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In this study, the author represented what matters to bilingual students in their everyday lives—namely bilingualism and everyday experiences—in school-based mathematical problems. Solving problems in pairs, students demonstrated different patterns of organizing and coordinating talk across problem contexts and across languages. Because these patterns bear consequences for how bilinguals experience mathematics learning, the author takes these patterns as the basis to argue that mathematics education for bilingual students should capitalize on bilingualism and experiences as cognitive resources.  相似文献   

双语记忆表征研究主要探讨两种语言是如何在双语者的大脑中进行储存和组织的。先前研究围绕着上述问题、运用翻译等范式、以成人双语者为被试取得了丰富的成果。文章重点介绍了双语记忆表征现代研究的几个新视角,包括运用基于内隐记忆的研究范式进一步探讨双语记忆加工的过程、关注双语者掌握的两种语言词汇的意义量差异所造成的记忆表征的差异以及将第二语言获得年龄效应引入到双语记忆表征问题上来。  相似文献   

双语言语产生中语码切换的特点及机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
双语者在两种或多种语言(或方言)之间转换的过程称为语码切换。本文概括介绍了双语者言语产生中语码切换的动态加工特点,并用双语言语产生理论解释说明双语者语码切换的心理机制。在评述当前研究的基础上,对今后双语言语产生中语码切换的研究提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate language related difficulties and the language of cognitive processes of English-Korean bilingual students in solving mathematics word problems. Qualitative case study research methodology was used to collect, analyze, and present data. The principle of purposeful sampling was used to select six English-Korean bilingual students. Different types of bilinguals revealed distinct patterns of difficulties and languages in solving mathematics word problems written in English and Korean. Children in the transition stage that is unstable and changing revealed more difficulties in solving the mathematics word problems overall.This article is a summary of doctoral dissertation under the direction of James W. Wilson at the University of Georgia.  相似文献   

Bilingual and multilingual speakers mix two or more languages for communication, gaining information and sense-making in varieties of contexts. How do bilinguals mix languages and what does the mixing afford for their learning and participation? This study examines these questions, focusing on Korean-English bilingual youths in a community-based after-school science programme in the United States. A close analysis of videorecordings of the programme sessions demonstrates the ways in which bilinguals negotiate their participant positions and negotiate meanings in their study of science topics. The findings reveal that bilinguals utilise their Korean proficiency to craft diverse ways of participation and that linguistic and scientific sense-making co-occur and support each other. Based on these findings, I offer implications as to how science teachers should perceive students’ mixing of multiple languages and how they can support bilinguals’ learning of science content and English. Additionally, I suggest a future research direction that can help teachers to prepare for linguistically diverse science-learning and -teaching contexts.  相似文献   

The field of neuroscience is now providing research findings about how the bilingual brain functions that can be used to promote richer and more successful dual-language development. This article summarizes recent research, then provides practical applications for parents and teachers of emergent bilinguals. Key understandings about how the brain processes first and subsequent languages are translated into ways to enrich instruction and family-based language and literacy experiences.  相似文献   

A growing body of empirical studies indicates the educational benefits of bilingualism. Despite this tendency, bilingual minority students are being pressured by school authorities to shed their mother tongues. We conducted qualitative interviews with Turkish‐bilingual and native‐monolingual students in Flemish (Belgium) secondary schools to investigate how students evaluate their languages, how Dutch monolingualism is imposed, and how students respond to the dominance of monolingualism. Our results indicate that the mother tongues of bilingual students are mainly perceived as a barrier to educational and occupational success, while the benefits of bilingualism are unknown. Thus, both Turkish‐bilingual and native‐monolingual students approved of speaking one language. We also found that monolingualism was strongly imposed on students by explicit encouragement, formal punishment when bilinguals speak their mother tongue, and exclusion of foreign languages from the cultural repertoire of the school. These results are discussed as they relate to policy‐makers, scholars of bilingualism and institutional racism.  相似文献   

Four groups of children in first grade were compared on early literacy tasks. Children in three of the groups were bilingual, each group representing a different combination of language and writing system, and children in the fourth group were monolingual speakers of English. All the bilingual children used both languages daily and were learning to read in both languages. The children solved decoding and phonological awareness tasks, and the bilinguals completed all tasks in both languages. Initial differences between the groups in factors that contribute to early literacy were controlled in an analysis of covariance, and the results showed a general increment in reading ability for all the bilingual children but a larger advantage for children learning two alphabetic systems. Similarly, bilinguals transferred literacy skills across languages only when both languages were written in the same system. Therefore, the extent of the bilingual facilitation for early reading depends on the relation between the two languages and writing systems.  相似文献   

