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Poly(dimethylsiloxane) or PDMS is an excellent material for replica molding, widely used in microfluidics research. Its low elastic modulus, or high deformability, assists its release from challenging molds, such as those with high feature density, high aspect ratios, and even negative sidewalls. However, owing to the same properties, PDMS-based microfluidic devices stretch and change shape when fluid is pushed or pulled through them. This paper shows how severe this change can be and gives a simple method for limiting this change that sacrifices few of the desirable characteristics of PDMS. A thin layer of PDMS between two rigid glass substrates is shown to drastically reduce pressure-induced shape changes while preserving deformability during mold separation and gas permeability.  相似文献   

Zebrafish is an emerging alternative model in behavioral and neurological studies for pharmaceutical applications. However, little is known regarding the effects of noise exposure on laboratory-grown zebrafish. Accordingly, this study commenced by exposing zebrafish embryos to loud background noise (≥200 Hz, 80 ± 10 dB) for five days in a microfluidic environment. The noise exposure was found to affect the larvae hatching rate, larvae length, and swimming performance. A microfluidic platform was then developed for the sorting/trapping of hatched zebrafish larvae using a non-invasive method based on light cues and acoustic actuation. The experimental results showed that the proposed method enabled zebrafish larvae to be transported and sorted into specific chambers of the microchannel network in the desired time frame. The proposed non-invasive trapping method thus has potentially profound applications in drug screening.  相似文献   

A porous silicon (PSi) based microarray has been integrated with a microfluidic system, as a proof of concept device for the optical monitoring of selective label-free DNA-DNA interaction. A 4 × 4 square matrix of PSi one dimensional photonic crystals, each one of 200 μm diameter and spaced by 600 μm, has been sealed by a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) channels circuit. The PSi optical microarray elements have been functionalized by DNA single strands after sealing: the microfluidic circuit allows to reduce significantly the biologicals and chemicals consumption, and also the incubation time with respect to a not integrated device. Theoretical calculations, based on finite element method, taking into account molecular interactions, are in good agreement with the experimental results, and the developed numerical model can be used for device optimization. The functionalization process and the interaction between DNA probe and target has been monitored by spectroscopic reflectometry for each PSi element in the microchannels.  相似文献   

Viral infections remain a major threat to public health. The speed with which viruses are evolving drug-resistant mutations necessitates the further development of antiviral therapies with a large emphasis on drug discovery. To facilitate these efforts, there is a need for robust, high-throughput assays that allow the screening of large libraries of compounds, while enabling access to detailed kinetic data on their antiviral activity. We report here the development of a droplet-based microfluidic platform to probe viral fusion, an early critical step in infection by membrane-enveloped viruses such as HIV, Hepatitis C, and influenza. Using influenza A, we demonstrate the measurement of the kinetics of fusion of virions with target liposomes with sub-second temporal resolution. In analogy with acidification of the endosome that triggers fusion in a cellular context, we acidify the content of aqueous droplets containing virions and liposomes in situ by introducing acid from the dispersed phase and visualize the kinetics of fusion by using fluorescent probes.  相似文献   

Inertial microfluidics has brought enormous changes in the conventional cell/particle detection process and now become the main trend of sample pretreatment with outstanding throughput, low cost, and simple control method. However, inertial microfluidics in a straight microchannel is not enough to provide high efficiency and satisfying performance for cell/particle separation. A contraction–expansion microchannel is a widely used and multifunctional channel pattern involving inertial microfluidics, secondary flow, and the vortex in the chamber. The strengthened inertial microfluidics can help us to focus particles with a shorter channel length and less processing time. Both the vortex in the chamber and the secondary flow in the main channel can trap the target particles or separate particles based on their sizes more precisely. The contraction–expansion microchannels are also capable of combining with a curved, spiral, or serpentine channel to further improve the separation performance. Some recent studies have focused on the viscoelastic fluid that utilizes both elastic forces and inertial forces to separate different size particles precisely with a relatively low flow rate for the vulnerable cells. This article comprehensively reviews various contraction–expansion microchannels with Newtonian and viscoelastic fluids for particle focusing, separation, and microfluid mixing and provides particle manipulation performance data analysis for the contraction–expansion microchannel design.  相似文献   

There are a plethora of approaches to construct microtissues as building blocks for the repair and regeneration of larger and complex tissues. Here we focus on various physical and chemical trapping methods for engineering three-dimensional microtissue constructs in microfluidic systems that recapitulate the in vivo tissue microstructures and functions. Advances in these in vitro tissue models have enabled various applications, including drug screening, disease or injury models, and cell-based biosensors. The future would see strides toward the mesoscale control of even finer tissue microstructures and the scaling of various designs for high throughput applications. These tools and knowledge will establish the foundation for precision engineering of complex tissues of the internal organs for biomedical applications.  相似文献   

