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Rats were trained to leverpress for food and subsequently exposed to either arithmetic series or random variable-interval reinforcement schedules. Adjunctive drinking developed in all subjects exposed to arithmetic variable-interval reinforcement, but did not develop in six of the eight animals trained on the random schedule. The results suggest that adjunctive drinking is the result of an interaction between the tendency of rats to drink after eating and the ability of locally low probabilities of reinforcement within schedules to induce conditioned behavioral states.  相似文献   

Consumption of food pellets was examined in four water-deprived rats during 1-h sessions in which water was presented once every 30, 60, or 120 sec independently of the rats’ behavior according to three fixed-time (FT) schedules. Correlated with each FT condition was a continuous reinforcement (CRF) control condition in which the rats received, at the start of the session, the number of dipper presentations that were programmed to occur during the corresponding FT condition. During both the FT and CRF conditions, pellets per dipper presentation decreased and food intake rate increased with rate of water presentation, and there was a direct linear relation between log food intake and log water intake. For each of these three measures there was less eating under the FT condition than under the CRF condition, but the difference between the FT and CRF functions decreased at shorter FT values. These data are discussed in terms of the effects of amount of water on food consumption and the principle of temporal summation.  相似文献   

A recent theory of timing (Killeen & Fetterman, 1988) suggests that adjunctive behaviors may act as discriminative cues for the passage of time and that the rate of transition between those behaviors is affected by the rate of reinforcement within the experimental context. Is the rate of transition between behaviors correlated with the rate of reinforcement? What is the context in which rate of reinforcement is calibrated? If rate of transition is correlated with reinforcement frequency, does this correlation change with extended training? Four pigeons were trained on multiple fixed-time schedules of reinforcement, with one component always FT 15 sec, the other either FT 15 sec, FT 45 sec, or FT 5 sec. Behavior was coded into one of 12 categories. Response distributions in the constant component shifted when rate of reinforcement was varied in the other component and eventually shifted back toward their original location.  相似文献   

The tension between exploitation of the best options and exploration of alternatives is a ubiquitous problem that all organisms face. To examine this trade-off across species, pigeons and people were trained on an eight-armed bandit task in which the options were rewarded on a variable interval (VI) schedule. At regular intervals, each option’s VI changed, thus encouraging dynamic increases in exploration in response to these anticipated changes. Both species showed sensitivity to the payoffs that was often well modeled by Luce’s (1963) decision rule. For pigeons, exploration of alternative options was driven by experienced changes in the payoff schedules, not the beginning of a new session, even though each session signaled a new schedule. In contrast, people quickly learned to explore in response to signaled changes in the payoffs.  相似文献   

This research investigated the effects of employing fixed, variable, and extended token exchange periods for backups on the completion and quality of daily assignments of a total fifth- and sixth-grade class. The results indicated a higher percentage of assignments was completed when the number of days between point exchanges was variable, and that performance was maintained when the number of school days between point exchanges was gradually increased. The overall accuracy on assignments was high, but varying, and did not appear to be under the systematic control of the experimental procedures. Data for all pupils indicated that there were individual differences as to the effects of the various token (point) exchange procedures. Pupils with inconsistent assignment completion during Fixed Exchange Conditions (Fixed Period (FP-I, -II, -III) increased their assignment completion during the Variable Token Exchange Procedures (Variable Period (VP)-I, -II, -III). Thus, the variable sequencing of the number of days should be an important consideration in any effort to maintain the positive effects of token-reinforcement systems within classroom settings.  相似文献   

Food-deprived rats develop polydipsia on an intermittent schedule (fixed time 60 sec) of food pellet delivery, but not on an identical schedule of food powder delivery. This result was demonstrated with separate groups receiving each type of food and was replicated using rats as their own controls. Powdered food not only prevented the development of polydipsia, but it abruptly terminated ongoing polydipsia in rats that were switched from the scheduled delivery of pellets to powder. Ethological analysis of the behavior showed that the rats receiving powder were not engaging excessively in some behavior other than drinking. After discounting several factors, we concluded that the amount of oral activity associated with feeding, which occurred immediately after food delivery, was reciprocally related to the level of drinking.  相似文献   

