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犯罪与被害是相对应而存在的。无被害人犯罪概念的提出似乎是对“无被害即无犯罪”的非难。本文认为,无被害人犯罪中的被害人不是绝对地不存在。该种犯罪形式上表征出无被害人,但实质上应当存在着隐性的被害人。针对无被害人犯罪,可以根据其具体罪质本体对社会客体状态的危害情况,分别实行犯罪化与非犯罪化。  相似文献   

非犯罪化问题自它被提出之日起,就引起西方刑法理论界深切的关注,对它的分析研究方兴未艾,并对西方刑法立法及司法实践产生了巨大的影响。非犯罪化的某些观念对我国刑法面临的实际问题确有启发意义,而我国对此问题的研究仍处于起步阶段,本力图尽可能详实地对这一问题进行介绍、分析,并对其产生的哲学基础、现实背景及对我国的现实借鉴意义等方面进行深入地探索。  相似文献   

随着世界范围内非犯罪化运动的发展,“无被害人犯罪”的研究也相伴而生,而目前国内外刑法学界对无被害人犯罪的概念并没有统一且准确的界定。对“无被害人犯罪”概念界定的价值主要是从刑事立法政策层面谈及的。而在刑事立法政策视野中探讨“无被害人犯罪”概念,它一定是在犯罪学意义上而言的,而不是刑法规范中的“犯罪”概念。那么为什么冠以“无被害人”称谓呢?笔者认为,应结合“无被害人犯罪”概念首次出现的背景和特别指代的行为对象对“无被害人”作限制性的理解,而不能仅就“无被害人犯罪”概念的字面表述作绝对逻辑性的解释,事实上这里的“被害人”并没有深入到国家被害和社会被害的认识程度,仅仅是指没有直接的个人被害人而已。  相似文献   

市场经济的健康发展需要刑法的规制,在此过程中存在犯罪化与非犯罪化两种不同观点.本文提出了适时推进市场经济的非犯罪化和审慎进行市场经济的犯罪化进程.  相似文献   

论犯罪化与非犯罪化的融合   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
合理划定犯罪圈是刑事政策的重大问题之一。为此必须正确认识犯罪化与非犯罪化的关系。从表面上看,两者是向刑事政策的两极发展,但实质上是相互联系的。即两者在理念上是相互融合的,在实践中是互为补充的。所以在我国刑事政策中,犯罪化与非犯罪化应并轨运行,才能更好地保护权利,顺应社会发展的需要。  相似文献   

交通肇事的犯罪化与非犯罪化之思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着两极化刑事政策的提出,犯罪化与非犯罪化已成为世界性潮流.通过对近年的刑事立法与刑事司法解释的考量,交通肇事的犯罪化与非犯罪化趋势趋于明显.这反映了刑事立法与司法更加关注公共利益以及以人为本的刑法精神.针对醉酒驾车、超速驾车等危险驾驶行为给社会公众带来巨大的危险,刑法是否有必要提前介入呢?基于刑法谦抑性的考虑以及自由与安全的平衡.在现有法律框架内.没有必要将危险驾驶行为犯罪化.  相似文献   

根据我国刑法规定,董事可能因违反其第165、166、167条规定而犯罪。公司在本质上是股东营利工具,对董事违反公司法进行责任追究,也应当有利于实现公司股东的营利目的。但从公司法视角考察并借鉴国际立法例来看, 上述规定并不妥当,不利于公司经营的灵活性和营利性,应当对有关行为予以非犯罪化。  相似文献   

在非犯罪化思潮影响之下,未成年人犯罪领域的非犯罪化趋势在我国已经有所体现,这是对未成年犯罪人司法保护的新突破。实现未成年人犯罪领域的非犯罪化具有重要的意义。在具体制度建构上,可以在实体法上减少未成年人罪名规定或规定未成年人特殊情形;在司法程序上,则应建立未成年人刑事和解与不起诉制度。  相似文献   

非犯罪化是20世纪中叶以来各国刑法最富新意的改革.广义的非犯罪化是指对一直以来科处刑罚的行为不再用刑罚手段予以处罚;狭义的非犯罪化是指法律上的非犯罪化,非犯罪观念的出现绝非偶然,有着深厚的现实背景和理念基础。在刑事一体化下,要达到保障人权、维护秩序的刑法功能,非犯罪化刑事政策的运行应该是与犯罪化相结合.  相似文献   

作为世界性刑法改革的两大主题之一,非犯罪化体现的正是刑事政策宽缓的一面。它有着深厚的理论根基和现实基础,并以其独特的特点在当代宽严并济的两极化刑事政策当中发挥着重要的作用。  相似文献   

恢复性司法是指犯罪人与受害人及受犯罪影响的其他人,在调解人的帮助下,共同参与解决由犯罪造成的问题的一个司法过程。它具有主体广泛性、参与自愿性、目标正义性以及运作模式多样性等特点。恢复性司法的构建有着深厚的理念基础、哲学基础以及法学基础。恢复性司法是中国儒家“仁”的传统思想的集中体现,是构建和谐社会的理性选择,是刑法人权保障机能的充分展示。  相似文献   

