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In five conditioned taste aversion experiments with rats, summation, retardation, and preference tests were used to assess the effects of extinguishing a conditioned saccharin aversion for three or nine trials. In Experiment 1, a summation test showed that saccharin aversion extinguished over nine trials reduced the aversion to a merely conditioned flavor (vinegar), whereas three saccharin extinction trials did not subsequently influence the vinegar aversion. Experiment 2 clarified that result, with unpaired controls equated on flavor exposure prior to testing; the results with those controls suggested that the flavor extinguished for nine trials produced generalization decrement during testing. In Experiment 3, the saccharin aversion reconditioned slowly after nine extinction trials, but not after three. Those results suggested the development of latent inhibition after more than three extinction trials. Preference tests comparing saccharin consumption with a concurrently available fluid (water in Experiment 4, saline in Experiment 5) showed that the preference for saccharin was greater after nine extinction trials than after three. However, saccharin preference after nine extinction trials was not greater, as compared with that for either latent inhibition controls (Experiments 4 and 5) or a control given equated exposures to saccharin and trained to drink saline at a high rate prior to testing (Experiment 5). Concerns about whether conditioned inhibition has been demonstrated in any flavor aversion procedure are discussed. Our findings help explain both successes and failures in demonstrating postextinction conditioned response recovery effects reported in the conditioned taste aversion literature, and they can be explained using a memory interference account.  相似文献   

Thirsty rats were tested on a four-armed radial maze with three water locations and one distinctive taste location (saccharin). Rats that were injected with lithium chloride after drinking a novel saccharin solution visited the saccharin location less than did unpoisoned animals, primarily during the later portions of the test sessions. When saccharin was moved to a different location, previously poisoned rats rapidly avoided the new saccharin location and increased visits to the original saccharin location, now rebaited with water. A similar pattern of learned avoidance and approach was obtained in Experiment 2 with three water locations and one vacant location (no water). These results indicate that: (1) sampling the contents of alternative patches mediates both learning to avoid the location of an aversive substance and returning to a newly viable patch, and (2) avoiding the location of a novel substance after a single poisoning occurs because the location does not contain an edible substance, not because of an aversion conditioned to environmental cues.  相似文献   

In three experiments, the learning of flavor preferences due to pairing with calories was examined. In Experiment 1, the relative hedonic values of four isocaloric solutions and saccharin were assessed by offering these substances simultaneously to naive rats. The caloric solutions were then used to condition a flavor preference in separate groups of rats. Although the solutions were reliably different in unconditioned hedonic value, the conditioned flavor preferences were identical. In Experiment 2, we compared solutions of sucrose and saccharin that were equal in unconditioned hedonic value. Only the sucrose conditioned a preference. Finally, in Experiment 3, preferences were found to be sensitive to the number of calories available during conditioning. These results are discussed in terms of a peripheral cholecystokinin (CCK) reflex and the integration of that information along with taste information at the area postrema (AP) and surrounding nuclei. It is proposed that CCK acts centrally to adjust the incentive motivation or hedonic value of flavors.  相似文献   

Two experiments explored the reinforcing effect of ethanol on conditioned location and flavor preferences in hungry rats. In Experiment 1, rats were administered ethanol (.5, 1.0, or 2.0 g/kg, ig) prior to confinement in one side of a shuttlebox with access to a flavored solution. On control trials, H2O was administered prior to confinement to the opposite side with a different flavored solution. Location choice tests revealed an overall aversion for the ethanol-associated side that was largest at the 2.0-g/kg dose. Flavor choice tests revealed an aversion for the ethanol-associated flavor at the 2.0-g/kg dose, no reliable difference at the 1.0-g/kg dose, and, of particular interest, a preference at the .5-g/kg dose. The results of Experiment 2 suggest that caloric restoration served as the reinforcing mechanism for the conditioned flavor preference. An isocaloric glucose solution conditioned a flavor preference of the same magnitude as that obtained with ethanol. Moreover, when ethanol provided no caloric advantage, the associated flavor was less preferred than a flavor associated with an isocaloric glucose solution.  相似文献   