A total of 104 six-year-old children belonging to 4 groups (English monolinguals, Chinese-English bilinguals, French-English bilinguals, Spanish-English bilinguals) were compared on 3 verbal tasks and 1 nonverbal executive control task to examine the generality of the bilingual effects on development. Bilingual groups differed in degree of similarity between languages, cultural background, and language of schooling. On the executive control task, all bilingual groups performed similarly and exceeded monolinguals; on the language tasks the best performance was achieved by bilingual children whose language of instruction was the same as the language of testing and whose languages had more overlap. Thus, executive control outcomes for bilingual children are general but performance on verbal tasks is specific to factors in the bilingual experience.  相似文献   

In this study, we examine how bilingual students in elementary school use their languages and what this means for their meaning-making in science. The class was multilingual with students bilingual in different minority languages and the teacher monolingual in Swedish. The analysis is based on a pragmatic approach and the theory of translanguaging. The science content was electricity, and the teaching involved class instruction and hands-on activities in small groups. The findings of the study are divided into two categories, students’ conversations with the teacher and student’s conversations with each other. Since the class was multilingual, the class instruction was carried out in Swedish. Generally, when the conversations were characterised by an initiation, response and evaluation pattern, the students made meaning of the activities without any language limitations. However, when the students, during whole class instruction, were engaged in conversations where they had to argue, discuss and explain their ideas, their language repertoire in Swedish limited their possibilities to express themselves. During hands-on activities, students with the same minority language worked together and used both of their languages as resources. In some situations, the activities proceeded without any visible language limitations. In other situations, students’ language repertoire limited their possibilities to make meaning of the activities despite being able to use both their languages. What the results mean for designing and conducting science lessons in a multilingual class is discussed.  相似文献   

Behavioral studies on bilingual learning have revealed cognitive costs (lower accuracy and/or higher processing time) when the language of application differs from the language of learning. The aim of this functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study was to provide insights into the cognitive underpinnings of these costs (so‐called language‐switching costs) in mathematics. Twenty‐nine bilingual adults underwent a 4‐day arithmetic training in one language, followed by an fMRI test session in which they had to solve the trained problems in both languages. Language‐switching costs were accompanied by increased activation in areas associated with magnitude processing (intraparietal sulcus), visuo‐spatial imagery (precuneus), numerical stimulus recognition (fusiform gyrus) and executive functions (frontal areas). These findings suggest that language‐switching costs in arithmetic are due to additional numerical information processing. Bilingual education programs need to take these findings into account to reduce language‐switching costs in order to fully exploit the potential of bilingual learning.  相似文献   

Language proficiency before school entry has proven to be a powerful predictor of literacy development. This longitudinal study examined how simultaneous exposure to two richly inflected languages from birth contributes to the development of language-related literacy precursors at preschool age compared to peers exposed to one language. The community language turned out to be the stronger language of the bilinguals by 4 years of age and to a great extent age-appropriate compared to monolingual peers. The same initial exposure conditions resulted in three bilingual and two monolingual language proficiency profiles. For the bilinguals changes in the proportion of exposure to two home languages and frequency of language-specific social interactions explained proficiency in each language, whereas for the monolinguals exposure did not explain language proficiency. Our findings give support for the primary impact of exposure on the development of bilingualism and preliteracy skills.  相似文献   

关于数学双语教学的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文就教学专业进行双语教学的必要性进行了探讨.就改变目前数学专业的双语教学的现状提出了一些措施,即在数学双语教学中要明确教学专业双语教学的教学目标,加强科学的数学双语教学教材的建设,根据学生的水平进行数学双语教学分层教学,建立完整的教学专业双语教学管理办法和评价体系.  相似文献   

The data reported in this article come from a large project whose goal was to explore how Latin American students in Catalonia, Spain use their two languages—Spanish and Catalan—to support their learning of mathematics in small groups with other students who are Spanish- or Catalan-dominant. For 5 years, lessons from bilingual mathematics classrooms in three public secondary schools were video-recorded and transcribed. In the presentation of findings, I discuss three language practices that emerged from the analyses of several classroom instances as follows: (1) caution with mathematical vocabulary, (2) invention of terms, and (3) word-for-word translation. One example is chosen to represent each practice and some of its situated effects. The first two examples support the view that the experience of language difficulties, either real or presumed, contributes to generating opportunities that may be beneficial to mathematics learning. The third example, where the focus on the mathematics is hindered, points to a contrasting finding. Unlike other studies in the field, which have reported the difficulties and obstacles that arise in learning and teaching due to bilingualism in the classroom, I propose a change of focus through the conceptualization of language as a potential for thinking and doing, and particularly for learning and teaching mathematics.  相似文献   