恢复性司法被认为是一种新型的犯罪处理模式。无论是从构成司法制度基础的假设还是从制度设计所要实现的基本价值分析,恢复性司法都具有与传统刑事司法制度完全迥异的法哲学理念。  相似文献   

Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of victim age, victim gender, and observer gender on the tendency to attribute responsibility for extrafamilial child sexual abuse to the victim and the nonoffending parents.Method: A 2 (Victim Age) × 2 (Victim Gender) × 2 (Observer Gender) between-subjects design was employed. Undergraduate students (N = 145) read a vignette describing a sexually abusive interaction between an adult male neighbor and a child. In this vignette, the child’s gender and age (6 years old, 13 years old) varied. After reading the vignette, participants used a 5-point scale to indicate the degree to which they believed the victim and the parents (a) were responsible for, (b) were to blame for, (c) caused, and (d) could have prevented the abuse.Results: Greater responsibility was assigned to older than younger victims. Both parents were ascribed similar levels of responsibility, and were ascribed greater responsibility when the child victim was younger than older. Male observers attributed greater responsibility and causality to the victim and the parents than did female observers.Conclusions: The results indicate that responsibility attributions directed toward the victim and the nonoffending parents may be a function of the victim’s age. In addition, the findings support previous research suggesting that male observers may tend to hold victims more responsible for their abuse than female observers. Implications for treatment and research are discussed.Spanish abstract was not available at time of publication.  相似文献   

“赏识教育”可以帮助失败者找回自信和发展,重建精神世界的大厦,找回自我教育的能力。赏识引向成功,抱怨导致失败。赏识教育可以激励学生大胆地讲英语,有利于提高学生学习英语的能力及水平。  相似文献   

Three hundred forty-two anonymous surveys regarding unwanted sexual experiences (USE) were filled out in three clinic sites: a pediatric sexual abuse clinic, family practice clinic, and family planning clinic. In the latter two clinics, 40% of females and 16% of males had at least one unwanted sexual experience prior to turning 18 years old. Only 91% of the sexual abuse clinic patients indicated their experience was unwanted. In addition, 27% of the subjects had wanted sexual experiences that were illegal and underreported: These experiences involved a partner at least 4 years older or younger. While feelings of victimization were most common, self-blame and naivete about the abuse were also frequently reported, especially in those who had an USE with a peer. Ambivalence, self-blame, and peer pressure were associated with a lower tendency to disclose one's USE. Although unwanted and illegal sexual experiences were less common in Hispanic females, feelings of self-blame and ambivalence regarding their USE were more frequent in comparison with White females. These findings have important investigative and therapeutic implications for professionals who encounter victims of sexual abuse.  相似文献   

随着刑事诉讼法学的研究进一步发展,被害人的诉讼地位与权利日益受到法律的重视。笔者试从被害人诉讼权利的概念及形式、我国刑事诉讼中被害人诉讼权利方面存在的问题以及我国刑事诉讼被害人诉讼权利制度的完善这三方面对形式诉讼中被害人的诉讼权利问题进行粗浅的探讨。  相似文献   

词项逻辑特别是其中的核心部分直言三段论教学内容和方法的革新势在必行。现有的三段论方法本身都存在问题,应该重新探索能克服现有三段论方法的缺陷、能够解决三段论所有问题的简易方法,以利于逻辑学通识教育。研究表明,替换中项法正是我们发现的这种方法。  相似文献   

The new prevalence data regarding the estimated global number of human immunodeficiency virus positive (HIV+) cases, i.e., including people who are either aware or unaware of their HIV infection in 2010, lead many to wonder why the increase in incidence has reached today’s unprecedented level and escalated within such a short time. This, in spite of prevention campaigns in countries affected by HIV/acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) with their urgent messages aimed at preventing HIV transmission by promoting changes in individual’s behavior. This article analyzes the background of the prevention strategies, in particular their political, social and legal concepts in terms of human rights, and reveals traits of human behavior not considered thus far. A radical reappraisal is necessary, at social and legislative levels, as well as options additional to current concepts. When ethical issues come up, they become blamed for outmoded moralistic positions. However, ignoring the reality has led to dire consequences from prioritizing individual human rights over society’s collective need to prevent the spread of HIV.  相似文献   

试析我国学校德育实效低下的内在原因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于受到现代社会市场经济的冲击和新科技、"教育全球化"的影响,我国德育面临着严峻的挑战,学校德育更是步履维艰.本文认为,除了上述大环境的影响外,导致我国学校德育实效低下有五大基本原因,即教育理念的偏差,致使学校德育丧失地位;理论研究的误区,致使学校德育无所适从;教育教学的分离,致使学校德育残缺不全;方法途径的单调,致使学校德育功效甚微;管理体制的分治,致使学校德育步履维艰.  相似文献   

在求解数理方法过程中,常遇到非齐次边界条件的定解问题,本文介绍使边界条件齐次化的一般方法。  相似文献   

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