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Many traditional faculty now find themselves working with nontraditional students. New faculty models such as mentoring have emerged in response to the new student. The purpose of this study was to examine the mentoring role at Empire State College, State University of New York, on the basis of mentors' behavior responses to mentor-defined problems. The Critical Incident Technique was the method used to elicit reported and recalled incidents which either facilitated or impeded mentoring. Significant problems cited in the findings included communications gap in mentor/student relationship and the student's incompletion of academic work. Typical corresponding responses to such problems included providing support, demythologizing the learning process, setting behavior limits, and assessing and reassessing student performance. On the other hand, the critical requirements which were inductively derived from the critical incidents, as well as the practical implications which were gleaned from the study, revealed a definite extension of the traditional faculty role.The original document from which this article was adapted, including an extensive bibliography is on file with University of Microfilms International, Ann Arbor Michigan, 48108.  相似文献   

Résumé Le retournement de conjoncture du début des années 1970 s'est traduit par un renouveau des travaux relatifs aux cycles longs de type Kondratieff. Face à la fluctuation atypique de certaines variables (prix, production, etc ...), les acquis théoriques antérieurs semblaient avoir épuisé leur capacité explicative. Il devenait nécessaire d'énoncer et de vérifier des hypothèses nouvelles pour expliquer les traits originaux de la crise de structure qui se dessinait. Les résultats des travaux développés au sein du groupe de recherche en Histoire Quantitative et Théories du Long Terme de l'Université de Montpellier I répondent à cette nécessité. Ils introduisent une relation entre les dépenses engagées pour le développement des hommes (salaires, éducation, santé etc ...) et celles consacrées à la croissance matérielle.
The downturn in the economic situation in the early 1970s gave rise to new work on long-term Kondratieff cycles. Given the atypical fluctuation in some variables (prices, production, etc.), previous theories appeared to have exhausted their ability to explain events. To explain the original features of the structural crisis that was developing, it has become necessary to put forward and test new hypotheses. The results of work carried out by the research group on Quantitative History and Long-Term Theories at the University of Montpellier I meet this requirement. They introduce a relationship between expenditure on human development (wages, education, health, etc.) and that devoted to material growth.

Zusammenfassung Die Verschlechterung der wirtschaftlichen Situation in den frühen 70ern gab der Arbeit an langfristigen Kontratieff — Zyklen Aufschwung. In Anbetracht der atypischen Fluktuation einiger Variablen (Preise, Produktion, usw.) schienen vorangegangene Theorien die Ereignisse nicht mehr erklären zu können. Um die Ursachen der sich entwickelnden strukturellen Krise erklären zu können wurde es notwendig, neue Hypothesen aufzustellen und auszuprobieren. Die Ergebnisse der von der Forschungsgruppe über Quantitative Geschichte und Langzeittheorien an der Universität von Montpellier I durchgeführten Studien erfüllen diese Anforderungen. Sie stellen Ausgaben für die menschliche Entwicklung (Lohn, Bildung, Gesundheit usw.) und Ausgaben für materielles Wachstum in Relation.

Resumen La degradación de la situación económica a comienzos de los a~nos setenta ha originado un nuevo trabajo sobre ciclos Kondratieff de largo plazo. Dada la fluctuación atípica de algunas variables (precios, producción, etc.), las teorías previas aparentemente habían agotado su capacidad de explicar los hechos. A efectos de explicar las características originales de la crisis estructural que se estaba desarrollando, surgió la necesidad de adelantar y comprobar nuevas hipótesis. Los resultados del trabajo realizado por el grupo de investigación de Historia Cuantitativa y Teorías de Largo Plazo de la Universidad de Montpellier I satisfacen estos requisitos. Ellos introducen una relación entre los gastos y esfuerzos destinados al desarrollo humano (salarios, educación, sanidad, etc.) y aquellos dedicados al crecimiento material.

