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A common assumption is that expectancies of reward events in instrumental tasks are established on the basis of Pavlovian conditioning. According to the tandem hypothesis, tested in the four runway investigations reported here employing rats, memories of reward events may serve as the conditioned stimuli eliciting expectancies. In Experiments 1–3, rats were trained under a schedule of partial reward (P), which did not produce increased resistance to extinction, and subsequently shifted to consistent reward (C). According to the tandem hypothesis, the shift to the C schedule should result in increased resistance to extinction if, as hypothesized, under the P schedule the memory of reward, SR, came to elicit the expectancy of nonreward,EN. This hypothesis was confirmed under a variety of conditions. It was shown that increased resistance to extinction could not be attributed to the P schedule alone, to the rats receiving two schedules, P and C, to stimuli other than SR eliciting EN, or to the rats forgetting reward-produced memories when expecting nonreward (Experiment 4). It was shown that the tandem hypothesis could explain the divergent findings obtained in prior studies employing a shift from P to C as well as in the present study.  相似文献   

We report an investigation of the development of visual expectancies in 3.5-month-old infants. One of the infant's eyes was videorecorded as the infant watched a series of slides that were presented noncontingent on behavior. Babies were presented an alternating and an irregular series of 30 slides with a 700-msec onset duration separated by an interstimulus interval (ISI). The ISI for the alternating series was 1,100 msec, whereas the slides for the irregular series were separated by 900, 1,100, or 1,300 msec, randomly ordered. One-half of the babies saw the irregular series first, and one-half saw the regular series first. Babies in both groups provided evidence that they developed expectations for the visual events in the alternating series. Their reaction times (RTs) declined significantly from 3-5 "baseline" presentations, and their RTs were reliably faster during the alternating than the irregular series. Additionally, babies in the alternating-late group had significantly more stimulus anticipations during the alternating than during the irregular series. These findings indicate that 3.5-month-olds can detect regularity in a spatiotemporal series, will develop expectancies for events in the series, and will act on the basis of those expectancies even when those actions have no effect on the stimulus events. We believe that infants are motivated to develop expectations for noncontrollable spatiotemporal events, because these expectations permit them to bring their visual behavior under partial internal control.  相似文献   

After receiving events in a fixed order, A-B-C…, rats, like people, on being provided with A, may anticipate not only B, a current anticipation, but also C, a remote anticipation. In two experiments, we attempted to determine whether rats’ remote anticipations are mediated by item cues (C elicited by A) or by position cues (C directly elicited by Position 3 cues, which generalize to Position 2). In Experiment 1, rats in a runway received two series of three trials, XNY and ZNN, each in irregular order each day. N signified nonreinforcement; X, Y, and Z signified three qualitatively different food reinforcements. The rats manifested a remote anticipation by running faster on Trial 2 in the XNY series than in the ZNN series. Since the series were presented irregularly, Trial 2 performance cannot be explained on a positional basis alone. It can be explained on an item basis, by assuming that the memory of the Trial 1 reinforcer became associated not only with the Trial 2 event, but with the Trial 3 event as well. Thus on Trial 2 the memory of X signaled N and Y, whereas the memory of Z signaled N and N. Experiment 2 produced the same results, regardless of whether the XNY and ZNN series were presented in regular or irregular order. These results indicate that remote anticipations can be mediated by item associations. They offer no evidence that position associations can do the same, but they do not rule out that possibility.  相似文献   