In Experiment I, rats received eight habituation injections of either lithium chloride (LiCl) or sodium chloride (NaCl), then two aversion training trials in which access to saccharin solution was followed by LiCl injections, and finally eight extinction trials with saccharin but no injections. The rats habituated to LiCl showed less aversion to saccharin during training and extinction. In Experiment II, rats received two aversion training trials, then eight habituation trials to either LiCl or NaCl, then eight extinction trials, four more aversion training trials, and eight more extinction trials. The rats habituated to LiCl did not differ during the first extinction period from those habituated to NaCl, but showed less aversion to saccharin during the second training and extinction periods. Consequently, habituation to LiCl reduces the learning of an aversion to saccharin but does not reduce the performance of a previously learned aversion.  相似文献   

In five experiments, rats’ preference for a flavor was greater if the flavor had previously been consumed under low rather than high deprivation. This preference was conditioned in as few as three flavor-deprivation pairings (Experiment 1), and persisted through 28 test days, half under each deprivation level (Experiment 2). Rats never preferred the flavor associated with high deprivation even when calories were increased by giving 40 ml of 8% sucrose or when caloric density was increased to the equivalent of 20% sucrose. The preference for the low-deprivation flavor was greater when saccharin solutions were used rather than sucrose solutions, but the preference did emerge when sucrose solutions were used as testing proceeded and when a lower concentration of sucrose was used. We suggest that these preferences may be a result of flavor-taste associations rather than associations between flavors and postingestive consequences, and that the taste of the solutions under low deprivation is preferred to the taste under high deprivation.  相似文献   

Four experiments examined whether or not spontaneous recovery could occur after extinction in the conditioned taste-aversion paradigm. After three extinction trials, spontaneous recovery was obtained over an 18-day retention interval (Experiments 1, 2, and 3). The effect was not due to changes in the unconditioned preference for saccharin over the retention interval (Experiment 2) or to an increase in a nonextinguished aversion over time, as indicated by tests with both the original, nonextinguished aversion (Experiment 1) and with a weaker one (Experiment 3). Spontaneous recovery was not obtained when extinction was overtrained (eight trials) and a 49-day retention interval was used (Experiment 4). However, saccharin intake at asymptote reached the level of baseline water intake, and not the highly preferred level shown by never-conditioned controls. Results of all four experiments suggest that extinction does not return an averted taste to the status of an unconditioned one.  相似文献   

Cebus monkeys explored a small T-maze for 5 min, and their preference for the striped or black arm of the maze was assessed. On the next day, the experimental animals were placed into the nonpreferred arm for a 1-min period (exposure to the CS), removed from the T-maze for a 30-min delay interval, and then returned to the startbox of the maze, where they received a food reward (UCS). One control group (CS only) received the placement experience but was not rewarded after the 30-min period. A second control group (noncontingent UCS) received the reward in the startbox but not the placement experience. A second preference test showed that the experimental, but not the control, animals reversed their original preference, now showing a preference for the arm associated with reward. A retention test given 4 months after three such training-test trials revealed considerable retention of the preferences exhibited by the experimental and CS-only control subjects.  相似文献   

The present experiments, using the latent inhibition (LI) paradigm, evaluated the effect of nonreinforced exposure to saccharin on the acquisition of an LiCl-induced saccharin aversion as measured by conditioned disgust reactions in the taste reactivity test and conditioned taste avoidance in a consumption test. When rats were preexposed to saccharin by bottle exposure (Experiments 1 and 3), LI was evidenced only by conditioned taste avoidance (bottle testing), but not by conditioned disgust reactions (intraoral [IO] testing). On the other hand, when rats were preexposed to saccharin by IO infusion (Experiments 2 and 3), LI was evidenced only by conditioned disgust reactions, but not by conditioned taste avoidance. Experiment 4 showed that LI of conditioned disgust reactions does not appear to be affected by a context shift from preexposure to testing phases. These results show that the expression of LI of both conditioned taste avoidance and conditioned disgust reactions depends critically on a common method of flavor exposure during preexposure and testing.  相似文献   

