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部分承担社会责任的企业存在决策困境的状况,原因是决策中的各种不确定因素。从理论概念看,企业的社会责任并未形成广泛认可的通行的定义;从现实情况看,企业社会责任决策过程中的不确定因素可以从以下四个方面进行分析:关于企业社会责任存在认识误区,企业面临的决策环境是不确定的,决策者素质存在差异,方案形成困难导致不确定性增加。如果处理不当,这些因素中的多个甚至一个也能导致承担社会责任的企业陷入决策困境。决策者应尽力减轻这些不确定性所带来的负面作用,以便做出有责任的判断和选择。  相似文献   

言语得体是一全面性的语用策略。合作原则、面子论和礼貌原则都是得体的具体表现形式。礼貌的目的是为了得体 ;不礼貌有时却也是得体的。  相似文献   

The European Economic Community has failed to bring about any appreciable level of co-operation in the University* world of Europe. Whilst there is a small number of Universities cooperating in student exchange programmes, in general the situation has not changed in any detectable way in regard to University cooperation, since the establishment of the EEC. Indeed Ireland, as with other European countries, has much stronger University links with the USA than with any of its European partners. It is sometimes said that “European cooperation is like the weather in Ireland, everyone talks about it but does nothing about it” This paper whilst perhaps adding to the ‘talk’, makes a definite proposal for the establishment of a central office which will be the focus for the generation of University cooperation in Europe, specifically in the important field of Continuing Engineering Education (CEE). It is suggested that this office could become the nucleus for more general cooperation between European Universities, particularly in the contribution which the Universities make to the research and development needs of European ‘high-tech’ industry  相似文献   

This paper focuses on one approach to making research students more reflexive in their writing. It is argued that the development of the ability to be reflexive in regard to their own qualitative research does not come easily to a significant number of students. A range of possibilities which supervisors might present to their research students as questions to be considered in these respects is outlined. Four relevant case study vignettes are presented of the work of doctoral students (with the full cooperation and written permission of all involved) who have been supervised by the author of this paper. It is argued that these demonstrate that the students concerned have found consideration of their own, sometimes shifting, positions on the insider–outsider continuum of considerable value in developing their reflexivity in relation to their own research.  相似文献   

In this chapter, the authors propose and evaluate an accountability system based on indicators that combine elements of both inputs and outcomes. The authors stress the importance of ensuring that accountability systems in education are flexible and sensitive to the sometimes competing ends that schooling systems pursue. This approach places considerable emphasis on open inquiry and discussion between centralized authorities and constituent schooling units. The authors envision a four phase accountability strategy which attempts to move the system away from a reliance on penalties and rewards and toward a system based on cooperation and communication. An overview of an effort to implement this kind of approach in New York State is provided.  相似文献   

This paper discusses current issues in the education of visually impaired children in the U.S.A., with emphasis on appropriate educational placement. A review of recent literature suggests that a dichotomy exists between advocates of public school and residential school programs, with differing interpretations of how Public Law 94‐142 will ultimately affect educational placement of the visually impaired. The author concludes that both types of programs will continue to operate and that cooperation between public and residential schools may increase thus creating a favorable climate for the provision of a continuum of appropriate educational services for visually impaired children.  相似文献   

通过问卷调查 ,对开放教育学生是否适应新型教学模式进行研究 ,得出初步结论 :一是学生的学习动机良好 ,但激烈的社会竞争对学生的学习动力提出了新挑战 ;二是学生学习主要是个别化自主学习和集体面授齐头并进 ,小组合作学习和综合学习方式比例不断增大 ,专题研究的学习方式偶尔也用 ;三是学生经常使用的教学媒体和教学手段是文字教材、音像教材和网络 ,其对目前的多种媒体教学基本满意 ;四是学生对目前助学手段的适应性不能尽如人意  相似文献   

