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The findings of this study tend to confirm the hypothesis that abused children are found to be significantly different from nonabused children in academic achievement, placement in classes for the emotionally disturbed and for the educable mentally retarded. The data also confirm the hypothesis that abused and neglected children are placed in special facilities more frequently than children who have not been adjudged as abused. Further, abused and neglected children were reported to exhibit behaviors indicative of psychological problems. Within each of the dimensions investigated, abused and neglected children were found to have significant problems.In light of the significant differences found in this study, we find substantial support for the projects being supported by the National Center for Child Abuse and Neglect designed to involve the schools in the United States in the battle against children abuse and neglect. Especially important is the project of the Education Commission of the States designed to create an awareness among school systems, professional teacher organizations, and state and local legislative governing bodies of their potential in the battle against child abuse and neglect.In light of the loss of human potential as well as the increased costs involved in providing special classes for the abused and neglected child, allocation of resources to involve schools and school personnel as a part of the multidisciplinary team concerned with child abuse and neglect seems well justified. Additionally, the allocation of fiscal resources for research designed to secure data regarding the sequelae of child abuse is also amply justified.  相似文献   

This study assessed the effectiveness of a broad based psychotherapeutic intervention with a sample of 72 children sexually abused at a residential school for the deaf. An untreated comparison group emerged when about half of their parents refused the offer for psychotherapy provided by the school. Treated and untreated children were randomly assigned to two assessment groups: those who participated in a pretreatment assessment and those who did not. Houseparents at the residential school used the Child Behavior Checklist (CBC) to rate the pretreatment assessment children before treatment and all 72 children one year after the implementation of psychotherapy. Children receiving therapy had significantly fewer behavior problems than children not receiving therapy. There was a differential response to therapy on the basis of sex. Boys receiving therapy had significantly lower scores on the following CBC scales than the no treatment group: Total, Internal, External, Somatic, Uncommunicative, Immature, Hostile, Delinquent, Aggressive, and Hyperactive. There were no differences on the Schizoid and Obsessive scales. Girls receiving therapy had significantly lower scores than the no treatment group on the following CBC scales: Total, External, Depressed, Aggressive, and Cruel. There were no differences on the Internal, Anxious, Schizoid, Immature, Somatic, and Delinquent scales.  相似文献   

Thirty-seven children admitted to hospital with a diagnosis of abuse at an average of 5.5 years previously were compared with 37 non-abused children matched for age, sex, ethnic group, school and social class. The mean age of the children with 8.9 years (range 4.6-14.0 years). Self-esteem in the children was assessed by means of a structured interview with the child and the Piers-Harris Self-Concept Scale. The abused children saw themselves as having significantly fewer friends than the comparison children and they played with friends less often. They were less ambitious than the non-abused children with regard to the sort of occupation they would like as adults and were significantly lower in self-concept on the Piers-Harris Self-Concept Scale. These results show that, as well as providing treatment for abusive parents, a long-term program which aims at improving interpersonal relationship skills and self-esteem is required for abused children.  相似文献   

Thirteen 6-year-old children who had been physically abused by their parents were assessed in school for language development, educational attainments and social adjustment, and compared with children from some of the same school classes who served as a comparison group. All the abused children had attended the Family Centre of the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) in Manchester before starting school, and they and their parents had received social work support and supervision from the special unit team. Ten of the 13 abused children had made measurable progress in reading. There were no significant differences between the groups in language development or number skills, but the abused group did contain more high (maladjusted) scores on the Bristol Social Adjustment Guide. Monitoring educational progress and social adjustment in school would seem to be a useful method of following the progress of such children. Most of the children in this group are so far making progress within the ordinary school system despite the disturbances which have affected their home life.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The goal was to develop an empirically derived typology for sexually abused children exhibiting sexual behavior problems to assist practitioners in differential assessment, treatment, and case planning. METHOD: Data were systematically gathered from the clinical records of 100 sexually abused children, aged 3 years to 7 years, enrolled in two treatment programs. Twelve indexes were created corresponding to major areas of child and family history, functioning, and treatment response. After initial sorting into subgroups based on the presence or absence of interpersonal sexual behavior problems, further subdivision was based on hierarchical cluster analysis. RESULTS: Five distinctive sexual behavior profiles emerged: (1) developmentally expected; and developmentally problematic (2) interpersonal, unplanned, (3) self-focused, (4) interpersonal, planned (noncoercive), and (5) interpersonal, planned (coercive). Elements of the child's sexual abuse experience, opportunities to learn/practice problematic sexual behavior, and familial variables best differentiated between the types. CONCLUSIONS: The five types differed not only in child sexual behavior but in most areas of child and family functioning, including treatment outcome. The findings offer support for the development of an empirically-based typology for children with sexual behavior problems utilizing a range of variables which go beyond typical classification systems based on offender and victim characteristics.  相似文献   