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An education professor and a high school student tell the story of their mentoring relationship, focusing on the academic journey of the protégé. The narrative attempts to give voice to both mentor and protégé as it relates an authentic win–win situation for both participants and their families. The narrative is theoretically grounded in the literature describing co-mentoring and network mentoring arrangements that are less unilateral and authoritative, and more bi-directional and relationally-based than traditional mentoring arrangements. The authors contend that since educational achievement and attainment determine to a significant degree ones participation in the American Dream, academic assistance and guidance provide a logical area of emphasis for mentoring our youth. Important recent developments in the youth mentoring movement are also discussed.Gregory J. Fritzberg is an Associate Professor of Education at Seattle Pacific University. Aragaw Alemayehu is a 2003 graduate of Ballard High School in Seattle, Washington. Address correspondence to Dr. Gregory J. Fritzberg, College of Education, Seattle Pacific University, Peterson #408, 3307 3rd Ave, Seattle, WA 98119, USA; gregf@spu.edu.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine perceptions of school effectiveness among parents, students, teachers and principals, and differences in their perceptions across school levels (primary vs. secondary) and types (religious state vs. non-religious state). Finally, the results were compared with school effectiveness indicators in the literature. A sample of all categories of subject in eight Israeli schools were interviewed (N=64). Analysis reveals that parents stressed school outputs, teachers stressed their skills and teaching processes, students emphasized both inputs and outcomes, and principals chiefly inputs. Religious schools gave more weight than others to values. These findings are broadly in line with the literature, but any comprehensive analysis of school effectiveness demands reference to all aspects of the concept.
Zusammenfassung Ziel dieser Studie war eine Untersuchung darüber, für wie effektiv Eltern, Schüler, Lehrer und Direktoren die Schule beurteilen und wie unterschiedlich diese Wahrnehmungen auf den verschiedenen Schulebenen und -arten sind (Primarstufe und Sekundarstufe, religiös und nicht-religiös). Danach wurden die Ergebnisse mit Indikatoren über Schuleffektivität in der Literatur verglichen. Man führte Interviews mit den Zielgruppen in acht israelischen Schulen durch (N=64). Die Analysen zeigten, daß Eltern am meisten Wert auf Schulergebnisse legten, Lehrer auf ihre Fähigkeiten und Lehrprozesse, Schüler empfanden Lernen und Ergebnisse als gleich wichtig und Direktoren interessierte hauptsächlich das Lernen. Religiöse Schulen legten mehr Gewicht auf Wertvorstellungen als andere. Diese Ergebnisse stehen im allgemeinen mit der Literatur in Einklang, aber jede umfassende Analyse der Schuleffektivität erfordert die Berücksichtigung aller Aspekte des Konzepts.

Resumen El propósito de este estudio residía en examinar las percepciones referentes a la eficacia de la escuela entre padres, estudiantes, docentes y directores, y las diferencias en sus percepciones a través de los diferentes niveles (primario vs. secundario) y tipos de escuelas (religiosas vs. laicas). Finalmente, los resultados se compararon con los indicadores de eficacia escolar establecidos en la literatura. Se ha interrogado a un grupo representativo de todas las categorias de sujetos en ocho escuelas israelíes (N=64). Los análisis revelan que los padres ponían énfasis en los rendimientos escolares, los maestros enfatizaban sus habilidades y procedimientos de enseñanza, los estudiantes enfatizaban tanto los esfuerzos como los resultados, y los directores, principalmente, los esfuerzos. Las escuelas religiosas, más que otras, adjudicaban una mayor importancia a los valores. Estos resultados coinciden de forma global con los datos que indica la literatura, pero todo análisis integrado de eficacia escolar exige la referencia a todos los aspectos del concepto.

Résumé Le but de cette étude était d'appréhender comment parents, élèves, enseignants et directeurs d'école perçoivent l'efficacité scolaire, et si cette appréciation est différente selon le niveau scolaire (primaire ou secondaire) et le type d'école (statut religieux ou laïque). En dernier lieu, les résultats ont été comparés avec les indicateurs de l'efficacité scolaire relevés dans la littérature. Un échantillon de chaque groupe de sujets de huit écoles israéliennes a été soumis à des entretiens. L'analyse révèle que les parents font valoir le rendement scolaire, les enseignants s'attachent à leurs compétences et leurs méthodes pédagogiques, les élèves soulignent à la fois le contenu des programmes et les résultats scolaires, et les directeurs d'établissement se concentrent en premier lieu sur les contenus pédagogiques. Les écoles religieuses quant à elles donnent davantage de poids aux valeurs. Ces résultats correspondent d'une façon générale à ceux de la littérature, mais toute analyse complète sur l'efficacité scolaire doit couvrir tous les aspects du concept.

