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Students in the Physiotherapy Programme carried out a group project in their final year of studies. The objectives of the project were that the students learn and appreciate the process and activities involved in research, acquire deeper understanding of a topic in their professional interest, learn to work as a team, manage their own time, collaborate with others and produce a meaningful report. In the case of group work, usually the written report is assessed and the same mark is given to all members. Sometimes the supervisors’ and group members’ assessment of the members’ involvement and participation in the project, oral presentation or viva voce contributes a small portion to the final grade of each student. This practice is limited to the assessment of the outcome of the group effort and does not reflect the process of learning by individual members. Portfolio assessment of learning involves the students themselves reflecting on and evaluating their learning and also allows teachers to evaluate individual students’ learning in group tasks. In this paper, the implementation of the portfolio assessment, the criteria for the assessment of the portfolios and the students’ opinions on the portfolio assessment are discussed.  相似文献   

Each year America's industries and colleges join forces in an action aimed at converting the engineering student into an engineer employee. Principals in this operation are the company recruiter and the college placement director. Through the years each member of this unique alliance has come to learn the strength and weaknesses of his partner; each has profited and suffered through the other; each has developed his own ideas on how the other should operate. IRE TRANSACTIONS ON EDUCATION recently asked a number of executives on company recruiting staffs and college placement offices for their opinions on the current state of college recruiting, and for suggestions on improving the operation in future years. This two-part article presents excerpts from some of the replies received.  相似文献   

档案袋评价是关注学生学习过程的质性评价方式。在少数民族双语师资培训中引入档案袋评价,可以弥补传统评价方式的不足。科学合理设计档案袋是档案袋评价的基础。实施档案袋评价应明确档案袋评价的目的和意义,重视档案袋评价材料的收集和整理,掌握档案袋评价的要领。  相似文献   

冯霞  何爱玲 《海外英语》2012,(17):52-54
Portfolio assessment is considered as one of the most beneficial assessments in English teaching.However this effective assessment is neglected in college EFL writing.This paper aims to find out whether portfolio assessment can be used in English writing class effectively and describe the implement of this assessment.  相似文献   

Portfolios have been regarded as a means of personal self‐expression. This study reports on student real‐life experiences with portfolio assessment. The focus group comprised 150 freshmen (100 females) from a small campus of a tertiary educational institution. For two semesters (approximately 30 weeks), students engaged in numerous activities selected to encourage deep learning and understanding of mathematical concepts. Because students were not involved in the experiment, ecological validity was maximised, and observations may be regarded as fairly authentic and worthy of analysis. Generally, students reported learning much from portfolio assessment and felt an integral part of the assessment process. Portfolio assessment appeared to empower students and provide them with the self‐respect they desired. Future research could compare results from everyday observations with those from experiments.  相似文献   

张金凤 《海外英语》2011,(13):119-120
Faced with the problem of how to evaluate students’ learning properly,many teachers begin to search for alternative assessments.Interest is growing in meaningful assessment and the use of portfolio assessment has become a good choice to improve both teaching and learning.In the article,the major principles and the approaches of portfolio assessment are explained.By analysing the benefits and limitations of portfolio assessment,the article concludes that despite the issues,portfolio assessment can contribute to the enhancement of students’ learning and the improvement of teaching.  相似文献   

In research and development designed to assess the writing skills of third-year college students, the University of Wisconsin Verbal Assessment Project developed and tested procedures for assessing writing portfolios from students in courses representing each college in the university. Following the work of Britton (1970) and 1:he National Assessment of Education Progress, we defined expository writing as sustained reflection in which the writer focuses and processes information to various degrees. Basing our work on this construct, we assessed writing samples in each portfolio in terms of both degree of reflection and extent of text elaboration. Results of two studies are presented. In Study 1, raters scored each text from a given portfolio before rating texts in the next portfolio. Reliability estimates were low to moderate for both scores. In follow-up Study 2, involving a comparable group of students, several changes were made to improve reliability: (a) Raters scored all texts written in response to a given prompt or assignment within a class before moving to the next set of texts; and (b) each time readers dealt with a new task, they read several examples together, coming to agreement about how various texts were to be rated. Estimates of reliability for both scores were somewhat higher and suggest that the modifications improved reliabilities. Results demonstrate that adequate reliability should be expected if texts are rated by task across portfolios within classes. Based on these findings, we contend that, because writing normally varies by topic, genre, and other variables, writing portfolios are better characterized by scores for each piece than by a single writing-skill score.  相似文献   