Profile of abused and neglected American Indian children in the Southwest   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
From both knowledge gained working in Indian communities and a major data collection program, this article examines child abuse and neglect among the Indian tribes in a southwestern state. The period of study covers 1982 through 1985. The study sample consists of 53 children targeted by the local Indian Health Service Hospital Child Protection Team as being abused and/or neglected. In addition, information on the parents, grandparents and, in a number of cases, great-grandparents are examined. The study is a secondary data analysis of clinic and hospital records and interviews with local community health care providers and tribal officials. The results indicate that alcohol abuse was present in 85% of the neglect cases and in 63% of the abuse cases. In addition, child abuse and neglect occurred simultaneously in 65% of the sample. Child abuse and neglect are found to be part of a larger phenomenon of multiproblem families which raises the issue of intergenerational perpetuation of these problems. The results underscore the importance of interagency cooperation in surveillance, treatment, and prevention, as well as more careful and thorough documentation of record maintenance.  相似文献   

Sexual abuse of children frequently lies hidden while the victims receive medical care for other complaints. To identify clinical signals of latent abuse, we studied 50 children whose initial presentations masked the presence of sexual abuse and compared them with 31 overt cases identified by chief complaint. A broad variety of symptoms masked the abuse. While some, such as early adolescent pregnancy and genital symptomatology, might have suggested the diagnosis, unusual physical symptoms, psychosomatic, and behavioral disorders were as frequent. The masked group differed significantly from the more frequently studied overt group in that chronic history of sexual abuse was twice as common; school problems and psychosomatic disorders were three times as frequent; the alleged abuser was more often an immediate family member, usually the father; male victims were more likely to present in this disguised manner. Familiarity with typical masked presentations should aid earlier identification of these troubled children.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that most abusing parents have a history of physical abuse or neglect in their own childhoods. There is little data on the frequency of prior sexual abuse among parents who physically or sexually abuse their children. Many case reports describe the uncovering of a prior incest experience in a parent during the investigation of the child's current incest accusation, but it is unclear how frequently this occurs. One hundred mothers of abused children were asked about sexual incidents that occurred before age 18; the control group consisted of 500 normal women from the same community who were surveyed during meetings of various voluntary organizations. Age and ethnicity did not differ in the two groups. Of the mothers of abused children, 24% reported a prior incest experience, whereas only 3% of the control women reported prior incest. This eightfold difference was highly significant. The 34 mothers from families where sexual abuse was occurring were no more likely to report prior incest than were the 66 mothers from families where physical abuse occurred. The one case of genital mutilation of a child occurred in a family where both parents had been incest victims. Case studies indicate that the parent who has been an incest victim has inhibitions and fears about tenderness, traceable to the childhood incest experience, which are important in the development of either physical abuse or sexual abuse in the family.  相似文献   