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Merker hypothesized that because mobile creatures move around and must constantly readjust their map of the world and because the demands are so great for continually processing information for a map of the world, evolution has created a space in the brain where such preprocessing has been eliminated. This space he calls consciousness with the preprocessing in the unconscious. Using Merker's view, this paper explores the process of changing paradigms, giving advice and the implications for learning.  相似文献   

Conventional instruction in critical thinking technique tends to conflate logical thinking with rational or good thinking. But in doing so, it ignores the creative and intuitive functions of rationality, thereby encouraging a mechanically rote approach to textual analysis, problem solving and problem construction. This overemphasis upon straightforwardly logical calculus of justification functions, and its concomitant deemphasis of intuitive pattern of discovery ones, constitute the Spock Fallacy. Its epistemological weakness and pedagogical hazards are explored.The author of two books and numerous articles, one of his specialties is philosophy of education and critical thinking.  相似文献   

This study explores the impact of higher education on 3,942 arts and sciences students as measured by change in their freshman and senior ratings of four Clark-Trow educational philosophies: vocational, academic, collegiate, and nonconformist (Clark and Trow, 1966). A repeated measures analysis of variance was applied to each of the four philosophies, controlling for sex, entering year, major, parents' educational background, scholastic aptitude, and academic motivation. As expected from Clark-Trow theory, students showed significant increases in academic and nonconformist philosophies, and decreases in vocational and collegiate philosophies. Relationships between independent variables and freshman-senior change suggested post hoc reinterpretation of the dimensions underlying the Clark-Trow phenotypes: i.e., from identification with the college and involvement with ideas to social interests and academic interests (the latter suggested by Terenzini and Pascarella, 1977).  相似文献   

Most quality assessment studies utilize a univariate approach to the assessment of quality. While the univariate approach has some merit, this study presents an alternative—the multivariate approach. Factor analysis identified three clusters of variables potentially linked to quality. These clusters, labeled faculty research, input, and student, were later used as bases for measuring departmental excellence. Seven indicators based on these clusters were developed. The indicators that combined the first and second clusters and the indicators that combined all three clusters appeared to have produced the best estimates of departmental excellence.  相似文献   

Large scale computer-assisted instruction systems generally impose severe constraints upon the demands that individual users may make. Nevertheless, it is possible to overcome these problems and a program is described which teaches students how to fly a specific maneuver through real-time simulation of the flight of a student-controlled airplane. This is achieved in spite of the fact that the student is flying his plane through the use of a manually controlled analog input device. Both computational and educational implications are discussed.Contractual support for this work was provided in part by the Life Sciences Program Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Contract number F44620-70-C-0105. Dr. Charles Hutchinson was the scientific monitor of the contract.  相似文献   

In a recent article in the weekly Times Educational Supplement,Roger Knight attacked some of the various kits and packages which are currently on offer to support teachers and children in preparing for examinations in English literature. Compilers are accused of trivializing the study of literature and distracting teachers and children away from a proper concern with the language of the novel or poem. Some aspects of the compilations are seen by Knight as being akin to party games from a Christmas cracker, and in becoming involved, the teacher for whom literature matters as literature is likely to feel superannuated, disregarded and excluded from the party. Such compilations numb the texts and numb the understanding, Knight continues, and the mentality they so fully express derives partly from the erroneous and fashionable belief that any response to a work of literature is valuable. In this paper, Michael O'Hara offers a personal view on literature teaching in British schools and takes issue with Knight's view that certain approaches to the teaching of literature can be ruled out a priori. He suggests that in the right hands all kinds of approaches are possible. In short, in the teaching of literature, and as long as imagination and judgment prevail, anything goes!Michael O'Hara is a Lecturer in Education at the University of Ulster, Northern Ireland. He has taught in a College of Education in the Republic of Ireland, in a Belfast secondary school, and briefly in Nigeria.  相似文献   

