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严淳 《家教指南》2007,(11):7-7
邻居的女儿甜甜刚上一年级,还没有养成良好的学习习惯,学习也不够主动,每天放学回来,书包还没放下,就边拿玩具,边开电视。她妈妈见她这样不贪  相似文献   

教育无小事,一句话可能化干戈为玉帛,一个举措可能点燃一堆生命之火。课间,我在忙着写晚上要布置的作业,王小哭着找我告状:“老师,陈东拿了我的两块橡皮不给我,还说是他的。”一副委屈的样子尽写在脸上。我赶紧叫过陈东,问:“那两块橡皮呢?”他把橡皮交给了我。我一看,原来是两块不大的、用得极不规则的且脏乎乎的橡皮,在感到好笑之余,我思考着解决的办法。对,就来个各个击破!我先问王小:“你的橡皮有什么特点?”平时就木讷的他什么也说不出。“那你的橡皮有什么特点?”我又问陈东。“我妈妈在分橡皮的时候割了一个口。”我仔细看了看手中的…  相似文献   

有这样一则小故事:美国前总统富兰克林年轻时,去拜访一位德高望重的前辈,由于不小心在进门时头撞到了门框上,前辈笑笑说:“很疼吧。可是这将是你今天到我这儿来的最大收获。”正当富兰克林奠名其妙时,前辈一语双关地说:“该低头时就低头。”富兰克林揉着头说:“前辈,你的话会让我一生受益。”  相似文献   

在苏教 版第 八册《动物 的互 惠互助 》的教 学中有 这么一 个片 断: 师:请表 演鳄 鱼的同 学上 台。 生 :大 家 好 ,我 是 鳄 鱼,我 和千 鸟 是 好 朋 友 ,千鸟 会 在 我身 上 找 虫 子吃 ,还会 进 入 我 的口 腔 ,啄 食我 口腔中 的肉 屑。有时 候我 还会把 大嘴 一闭。 师:你为 什么 要把大 嘴一 闭呢芽 生 l:我太累 了。 生 2:我忘记 千鸟 还在里 面。 生 3:我想吃 掉千 鸟。 师:穴 愣 了一下雪 是一条 忘恩 负义的 鳄鱼 。 你真 (该 生在 其他同 学的笑 声中 红着脸 坐下 了) 当学生 的话 匣一打 开,灵 动的东 西随 时而 生 …  相似文献   

人生短促,如果我们什么都放不下,那么一定会活得很累,更别提体会生命的奥妙了;如果凡事看开一点,拿得起,放得下,那么即使人活得不会太精彩,但也不至于太逊色。“放下”就是“退一步海阔天空”吧!春秋五霸之首的齐桓公曾与管仲结下“一箭之仇”,然而他却能摒弃前嫌,不咎既往,拜管仲为相,尊称其为“仲父”,终于靠管仲的得力辅佐称霸天下。齐桓公之所以能称霸天下,就是因为他能放下“一箭之仇”。可见,懂得“放下”的意义是非常大的。但并非所有人都懂得放下。三国时期的周瑜少年英俊,儒雅而多谋善断,20多岁时便当上东吴的主帅。他对才能胜过他…  相似文献   

唐翔云 《班主任》2002,(3):39-40
一些老师非常严厉,学生犯一点儿错,就叫到办公室大训特训。这是教育孩子的好办法吗?孩子永远是孩子,为什么不保留他们纯真的天性,给他们一片自由成长的空间呢?我是一名年轻班主任,在这几年的工作中,我教育孩子,有以下三点体会。  相似文献   

<正>舌和齿相碰时就会起冲突;狗和猫遇见,每次争斗,各自不曾有方法沟通;黑领椋鸟冲下来霸占八哥鸟的窝,叽叽喳喳争吵不休;虎和狮互相威吓,希望成为森林之王,各自不愿意互相妥协。在生活中类似情况并不少见。同学之间可能因一点小事,就争得面红耳赤;自己做错了事,不检讨自己的行为,却非常在意  相似文献   

黄琨 《广西教育》2011,(7):42-42
去年9月,我来到一所农村小学从事教学工作。我满怀热情地对待自己的教育事业,以积极的心态和灿烂的笑脸迎接每一件事,以为这里的学生很听话,来到这里后我才知道这里的学生并不好教。城市和农村的孩子都一样,有聪明、乖巧、懂事的孩子,也有调皮、捣蛋的孩子。我教一年级的语文,兼上全校英语。  相似文献   

朱湘和海子是中国新诗史上两位杰出的诗人,他们却又都在不足而立之年弃世而去,留给世人无尽的遗憾。本文着力从家庭、事业、情爱和朋友诸方面,发掘和比较二人的心路历程,从而尝试对纯粹诗人的内心世界作一个有益的探索。  相似文献   