Many characteristics of a series of discrete independent hedonic events may be remembered by rats in terms of, for example, how many events were rewarded and how many were nonre-warded. Such memory for multiple hedonic events, which has been shown to be a potent factor controlling instrumental responding, was examined here in five investigations employing serial anticipation learning in a runway. It was found that the ability of rats to remember the hedonic events reward and nonreward is highly developed, accurate, and quite resistant to forgetting and interference. Rats not only remembered a rewarded event and a nonrewarded event, but they also remembered the order in which the two events occurred. Rats remembered how many nonrewarded events there had been accurately enough to suggest that they were using some form of a counting mechanism. Rats exhibited little forgetting of eight prior discrete hedonic events, one rewarded followed by seven nonrewarded, even when these occurred over an interval of 20 min and involved considerable potential interference. In the serial learning situation employed here, marked primacy effects were obtained, earlier nonrewarded trials in a series being better anticipated than later ones. The primacy effect was found to depend upon the type of series employed. By assuming that stimulus generalizations occur between the multiple hedonic events remembered by rats, all anticipatory learning obtained here could be explained in considerable detail.  相似文献   

Previous research in directed forgetting in pigeons has focused on the effect of single forget cues (F-cues) interpolated within the retention interval in delayed matching-to-sample (DMTS). The present series of experiments focuses on the ability of a remember cue (R-cue) to cancel the effects of a previously presented forget cue both when the forget cue occurs within the retention interval and when the forget cue precedes sample presentation. In the first experiment, an R-cue decreased the effect of an F-cue within the same retention interval in successive DMTS if the R-cue immediately followed the F-cue, but not if the second cue was delayed until the end of the retention interval. In Experiment 2, the double-cue effect was extended to choice DMTS. In addition, when a novel stimulus replaced the R-cue in the double-cue probe trials, matching performance was not restored, indicating that through its conditioning history the R-cue had gained control over memory processes in a direction opposite to that of the F-cue. Experiment 3 presents evidence that presample R- and F-cues can also effectively gain control over matching performance. Matching to R-cued samples was superior to matching to F-cued samples. When F-cued samples were followed immediately by R-cues, matching performance was not restored to R-cue levels, suggesting differential encoding of the R-cued and F-cued samples.  相似文献   

Normally, retention of an avoidance response by a rat is impaired when the test context is novel or does not correspond to the training context. Experiment 1 demonstrates that such an impairment of test performance can be alleviated if a rat receives a cuing treatment or reminder of training in the novel test context prior to testing. Experiment 2 indicates that when rats receive avoidance training in one context and then receive a reminder of training in a novel context, they perform more poorly when tested in the training context than do animals that receive no reminder. This finding is discussed in relation to current theories of contextual influence over retention performance.  相似文献   

The lecture process was studied systematically with the following objectives: to reexamine the effects of time upon note-taking and immediate retention, to compare the relative effectiveness of spoken and written cues, and to investigate cuing schedules. Students were asked to view one of a series of videotaped lectures in which certain statements were highlighted by either spoken or written cues. The contents of students' notes and assessments of immediate recall and recognition provided the dependent measures. Students recorded increasingly less information in their notes over the course of the lecture, but retention of material from different portions of the lecture was essentially the same. Written-cued statements were recorded more frequently and retained better than statements preceded by spoken cues. Finally, the different schedules of cuing were shown to have subtle effects upon note-taking and recall.  相似文献   

In previous studies, we have shown that adding a supplementary cue in a prior-cuing treatment may dramatically reduce its initial effectiveness. This series of experiments was aimed at testing the hypothesis that such a lack of additivity among retrieval cues could be due to the combined reactivation of memory attributes related to incompatible behavioral responses. For that purpose, rats were partially trained to reach the lighted arm (light condition; usual training condition) or the darkened arm (dark condition) of a Y-maze in order to avoid an electric foot-shock. The first experiment demonstrates that animals learned the two versions of the task similarly and that an exposure to the light similarly acts as an effective retrieval cue after a 24-h interval. In the second experiment, the effectiveness of exposure to the grid alone and to the light alone as well as to the combined light + grid cue was investigated after a 21-day training-to-test interval in the light condition, where light was related to safety and grid was associated with the shock, and in the dark condition, where both light and grid were related to the shock. The results indicate that whereas the compound light + grid cue was an ineffective retrieval cue in the light condition, it acted as an effective retrieval cue in the dark condition, supporting the hypothesis that coherence between retrieval cues is a necessary condition for effective cuing.  相似文献   

