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The present research demonstrates a conditioning order effect difference: Odor-aversion conditioning is stronger following OT+/O+ conditioning than following O+/OT+ conditioning with specific odor (O) and taste (T) cues. When a weak odor cue was used in Experiments 1A and 1B, OT+/O+ conditioning produced significantly stronger odor aversions than did either O+/OT+ or O+/O+ conditioning, which did not differ. The same design was used in Experiment 2 with a strong odor, but the order effect difference was not replicated, suggesting that the order effect difference is specific to conditions that produce taste-potentiated odor aversions. The interpretation that O+/OT+ conditioning is weaker because of the absence of a taste-odor within-compound association was not supported in Experiments 3 and 4. Notably, using stimuli that supported potentiation in earlier experiments, in Experiment 4, we found evidence of a taste-odor within-compound association in the absence of potentiation. These results confirm that previous theories of potentiation (within-compound association model, sensory-and-gate channeling model) are not sufficient to produce potentiation. Instead, these results are interpreted in terms of taste-odor configural associations.  相似文献   

Previous studies of young children have failed to demonstrate adult-like odor preferences in children less than 5 years old. To test whether these results may have been due to inappropriate methods or to stimulus sets that were too limited in range to capture discriminations, a forced-choice procedure embedded in a simple game was used to contrast 3-year-olds' (n = 16) and adults' (n = 17) hedonic reactions to 9 odorants. Subjects indicated liking an odor by pointing to one puppet and disliking an odor by pointing to another puppet. Analyses revealed essentially the same pattern of preferences in both groups. In general, the odorant was a much better predictor of its hedonic quality than was the age of the subject. However, children and adults did differ in their ratings of some odors, and response patterns indicated that children may be more sensitive than adults to some odorants (e.g., the steroid androstenone). These data indicate that the predominant view that adult-like odor preferences and aversions do not exist until between 5 and 7 years of age must be reevaluated.  相似文献   

Thirsty Sprague-Dawley rats drank flavored water in a wind tunnel prior to lithium-induced toxicosis. Flavors were presented for 5 min; 30 min later a toxin, lithium chloride, was injected. After the rats had recovered, subsequent aversions to the taste and the odor were assessed separately. In Experiment 1, extensive preexposure to the taste component of the flavor attenuated neophobia to the flavor and the subsequent taste aversion. However, the subsequent odor aversion was unaffected. Experiment 2 partially replicated the results of Experiment 1 and showed that, in a situation in which only taste-potentiated odor aversions are usually found, nonpotentiated aversions were evident. Experiment 3 found that, in addition to attenuating taste aversions, taste preexposure enhances the capacity of rats to learn nonpotentiated odor aversions. The results are interpreted with a neural-based model of conditioned flavor aversions.  相似文献   

A bibliographic list of 403 articles dealing specifically with conditioned taste aversions from 1950–1975 is provided. In addition, the references are classified according to six major categories in a topical index. The major categories are Parameters of Conditioning, Physiological Manipulations, Pharmacological Interventions, Methodology, Comparative, and General Information. References were obtained from individual journals in psychology, physiology, pharmacology, and animal behavior and were supplemented and extended byPsychological Abstracts. A final source of references was provided by individual researchers who contributed preprints and reprints.  相似文献   

Conclusion This paper proposes an expanded context-based analysis approach for implementing instructional technology in developing countries by calling for the front-end analysis phase of the design process to include an analysis of the socio-cultural, environmental and institutional factors surrounding the instructional problem. Given that there is an increased application of instructional technology in developing countries and limited human capacity to appropriately design instructional technology interventions, it is imperative that instructional designers working in developing countries take into account the contextual factors outlined in the adapted Tessmer and Richey (1997) model. This adapted context-based analysis model for instructional design, if appropriately applied, may increase the probability of successful instructional technology initiatives in developing countries. Although this context-based model was expanded to include factors related to developing countries, the factors described in this paper exist in developed country settings as well. The authors would, therefore, encourage the use of this expanded model in settings that can include, but are not limited to, certain rural and urban areas in industrialized countries as well.  相似文献   