什么是“城”?城和“乡”对应。城近于市,乡近于村。什么是“城市”?城市就是人口集中、工商业发达、居民以非农业人口为主的地区,通常是周围地区的政治、经济、文化中心。所以,人气旺盛、贸易兴隆、生产力领先的大区域是当  相似文献   

交易型课程领导的基调是自私人性观主导的交易,利益激发教师的外在动机;转型课程领导主张人人智慧平等,每个人都是自我导引,合作共同体中的课程参与者平等地共同构建愿景。愿景的感召力量使组织众人一体,使课程领导充满魅力。  相似文献   

This study investigated the development of turn and turn measurement concepts within a computer-based instructional unit. We collected data within two contexts, a pilot test of this unit with four third graders and a field test in two third grade classrooms. We conducted paper-and-pencil assessments, interviews, and interpretive case studies. Turns were less salient for children than forward and back motions. Students evinced a progressive construction of imagery and concepts related to turns. They gained experience with physical rotations, especially rotations of their own bodies. In parallel, they gained limited knowledge of assigning numbers to certain turns, initially by establishing benchmarks. A synthesis of these two domains — turn-as-body-motion and turn-as-numbe — constituted a critical juncture in learning about turns for some students. Some common misconceptions, such as conceptualizing angle measure as a linear distance between two rays, were not in evidence. This supports the efficacy and usefulness of instructional activities such as those employed.  相似文献   

人类与自然的矛盾表现为人类意志与自然意志的较量。人类必须更新观念,放弃人类意志战胜自然意志的幻想,在遵循自然意志的前提下达到与自然意志的融合,使人类意志得到最大限度的发挥。  相似文献   


This paper is a response to Richard Niesche’s recent JEAH paper claiming a ‘theory turn’ in educational leadership. Bringing Niesche’s argument into conversation with recent work on social epistemology in the field, I argue that any claim for a theory turn is premature and arguably requires further nuancing of enduring issues. Framed around the relational methodology, the argument articulates my own complicity with the proposed theory turn, before problematising the idea of a turn and highlighting the importance of time and space. Importantly, I seek to go beyond the analytical dualism of theoretical and atheoretical categories for the purpose of offering a productive contribution for advancing understanding in the field. This is not to refute Niesche’s argument, rather to highlight some of the problems and possibilities it identifies and to the push the ideas further in the interest of scholarly dialogue and debate.  相似文献   

邓小平对苏联模式反思与突破的过程,就是具有中国特色社会主义理论与实践不断创新的过程。在落实科学发展观、构建社会主义和谐社会的历史进程中,回顾、总结这样一个历史过程有着特殊的意义。  相似文献   

The concept of ‘therapeutic education’ is being increasingly used in contemporary education policy studies to identify learning initiatives which are dominated by objectives linked to personal and social skills, emotional intelligence and building self‐esteem. Contemporary educational goals connected with such strategies have been criticised for encouraging a ‘victim culture’ which marginalises learners and replaces the pursuit of knowledge and understanding with the development of personal values relevant to a life of social, cultural and economic risk and uncertainty. In relation to vocational education and training (VET) and post‐school policy trends in particular, Hayes has argued that preparation for work has abandoned vocational/occupational knowledge and skills in favour of providing learners with personal skills for emotional labour in low‐level service jobs. This paper interrogates such analyses and questions whether the therapeutic role of VET really is incompatible with the traditional objectives of developing knowledge, understanding and values in work environments. Links are made between new emphases on work‐based learning and the ‘caring’ conceptions of learning in post‐school education. It is concluded that—although therapy should not dominate VET—an attention to the important values dimension of learning in the field does involve a therapeutic dimension of some kind.  相似文献   

It has often been stated that the Arab “world” is faced by a demographic challenge which is very different to that of many countries in the global North. As the Arab Spring has shown, youths across the region of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) are keen to make a mark, and despite the internal conflicts and contests for power and influence, many young leaders are hoping to establish new forms of social cohesion which could lead to peace and prosperity within a globalised, interconnected world. This paper focuses on one aspect of the relationship between Arab youth and society, namely the difficult transition between formal education and employment. Drawing on, among other sources, a comparative study carried out across eight Arab states, the role which career education and guidance can play in the process is examined. This is followed by a case study of Palestine where, despite very challenging and difficult political and economic circumstances, significant and promising efforts have been made to help young people develop the life skills needed to engage with schooling in ways that do not only enhance learning, but also facilitate access to work and to self-employment. The paper argues that while career education and guidance (CEG) cannot possibly be expected to solve the disconnect between education and work, it does have a role to play in enhancing learning, in supporting transitions, and thus in contributing to both social and economic development goals.  相似文献   

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