Pigeons pecked on two response keys that delivered reinforcers on a variable-interval schedule. The proportion of reinforcers delivered by one key was constant for a few sessions and then changed, and subjects’ choice responses were recorded during these periods of transition. In Experiment 1, response proportions approached a new asymptote slightly more slowly when the switch in reinforcement proportions was more extreme. In Experiment 2, slightly faster transitions were found with higher overall rates of reinforcement. The results from the first session, after a switch in the reinforcement proportions, were generally consistent with a mathematical model that assumes that the strength of each response is increased by reinforcement and decreased by nonreinforcement. However, neither this model nor other similar models predicted the “spontaneous recovery” observed in later sessions: At the start of these sessions, response proportions reverted toward their preswitch levels. Computer simulations could mimic the spontaneous recovery by assuming that subjects store separate representations of response strength for each session, which are averaged at the start of each new session.  相似文献   

The ability of periodic water reinforcement schedules to induce or entrain activities was investigated by having observers classify mutually exclusive and exhaustive activities of 10 rats placed in a rich environment with various fixed-time schedules of water delivery. For each activity measured, three characteristics of induced behavior were examined: (1) its excessiveness; (2) the commonly observed inverted-U relation between rate of induced behavior and rate of reinforcement; and (3) the observation that induced activities occur earlier in interreinforcement intervals than do facultative activities, producing multimodal activity distributions. All activities were demonstrated to be noninduced, facultative activities, and none could be classified as schedule-induced behavior by any of the three criteria. The factors that determine the temporal distributions of all activities appeared to be equivalent to the factors that determine the distributions of scheduleinduced activities in situations in which only the induced activities are available.  相似文献   

Pigeons were allowed to observe a stimulus signaling food (S+) by pecking one side key of a three-key chamber, or a stimulus signaling extinction (S?) by pecking the opposite side key. Components were 30 sec long and separated by 3-sec blackouts (after extinction periods) or 3-sec access to an illuminated food hopper (terminating food periods). Pigeons came to peck the S+ key almost exclusively. When food and extinction periods were presented in random order, the S+ key was pecked in nearly every component. But when the components alternated in abab fashion, the probability of an S+ keypeck during extinction decreased (after 3-sec access to food) while remaining high in food components (after 3-sec blackout). This suggested the development of trace stimulus control by the stimuli separating the components and that redundant stimuli would maintain observing when they signaled food. Results were discussed in terms of traditional notions of conditioned reinforcement and were not seen as supporting information theory explanations of observing behavior.  相似文献   

In two experiments with goldfish patterned after work with rats, consummatory responding for a less preferred food (adulterated with quinine) was measured in subjects that did or did not have previous experience of a preferred (unadulterated) food. The result in each case was not the negative contrast found in rats, but the opposite—more responding in subjects with experience of both foods. The experiments are in accord with a variety of others that have failed to show control of performance by remembered reward in goldfish.  相似文献   

The notion of academic disciplines being characterized as high- or low-paradigm technologies was developed by Lodahl and Gordon from Kuhn's concept of a paradigm. Using this concept, the voting pattern of high-paradigm faculty (chemistry, physics, mathematics, and engineering) was compared to low-paradigm faculty (sociology, political science, history, and education) concerning a controversial campus issue to liberalize curriculum choices for students. It was found that high-paradigm faculty were not willing to grant students more latitude to select courses for degree requirements, while low-paradigm faculty members were in favor of giving students more latitude to select academic courses for degree requirements. The unique aspect of this study is that faculty behavior, as described in an actual case study, corresponds to theoretical positions supported by questionnaire data.  相似文献   

The behavior of 4 rats living in complex environments was monitored 24 h per day during free-feeding baseline and under conditions of periodic access to food. Under the periodic schedules, the minimum interfood interval (IFI) was increased from 16 to 512 sec in an ascending series. Periodic food produced robust overall increases in investigation of the feeder, drinking, general activity, and rearing, but not in wheel-running. The temporal distribution of behavior within the IFI was similar across subjects and supported the hypothesis that some responses were largely time-locked to the period immediately following eating, while other responses expanded to fill the interval. However, these response differences were not adequately captured by present classification schemes. Finally, the distribution of drinking following a food pellet strongly resembled the distribution of drinking following bouts of feeding in baseline. The results suggest that adjunctive behavior stems from three sources: (1) a simple increase in the number of opportunities for expression of normal preprandial and postprandial behavior, (2) an increase in the preprandial behavior directed toward the site of expected food, and (3) an increase in the postprandial distribution of both site-directed and more general exploratory behavior. These findings suggest that adjunctive behavior is not extraneous, but is an orderly distribution of responses ordinarily related to feeding and foraging for food.  相似文献   

