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大学生儿童期遭受性侵害的回顾性调查研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以697名大学生为被试,采用自编问卷,调查我国儿童期性侵害发生情况.结果发现(1)我国大学生中存在着儿童期遭受性侵害的问题;(2)儿童在6岁以后遭受性侵害的危险增大;(3)大多数受害者没有将受害经历告诉他人;(4)绝大多数侵害者为男性,多采取非暴力手段,年龄多为45岁以下,多是受害者熟悉的人.  相似文献   

研究卓越音乐教师专业发展规律与影响因素,有利于增强卓越音乐教师培养的针对性与有效性。通过对M市两位卓越音乐教师的个案研究发现,两位教师的专业发展大致经历了“专业适应”“专业胜任”“专业引领”三个阶段,但在不同阶段所经历的时间和发展困境具有个体差异。在影响卓越音乐教师专业发展的因素中,强烈的成就动机与创新意识是“源动力”,学科竞赛与教学比赛是“催化剂”,行业专家引领是“航标灯”,对外教学展示与交流是重要平台,学校与学科团队的支持是必要保障,而职前教育和职后研修的作用各有所长。卓越音乐教师专业发展的成功个案,既可以为中小学音乐教师走向“卓越”提供借鉴,也可以为音乐教师职前教育和职后培训策略提供参考。  相似文献   

了解农村中心小学校五、六年级学生的发展状况,对留守儿童与非留守儿童进行对照研究,进一步讨论留守儿童的自我认识水平、学习习惯与技能、情绪和社会交往.采用自编问卷、《认识自己问卷》、《学习习惯与应试技能自我测查表》、《儿童孤独量表》、《儿童社交焦虑量表》(SASC)对农村中心小学校五、六级儿童进行调查.结果显示:留守与非留守儿童在认识自己、学习习惯与应试技能、儿童孤独量表、儿童社交焦虑量表及课程成绩的差异性比较上,未呈现出显著性差异.结论是影响留守儿童适应和发展的重要因素是儿童的主观感受.  相似文献   

文章采用文献资料,逻辑分析等方法对竞技武术运动的发展现状进行调查和研究.从竞技武术概念及竞技武术发展中存在的问题,影响因素进行分析,为竞技武术进入奥运会走向世界提供一些理论依据.  相似文献   

当代独生子性别角色的软性化现象及其对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
性别角色发展的双性化趋势已是必然,然而在儿童双性化人格塑造的过程中,由于一些因素的影响,出现了一些男女儿童的异性人格过度现象,其中男孩的女性人格过度现象称为软性化。这种现象严重影响着当代独生予的健康成长,对于适应日益复杂的社会环境产生了极为不利的影响.因此对于这类现象及其对策的研究相当紧迫。  相似文献   

Researchers and theorists offer a strong base of research in physical activity for high risk groups, particularly sedentary children, adults, and the elderly. Little research examines the lifelong healthy movement behaviors of former competitive athletes. This paper raises some important questions relevant to this population, in particular the disturbing, yet limited research pointing to a serious failure of former competitive athletes to necessarily live longer, healthier, and more physically active lives. The scarce research that seems to highlight this neglected problem is outlined and hypotheses that may contribute to this phenomenon are offered and categorized in the following three sections: atypical physical behaviors found in the sporting realm, utilitarian uses of physical activity, and the long-term consequences of athletic identity. Suggestions are offered to direct future research and to implement practical intervention strategies and educational programs.  相似文献   

Physicians write child abuse forensic reports for nonphysicians. We examined 73 forensic reports from a Canadian children's hospital for recurrent strategies geared toward making medical information accessible to nonmedical users; we also interviewed four report writers and five readers. These reports featured unique forensic inserts in addition to headings, lists, and parentheses, which are typical of physician letters for patients. We discuss implications of these strategies that must bridge the communities of medical, social, and legal practice.  相似文献   

