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冯友兰是我国近代著名的哲学家。他根据人的觉解不同,开创性地提出了人生四境界:自然境界、功利境界、道德境界、天地境界。他认为觉解多者,其境界高;觉解低者,其境界低;天地境界是最高的境界。  相似文献   

冯友兰是我国近代著名的哲学家。他根据人的觉解不同,开创性地提出了人生四境界:自然境界、功利境界、道德境界、天地境界。他认为觉解多者,其境界高;觉解低者,其境界低;天地境界是最高的境界。  相似文献   

境界是中国人生哲学的一大特色,它是中国人追求的理想人格之权至的一种精神状态、精神天地。冯友兰先生在《新原人》中,将人生境界分为四个等级:自然境界、功利境界、道德境界、天地境界。如果一个人只能顺其本能或社会风俗去做,对自己所做之事毫无觉解,他的人生境界就是自然境界。如果一个人做事,动机是利己的,其事对于他有功利的意义,他的人生境界就是功利的境界。如果一个入自觉地是社会整体之一员,他自觉为社会利益做各种事,所做的事都有道德的意义,他的人生境界就是道德的境界。如果一个入了解到超乎社会整体之上,还有一个…  相似文献   

冯友兰是中国当代最著名的哲学家之一。他学贯中西,道通古今,名扬四海,并创建了自己独特的新理学体系。其中,他对人的本质、人生价值的思考而形成的人生境界思想,影响深远。要全面了解冯友兰的人生境界思想,首先要弄清楚"觉解"的意思,其次才是他提出的人生四种境界,即自然境界、功利境界、道德境界和天地境界。当前,青年大学生是全面建成小康社会和实现中国梦的生力军和主力军。冯友兰人生境界思想,对高校德育工作突出人生观教育、高度重视"觉解"、注意对象层次性、灵活运用天地境界引领等方面,具有启发意义。  相似文献   

冯友兰先生创建的新理学体系,使他成为我国20世纪最著名、最有影响力的哲学家之一。而他的人生境界论则成为他人生哲学中最重要的方面。冯友兰先生的人生境界建立的基石是觉解,觉解是人生的显著特征,觉解程度决定人生境界的高低。  相似文献   

苏轼的思想融通百家、博大精深,与他的人生三个阶段对应。苏轼的思想有三个境界:黄州时期以前是第一境界,这时他思治天下、探寻人生;黄州时期是第二境界,通脱旷达、幽怀破散,他不再汲汲于世俗功利和传统价值标准;第三境界是岭南时期的天地境界,确立了“无思”、“无待”的生活试,实现了人生的审美化。  相似文献   

苏轼的思想融通百家、博大精深,与他的人生三个阶段对应。苏轼的思想有三个境界:黄州时期以前是第一境界,这时他思治天下、探寻人生;黄州时期是第二境界,通脱旷达、幽怀破散,他不再汲汲于世俗功利和传统价值标准;第三境界是岭南时期的天地境界,确立了“无思”、“无待”的生活方式,实现了人生的审美化。  相似文献   

【观点梳理】A.秦始皇是什么人?他是中国历史上的第一个皇帝,他野心勃勃,有无穷的占有欲,……按照境界说的定义法评价他,他不但归属功利境界,而且正是这一境界的代表人物。然而,从历史实际出发,秦始皇却又是中国历史上最伟大的封建君王,是盖世英雄,在社会发展、历史进步中的作用显而易见。但用觉解、动机标准衡量,却只能屈居低等境界,无缘和“圣…‘贤”沾边。  相似文献   

徐复观先生曾在他的《中国艺术精神》中说过:“老、庄思想当下所成就的人生,实际是艺术的人生,而中国的纯艺术精神,实际系由此一思想所导出。”庄子是主张返归自然,泯灭自我的大师。他把物我一体,与道为一看作是人生的最高境界。而嵇康的意义就在于他把庄子的理想的人生境界人间化了,把它从纯哲学的境界,变为一种实有的境界,把它从道的境界,变成诗的境界,从而成为第一位把庄子的返归自然的精神境界变为人间境界的人。  相似文献   

“词以境界为最上,有境界则自成高格,自有名句。五代、北宋之词所以独绝者在此”。(《人间词话》)王国维对于诗词的境界,给以很高的评价,把它作为衡量作家和作品的标尺,并放在头等重要的地位。认为文学作品只要有境界,就能显示出作家高度的气质和风格;表现出作品高超的艺术水平;从而写出广为流传、脍炙人口的佳句来。他甚至认为五代、北宋之词成就很高的原因,就是因为其有境界,境界美。因此,在《人间词话》中,他较多地、系统地阐述了他的境界说,历来被人们所称道。对于其境界说,在学术界引起了越来越多的人的兴趣。本文只  相似文献   

根据零件表面的数字化数据提取零件表面的边界是反求工程的关键步骤.针对完全散乱的、无组织的"点云"数据,首先,利用网格法得到边界网孔和非边界网孔,把所有相邻的边界网孔相互连接起来,得到边界网孔环;把边界网孔环中每个边界网孔的最小凸边求出来就得到一段边界线,把各个分段的边界线连接起来就得到初始边界线,然后利用B样条技术对边界线进行光顺处理,得到理想的曲面边界.实践证明,通过该方法得到的边界曲线能满足工程应用的需要.  相似文献   

