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创新教育要求每节课的每一环节,都应实现多种教育功能,实现一个环节的多种功能包括一是教育学目标应实现多元多层和高校舍力化,二是教法中的一环节多而创新的合力组织的条件组织,三是学生创新性人格的培养及多方合力组织。  相似文献   
1986年硕果累累的金秋时节,精明干练的山西省临猗县县委书记曾中厚在北京向出席全国基础教育先进县经验交流会的代表们,汇报了他们县把发展教育和发展经济联系起来,使教育事业为振兴农村经济服务的经验,博得了代表们的阵阵掌声。国务院副总理兼国家教委主任李鹏高度评价了这个县的工作。最近,我们专程进行了采访。临猗县位于晋南盆地,西邻黄河,东靠运城。全县人口四十四万,耕地一百六十万亩,盛产小麦和棉花,小麦的产量居山西省各县之冠。  相似文献   
在社会主义两个文明建设中,正确认识精神文明建设的主客体及其相互关系,对于提高精神文明建设的质量与水平,推动社会主义的全面发展,具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
芍药属的研究(1)——国产几个野生种核型的报道   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the present paper 8 species with 15 populations of the genus Paeonia L. (if P. papaveracea and P. japonica are recognised as species) were collected from Sichuan, Shaanxi and Hebei provinces (see the Appendix for detail of the materials).  The micrographs of their somatic metaphase (also Mii in the case of P.veitchii) are shown in Plates 1-4, the karyo- type formulae, ranges of chromosome length and classification of karyotypes according to Steb- bins (1971) are shown in Table 5: the idiograms in Figs. 1-2, and the parameters of chromo- somes in Table 1-4.  The essential points are mentioned as follows:        (1)   Chromosomes of the various species in the section Modan have so far been examined and they are all diploid, the two species in the section Onaepia are also diploid, and thus tetraploids exist only in the section Paeonia.        (2)  Chromosomes in the genus Paeonia are relatively stable except for the differentiation of ploidy.  The karyotypes (Table 1-4) show no differences among different taxa in Sect. Modan and the same can also be said about the taxa in Sect. Paeonia (Table 1).  Not only are the karyotypes very similar, but also among the members within  either section have the same parameters of chromosomes, and, differences, if occur, are not statistically significant. Between the two sections, however, the situation is different. The arm ratios of the first pairs of chromosomes in Sect. Modan are 1.53, 1.52 and 1.48 (Table 1), but those in Sect. Paeonia are 1.12-1.28 (Table 2-4), 95% confidence limits are 1.46-1.60 for the section Modan and 1.07-1.28 (1.21-1.35 only for PB85078) for the section Paeonia, not overlapping, which indi- cates that the two sections have differentiated in respect of the first pairs of chromosomes.        (3)The population PB85024, which belongs to the P. obovata complex, has a karyotype of 2B (stebbins, 1971), which is a new one in the genus Paeonia. This karyotype is a stable one, for several individuals in the population are uniform in this respect, which shows that Steb- bins’ (1971) generalization that all the species in Paeonia have 2A does not hold true.        (4)  Three populations of P. obovata complex studied in this work from Sichuan and Shaanxi are all tetraploids, and one from Hebei is a diploid.  From the present work and the previcus reports, the materials from Japan and Korea, no matter whether flowers are pink or white, are diploids, those from Heilongjiang Province (with both pink and white flowers) (Liu Ming-yuan, personal communication) and from Heibei Province (with pink flowers) in China are also diploids, the one from Sakhalin (pink flowers) is tetraploid, those from Priamur of the Soviet Union are a tetraploid (with white flowers) and a diploid (with pink flowers), and those from Shaanxi (the Qinling Range) and western Sichuan (with both pink and white flowers) are all tetraploids.  As far as we have now known, ploidy in this parti- cular complex is correlated with the geographical distribution: diploids are found in the cen- tral part, tetraploids occur in the northern limits, and in the south  letraploids are the only cytotype.      (5)  The materials of P. mairei from western Sichuan and Shaanxi (the Qinling Range) are found all to be tetraploids, which shows that two cytotypes, diploid and tetraploid, exist in this  species,  but the geographical distribution pattern of these two cytotypes is to be revealed in the future investigation.  相似文献   
本文报道浙江产菝葜属smilax 7个种的染色体数目和核型。S.nipponica有两种核型,2n=   26和2n=32,均为3B型,但后一种细胞型的雄株的第一对染色体大小不等,可能为性染色体;S.   riparia 2n=30,属3B型;S.siebodii n=16;S. china有两个染色体数目,2n=96 和n=15;   S. davidiana 2n=32,属3B型,对减数分裂MI的观察发现n=16;S.glabra 2n=32,亦属3B   型:S. nervo-marginata var.liukiuensis 2n=32,属3C型。讨论了种间在核型上的差异、属的基数、   核型演化趋势和性染色体等问题。  相似文献   
从校园规划设计理念与原则、建筑设计风格与群体组合方式、建筑环境与空间处理等方面,分析了河南大学金明校区的建筑规划设计,发掘蕴藏其中的建筑创作思想与风格,为今后的校园规划与设计提供借鉴和帮助。  相似文献   
“国运兴衰,系于教育,教育振兴,全民有责”。随着知识经济时代的到来,“科教兴国”逐渐内化为各级领导干部及广大民众的自觉意识与行为。教师是教育的核心要素,实施素质教育的关键是全面提高教师的综合素质,民族贫困地区中小学教师素质偏低的现状已成为制约民族贫困地区教育振兴、经济发展和社会进步的最大“瓶颈”。针对民族贫困地区中小学教师素质现状,积极探索培训策略,对民族贫困地区深化教育改革、全面实施素质教育具有重大意义。 培训内容的拓展——立足于综合素质的提高 根据民族贫困地区中小学教师队伍素质现状,在培训内容…  相似文献   
传统的古典诗词教学使得学生学习兴趣不高,学习被动,效率低下;对传统文化感悟少,文化积累更少,也缺乏基本的审美和想象能力,难以感受古典诗词的魅力,更领略不到中国传统文化的博大精神.古典诗词教学应利用音乐、故事、多媒体等来激发学生学习兴趣,提高学习效率,为语文教学和素质教育的发展创造条件.  相似文献   
本文根据作者等10多年来对广西杉木林生产力测定数据和与之相匹配的年平均气温、温暖指数、降水量、温度指数和实际蒸散量等气象数据,用最小二乘法建立了杉木林的气候生产力模型,给出了全区杉木林气候生产力分布,并与迈阿密和桑斯威特数学模型的计算结果做了比较分析。结果杉木林、气候生产力、模型、广西  相似文献   
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