Effects of cadmium (Cd) on microbial biomass, activity and community diversity were assessed in a representative variable charge soil (Typic Aquult) using an incubation study. Cadmium was added as Cd(NO3)2> to reach a concentration range of 0~16 mg Cd/kg soil. Soil extractable Cd generally increased with Cd loading rate, but decreased with incubation time. Soil mi-crobial biomass was enhanced at low Cd levels (0.5~1 mg/kg), but was inhibited consistently with increasing Cd rate. The ratio of microbial biomass C/N varied with Cd treatment levels, decreasing at low Cd rate (<0.7 mg/kg available Cd), but increasing progressively with Cd loading. Soil respiration was restrained at low Cd loading (<1 mg/kg), and enhanced at higher Cd levels. Soil microbial metabolic quotient (MMQ) was generally greater at high Cd loading (1~16 mg/kg). However, the MMQ is also affected by other factors. Cd contamination reduces species diversity of soil microbial communities and their ability to metabolize different C substrates. Soils with higher levels of Cd contamination showed decreases in indicator phospholipids fatty acids (PLFAs) for Gram-negative bacteria and actinomycetes, while the indicator PLFAs for Gram-positive bacteria and fungi increased with increasing levels of Cd contamination.  相似文献   

研究一种基于模型参考自适应(MRAS)的转子时间常数辨识方法:将转子磁链观测中的电压模型和电流模型分别作为参考模型与可调模型,通过自适应机构得到趋于实际值的转子时间常数辨识值。并设计了具有转子时间常数辨识功能的磁场定向控制变频调速实验平台。该实验平台硬件部分以智能功率模块(IPM)逆变电路和基于PCI总线的DSP运动控制电路为核心。在Visual C++环境下设计人机交互界面,编写优化控制算法。实验结果表明,该方案能减小转子时间常数变化对系统产生的影响,较好地改善系统的动静态性能。  相似文献   

The effects of changeover delays of fixed or variable duration on concurrent variable-interval performance in pigeons were investigated in a series of three experiments. Experiment 1 compared the effects of a fixed, variable, or variable signaled changeover delay on interchangeover times and responding during and after the changeover delay. The duration of the changeover delays was systematically varied in Experiment 2, and the relative reinforcement frequencies were manipulated in Experiment 3. Interchangeover times were found to be shorter when changeover delays of variable duration were compared with those of fixed duration. Changeover delays of fixed duration produced higher response rates during the changeover delay than after the changeover delay had elapsed; changeover delays of variable duration produced such differences to a lesser extent. It was concluded that the changeover delay in concurrent variable-interval schedules of reinforcement functionally acts as a delay period to the next opportunity for reinforcement, possibly serving as a conditioned reinforcer for the behavior preceding it (the interchangeover time) and as a discriminative stimulus for the behavior in its presence (response rates during the delay).  相似文献   

The behavior of variable transparency glass is studied, and the response time analyzed and measured aimed at applications to welding goggles. Detection apparatus for goggle testing is involved in the design and development. Charac-teristics of the apparatus are discussed based on experiments. The definition of nominal response time and effective response time are presented based on the analysis and calculation with experimental data.  相似文献   

Eating, drinking, locomotion, and rearing activities of rats, maintained under a 12:12-h dark:light cycle, were measured continuously over 24 h a day for 40 days in the KGbox-24. For 20 days, beginning on Day 11, the shocks were given through the grid floor of the box 1 h after the beginning of the dark phase (at 2100 h). The daily food and water intake decreased, and there was no further gain in body weight after the introduction of shocks. The 2100-h shocks had some associative effects: (1) Suppression of ingestion developed during the period of 2000–2100 h; (2) acceleration of general activity developed during the period of 2000–2012 h; (3) anticipatory suppression of eating developed toward the end of the light phase. The 2100-h shocks also had suppressive aftereffects upon eating and drinking, especially during the early stage of the 20-day shock phase. Compensatory drinking was observed during the light phase, but no such effect was found for eating. Some findings which are not usually obtained in short-session experiments remain to be explained. References to two timing systems are made.  相似文献   

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