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采用有限元法,建立了椭圆齿轮的动力学模型,通过有限元分析软件ANSYS对椭圆齿轮进行模态分析,得到了椭圆齿轮的前六阶固有频率和对应振型。该方法和所得结果为动态设计提供了参考,同时也为椭圆齿轮系统的动态响应计算和分析奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The effect of dust particles on electric contacts and a hazardous size range of hard dust particles using a rigid model were discussed before. As further research, elastic-plastic model of finite element analysis was established in this work, which is closer to real condition. In this work, the behavior of large size and small size particles, and the influence of particles hardness were investigated. The calculating result of small-size particles presents a general hazardous size coefficient for different contact surface morphology; for large-size particles, it presents a hazardous size coefficient for complicated composition of the dust. And the effect of the dust shape is also discussed.  相似文献   

Thermal analysis and thermal diagnose are important for small power connector especially in electronic devices since their structure is usually compact. In this paper thermal behavior of small power connector was investigated. It was found that the contact resistance increased due to the Joule heating, and that increased contact resistance produced more Joule heating; this mutual action causes the connector to lose efficiency. The thermal distribution in the connector was analyzed using finite element method (FEM). The failure mechanism is discussed. It provides basis for improving the structure. The conclusion was verified by experimental results.  相似文献   

Ship collision on bridge is a dynamic process featured by high nonlinearity and instantaneity. Calculating ship-bridge collision force typically involves either the use of design-specification-stipulated equivalent static load, or the use of finite element method (FEM) which is more time-consuming and requires supercomputing resources. In this paper, we proposed an alternative approach that combines FEM with artificial neural network (ANN). The radial basis function neural network (RBFNN) employed for calculating the impact force in consideration of ship-bridge collision mechanics. With ship velocity and mass as the input vectors and ship collision force as the output vector, the neural networks for different network parameters are trained by the learning samples obtained from finite element simulation results. The error analyses of the learning and testing samples show that the proposed RBFNN is accurate enough to calculate ship-bridge collision force. The input-output relationship obtained by the RBFNN is essentially consistent with the typical empirical formulae. Finally, a special toolbox is developed for calculation effi- ciency in application using MATLAB software.  相似文献   

It is a challenge for passive RFID tags to be mounted on the surface of metal because the parameters of tag antennas, such as the impedance matching, the radiation efficiency and the radiation pattern, are seriously affected by the metallic surface. This paper presents the characteristics of the dipole-like antennas of ultra high frequency (UHF) radio frequency identification (RFID) tags that are placed close to metallic surfaces. The finite element method (FEM) and method of moment (MoM) were used to simulate the changes of the antenna parameters near the metallic surface. Two typical dipole-like antennas close to the metallic surface, a closed loop antenna and a loaded meander antenna, were modeled, and the performance was evaluated. Experiment was carried out and the results were in good agreement with the simulation, showing that a distance of 0.05λ-0.1λ (λ is the free space wavelength) from the metallic surface could make the dipole-like UHF RFID tag performance be acceptable.  相似文献   

Fully automatic finite element (FE) modelling of the fracture process in quasi-brittle materials such as concrete and rocks and ductile materials such as metals and alloys, is of great significance in assessing structural integrity and presents tremendous challenges to the engineering community. One challenge lies in the adoption of an objective and effective crack propagation criterion. This paper proposes a crack propagation criterion based on the principle of energy conservation and the cohesive zone model (CZM). The virtual crack extension technique is used to calculate the differential terms in the criterion. A fully-automatic discrete crack modelling methodology, integrating the developed criterion, the CZM to model the crack, a simple remeshing procedure to accommodate crack propagation, the J2 flow theory implemented within the incremental plasticity framework to model the ductile materials, and a local arc-length solver to the nonlinear equation system, is developed and implemented in an in-house program. Three examples, i.e., a plain concrete beam with a single shear crack, a reinforced concrete (RC) beam with multiple cracks and a compact-tension steel specimen, are simulated. Good agreement between numerical predictions and experimental data is found, which demonstrates the applicability of the criterion to both quasi-brittle and ductile materials.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Due to market pressures for improvements in productivity, reliability, ductility, wear resistance and profitability of mechanical systems, manufacturers are placing increasing demands on available materials.Economic constraints require that these materials are inexpensive and easily available. In order to enhance the surface properties of today’s materials, producers of components are turning to different surface finish and treatments. There are several techniques available …  相似文献   