大学是学术生产活动和组织管理活动的统一体,学术权力支配学术活动,行政权力管理大学事务、配置办学资源。从理论上讲,两者相互依存,应合作共享,合力促进大学的发展,但在现实中,学术权力与行政权力却经常发生冲突,甚至影响了大学职能的实现。本文对两者的功能形态和冲突机理进行分析,并借鉴和运用相关理论,建构了大学学术权力和行政权力的包容框架,解释了两者的包容性发展。  相似文献   

试论新闻写作中模糊语言的积极功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新闻写作中模糊语言的使用不会有碍新闻信息的有效传递,有时能起到精确所无法达到的作用。使用模糊语言可以使写作主体在新闻写作中遵循合作原则和礼貌原则,在适当的语境中保持语言的灵活和含蓄,避开写作禁忌,实现写作主体的自我保护,达到最好的表达效果。人们对新闻中模糊语言持有错误认识,将准确性和模糊性对立。事实上新闻写作中模糊语有其存在的必要性和合理性,具有独特的语用功能,能够使新闻写作的语言准确、简洁而且富于美质。  相似文献   

汪浩同志反复论述的“毛周体制”从法理上说是不存在的,从客观实际上说也是不通的。毛泽东周恩来有过长期的密切合作,但也有意见不一致的时候,或产生重大分歧的时候。“毛周体制”不是民主政治的体制,而是类似历史上的寡头政治,所以不宜宣传,不宜作为党的建设和国家制度的价值目标。  相似文献   

As a testament to the growing literature on autoethnography and my own connections to systemic and direct racism, this article is a therapeutic way to explore my past through the ancient way of telling, testifying, and developing knowledge through narrative inquiry. Testimony opens new ways of looking at the world by participating in a subversive form of scholarship. Indigenous scholars have claimed that stories play a vital role in transmitting who we are. Through my experiences, I explore the concept of “the middle ground” and the spaces of identity created by complex relationships of power. Similar to the literature on borders, “go-betweens” dance across worlds and exist in spaces wrought with alienation, discovery, transmission, and cooperation. I also argue that anarchist theory and praxis can inform larger autoethnographic writing, pushing radicals to include narrative inquiry into their own communities and praxis through an exploration of self. In this way, we can begin the difficult process of theorizing from our own locations that includes moments of intense pain, shame, and triumph that life sometimes brings us.  相似文献   

When the response of pigeons is maintained to a number of stimulus wavelengths, but extinguished to one (S?), the birds peck more rapidly at stimuli near the S? than at more distant stimuli. The present study explores this “dimensional contrast” effect as a function of the number and spacing of test wavelengths. A fixed portion of the wavelength continuum was spanned by 5, 9, 13, or 49 stimuli, which appeared in random sequence behind a standard pecking key. At the end of each 20-sec trial, pecks to test stimuli produced a conditioned reinforcer (sometimes followed by food), while pecks to the S? stimulus produced only darkness. Dimensional contrast “shoulders” developed to test stimuli on either side of the S?; these shoulders were of approximately the same height and wavelength position for all but the 5-stimulus (widely spaced) condition, and were comparable to the original contrast results with 25 stimuli. The results strongly suggest that the extent and locus of contrast shoulders are largely independent of the number and spacing of test stimuli.  相似文献   

沙冰梅  黄颖 《海外英语》2012,(12):265-266,276
根据格莱斯理论,日常生活中的语言交际有时候会通过间接表达来实现,并且对话当中存在规律性(胡壮麟,2006)。基于这些规律性,格莱斯提出了合作原则,以实现正常的交流。该文以小品《今天的幸福》为例,对其对合作原则的遵守和违背进行分析,旨在向读者展示小品的幽默效果是如何得以实现。  相似文献   

本文从观念差异的界定入手,分析了观念差异对合作的影响。虽然观念差异不是影响或决定合作的决定性因素,但却是影响合作的持续性因素。相似性是合作的起点,但差异性带来的互补性则可能成为合作推进的持续动力。差异并不必然导致冲突,相近或类似的观念也可能带来冲突。差异并不是影响合作的唯一变量,但处理不好差异的问题或持有错误的差异观却有可能直接影响到合作的进程。差异间能够实现理解和互动也能促进合作的发展。虽然不是所有差异都可以实现合作,但差异间实现合作却是可行的、也是可能的。减少差异增进合作是一种类型,化解差异增进合作是另一个层次。人类必须实现差异间的和谐共存,协调差异、化解分歧、促进合作。中国外交正在努力实现由"求同存异"到"求同合异"的转变。  相似文献   