The authors suggest that the gap between common evaluation practice in teacher preparation and the consensus reform goal of high levels of student learning for all students is an impediment to reinventing teacher preparation, professional development, and the professionalization of teaching. In the context of Oregons six-year-old educational transition to a standards-based design for schools and schooling, prospective teachers in Oregon have, since 1989, been required to design, develop, and implement teacher work samples as credible evidence of their effectiveness in fostering student learning as a condition for recommendation for an initial teaching license. This article describes teacher work sample methodology and evidence for its reliability and validity in evaluating the performance of prospective teachers. In short, this article describes a methodology that responds to one critical part of the National Commission on Teaching and Americas Futures challenge to reinvent teacher education and improve student learning.  相似文献   

The growing world-wide sensitivity to the aspirations of indigenous peoples is to be welcomed. However, there is still a tendency which should be avoided: to lump the claims of indigenous peoples with those of minorities. Indigenous peoples are the heirs of long-established political, social and cultural communities which have been oppressed for centuries or victimized by policies of genocide or forced assimilation into the approved language and religion of the dominating community. These forms of destruction can only be truly ended by returning to indigenous peoples a degree of autonomy which will ensure that they have real control over their future. Indigenous peoples should be able to create institutions, including schools, where their languages, religions and cultures are permitted to flourish without interference.
Zusammenfassung Wachsende weltweite Sensibilisierung gegenüber den Bedürfnissen einheimischer Völker sind sicherlich begrüßenswert. Vermieden werden sollte jedoch die Tendenz, die Ansprüche einheimischer Völker mit denen der Minderheiten gleichzusetzen. Einheimische Völker sind Erben langansässiger politischer, sozialer und kultureller Gemeinden, die jahrhundertelang unterdrückt oder Opfer politisch motivierten Massenmordes wurden, oder aber die dazu gezwungen wurden, sich der Sprache und Religion der dominierenden Gruppe zu unterwerfen. Diese Art von Zerstörung kann nur dann endgültig beendet werden, wenn einheimischen Völkern die für eine wahre Kontrolle über ihre Zukunft nötige Autonomie zugestanden wird. Einheimische Völker sollten die Möglichkeit bekommen, Institutionen und Schulen einzurichten zur Pflege und Weiterentwicklung ihrer eigenen Sprache, Religion und Kultur ohne Intervention von dritter Seite.

Resumen La creciente sensibilidad que se registra en todo el mundo ante las aspiraciones de los indígenas es un hecho muy positivo. Sin embargo, aun subsiste una tendencia que debe evitarse: no deben agruparse las reivindicaciones de los indígenas con las exigencias de minorías. Los indígenas son los herederos de communidades políticas, sociales y culturales establecidas desde hace mucho tiempo, que fucron oprimidas durante siglos o víctimas de políticas de genocidios o de asimilación forzada a la lengua y a la religión oficial de la comunidad dominante. Estas formas de destrución solamente podrán suprimirse devolviendo a los indígenas un grado de autonomia que les asegure un real control de su propio futuro. Los indígenas deberían recibir la posibilidad de crear instituciones, e incluso escuelas, donde sus lenguas, religiones y culturas puedan florecer sin sufrir interferencias.

Résumé La sensibilisation croissante au niveau mondial pour les aspirations des populations autochtones doit être encouragée. Une tendance reste cependant à éviter: confondre les revendications des peuples autochtones avec celles des minorités. Les premiers sont les héritiers de communautés politiques, sociales et culturelles implantées de longue date, qui ont été opprimées pendant des siècles, ou sont devenues victimes de politiques génocides, ou encore forcées à l'assimilation de la langue et de la religion autorisées par la communauté dominatrice. On ne pourra mettre un terme définitif à ces formes de destruction que si les populations autochtones recouvrent un minimum d'autonomie qui leur assurera une maîtrise véritable de leur avenir. Les peuples autochtones devraient pouvoir créer des institutions, dont les écoles, où leurs langues, leurs religions et leurs cultures seraient libres de s'épanouir sans ingérence.