In six experiments, we examined taste and compound taste/taste aversions at different retention intervals. In Experiment 1, saccharin aversions were significantly weaker 1 day after conditioning than 21 days after conditioning. This effect was determined not to be caused by the aftereffects of illness or differential hydration. With the use of a saccharin/denatonium compound, Experiment 2 demonstrated overshadowing of a denatonium aversion at 21- and 1-day retention intervals, Experiment 4 showed a potentiated saccharin aversion only at the 21-day retention interval, and both Experiments 2 and 4 revealed that the aversion of the taste-only controls was stronger at the later retention interval. Experiments 3 and 5 demonstrated that the differences at the two retention intervals were not caused by unconditioned changes in taste preference. Finally, Experiment 6 showed that extinction of the conditioning environment prior to testing results in stronger saccharin aversions than occur in nonextinguished controls. Collectively, these experiments suggest that testing within a 24-h period after conditioning will result in significantly weaker taste aversions. Also, these results support a retrieval-competition explanation that may account for the weakened aversions at the 1-day testing interval of both groups conditioned to single elements and those conditioned to compounds.  相似文献   

In four experiments, each using a single conditioning trial, rats avoided a light more than a saccharin solution after these stimuli had been paired with footshock, whereas saccharin was avoided more than the light after these stimuli had been paired with lithium injection. The use of a single conditioning trial precludes possible US-induced differential orientations from influencing which stimuli will be associated on the conditioning trial. This cue-consequence specificity effect was obtained even when subjects conditioned with lithium received a non-contingent footshock prior to the test session, and when subjects conditioned with footshock received a noncontingent lithium injection before testing (Experiments 2–4). Weak aversions to the light in rats given a light-lithium pairing and noncontingent footshock and to the saccharin in subjects that received a saccharin-footshock pairing and noncontingent lithium administration were obtained in Experiment 2. However, these weak aversions were not obtained when subjects were given three nonreinforced exposures to the test chamber before the test session (Experiments 3 and 4). These results indicate that US-induced differential orientations do not mediate the cue-consequence effect in aversion learning.  相似文献   

Extinction of a conditioned palatability shift preceded extinction of conditioned taste avoidance whether rats were tested using a within-subjects design or a between-subjects design. In each of two experiments, consumption of 0.1% saccharin was paired with either 20 ml/kg of 0.15 M LiCl or equivolume physiological saline on a single trial. In Experiment 1, on each of 10 extinction trials, rats were given a taste reactivity test immediately prior to a consumption test. In Experiment 2, half of the rats were extinguished by taste reactivity testing and half of the rats were extinguished by a consumption test on each of 10 extinction trials. In both experiments, the aversive reactions of gaping and passive dripping were extinguished in a single trial and the suppression of ingestive reactions was extinguished in 2 trials; however, extinction of taste avoidance required 4–5 trials. These results suggest that rats continue to avoid a lithium-paired flavor even when they do not have an aversion to the taste.  相似文献   

In four experiments, food deprivation was varied during conditioning and testing of conditioning of flavor preferences by sweeteners. Conditioned preferences for a flavor associated with a more concentrated solution were enhanced by increased deprivation in training whether sucrose or saccharin was used when rats consumed solutions freely during training. When consumption of solutions was controlled and higher deprivation levels were used, preference for the higher concentration of sucrose was still enhanced by increased deprivation in training, but this did not occur with saccharin. We suggest that deprivation may enhance the reinforcing value of sweetness only when calories increase along with sweetness. We also suggest that deprivation can enhance flavor preference learning by increasing consumption and thereby increasing exposure to the flavored solutions.  相似文献   

Rats trained in a 16-arm radial maze with arms half the standard length demonstrated extremely low, but above chance, choice accuracy (Experiment 1). Rats trained in a 12-arm maze with short arms demonstrated a substantially higher degree of adjacent-arm responding than did rats trained in the same maze with long maze arms and, when response stereotypy was disrupted by a forced-choice procedure, the short-arm group chose less accurately than the long-arm group (Experiment 2). In a 16-arm maze with 8 short arms and 8 long arms, there was a strong preference for short arms and no evidence for a difference in the ability to discriminate previously visited arms from unvisited arms as a function of arm length, as measured by a two-alternative forced-choice procedure (Experiment 3). These results are interpreted as indicating that arm length affects a choice criterion, with a relatively lax criterion being applied to shorter arms.  相似文献   