关于双语教学热点问题的冷静思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
双语教学指的是用2种语言作为教学媒介语,通过学习科目知识(例如,数学课、物理课以及其他专业基础课或专业课等)来达到掌握该语言的目的.随着中国对外开放步伐的加快,双语教学的学科范围日渐扩大.但很多学校在双语教学的试行过程中,存在一些错误做法.为此,我们要特别提醒:双语教学切忌走入误区.双语教学的理论定位和实践定位都是相当高的,双语教学对学校、师资、课程、教材和学生都有着极高的要求.双语教学在全国各院校如火如荼的开展起来,这对于推动社会进步,促进经济发展,提高学生综合素质和办学效果无疑是一件很有意义的事情,但需要广大教育工作者对双语教学热点问题进行冷静思考.双语教学需要我们大胆实践,勇于探索,认真总结,困难面前勇者胜.  相似文献   

Comparisons of cognitive processing in monolinguals and bilinguals have revealed a bilingual advantage in inhibitory control. Recent studies have demonstrated advantages associated with exposure to two languages in infancy. However, the domain specificity and scope of the infant bilingual advantage in infancy remains unclear. In the present study, 114 monolingual and bilingual infants were compared in a very basic task of information processing—visual habituation—at 6 months of age. Bilingual infants demonstrated greater efficiency in stimulus encoding as well as in improved recognition memory for familiar stimuli as compared to monolinguals. Findings reveal a generalized cognitive advantage in bilingual infants that is broad in scope, early to emerge, and not specific to language.  相似文献   

The current reform movement in mathematics education urges teachers to support students as they make sense of mathematics, while also ensuring that they gain specific mathematical skills and knowledge. The tension between these two expectations gives rise to what we call the dilemma of telling: how to ensure that students come to certain mathematical understandings, without directly telling them what they need to know or do. Our study focused on how two middle school mathematics teachers who were incorporating many aspects of reform mathematics into their instruction responded to this dilemma. Data sources include classroom observations and videotapes of lessons over a three-year period. We found that both teachers devoted the majority of class time to student conversations, both small group and whole class; however, the teachers strategically entered the student-dominated conversations by “telling” to meet specific curricular goals.  相似文献   

Bilingual students have, at times, been thought to be at a disadvantage in learning mathematics because of an assumed interference between their two languages. Earlier research, confirmed again in this study, shows that this is a naive view to take. Although some bilingual students do have a harder time, others seem to be at an advantage. This study explores the use that bilingual students who are succeeding in mathematics make of their two languages. These students seem to have better metalinguistics skills that allow them to self-correct when solving problems, and are perhaps more confident in their approach to solving difficult problems. It also appears that students in this study switched between languages in early years of schooling, but only used English by the time they were completing elementary school. This project was supported by an Australian Research Council Large Grant, an Australian Research Council Small Grant, and by internal research grants from Australian Catholic University.  相似文献   

Using speech sounds to guide word learning: the case of bilingual infants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Despite the prevalence of bilingualism, language acquisition research has focused on monolingual infants. Monolinguals cannot learn minimally different words (e.g., "bih" and "dih") in a laboratory task until 17 months of age (J. F. Werker, C. T. Fennell, K. M. Corcoran, & C. L. Stager, 2002). This study was extended to 14- to 20-month-old bilingual infants: a heterogeneous sample (English and another language; N = 48) and two homogeneous samples (28 English-Chinese and 25 English-French infants). In all samples, bilinguals did not learn similar-sounding words until 20 months, indicating that they use relevant language sounds (i.e., consonants) to direct word learning developmentally later than monolinguals, possibly due to the increased cognitive load of learning two languages. However, this developmental pattern may be adaptive for bilingual word learning.  相似文献   

双语词汇表征模型研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Wcinreich首先从宏观上提出了双语的两种语言问可能存在的三种关系类型,但此种类型的划分以及据此通过实验研究而建立的双语词汇表征模型采用的是用一元化的观点,不能正确反映语言间的关系。在确立了双语两种语言中词汇联系与概念联系并存之后,双语词汇表征模型从基于语言特征和基于双语语言水平的两种模型的对立发展到语言因素与双语语言水平因素并存的模型,实现了模型由静态向动态的转变,为探讨语言的加工机制提供了条件。  相似文献   

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