In the first four experiments, it was found that aversions to saccharin solution produced by contingent poisoning were similar regardless of whether the rats had been trained under the test deprivation or under a different deprivation; the two deprivation states used were thirst and satiety. In Experiment 5, rats were poisoned after drinking grape juice while hungry or poisoned after drinking milk while thirsty, but they were not poisoned after grape-thirst or milk-hunger combinations. In abstract terms, poisoning occurred after AX and BY stimulus combinations, but did not occur after AY and BX combinations. There was some learning under these discrimination conditions.  相似文献   

The experiment provides a direct comparison of the ability of subjects (rats) to associate gustatory and exteroceptive stimuli with illness. Previous experiments which have made similar comparisons between gustatory and exteroceptive cues have suffered from certain methodological problems involving stimulus control and compounding. The present experiment utilized a between-subjects design wherein half of the subjects had an auditory cue associated with poisoning and half had a taste cue. In both cases, the other cue was present, but was not predictive of poisoning, The auditory cue, like the taste cue, occurred only during drinking. This comparison was made in both an immediate and a delayed poisoning situation. The experiment found that while subjects were able to quickly associate a taste cue with illness, they were unable to form a similar association between poisoning and the exteroceptive stimulus. Results also showed that subjects will fail to acquire a taste aversion to a novel and salient gustatory cue when that cue is followed by illness only 50% of the time. This latter effect was more pronounced in the delayed poisoning situation.  相似文献   

In four experiments, it was found that rats subjected to extinction of conditioned taste aversions readily reacquired these aversions when subjected to conditioning once again. Two of the present procedures were very similar to those used by Danguir and Nicolaides in unsuccessful attempts to obtain reconditioning of extinguished taste aversions.  相似文献   

This paper reports on an investigation of differences and similarities across the 50 states in approaches to the pricing and discounting, via student aid, of undergraduate education. To examine national patterns in tuition and aid policies, the analysis used recent state-by-state data and multivariate statistical methods. The results suggest that region, social and economic resources, and postsecondary governance arrangements each have distinctive connections to the nature of states' tuition and aid policies. Of particular interest are the results relating to high-tuition/high-aid policies at the state level, an approach termed by proponents therationalization of tuition and aid policy. Multiple regression analysis revealed rationalization to be primarily a regionally driven phenomenon concentrated in the Northeast and Midwest. Rationalization showed weaker, but still significant, connections to the states' population, personal income levels, extent of reliance on private postsecondary institutions, and governance arrangements. Implications of these findings for theory and policy are discussed.  相似文献   

英语是国家高校教学计划的重要组成部分,高校英语教学水平不仅影响着学生英语学习兴趣,而且影响着学生在英语方面的深造。语境教学是高校英语教学的关键,是评价高校英语教学质量与水平的重要指标。新课改大背景下,加强对高校英语语境教学的研究有着重要的现实意义。本文旨在研究我国高校英语语境教学发展现状,针对出现的问题提出相应的解决策略,为我国高校英语语境教学方面的进一步发展提供一些可行性的思路。  相似文献   

A variant of the taste aversion procedure for sensory preconditioning, as used by Rescorla and Cunningham (1978), was employed in a study of the context dependency of within-event learning. In two experiments, rats received Phase 1 exposure to a simultaneous flavor compound, AX; flavor X was paired with illness during Phase 2, and any tendency for the resulting aversion to be elicited by A was measured. It was found that subjects were less likely to shun flavor A as a consequence of this training if the Phase 1 and test episodes were conducted in distinctively different contexts. This effect was evident both when the change of context occurred just before the test with flavor A (Experiment 1) and when it occurred before Phase 2 (Experiment 2). These results were taken to imply that, as is often found with serial associations, the retrieval of within-event associations is subject to contextual control. The implications of these findings for the interpretation of perceptual learning effects are discussed.  相似文献   