Rats received pairings of two stimuli with reward noncontingently in the Skinner box. During noncontingent pairings, the bar was immobilized. For Group CC 100% of the presentations of both stimuli were rewarded (S1 ±, S2 ±), for Group PP 50% of the presentations of each stimulus were rewarded (S1, ±, S2±), and for Group PC one stimulus was followed by reward on 50% of its presentations, while the second stimulus was followed by reward on 100% of its presentations (S1 ±, S2 ±). A fourth group received the stimuli and reward nonpaired. In a subsequent rewarded test phase, the response facilitating effects of the stimuli were evaluated. In the test phase all groups that received reward paired with S1, and S2 performed better in the presence of S1 and S2 than the group for which the stimuli were not paired with reward. For groups that received the stimuli paired with reward, a difference due to schedule of reward occurred when schedule of reward was varied within Ss (Group PC), but not when varied between Ss (Group PP vs Group CC). The specific form of this finding was that Group PC’s performance in the presence of S2 ± was more vigorous than its performance in the presence of S1 ± and was more vigorous than the performance of Groups PP and CC to S2. Group PC’s performance to S1 ± did not differ from that of Groups PP and CC to S1.  相似文献   

It is now well known in animal studies that spontaneous forgetting, as well as performance decrements resulting from other sources, can be alleviated by means of pretest treatments. Several previous experiments have shown that reliable forgetting is observed after a 25-day training-to-test interval on a relatively complex maze. This forgetting can be alleviated by pretest exposure to background stimuli in the experimental room. The effects of this treatment can be modulated by varying either the duration of the treatment or the length of the cuing-test interval. The purpose of the experiment presented here was twofold: (1) to demonstrate the multidimensionality of memories in our paradigm by comparing the effects of different reminder treatments, namely pretest access to the reinforcer and contextual cuing, and (2) to test the general hypothesis, formulated by Spear (1978, p. 418), that “the elicitation and retrieval of the target attribute of a memory depend on the arousal of a sufficientnumber or kind of the remaining attributes of this memory.” The data showed that pretest food reinforcement had no significant effect on retention performance; that pretest contextual cuing did, in some precise conditions, alleviate forgetting; and that some combinations of context and reinforcement had what amounted to a synergistic action on retention performance.  相似文献   

To demonstrate a facilitating stimulus effect, as opposed to an incentive effect, of food reward, rats were trained on an easy, light-dark discrimination with different amounts of reward for correct and incorrect responses (1-0, 2-0, 3-1, and 5-1 pellets, respectively), and with shock or no shock administered in the correct goalbox. Both errors and trials to criterion were fewer with a large reward differential (LRD: 2-0 and 5-1), as compared with a small reward differential (SRD: 1-0 and 3-1), but were not affected by the “base” reinforcement condition of either 1 or 0 pellets for the incorrect response. In addition, choice and arm speeds during early training were positively related to the combined, or average, number of pellets contingent upon both correct and incorrect responses, indicating a generalization of reward expectancies. Although shock uniformly suppressed arm speeds under all reward conditions, it facilitated discrimination learning in the SRD conditions. That such facilitation occurred only when the conditions of reward for correct and incorrect responses were relatively similar indicates that not only shock, but also food can function as a distinctive cue: As a stimulus selectively applied to one response, it can decrease the similarity of the alternatives, and, in this manner, it can faciltate performance.  相似文献   