We present a straightforward microfluidics system to achieve step-by-step reaction sequences in a diffusion-controlled manner in quasi two-dimensional micro-confinements. We demonstrate the hierarchical self-organization of actin (actin monomers—entangled networks of filaments—networks of bundles) in a reversible fashion by tuning the Mg2+ ion concentration in the system. We show that actin can form networks of bundles in the presence of Mg2+ without any cross-linking proteins. The properties of these networks are influenced by the confinement geometry. In square microchambers we predominantly find rectangular networks, whereas triangular meshes are predominantly found in circular chambers.  相似文献   

In this study, we demonstrate a new perspective on in vitro assessment method for evaluating quantum dot (QD) toxicity by using microfluidics technology. A new biomimetic approach, based on the flow exposure condition, was applied in order to characterize the cytotoxic potential of QD. In addition, the outcomes obtained from the flow exposure condition were compared to those of the static exposure condition. An in vitro cell array system was established that used an integrated multicompartmented microfluidic device to develop a sensitive flow exposure condition. QDs modified with cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide∕trioctylphosphine oxide were used for the cytotoxicity assessment. The results suggested noticeable differences in the number of detached and deformed cells and the viability percentages between two different exposure conditions. The intracellular production of reactive oxygen species and release of cadmium were found to be the possible causes of QD-induced cytotoxicity, irrespective of the types of exposure condition. In contrast to the static exposure, the flow exposure apparently avoided the gravitational settling of particles and probably assisted in the homogeneous distribution of nanoparticles in the culture medium during exposure time. Moreover, the flow exposure condition resembled in vivo physiological conditions very closely, and thus, the flow exposure condition can offer potential advantages for nanotoxicity research.  相似文献   

Drug discovery is an expensive and lengthy process. Among the different phases, drug discovery and preclinical trials play an important role as only 5–10 of all drugs that begin preclinical tests proceed to clinical trials. Indeed, current high-throughput screening technologies are very expensive, as they are unable to dispense small liquid volumes in an accurate and quick way. Moreover, despite being simple and fast, drug screening assays are usually performed under static conditions, thus failing to recapitulate tissue-specific architecture and biomechanical cues present in vivo even in the case of 3D models. On the contrary, microfluidics might offer a more rapid and cost-effective alternative. Although considered incompatible with high-throughput systems for years, technological advancements have demonstrated how this gap is rapidly reducing. In this Review, we want to further outline the role of microfluidics in high-throughput drug screening applications by looking at the multiple strategies for cell seeding, compartmentalization, continuous flow, stimuli administration (e.g., drug gradients or shear stresses), and single-cell analyses.  相似文献   

We describe the integration of an actively controlled programmable microfluidic sample processor with on-chip optical fluorescence detection to create a single, hybrid sensor system. An array of lifting gate microvalves (automaton) is fabricated with soft lithography, which is reconfigurably joined to a liquid-core, anti-resonant reflecting optical waveguide (ARROW) silicon chip fabricated with conventional microfabrication. In the automaton, various sample handling steps such as mixing, transporting, splitting, isolating, and storing are achieved rapidly and precisely to detect viral nucleic acid targets, while the optofluidic chip provides single particle detection sensitivity using integrated optics. Specifically, an assay for detection of viral nucleic acid targets is implemented. Labeled target nucleic acids are first captured and isolated on magnetic microbeads in the automaton, followed by optical detection of single beads on the ARROW chip. The combination of automated microfluidic sample preparation and highly sensitive optical detection opens possibilities for portable instruments for point-of-use analysis of minute, low concentration biological samples.  相似文献   

Focusing and sorting cells and particles utilizing microfluidic phenomena have been flourishing areas of development in recent years. These processes are largely beneficial in biomedical applications and fundamental studies of cell biology as they provide cost-effective and point-of-care miniaturized diagnostic devices and rare cell enrichment techniques. Due to inherent problems of isolation methods based on the biomarkers and antigens, separation approaches exploiting physical characteristics of cells of interest, such as size, deformability, and electric and magnetic properties, have gained currency in many medical assays. Here, we present an overview of the cell/particle sorting techniques by harnessing intrinsic hydrodynamic effects in microchannels. Our emphasis is on the underlying fluid dynamical mechanisms causing cross stream migration of objects in shear and vortical flows. We also highlight the advantages and drawbacks of each method in terms of throughput, separation efficiency, and cell viability. Finally, we discuss the future research areas for extending the scope of hydrodynamic mechanisms and exploring new physical directions for microfluidic applications.  相似文献   

The original Bratton and Marshall method for sulfanilamide assay has been modified for differential assay of Dapsone even in the presence of other diazotisable compounds. The property of Dapsone diazo derivative to precipitate out upon its coupling with N-(1-naphthyl) ethylene diamine has been taken advantage to differentiate this sulphone from that of other diazotisable compounds. The present assay method also enables one to assay free DDS and its acid labile metabolites in biological samples even in the presence of other diazotisable compounds. The use of the organic solvent to extract the azo colour complex renders greater sensitivity and specificity for DDS assay.  相似文献   