Following ingestion of either water (Experiment 1) or saccharin (Experiment 2), experimental groups of rats were poisoned with lithium chloride and acquired an aversion to the ingested fluid. This aversion gradually extinguished and, in both experiments, was not reacquired when fluid intake was again followed by poisoning. These results are in marked contrast to usual findings of very rapid relearning following extinction with conditioning preparations other than taste-aversion learning.  相似文献   

语境作用机制研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
语境就是人们常说的语言环境。语境的作用表现为促进或抑制对目标词的识别、预期句子成分、消解歧义、约束语义关系、定界搜索范围、易化言语理解和推论新知等。关于语境作用存在着两种理论即模块化理论和相互作用理论。  相似文献   

A transfer of control experiment measured the associative properties of contextual stimuli from three standard classical conditioning paradigms. After baseline training on a Sidman avoidance schedule, dogs received aversive conditioning using excitatory, inhibitory, or truly random conditioning procedures in the presence of a manipulable background stimulus. As predicted by current theory (Rescorla & Wagner, 1972; Wagner & Rescorla, 1972), the contextual stimulus was excitatory after serving as the background during conditioning of a CS? and was neutral when it had been part of the background for conditioning of a CS+. The background to the truly random procedure was also neutral. This last result contrasts with Rescorla and Wagner’s theory.  相似文献   

Effective school leadership is a vital component of successful educational organizations, and the increasing complexity of schools requires leaders to employ contingent skills and contextualized approaches. We examined administrative approaches and challenges at an educational center of a juvenile detention facility in Abu Dhabi. Qualitative data for analysis were collected through interviews from administrators, a social worker, and teachers. Specific challenges encountered by the leaders of the juvenile center included support and communication issues with parents, discontinuity in juvenile students’ education, organizational and systemic problems, policy constraints, managerial pitfalls following early releases, curriculum suitability and delivery issues, problems involving follow-up and progress management of students, and difficulties regarding the general motivation and rehabilitation of juvenile students. The findings illustrated the significance of leaders’ roles in juvenile education and the staff relationships that influenced the fulfillment of leaders’ roles.  相似文献   

矛盾变异修辞是《阿Q正传》修辞方式的最大特点。在文本中,各种矛盾变异在特殊的语境中达成了积极的修辞效果。鲁迅正是藉由这种超乎寻常的修辞手法表现了他对于当时国民的深深无奈。  相似文献   

In two experiments, we investigated the impact of odor preexposure treatments on the acquisition of an olfactory discrimination in dogs. In the first experiment, four groups of dogs were each given five days’ odor-exposure treatment prior to discrimination training. Dogs in the exposure group were exposed to anise extract (S+) for 30 min daily. Dogs in the Pavlovian-relevant pairing group received six daily delayed-conditioning trials to the same S+. The Pavlovian-irrelevant pairing group received conditioning trials to almond extract (S'). Dogs in the control group received no pretreatment. All of the dogs were then trained to detect S+ from a background pine odor (an AX-vs.-X discrimination). The Pavlovian-relevant pairing group acquired the odor discrimination significantly faster than all of the other exposure and control groups, and the remaining groups acquired the discrimination at the same rate as the no-exposure control group. In a second experiment, we extended these results to a within-subjects design using an AX-versus-BX discrimination. Six dogs were simultaneously trained on two different odor discriminations, one discrimination in which the S+ was previously Pavlovian conditioned, and one discrimination in which the S+ was novel. All of the dogs learned the odor discrimination with the previously conditioned S+ faster than they learned the novel odor discrimination, replicating the results of Experiment 1, and demonstrating that familiarity in the form of Pavlovian conditioning enhances odor-discrimination training. The potential mechanisms of the facilitated transfer of a Pavlovian conditioned stimulus to discrimination training are discussed.  相似文献   

Testa and Ternes have proposed that the degree of spatial contiguity between a cue and a food object is an important determinant of the associability of that cue with toxicosis. We found, in accord with the Testa and Ternes hypothesis, that rats showed more profound illness-based aversions to the visual properties of food objects than to the visual properties of food bins or feeding chambers. This result has implications for the design of experiments undertaken to determine the relative associability of cues in different sensory modalities with toxicosis.  相似文献   

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