Instructional Science - The present study examines the effectiveness of incorporating worked examples with prompts for self-explanation into a middle school math textbook. Algebra 1 students...  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, three groups of rats were trained on one of three serial patterns consisting of different numbers of .045-g food pellets, either the simple strong monotonie pattern 14-7-3-1-0 (Group SM) or one of two complex weak monotonie patterns, 14-5-5-1-0 (Group 5-5) or 14-9-1-1-0 (Group 1-1). Learning to anticipate the terminal 0-pellet element occurred faster in Group 1-1 than in Group SM, which in turn learned faster than Group 5-5. In Experiment 2, Groups SM, 5-5, and 1-1 were trained on the first four elements of the patterns experienced by their Experiment 1 counterparts and then were tested for their ability to extrapolate the series to include the addition of a 0-pellet element in the fifth position. Extrapolation behavior was better in Group 1-1 than in Group SM, which in turn performed better than Group 5-5. The results were shown to be consistent with a memory-discrimination model of serial learning and inconsistent with a rule-learning model based on pattern complexity.  相似文献   

现行企业激励性报酬制度设计中存在着分配制度改革不到位、激励手段单一、经营者与职工关系处理不好等缺陷,为此,可分别设计经营者报酬制度和企业职工报酬制度,建立科学的制衡机制和激励机制.  相似文献   

The relationships between response latencies and accuracy on the matching familiar figures test (MFFT) and two gross motor tasks (batting or catching a ball) were studied in twenty-nine 9-year-old boys. Children were classified into four groups using a double dichotomy of response latencies and errors on the MFFT: reflective, impulsive, fast-accurate, and slow-inaccurate on intertask comparison. The components (errors and time) used to classify the children show stability for errors but not latencies on cognitive versus motor intertask comparison. The comparison between motor tasks shows the stability for latencies and accuracy, a nonlinear relationship between latency and accuracy for the ball-hitting but not the ball-catching task, and reflective boys to be the most efficient on the task requirement.These results lend support to the hypothesis that strategies are more a consequence of a “competence” than a “conceptual tempo” factor.  相似文献   

Two experiments were run in order to investigate the influence of external contextual cues on the interaction between two conflicting memories. Rats were trained, in the same apparatus, on a passive-avoidance task and, 10 min later, on an active-avoidance task, then submitted to a 24-h delayed test (without reinforcement). When contextual cues remained unchanged throughout these three phases, the animals exhibited proactive interference, as shown by longer response latencies than those of control animals that had learned only the active-avoidance task (Experiment 1). When training contexts were made slightly different from one task to the other (by the presence of a continuous tone during either the first or the second task), the animals behaved at subsequent testing in accordance with the response contingencies present in the context exactly similar to the test context; this control of behavior by testing context was demonstrated both when the tone was absent (Experiments 1 and 2) and present (Experiment 2) at testing. A cuing procedure—a 90-sec exposure to the tone in the experimental room 5 min prior to testing—led the animals to behave in accordance with the response previously acquired in the presence of the tone (Experiments 1 and 2), exactly in the same way as animals tested in the presence of the tone (Experiment 2). The same cuing treatment was ineffective when administered 1 h before testing (Experiment 2). These results are interpreted in terms of a dual function of contextual cues at the time of retrieval: the general contextual information present during testing or during pretest cuing is assumed to induce concurrent reactivation of both memories. Consequently, the experimentally manipulated contextual cue (the tone) would have a discriminative function, leading the animals to choose between the two equally available representations.  相似文献   

Honeybees foraging for sucrose at a laboratory window were trained in a series of ten 100-trial problems to choose between two targets differing in odor, one of them providing 10 µl of a 50% sucrose solution and the other 10 µl of water. In 9 of the problems, two odors were used, and the reward ratio was varied systematically over a wide range. In the 10th problem, three odors were used in an ambiguous-cue (A+/B?, B+/C?) design. The results were predicted quantitatively, and with substantial accuracy, from a simple theory of learning and choice developed in previous work on simultaneous discrimination in honeybees.  相似文献   

What is the role of color cuing in learning from media presentations? In this article the effectiveness of color cuing strategies is analyzed in terms of learner aptitudes, the type of learning required, the cate gory of color cuing employed, and the relationship between color cues and other feature cues.  相似文献   

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