Ethical issues in research with abused children   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper discusses sensitive ethical issues encountered in conducting research with abused children and the potential consequences of various methods of handling these dilemmas. Important ethical questions arise at three stages of the research: (1) obtaining consent for participation in the research; (2) conducting interviews with or administering tests to the subjects; and (3) providing information about test results to parents or others outside the research team. Concern with children's rights has been extended to the question of who can give consent for children to participate in research. In the case of abused children, the consent issue is complicated by the potential adversarial relationship between abusing parent and abused child. Procedures for interviewing or testing abused children must include provisions for three special situations: (1) when a child is distressed by the interviewing or testing; (2) when a child's answers or test results indicate emotional problems; and (3) when a child's answers or comments indicate that the child is being abused. Decisions concerning whether to inform parents or others about an individual child's answers must balance the parents' right to know against the child's right to privacy. All these circumstances require serious deliberation concerning the role and responsibility of the research investigator.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Cluster analysis was used to enhance understanding of heterogeneity in social adjustment of physically abused children. METHOD: Ninety-eight physically abused children (ages 5-10) were clustered on the basis of social adjustment, as measured by observed behavior with peers on the school playground and by teacher reports of social behavior. Seventy-seven matched nonabused children served as a comparison sample. Clusters were validated on the basis of observed parental sensitivity, parents' self-reported disciplinary tactics, and children's social information processing operations (i.e., generation of solutions to peer relationship problems and attributions of peer intentions in social situations). RESULTS: Three subgroups of physically abused children emerged from the cluster analysis; clusters were labeled Socially Well Adjusted, Hanging in There, and Social Difficulties. Examination of cluster differences on risk and protective factors provided substantial evidence in support of the external validity of the three-cluster solution. Specifically, clusters differed significantly in attributions of peer intent and in parenting (i.e., sensitivity and harshness of parenting). Clusters also differed in the ways in which they were similar to, or different from, the comparison group of nonabused children. CONCLUSIONS: Results supported the contention that there were clinically relevant subgroups of physically abused children with potentially unique treatment needs. Findings also pointed to the relevance of social information processing operations and parenting context in understanding diversity among physically abused children. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS: Pending replication, findings provide support for the importance of considering unique treatment of needs among physically abused children. A singular approach to intervention is unlikely to be effective for these children. For example, some physically abused children might need a more intensive focus on development of prosocial skills in relationships with peers while the prosocial skills of other abused children will be developmentally appropriate. In contrast, most physically abused children might benefit from training in social problem-solving skills. Findings also point to the importance of promoting positive parenting practices in addition to reducing harsh discipline of physically abusive parents.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The goals of this research are to develop and test a prospective model of attention problems in sexually abused children that includes fixed variables (e.g., gender), trauma, and disclosure-related pathways. METHODS: At Time 1, fixed variables, trauma variables, and stress reactions upon disclosure were assessed in 156 children aged 8-13 years. At the Time 2 follow-up (8-36 months following the initial interview), 56 of the children were assessed for attention problems. RESULTS: A path analysis involving a series of hierarchically nested, ordinary least squares multiple regression analyses indicated two direct paths to attention problems including the child's relationship to the perpetrator (beta=.23) and dissociation measured immediately after disclosure (beta=.53), while controlling for concurrent externalizing behavior (beta=.43). Post-traumatic stress symptoms were only indirectly associated with attention problems via dissociation. Taken together, these pathways accounted for approximately 52% of the variance in attention problems and provided an excellent fit to the data. CONCLUSIONS: Children who report dissociative symptoms upon disclosure of CSA and/or were sexually abused by someone within their family are at an increased risk of developing attention problems. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS: Findings from this study indicate that children who experienced sexual abuse at an earlier age, by someone within their family, and/or report symptoms of dissociation during disclosure are especially likely to benefit from intervention. Effective interventions should involve (1) providing emotion regulation and coping skills; and (2) helping children to process traumatic aspects of the abuse to reduce the cyclic nature of traumatic reminders leading to unmanageable stress and dissociation.  相似文献   

Both parents and children need a high potency nurturing program to develop trust. They must experience a dependent, close relationship to form basic trust. There is no other way to heal the scars of past abuse and insure healthy relationships with others. With proper nurturing, self-esteem is raised and feelings of power, self-control and long-needed security follow. Nurturing can be done successfully in residential treatment for children and out-patient treatment of parents. Selection of academically qualified, emotionally mature and caring staff members is the major factor affecting success. Myriad therapies fail for abused children and families when the vital basic need for nurturance is not filled. Without forming basic trust, the completion of this early developmental task, behavior gains will be short-lived and subsequent emotional problems result. Emotional involvement and commitment from therapists is necessary for the kind of nurturing process that promotes growth and healing. This involvement brings rich rewards to both client and therapist. The younger the children and parents are at the time of treatment, the greater is the potential for success. The program described in this paper illustrates how children can be reunited successfully with their families after a period of residential treatment for the children if the families are similiariy treated.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study was undertaken to assess academic progress of children 1 to 5 years after graduating from the C. Henry Kempe Center's Therapeutic Preschool Day Treatment Program. METHOD: Information was gathered through chart review; telephone surveys of care providers, relatives, and social service workers; as well questionnaires on all children who attended the therapeutic preschool day treatment program between 1984 and 1989, including the 24 children reported on by Oates, Gray, Schweitzer, Kempe, and Harmon, 1995. RESULTS: Classroom placement was determined for 27 of the 44 graduates (61.4%), 14 of whom (51.9%) were in a regular classroom, 10 (37.0%) in special education, two (7.4%) in residential treatment, and one (3.7%) was receiving home schooling. Twenty-two of the 27 children (81.5%) improved or remained in the same grade and type of classroom as they had been staffed into at the time of their graduation from the preschool day treatment program. Factors thought to affect stability of classroom placement were studied, of which frequency of family moves was the only significant variable. Its significance was in the direction opposite to that expected. The most effective method of locating families was to contact the Department of Social Services who provided information used to find 60% of them. CONCLUSIONS: Intervention in a therapeutic preschool day treatment program was found to be beneficial, as it enabled most of the children to progress appropriately in public school.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the incidence of re-abuse in children known to have been sexually abused and to find factors that increase the risk of re-abuse. METHOD: The study group consisted of 183 children with substantiated sexual abuse who presented to two children's hospitals' Child Protection Units in Sydney, Australia during 1988 through 1990. At intake, when the children were aged between 5 years and 15 years, data about the child, the family, and the nature of the index sexual abuse were collected. Six years after presentation for the abuse, records of the Department of Community Services were checked to see if any of the young people had been the subject of substantiated notifications for abuse/neglect before and after intake to the study. Predictors of notifications for abuse/neglect after presentation for the index sexual abuse were identified. RESULTS: Of the sexually abused young people, nearly one in three were the subject of subsequent substantiated notifications to the Department of Community Services for some form of child abuse and neglect or behavior which placed them at risk of harm. Later notifications for abuse/neglect were predicted by notifications for emotional abuse before the index sexual abuse (adjusted RR = 4.88, CI: 1.43 to 16.65), severity of the index sexual abuse (p = .03), and the number of changes in the child's primary caregivers before intake (p = .03). Approximately one in six of the sexually abused young people were notified for sexual abuse after intake to the study. One in 10 also had prior notifications for sexual abuse. Sexual abuse notifications after study intake were predicted by caregiver changes before intake (p = .01) and whether or not there were notifications for emotional abuse before the index sexual abuse (adjusted RR = 3.40, CI: 1.05 to 11.02). CONCLUSIONS: Revictimization of children appears to be a marker of ongoing family dysfunction. Intervention in child sexual abuse needs to consider a range of risk factors associated with re-abuse and, in particular, should focus on family functioning if further abuse is to be prevented.  相似文献   

