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在交变电流的知识体系中 ,一些物理量的制约关系 ,与数学中一些数量制约有着相似之处。正弦式交流电的图象与正弦曲线完全吻合 ,它们满足相同的规律。研究数学的思维方法 ,在交变电流中体现出来 ,在教学中渗透这种思想 ,可开阔学生思维 ,提高其解题能力  相似文献   
现在想来,父母的爱在我小时太重太过了,他们对我过多的保护和娇惯,使我在很长一段时期都无法真正地行走于社会和集体中,以至于不得不一路摔跤走过童年。  相似文献   
冯梦龙与《三言》(即《喻世明言》、《警世通言》、《醒世恒言》)在中国文学史上尤其是在小说发展史上的地位,似乎已为学界所认定。但是翻检一下现行的几种中国文学史和中国小说史以及一些比较权威的评价冯梦龙及其《三言》的文字,不难发现,在评价冯梦龙时几乎众口一词,都认为他是一位通俗文学的倡导者。他在《三言》以及其他通俗文学的编纂方面做了大量的工作。而在评价《三言》时,也往往只把它看成是由冯梦龙编选的包括宋、元、明“话本”和“拟话本”的小说集。因此,在论及冯梦龙时往往很少涉及《三言》的思想性和艺术性;而在论及《三言》时,也很少涉及冯梦龙的思想和小说理论。基于这  相似文献   
集团化办学条件下的中高职教育交融式衔接,是指在集团化办学条件下,中高职院校充分利用职教集团内部诸要素的合力,在学制安排、专业设置、目标定位、课程和教学建设与改革等人才培养的全过程统筹规划,设计中高职人才一体化培养方案,促进两种教育的层层交递、螺旋融合、协调发展,系统培养适应经济社会发展需求的中高端技能型人才。具体的运作机制是:适应社会转型,交融编排学制;对接区域产业,统筹规划专业;面向职业岗群,梯次设定目标;对接职业标准,层递开发课程;对接生产过程,层续分解教学。  相似文献   
我接待过一个客户,一天,一个少妇带着她三岁的儿子来到店里,我按惯例问了下需求,她说想买个家用电脑,今天先来看看。我就很快帮她推荐了几款,看得出她应该不懂,我就跟她详细地讲了讲。她家小孩也没闲着,在店里这摸摸那看看,她多次被打断去关注小孩,不知不觉就讲了一个多小时,之后她说回去跟家里商量一下。  相似文献   
本文针对如何构建高职环境监测与治理技术专业实践课程体系的问题,从构建该专业实践课程体系的前期准备工作、专业实践能力构成分析及构建实践课程体系实例提出了具体的思路,同时介绍了构建该专业实践课程体系过程中建立实践课程体系更新和调整机制、加强实践教学保障体系的建设、实践课程体系与理论课程体系的关系三方面的体会。  相似文献   
张志 《成才之路》2011,(3):69-69
教学内容北师大版数学教材一年级上册60~61页。教学目标在实际活动和已有经验的基础上认识自己的左右和别人的左右。会用左右描述物体左右的相对位置,并能用自己的语言清晰表达。教学过程一、谜语引入师:同学们,让我们一起来猜个谜语好吗?投影显示:两棵小树十个杈,不长叶子不开花。能写能算还会画,天天干活不说话。你们猜是什么?生:积极举手回答,有的说完全不正确,  相似文献   
服装人体模型在立体裁剪中充当人体的替代品。立体裁剪是将面料直接铺覆在人体模型上根据服装款式的需要进行裁剪,有些平面较难表现的褶皱、曲线、浪势和复杂的线条在立体裁剪中都能较容易的表现出来。立体裁剪注重表现人体三雏的立体性。而用立体裁剪手段生产出的服装品质高低与人体模型有着极重要的关系。因此研发高品质的人体模型是立体裁剪实践教学的重要保证。  相似文献   
近几年来,冰球运动发展较快,国际冰联对规则几乎每年修改一次,对有些犯规加重了判罚程度,本文通过对1991年的规则以及1994年国际冰联新修改的规则的整理,归纳出在不同的情况下发生的犯规所受到的相应处罚,作为信息提供给广大教练员、运动员和冰球爱好者;期望本文对我国冰球运动的发展,有所裨益。  相似文献   
芍药属的研究(1)——国产几个野生种核型的报道   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the present paper 8 species with 15 populations of the genus Paeonia L. (if P. papaveracea and P. japonica are recognised as species) were collected from Sichuan, Shaanxi and Hebei provinces (see the Appendix for detail of the materials).  The micrographs of their somatic metaphase (also Mii in the case of P.veitchii) are shown in Plates 1-4, the karyo- type formulae, ranges of chromosome length and classification of karyotypes according to Steb- bins (1971) are shown in Table 5: the idiograms in Figs. 1-2, and the parameters of chromo- somes in Table 1-4.  The essential points are mentioned as follows:        (1)   Chromosomes of the various species in the section Modan have so far been examined and they are all diploid, the two species in the section Onaepia are also diploid, and thus tetraploids exist only in the section Paeonia.        (2)  Chromosomes in the genus Paeonia are relatively stable except for the differentiation of ploidy.  The karyotypes (Table 1-4) show no differences among different taxa in Sect. Modan and the same can also be said about the taxa in Sect. Paeonia (Table 1).  Not only are the karyotypes very similar, but also among the members within  either section have the same parameters of chromosomes, and, differences, if occur, are not statistically significant. Between the two sections, however, the situation is different. The arm ratios of the first pairs of chromosomes in Sect. Modan are 1.53, 1.52 and 1.48 (Table 1), but those in Sect. Paeonia are 1.12-1.28 (Table 2-4), 95% confidence limits are 1.46-1.60 for the section Modan and 1.07-1.28 (1.21-1.35 only for PB85078) for the section Paeonia, not overlapping, which indi- cates that the two sections have differentiated in respect of the first pairs of chromosomes.        (3)The population PB85024, which belongs to the P. obovata complex, has a karyotype of 2B (stebbins, 1971), which is a new one in the genus Paeonia. This karyotype is a stable one, for several individuals in the population are uniform in this respect, which shows that Steb- bins’ (1971) generalization that all the species in Paeonia have 2A does not hold true.        (4)  Three populations of P. obovata complex studied in this work from Sichuan and Shaanxi are all tetraploids, and one from Hebei is a diploid.  From the present work and the previcus reports, the materials from Japan and Korea, no matter whether flowers are pink or white, are diploids, those from Heilongjiang Province (with both pink and white flowers) (Liu Ming-yuan, personal communication) and from Heibei Province (with pink flowers) in China are also diploids, the one from Sakhalin (pink flowers) is tetraploid, those from Priamur of the Soviet Union are a tetraploid (with white flowers) and a diploid (with pink flowers), and those from Shaanxi (the Qinling Range) and western Sichuan (with both pink and white flowers) are all tetraploids.  As far as we have now known, ploidy in this parti- cular complex is correlated with the geographical distribution: diploids are found in the cen- tral part, tetraploids occur in the northern limits, and in the south  letraploids are the only cytotype.      (5)  The materials of P. mairei from western Sichuan and Shaanxi (the Qinling Range) are found all to be tetraploids, which shows that two cytotypes, diploid and tetraploid, exist in this  species,  but the geographical distribution pattern of these two cytotypes is to be revealed in the future investigation.  相似文献   
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