This article addresses the issue of child sexual abuse, providing contextual information about the problem, such as the fact that in 85–95% of cases, the offender is known to and trusted by the victim. Because children are greatly influenced by situations depicted in books (and other media), positive and negative influences of general children's literature are discussed. More importantly, the author argues that carefully selected children's literature can help to prevent child sexual abuse. Since statistics reveal that the average sexually abused victim is eight years old, this study focuses on current and suggested literature for children ages four through eight. Content and evaluative criteria are discussed, followed by a survey of thirteen children's books that deal with child sexual abuse. Finally, ideal characteristics of prevention are suggested and some literary models are proposed.  相似文献   

美国预防性侵儿童犯罪的主要举措分为两大类:一是来自司法系统的措施,如罪犯登记、社区通知、住处限制、强制性背景审查、判刑入狱和延长刑期等.二是来自教育领域的措施,教育儿童怎样分辨危险的环境和拒绝性侵者的策略,教育受害者要勇敢地揭露罪犯,减少受害者的自我谴责和羞耻感,促进旁观者帮忙等.除此之外,还有心理辅导与治疗和社区预防等其他措施.  相似文献   

当前,儿童性侵犯日益成为一个社会重视的严肃问题。目前国内研究集中在概念分析、发生率调查结果、对受害者的影响、发生原因以及相关对策方面,呈现出了儿童性侵犯研究的发展水平和总体趋势,但研究对象的细化、研究方法的完善、研究范围和视角的扩大以及受害儿童心理辅导的分类细化等问题有待进一步加强。  相似文献   

日本儿童虐待之现状与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
儿童虐待问题应该说是目前在日本整个社会里最为人们所关心的问题之一。近十年来,儿童虐待现象不断呈现上升趋势。儿童虐待的类型分成:身体虐待型、放置不理型、性的虐待型和心理虐待型。儿童被虐待的原因主要有社会方面的要因、家庭的要因和被虐待儿童自身的要因等三个方面。  相似文献   

性侵害受害儿童的心理病理学研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
性侵害会对儿童的身心发展产生不良影响。本文介绍了儿童性侵害的定义、儿童性侵害的流行率与发生率、性侵害受害儿童的心理病理学研究。在此基础上,提出了今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

儿童性虐待已经成为世界范围内的公共卫生问题,各国对儿童性虐待的流行学调查显示一致的高流行率及某些共同的特点,儿童性虐待由于具有特殊的创伤特征以及虐待形式的多样化而存在认定困难。建立专业的儿童性虐待评估机构是减少受虐儿童反复受到伤害,降低其创伤后障碍风险的有效途径。性科学教育及普法教育是提高人们自我保护和保护他人意识的关键,学校是性教育的主要场所,同时需建立家庭、学校、社会三位一体的安全责任体系。  相似文献   


Teachers in a large, all-male urban school in Jordan were interviewed about their perceptions of the most frequently occurring student misbehaviour. It was hoped to be able to identify the causes of such ‘disruption’ to teaching and learning in the school. Teachers spontaneously identified eight forms of student misbehaviour, which reflected clearly different kinds of interference with the teacher's authority. Teachers showed great awareness of the constraints which operate in the school context, which in turn affect their means of managing discipline in the classroom. Though this study was undertaken in a context which is significantly different from England, it is interesting that the issues these teachers saw themselves confronted with were not significantly different from those reported in this country. The conclusions that the researchers draw from their data have relevance beyond the specific context in which this study was undertaken.  相似文献   

现今,儿童性侵害事件是一种严重影响个体健康成长和社会和谐发展的危机现象.国内外学者从预防管理、教育项目、康复治疗、法制保障、社会文化等多角度对儿童性侵害现象进行了系统的分析研究.立足当前国内的性教育现实图景进行理性的反思,合理地审视教育预防管理路径的整个场域,诸如教育预防的目的、内容、以及支撑因素,从而确证儿童性侵害的解决之道的构建应基于学校教育预防策略这一基本起点和落脚点;同时于实际践履中创造良好的社会生态系统,科学有效地处理与儿童性侵害相关的各种难题.  相似文献   

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