1 IntroductionIn the design of blowing machine, the crihcalrotational speeds should keel away from the runningspeed. Because of lacking qualified techllical tools, someunits still use tWo aPProxilllstC methods tO calculate thecritical rotational speeds. One is to estimate the criticalspeeds according to analogous method, and the Other is asfollows. First, the hydrodynamic bearings are regarded asa rigid suPPort tO calculate the natUral frequencies. Then,a weight coefficient according tO t…  相似文献   

Ceramic materials are notable for their rigidity, insulation and resistance to hostile environment, Nevertheless, if a stressed ceramic component is exposed to chemical attack, it may suffer from a form of delayed fracture known as static fatigue. From the point of view of a designer, it is clearly desirable to determine the behavior of sub-critical crack growth; the crack path and crack growth rate, as a function of material properties and loading conditions are of particular interest. This paper presents a review of advances in stress assisted corrosion problem in history and its corresponding numerical approaches in the last decades, and finally, comes uo with consideration and crucial suggestions for future work.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION People find that when many glasses and ceramic materials are subject to static loading as well as a chemically reactive environment, they often experi-ence delayed failure due most likely to stress-assisted chemical reactions at the cracks: pre-existing surface flaws grow to a critical length, at which point unstable rapid crack propagation ensues, leading to catastro-phic failure. For a given material and ambient envi-ronment, the lesser the applied stress, the longer the ti…  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION The finite element method (FEM) has been widely employed for solving linear elastic and elas-tic-plastic fracture problems. The evaluation of stress intensity factors in 2D geometries by FEM is a tech-nique widely used for non-standard crack configura-tions. Basically, there are two groups of estimation methods, those based on field extrapolation near the crack tip (Chan et al., 1970; Shih et al., 1976) and those using the energy release when the crack propagates. However…  相似文献   

Recently, the finite element method (FEM) has been commonly applied in the engineering analysis of rotor dynamics. Gyroscopic moments, rotary inertia, transverse shear deformation and gravity can be included in computational models of rotor-bearing systems. In this paper, a finite element model and its solution method are presented for the calculation of the dynamics of dual rotor systems. A typical structure with two rotor shafts is discussed and the procedure for obtaining the coupling motion equations of the subsystems is illustrated. A computer program is developed to solve critical speeds and to simulate the transient motion. The influence of gyroscopic moments on co-rotation and counter-rotation is analyzed, and the effect of the speed ratio on critical speed is studied. The dynamic characteristics under different conditions of increasing speed during start-up are demonstrated by comparison with transient nodal displacements. The presented model provides a complete foundation for further investigation of the dynamics of dual rotor systems.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Polycrystalline diamond compacts (PDC), con-sisting of a polycrystalline diamond (PCD) layer on a WC-Co substrate, and having high hardness and abrasive resistance, are used in a variety of drilling and machining applications (Farhad, 2001; Sadi and Muzaffer, 2001). However, due to differences of thermal and mechanical properties in diamond and WC-Co substrate, residual thermal stresses develop in regions near the interfaces during fabrication. The diamond coating exhib…  相似文献   

为了探讨了残余应力应变释放系数修正公式的应用及其可靠性,通过用有限元分析软件建立分析模型。首先推导出材料的应变释放系数随形状改变比能参量S变化的塑性修正公式,然后用此公式进行高应力状态下残余应力的模拟修正,以确定修正公式在实际应用中的可靠性。经过对单向应力和复杂应力状态下的残余应力进行塑性修正,用反算应力法得到修正应力,修正应力和施加应力之间的偏差较未修正前的应力引起的偏差大幅减少,修正应力非常接近真实的施加应力值。结果表明,用推导出来的残余应力应变释放系数修正公式计算残余应力具有精度高、修正效果较好的特点。  相似文献   

本文以工程实例为背景,通过使用大型有限元分析程序ANSYS10.0,建立模型,并根据规范要求,采用模态分析和振型分解反应谱法分析,对某商场框架结构进行了动力特性分析,得到了该结构桁架部分的自振频率、弯矩、剪力、轴力、结构位移分布等参数,得出一些有益的结论,为该结构的设计提供了依据,并为同类研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Traditional variation analysis methods are not applicable to non-rigid assemblies due to possible part deformation during the assembly process. This paper presents the use of finite element methods to simulate assembly deformation. The relationship between the parts' variation and the variation of the key points in final assembly for quality control is set up by calculating the spring back deformation after assembly. Moreover, the optimization method for non-rigid assembly variations based on finite element analysis is presented. The optimal objective is to reduce the manufacturing cost. The approach is implemented by using ANSYS and MATLAB. The test example shows that the proposed method is effective and applicable.  相似文献   

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