中亚五国是“一带一路”陆路发展的外部第一区域。运用变异系数TOPSIS模型和Theil指数,采集2008—2017年世界银行统计数据,完成对中亚五国商贸合作环境的实证分析,结果表明:中亚商贸合作环境水平呈现波动态势,整体水平较低,商贸合作环境国别差异显著。提出差别化区域商贸合作,优化区位选择路径,强化商贸合作软环境,提升合作适应水平,创造商贸合作新模式,建立商贸示范区,建立商贸合作基金会,提升合作规模级别等建议。  相似文献   

分析了高职院校校企合作存在的问题,指出了今后校企合作的发展方向,提出了深化校企合作的实现方法与策略,形成以学生职业能力培养为核心,以师资队伍共育共享为依托,从而推动校企合作的持续发展。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Great advance has been achieved in vegetation characterization with remote sensing techniques. Most spectral vegetation indices (VIs) are usually calculated as the combinations of red and near-in- frared (NIR) reflectance because the information contained in a single spectral band is insufficient for characterizing vegetation status as vegetation exhibits unique reflectance properties in these bands. These VIs can be generally grouped into ratio indices and orthogonal indic…  相似文献   

The paper opens by characterizing recent discourse about empirical educational research as the “new Babel”-critics, using different theoretical vocabularies and making different deep assumptions about the nature of social life, are failing to communicate with each other. After locating some of the critical positions on a left-right continuum, the main discussion focusses upon the end of this continuum where there are located the recent attempts to restore rigor to educational research by using the so-called “gold standard” of randomized field trials. It is argued that positions at this end of the continuum misrepresent the nature of science, and some examples are briefly mentioned in order to covey the point that it is fruitful to view scientists as making convincing cases, cases that appeal to a wide variety of evidence. This assessment of scientific cases is called the “platinum standard”.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to explore parents’ perspectives on the role of school factors in school refusal (SR). Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 17 parents who had experienced SR with their own child. They identified several school factors related to SR. Some of these findings suggest that students who are prone to SR need more predictability and more teachers’ support than they sometimes get in school. Their need for predictability seems to occur particularly during less structured activities and during transitions in school. Findings also imply that disruptive behavior among classmates and harsh management from teachers affects perceived predictability and support for SR-prone students. All parents expressed concern about bullying, and roughly a third of them reported that their child had been a victim of bullying. Insufficient adaptation of schoolwork was also mentioned relatively frequently. Parents emphasized that adaptation of schoolwork needs to be done in close cooperation with the student and parents to avoid negative differentiation from classmates or stigma. Finally, several parents commented that teachers and schools need more knowledge about SR and felt that schools needed a more coordinated approach to supporting students who are at risk of SR.  相似文献   

There is increasing interest in using hyperspectral data for quantitative characterization of vegetation in spatial and temporal scopes. Many spectral indices are being developed to improve vegetation sensitivity by minimizing the background influence. The chlorophyll absorption continuum index (CACI) is such a measure to calculate the spectral continuum on which the analyses are based on the area of the troughs spanned by the spectral continuum, However, different values of CACI were obtained in this method because different positions of continuums were determined by different users. Furthermore, the sensitivity of CACI to agronomic parameters such as green leaf chlorophyll density (GLCD) has been reduced because the fixed positions of continuums are determined when the red edge shifted with the change in GLCD. A modified chlorophyll absorption continuum index (MCACI) is presented in this article. The red edge inflection point (REIP) replaces the maximum reflectance point (MRP) in near-infrared (NIR) shoulder on the CACI continuum. This MCACI has been proved to increase the sensitivity and predictive power of GLCD.  相似文献   

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