛县为‘小沛’;广阳国不治广阳,治蓟,故书广阳县为‘小广阳’;丹阳郡不治丹阳,治宛陵,故书丹阳县为‘小丹阳’。后人作史多混书之,而无别矣。”  相似文献   

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