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Zusammenfassung Die Schulpädagogik ist seit langem daran gewöhnt, mit Theorieangeboten aus anderen Wissenschaftsdisziplinen konfrontiert zu werden. Mit dem Paradigma der Selbstorganisation liegt gegenwärtig eine sehr komplexe Konzeption bereit, die die Schulpädagogik zur Reflexion über ihren Gegenstand Schule anregen kann. Eine von diesem Paradigma motivierte differenztheoretische Betrachtungsweise von Systemen schärft den Block für die Möglichkeiten, aber vor allem für die Grenzen eines modernene Sozialsystems, wie es die Schule heute ist. Die Fragen, ob Schule kompensatorische Erziehungsleistungen für das Familiensystem erbringen kann, ob unterrichtliches Handeln auch therapeutisches Handeln sein kann, können aus der Perspektive dieses Paradigmas beantwortet werden.
School education has long been accustomed to accommodating theories from other scientific disciplines. The paradigm of self-organization provides a complex concept which will stimulate reflection on the phenomenon of schools within educational science. Analysis of systems in the light of different theory, motivated by this paradigm, can give a clearer view of the potential and limitations of a modern social system, which is what a school now is. By employing this paradigm, answers can be found to the questions whether schools can deliver education that compensates for family systems, and whether teaching can also provide therapy.

Resumen La educación escolar desde hace mucho tiempo se ha acostumbrado a adaptar teorías de otras disciplinas científicas. El paradigma de la auto-orgnización provee un concepto complejo que estimulará la reflexión acerca de fenómeno de las escuelas dentro de la ciencia de la educación. El análisis de sistemas a la luz de una teoría diferencial, motivada por este paradigma, podrá proporcionar una visión más clara del potencial y de las limitaciones de un sistema social moderno, de lo que es una escuela ahora. Aplicando este paradigma, podrán encontrarse soluciones a los interrogantes de si las escuelas pueden proporcionar una educacíon que compense sistemas familiares, y si la enseñanza puede también redundar en terapia.

Résumé L'éducation scolaire est depuis longtemps habituée à assimiler les théories d'autres disciplines scientifiques. Le modèle de l'autogestion fournit un concept complexe qui donnera aux sciences de l'éducation matière à réflexion sur le phénomène de l'école. Une analyse des systèmes à la lumière de la théorie différentielle soutenue par ce modèle peut donner une vision plus claire des possibilités et des limites d'un système social moderne, comme l'est l'école aujourd'hui. Dans l'optique de ce modèle, des réponses peuvent être apportées aux questions si l'école peut remplir un rôle compensatoire par rapport au système familial, et si l'enseignement constitue aussi une action thérapeutique.

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This paper explores the contrasts dividing the excellence and choice movements to date. The orientations of both are examined, along with key features and impacts of each. Particular attention is given the predicament and the challenge of at risk youngsters. Yet there are developments suggesting a growing mutuality between the two movements. The elaboration of a conception of Excellence that makes educational sense reveals the centrality of motivation to educational accomplishment. This in turn exposes the choice principle as an important aid to the pursuit of excellence.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to develop a framework for classifying algebra story problems and to determine observed frequencies for each problem type. A total of 1097 algebra story problems were selected from ten standard algebra textbooks. These are divided into eight families based on the nature of the source formula involved; for example, nearly 300 problems were classified in the time rate family because they were based on the source formula, distance = rate x time or output = rate x time. Each family was divided into problem categories based on the general form of the story line; for example, the time rate family consisted of motion, current, and work categories. Each category was divided into templates based on the specific propositional structure of the problem; for example, there were a dozen templates for motion problems such as overtake, closure, round trip, etc. This article describes the procedure for generating families, categories, and templates and provides frequency counts for each observed template. Implications for fostering productive research and instruction are discussed.This research was supported by grant NIE-G-78-0162 from the National Institute of Education. Requests for reprints should be sent to: Richard E. Mayer, Department of Psychology, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106.  相似文献   

European identities may be politonymic, toponymic, ethnomyic or linguonymic (Bromley 1984). Each dimension may affect whether migrant minorities are treated as European, and influence their schooling, integration and rights. Treatment and terminology vary in different states and periods of migration. However, the position for immigrated minorities is that they are still largely seen as workers rather than human beings with equal rights. Lack of success in schools is blamed on the migrants themselves rather than the educational system. This construction of migrants as being deficient is parallel to educational practice which falls within a UN definition of linguistic genocide, and contributes to mis-education. If current efforts in international bodies to codify educational linguistic human rights were to lead to greater support for minorities, this could assist in a redefinition of national identities and a reduction of racism and conflict.
Zusammenfassung Europäische Identitäten können politonym, toponym, ethnonym oder linguonym sein (Bromely 1984). Jede Gruppe kann darauf Einfluß haben, ob Migrantenminderheiten als Europäer behandelt werden und Schulwesen, Integration und Rechte respektiert werden. Noch werden immigrierte Minderheiten jedoch weitgehend als Arbeiter und nicht als Menschen mit gleichen Rechten angesehen. Schulische Mißerfolge werden eher ihnen selbst als dem Bildungssystem angelastet. Diese Darstellung von Migranten als defizitär entspricht derjenigen Handlungsweise im Bildungsbereich, welche unter die Kategorie des linguistischen Genozids definiert wird und welche zu einer mis-education beiträgt. Wenn gegenwärtige Bemühungen internationaler Gremien um die Kodifizierung der Rechte der Menschen auf ihre Sprache Minderheiten unterstützen, könnte dies zu einer Umdefinition nationaler Identitäten und einer Reduzierung von Rassismus und Konflikten führen.