对由相同和不同介质所组成的电磁场场域的边界条件进行了整理和讨论.并用积分形式的麦克斯韦方程组对两种介质分界面上的电磁场边值关系进行了简洁推导,以这种普遍的边值关系为基础导出了理想导体表面上的边界条件,并对该边界条件作了详细的说明.  相似文献   

闽浙边界文化的构成与开发   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
文章提出“边界文化”的概念,阐述了闽浙边界文化的形成、构成和开发及其积极效果。承认省际边界文化的存在,是一种观念上的转变与更新。闽浙边界文化的历史发展说明边界文化这种类区文化具有自身的特殊性。  相似文献   

有Neumann边界条件的抛物型方程的初边值问题是偏微分方程研究领域的一类经典的问题。这是由已知的边界条件和初始条件来求区域温度场的问题。若所给边界是固定区域的称为定边界问题,而现实中又有一类问题其边界随时间变化,这样的问题称为动边界问题。文章对于时动边界上的热传导问题的求解提出人工边界的方法,并在人工边界的基础上采用了差分方法求解此定解问题。为了检验方法的可行性,给出了数值模拟。  相似文献   

人生境界有大小,境界的大小决定了对事物的判断,站在大境界上,就会看到天生我材必有用,而站在小境界上只能是一生碌碌无为。重新审视庄子《逍遥游》大小之辨,有利于我们正确对待人生境界观,目的是释放自己,尽可能达到逍遥游的境界,获得一个快乐的人生。  相似文献   


Purpose: The paper explores the role of boundary work and boundary objects in enhancing learning and innovation processes in hybrid multi-actor networks for sustainable agriculture (LINSA).

Design/Methodology/Approach: Boundary work in LINSA is analysed on the basis of six case studies carried out in SOLINSA project under a common methodology. In developing typologies of boundary work and objects, a grounded approach is used.

Findings: LINSA analysis demonstrates the dynamic character, diverse forms and multiple functions of boundary work and objects in three domains: learning, innovation, and sustainability. Addressing specific types of goals and actors leads to specific types of boundary work and boundary objects. Context-appropriate boundary work allows aligning differing actor attitudes, gaining increased external support, and developing LINSA. The concepts of boundary work and boundary objects are relevant in a broad range of divergent LINSA settings. Boundary work has its limitations, but its facilitation supports reaching LINSA goals.

Practical Implications: The paper proposes recognising context-appropriate forms of boundary work and skilful use of emerging boundary objects to both promote internal consolidation of LINSA and effective external communication to foster learning and innovation for sustainability.

Originality/Value: The paper provides insights into the forms, dynamic and outcomes of boundary work in LINSA in three key domains: developing shared knowledge base, co-producing innovation and negotiating sustainability.  相似文献   

Evidences for the existence of ferromanganese crust boundary were found for the first time during the survey of the “DA YANG YI HAO” Vessel 2003. Some typical characteristics of the boundary are summarized and the significances of the finding of the boundary are included in the genesis discussion. Ore prospecting and assessment of the crust resources are described in this paper. The morphologic and extending characteristics of the crust boundary led to the recognition of two types of crust boundary: interpenetration crust boundary and closed crust boundary. According to the distribution and types of the crust, however, the boundaries are classified into three types: the boundary between ferromanganese crust and detrital sediment, the boundary between tabular crust and seamount nodules, and the boundary between tabular crust and rudaceous crust. This study revealed that the boundary between tabular crust and nodules was not formed under different regional environments but formed under different nucleation potential barriers between different initial growth (nucleation and germination) processes and between solid rocks and loose sediments. The rudaceous crusts are controlled spatially by fracture zones and the crusts' boundaries are controlled by the seamount structure and landform. The discovery of the crust boundaries reveals the crust's ‘negative growth’ phenomena (especially for some seamount nodules). The boundary investigation can be helpful in identifying the existence of tabular crust covered by detrital sediments and in calculating the area covered by the crust. The resource calculation error and the resource quality as well as resource exploration degree can be assessed through the survey of crust boundary.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONShockwavereflectionfromawallsurface,diffractionalongacurvedsurface ,propagationthroughachanneloratubewithvaryingcross  相似文献   

Previous research has established the importance of gender boundaries as a normative aspect of development in middle childhood. Here, the nature and importance of gender boundaries as an individual differences construct was explored. Ratings of gender boundary violation and gender boundary maintenance were made of 47 10–11-year-old children participating in a series of summer day camps. These ratings were supported by videotape-based behavior codings of gender boundary violating behaviors and by live observations of sheer number of associations with members of the opposite gender. In addition, considerable external validation of these individual differences was obtained. Children low on gender boundary violation and (especially) children high on boundary maintenance were independently judged by camp counselors to be socially competent. They also were found to be higher on a friendship variable, based on observation. Those who violated boundary were especially unpopular with peers, based on a child interview. Finally, boundary violation and maintenance were related to attachment history and to early measures of parent-child generational boundary distortions.  相似文献   

以边界理论的视角研究通识教育,可还原出一个清晰的通识教育样态,能够更为明确地指导通识教育实践,并有效提升通识教育在大学教育中的独立地位。根据通识教育的理论与实践,可抽象出知识边界、价值边界、国家边界、学校边界等四种边界类型。通识教育边界的维持,应做到明晰通识教育与专业教育的辩证关系,依据大学实际情况开展通识教育实践,以及把握通识教育内涵的时代转变。  相似文献   

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