Two experiments allowed rats to drink freely two neutral flavors (almond and vanilla) in simultaneous compound with two hedonically valued flavors (quinine and saccharin). The neutral flavor previously paired with saccharin was subsequently preferred. The neutral flavor that had been paired with quinine was subsequently avoided. Experiment 3 found similar results when the animals were hand-fed a preset amount of the solution. Preference shifts were not obtained when differential amounts of the neutral flavors were consumed in isolation. The data indicate that flavor-flavor associations can shift taste preferences.  相似文献   

On each day of training in Experiment 1, hungry rats were given one flavored saccharin solution followed by a differently flavored saccharin solution. The rats drank more of the first flavor during training, but preferred the second flavor in a subsequent choice test. In Experiment 2, the two flavored saccharin solutions were provided on alternate days, with one flavor being preceded by nothing and the other flavor by plain saccharin. The rats drank more of the flavor preceded by nothing during training, but preferred the other flavor in a subsequent choice test. These results suggest that a state of nonnutritive satiation can reinforce a flavor preference.  相似文献   

Experiment 1 showed that laboratory-reared desert kangaroo rats, like domestic Norway rats, efficiently search for food on a radial arm maze (RAM) by avoiding revisiting arms within a trial. By placing an RAM on the floor so the animals could approach food from any direction, Experiment 2 tested whether efficient search by kangaroo rats was based on tactics of distance minimizing, central-place foraging, trail following, or meandering. In contrast to the dominant trail-following tactic of domestic Norway rats (Hoffman, Timberlake, Leffel, & Gont, 1999), kangaroo rats tended to distance minimize, whether maze arms were present or not. Experiment 3 indicated that kangaroo rats treated a floor configuration of eight food cups as twopatches of four, based on beeline travel between patches and meandering within them. We conclude that similar performance in an elevated RAM by different species can be based on different tactics, and we suggest that a laboratory apparatus can be used to cast light on niche-related mechanisms.  相似文献   

Experiment I demonstrated that the strength of a rat’s aversion to saccharin is a direct function of the amount of saccharin it consumed prior to poisoning. Using Kalat and Rozin’s (1973) procedure, Experiment II showed that results consistent with a “learned-safety” theory of taste aversion appear to depend on whether rats drink most saccharin on their first or second exposure to the solution prior to poisoning. Experiment III demonstrated that when animals drank equal amounts of saccharin solution on each of two exposures prior to poisoning, evidence strongly confirming the “learned-safety” theory was obtained. These experiments together demonstrate the importance of amount of solution drunk in the determination of taste aversion.  相似文献   

Experiments 1, 2, and 3 demonstrated that 23-day-old rat pups can acquire a conditioned taste preference for a flavor paired with either a more calorically dense diet or a diet that provides more calories than another diet of equal caloric density. Experiment 4 showed that 42–49-day-old rats also can acquire conditioned taste preferences based on differing caloric density and differing caloric outcome. Experiments 5 and 6 demonstrated that adult rats form conditioned taste preferences based only on caloric density. Although these experiments indicate that young rats are apparently capable of more diverse learning than adult rats, the question of what US underlies conditioned taste preferences based on diets of differing caloric density remains unresolved.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, rats poisoned following schedule-induced saccharin consumption showed a moderate reduction in the schedule-induced consumption of saccharin. With repeated poisoning, schedule-induced saccharin polydipsia was markedly reduced. Acquisition of conditioned aversion under the schedule-induced procedure was significantly slower than acquisition under water deprivation. In addition, recovery of consumption of the previously poisoned solution during extinction was more rapid under schedule-induced polydipsia. Experiment 2 revealed that schedule-induced polydipsia was less sensitive to suppression by conditioned aversions than a prandial drinking condition in which subjects were equally food deprived but were given a mass feeding instead of spaced pellet deliveries, suggesting that the relative insensitivity of schedule-induced polydipsia to conditioned taste aversions is not simply a function of different levels of food deprivation. This relative insensitivity is offered as a partial basis for the occurrence and maintenance of schedule-induced alcohol polydipsia.  相似文献   

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