该文厘清了合作型档案袋评价的相关概念,阐述了合作型档案袋评价的理论基础,在前期合作学习研究的基础上构建了“合理分层—团队合作—形成档案—多元评价—反思提高—优化存档”的合作型档案袋评价模式,以促进档案袋评价的进一步推广和使用。  相似文献   

蒋良 《化学教学》2006,(3):11-13
针对传统学习评价的弊端,化学新课程提出了建立质性评价与量性评价相结合的发展性评价体系。在这个体系中出现了一些新的评价方式,其中学习档案评价作为质性评价的一种重要方式,它将学习过程与学习评价结合起来,是促进学生科学素养全面发展的一种有效评价方式。那么,在化学教学中如何实施学习档案评价呢?本文对其实施策略作具体说明。  相似文献   

随着中国教育国际化,大学英语教学越来越难以胜任"培养出能用英语进行学术学习和交流的人才"的需要。美国文理学院EFL课程模式以其突出特点对我国大学英语定位的启示。据此,作者认为大学英语课程的定位应是以通识教育为内容的通用英语学术写作课程模式(EGAP-writing course)。该模式不但能克服现下通用的教学模式的弊端,更有着其突出优势和可行性。  相似文献   

较之于传统的纸媒档案袋评价形式,电子档案袋评价具有表达形式的数字化、思维构思的创新性、传播空间的开放性、评价记录的终身性等优势,电子档案袋评价的这些优势能够克服外语阅读能力培养中一些固有问题,因此可以把电子档案袋评价应用于大学英语阅读能力培养的教学实践,本文就电子档案袋评价应用于大学英语阅读能力培养的理论依据、操作程序、应该注意的问题提出了初步设想。  相似文献   

电子档案袋的开发——为表现性评定插上技术的翅膀   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
表现性评定是近年来美国涌现出来的一种新型的课程评价形式,档案袋评定又是其中最常用的一种方法,随着电子科学技术的发展。人们尝试将电子技术应用于档案袋开发,本在分析电子档案袋与档案袋,表现性评定之间关系的基础上,进一步阐述了电子档案袋的开发框架及其策略。  相似文献   

通过对Visual FoxPro课的档案袋评价,探索教学评价中的“职业”特点,使学生从盲目应付考试的学习中解脱出来,培养学生的职业素养,提高其计算机应用技能。  相似文献   

美国校园中盛行使用俚语。作为俚语主要使用者的学生们,创造出许多具有特色的校园俚语。美国校园俚语来源于多方面、多角度。美国的社会发展促进了新校园俚语的发展。同时,校园俚语也促进了一些新鲜事物的产生。  相似文献   

《美国学校数学课程与评价标准》把"问题解决"作为一切数学活动的核心,要求教师在教学中加强学生数学素养和数学能力的培养。表现性评价作为多元化地考核学生高层次学习能力(包括问题解决能力)的有效评价方法而受到美国小学的青睐。本文以美国米尔沃基的帕布里克学区为例,对美国小学数学教育中表现性评价档案袋的收集与评价实施过程进行了探讨。  相似文献   

教学档案是工程教育专业认证专家重点考查的资料,教学档案袋内容的丰富程度和管理规范程度直接影响了工程教育专业认证的通过与否.以工程教育专业认证为契机,以上海交通大学航空航天学院航空航天工程专业为例,结合疫情环境下的课程在线教学,对课程教学档案构建进行探索,分析了教学档案袋对课程发展的促进作用,并通过在具体的实施中发现问题...  相似文献   

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