Rosa P  Tenreiro S  Chu V  Outeiro TF  Conde JP 《Biomicrofluidics》2012,6(1):14109-141099
Microfluidics is an emerging technology which allows the miniaturization, integration, and automation of fluid handling processes. Microfluidic systems offer low sample consumption, significantly reduced processing time, and the prospect of massive parallelization. A microfluidic platform was developed for the control of the soluble cellular microenvironment of Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells, which enabled high-throughput monitoring of the controlled expression of alpha-synuclein (aSyn), a protein involved in Parkinson's disease. Y-shaped structures were fabricated using particle desorption mass spectrometry-based soft-lithography techniques to generate biomolecular gradients along a microchannel. Cell traps integrated along the microchannel allowed the positioning and monitoring of cells in precise locations, where different, well-controlled chemical environments were established. S. cerevisiae cells genetically engineered to encode the fusion protein aSyn-GFP (green fluorescent protein) under the control of GAL1, a galactose inducible promoter, were loaded in the microfluidic structure. A galactose concentration gradient was established in the channel and a time-dependent aSyn-GFP expression was obtained as a function of the positioning of cells along the galactose gradient. Our results demonstrate the applicability of this microfluidic platform to the spatiotemporal control of cellular microenvironment and open a range of possibilities for the study of cellular processes based on single-cell analysis.  相似文献   

Multiwell plate and pipette systems have revolutionized modern biological analysis; however, they have disadvantages because testing in the submicroliter range is challenging, and increasing the number of samples is expensive. We propose a new microfluidic methodology that delivers the functionality of multiwell plates and pipettes at the nanoliter scale by utilizing drop coalescence and confinement-guided breakup in microfluidic parking networks (MPNs). Highly monodisperse arrays of drops obtained using a hydrodynamic self-rectification process are parked at prescribed locations in the device, and our method allows subsequent drop manipulations such as fine-gradation dilutions, reactant addition, and fluid replacement while retaining microparticles contained in the sample. Our devices operate in a quasistatic regime where drop shapes are determined primarily by the channel geometry. Thus, the behavior of parked drops is insensitive to flow conditions. This insensitivity enables highly parallelized manipulation of drop arrays of different composition, without a need for fine-tuning the flow conditions and other system parameters. We also find that drop coalescence can be switched off above a critical capillary number, enabling individual addressability of drops in complex MPNs. The platform demonstrated here is a promising candidate for conducting multistep biological assays in a highly multiplexed manner, using thousands of submicroliter samples.  相似文献   

Polymer stretching in two-phase microfluidics is investigated by dissipative particle dynamics. The flow patterns can be controlled by wall wettability, flowrate ratio between two phases, and Reynolds number (Re). For neutral and partially wettable walls, segmented flows are formed and polymer stretching can be controlled by Re and segment length. At high Re, stratified flows are observed and the extension ratio can be tuned by the flowrate ratio. For nonwettable walls, slug flows are formed and polymer stretching can be controlled by Re and slug length. At high Re or flowrate ratio, annular flows are observed and high extension ratio can be easily attained.  相似文献   

Cytokines are small proteins secreted by leukocytes in blood in response to infections, thus offering valuable diagnostic information. Given that the same cytokines may be produced by different leukocyte subsets in blood, it is beneficial to connect production of cytokines to specific cell types. In this paper, we describe integration of antibody (Ab) microarrays into a microfluidic device to enable enhanced cytokine detection. The Ab arrays contain spots specific to cell-surface antigens as well as anti-cytokine detection spots. Infusion of blood into a microfluidic device results in the capture of specific leukocytes (CD4 T-cells) and is followed by detection of secreted cytokines on the neighboring Ab spots using sandwich immunoassay. The enhancement of cytokine signal comes from leveraging the concept of reconfigurable microfluidics. A three layer polydimethylsiloxane microfluidic device is fabricated so as to contain six microchambers (1 mm × 1 mm × 30 μm) in the ceiling of the device. Once the T-cell capture is complete, the device is reconfigured by withdrawing liquid from the channel, causing the chambers to collapse onto Ab arrays and enclose cell/anti-cytokine spots within a 30 nl volume. In a set of proof-of-concept experiments, we demonstrate that ∼90% pure CD4 T-cells can be captured inside the device and that signals for three important T-cell secreted cytokines, tissue necrosis factor-alpha, interferon-gamma, and interleukin-2, may be enhanced by 2 to 3 folds through the use of reconfigurable microfluidics.  相似文献   

This paper describes a method for the quantitative detection of cells expressing BlaC, a β-lactamase naturally expressed by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, intended for the diagnosis of tuberculosis. The method is based on the compartmentalization of bacteria in picoliter droplets at limiting dilutions such that each drop contains one or no cells. The co-encapsulation of a fluorogenic substrate probe for BlaC allows the quantification of bacteria by enumerating the number of fluorescent drops. Quantification of 10 colony forming units per milliliter is demonstrated. Furthermore, the encapsulation of single cell in drops maintains the specificity of the detection scheme even when the concentration of bacteria that do not express BlaC exceeds that expressing BlaC by one million-fold.  相似文献   

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