Resumen Las identidades de los Europeos pueden ser politonímicas, toponímicas, etnomímicas o linguonímicas (Bromley 1984). Cada una de estas dimensiones puede influir en que minorías de inmigrantes scan tratadas de Europeos y con ello en su educación escolar, en su integración y en sus derechos. El tratamiento y la terminología varían conforme a los períodos y las circunstancias de la inmigración. No obstante, la posición que se adopta frente a las minorías inmigrantes es la de considerarlos en gran medida como trabajadores y no tanto como seres humanos de iguales derechos. La falta de éxito en los estudios se atribuye a los inmigrantes mismos, más que al sistema de educación. Esta consideración de los inmigrantes como inferiores es paralela a una práctica de la educación que cae bajo una definición de la Naciones Unidas de genocidio lingüístico y contribuye a la educación deficiente. Si los esfuerzos actuales que las organizaciones internacionales ponen en codificar los derechos humanos lingüísticos de la educación estuvieran destinados a brindar un mayor apoyo a las minorías, esto podría ayudar a definir con mayor precisión las identidades nacionales y a reducir el racismo y los conflictos.

Résumé Les identités européennes peuvent être politonymiques, toponymiques, ethnonymiques ou linguonymiques (Bromley 1984). Selon leurs affinités avec chacun de ces domaines, les personnes appartenant aux minorités migrantes sont considérées ou non comme européennes, et cela influence leur scolarité, leur intégration et leurs droits. La façon dont ces personnes sont traitées et la terminologie évoluent selon les différentes étapes et périodes de migration. Mais le plus souvent, les minorités immigrantes sont encore davantage considérées comme des travailleurs que comme des personnes bénéficiant des mêmes droits. Les échecs scolaires sont mis sur le compte des migrants eux-mêmes et non sur celui du système éducatif. Le fait que l'on considère les migrants comme inférieurs se reflète dans une pratique éducative que les Nations Unies appellent génocide linguistique et se traduit par une éducation inadéquate. Si les efforts actuels de la part des institutions internationales pour codifier les droits de l'homme en matière de pédagogie linguistique apportaient un plus grand soutien aux minorités, cela contribuerait à donner une rédéfinition des identités nationales et à réduire le racisme et les conflits.

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Orson Scott Cards school stories in outer space, Enders Game and Enders Shadow, purportedly occur at the same time and tell the same story, but from the perspectives of two different child protagonists. Scenes in Enders Shadow even reproduce text from Enders Game. Nevertheless, 14 years elapsed between the publications of the two books. This essay brings child studies and exceptionality research to bear on the two novels, analyzing the development of Cards ideology regarding his view of the exceptional child and his view of the nature of heroism in a post-modern world.  相似文献   

In the present period of change, the Spanish systems of secondary and higher education, too, are confronted with new challenges. People have realized that factors within and outside universities demand the development of effective helping services for students, particularly on the level of orientation. Two different models are described, one that relies on tutors, mainly; the other one employs orientation professionals. The article also describes the skills and the training experiences that are necessary for professionals in orientation services.Facultat de Psicologia i Pedagogia, Universitat Roman Llull  相似文献   

The paper investigates conceptual relationships between the Continuous and the Discrete. Differentiation, integration and the fundamental theorem of calculus are based on corresponding operators and a corresponding theorem with functions on finite domains (discrete functions). The final section discusses the possibilities for introducing elements of a discrete analysis into the mathematics curriculum.  相似文献   

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