中学档案管理工作是学校管理工作的一个不可缺少的环节,是提高学校工作效率和进行教育教学改革的必要条件,也是衡量一所学校管理和教育教学工作水平的标志。但是,档案管理工作作为中学各项工作的重要组成部分又经常被忽视,尤其是在新时期。鉴于此项工作的特殊性及当前遇到的新情况、新问题,本文对档案管理工作的重要性和存在的问题进行了有益的探讨,提出了完善中学档案管理工作的有效途径。  相似文献   

This study examined the gender differences in outcomes related to school performance, suicidal involvement, disordered eating behaviors, sexual risk taking, substance use, and delinquent behaviors of male (n = 370) and female teenagers (n = 2,681) who self-reported a history of sexual abuse. It was found that female adolescents, by and large, engaged in internalizing behaviors and males in externalizing behaviors. Male adolescents were found to be at higher risk than females in poor school performance, delinquent activities, and sexual risk taking. Female adolescents, on the other hand, showed higher risk for suicidal ideation and behavior as well as disordered eating. Females showed more frequent use of alcohol. However, male adolescents exhibited more extreme use of alcohol and more frequent and extreme use of marijuana. Among index female adolescents, protective factors against adverse correlates included a higher emotional attachment to family, being religious or spiritual, presence of both parents at home, and a perception of overall health. Factors that augmented adverse correlates for them included a stressful school environment due to perceived high levels of substance use in and around school, worry of sexual abuse, maternal alcohol consumption, and physical abuse. For male adolescents, maternal education and parental concern appeared to be protective factors.  相似文献   

Abused children experience high rates of behavior, emotional, and learning problems but infrequently receive treatment. Most services provided to abused children and their families are not based on any clear evidence that they work. A number of evidence‐based treatments (EBTs), demonstrated to be safe and effective in treating a range of difficulties that present in children exposed to family violence, are appropriate for schools. We briefly review forms of abuse, describe EBTs appropriate for schools, and present a decision tree for deciding who to treat and how. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Chen X  Wang L  Cao R 《Child development》2011,82(5):1531-1543
The purpose of this study was to examine how shyness-sensitivity and unsociability were associated with social, school, and psychological adjustment in rural Chinese children. Participants were third- to fifth-grade students (N = 820; M age = 10 years) in rural schools in P. R. China. Data on shyness-sensitivity, unsociability, and adjustment were obtained from multiple sources including peer assessments, sociometric nominations, teacher ratings, self-reports, and school records. It was found that unsociability was associated with social, school, and psychological problems, whereas shyness was generally associated with indexes of adjustment such as social status, teacher-rated competence, and academic achievement. The results indicate that rural Chinese context may play an important role in defining the functional meanings of children's social behaviors.  相似文献   

This research examined factors that predicted resilience in sexually abused adolescents. Using Bronfenbrenner's Process-Person-Context-Time (PPCT) ecological model, this study considered the proximal and distal factors that would contribute to adolescents' reactions to sexual victimization. This correlational study used hierarchical regression analysis (n=237) with cross-sectional data from the National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being Wave I (NSCAW, Dowd et al., 2002). This study found that school engagement, caregiver social support, hope and expectancy, caregiver education and SES predicted resilience. In line with the PPCT model, findings suggest that placing a greater emphasis on the contextual environment could improve support for adolescent resilience. Augmenting interventions that focus on individual change with those that address environmental factors may increase the benefits to adolescents affected by sexual abuse.  相似文献   

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