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适用对象大中英语教师你喜欢看侦探小说吗?你想挑战你的英文水平和逻辑思维能力吗?那么请围绕以下线索,写出故事情节,帮助In—spector Basir 破案。  相似文献   
先说说cherish这个词。cherish除了表示“to keep fondly in mind”(充满感情地铭记于心)外,还有“to treat with affection and tenderness”(怜爱、温柔地对待)之意。所以它既有“缅怀”,还有“去关怀”的意思。由此可以想到,我们除了可以cherish the time,更重要的是现在就去cherishyour friends,cherish your classmates,cherish your family,如此类推。  相似文献   
教师的选拔和任用都要依据一定的标准,希望美国教师的选拔方法会给我们以借鉴。  相似文献   
有些经历好像是人人都有过的。例如,脚趾踢在门上就是这样的一种,我们都会痛得呲牙咧嘴。爬楼梯的时候摔跤则是另一种大出洋相和非常尴尬的经历。在私下里回想过这些令人困窘难堪的经历后,生活还是要继续。我在韩国的第一个晚上就遇到了这样的窘事,它同样让我毕生难忘。我希望, 如果你也碰上相似的情况(我希望你不会),你可以想想这个故事,和我一起扮个鬼脸。  相似文献   
Together with National Qualifications Frameworks (NQFs)in England, Ireland, Scotland, New Zealand and Australia, the South African NQF is part of a somewhat elite, even notorious, and often criticized group of first generation NQFs that were established between the late 1980s and early 1990s. These NQFs were rooted in the thinking on competency, lifelong learning and outcomes-based education that prevailed in the United Kingdom at the timeH. In the subsequent period up to 2005, more than 30 additional countries have embarked on NQF development, while three regional qualification framework initiatives are also currently underway, one in the Southern African Development Community (SADC), another in the European Union (EU), and yet another amongst English-speaking Caribbean countries (Tuck et al., 2006). In the background of this continued drive for NQF development across the world, I use this paper to reflect critically on the extent to which the development and implementation of the South African NQF has impacted on the regulation of teacher education. In particular I discuss the extent to which: (1) provisioning of teacher education has been quality assured through NQF sub-systems; (2) teacher qualifications and standards have been developed and realigned to NQF requirements to accommodate, amongst others, un- and under-qualified teachers; and (3) professional development points for teachers are being introduced to complement the NQF credit systemt. The paper is concluded with specific observations that may be of value to other countries that are using, or plan to use, NQFs to regulate and improve teacher education.  相似文献   
我的生活丰富多彩,但我的爱十分纯粹,那天我看到一个天使,我确定她就是个天使,她在地铁上冲我微笑。虽然她身旁伴着另一个男人,我也不会因此而辗转难眠,因为我早有心理准备。  相似文献   
自上世纪九十年代中期开始,整合营销传播理论传入中国,掀起了一股IMC热潮,为市场营销、广告公关的理论和实践带来了强大的推动力。然而,近年来,有关整合营销传播的研究渐趋消沉。究其原因,主要有二:一,学界和业界对IMC概念和理论本身并未透彻理解;二,对有关IMC新的研究动态和成果未予以足够重视。2002年,舒尔茨教授等人提出了"互动式整合营销传播"的新概念。2003年,舒尔茨和威斯康新大学的JamesW.Peltier、内华达大学的JohnA.Schibrowsky三位教授又在《InternationalJournalofAdvertising》上发表了一篇名为《Interactionintegratedmarketingcommunication:combiningthepowerofIMC,thenewmediaanddatabasemarketing》的论文,通过模型和案例系统阐述了"互动式整合营销传播"的概念,代表了IMC理论研究的最新成果,对国内的有关研究具有重要的借鉴意义。限于篇幅,本刊在发表时删去了文中的案例研究部分。  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to examine participant and scheme characteristics in relation to access, uptake, and participation in a physical activity referral scheme (PARS) using a prospective population-based longitudinal design. Participants (n = 3762) were recruited over a 3-year period. Logistic regression analyses identified the factors associated with the outcomes of referral uptake, participation, and completion (> or = 80% attendance). Participant's age, sex, referral reason, referring health professional, and type of leisure provider were the independent variables. Based on binary logistic regression analysis (n = 2631), only primary referral reason was associated with the PARS coordinator making contact with the participants. In addition to the influence of referral reason, females were also more likely (odds ratio 1.250, 95% confidence interval 1.003-1.559, P = 0.047) to agree to be assigned to a leisure provider. Referral reason and referring health professional were associated with taking up a referral opportunity. Older participants (1.016, 1.010-1.023, P < 0.001) and males were more likely to complete the referral. In conclusion, the PARS format may be less appropriate for those more constrained by time (women, young adults) and those with certain referral reasons (overweight/obesity, mental health conditions). More appropriate targeting at the point of referral could improve participation rates by revealing or addressing barriers that might later result in dropout.  相似文献   
有人曾经预告过:有确凿的证据说明,在科学教育过程中,现今具有决定性意义的是把单词、术语和定义看做科学的基本组成部分这一点予以非常的重视。研究结果说明:生物学显示出比化学或物理学需要更多的词汇知识和更高的阅读能力。做到这点就具有了处理生物学教育中的重要问题的潜力。 生物学中特别容易造成名词术语的过重负担。虽然名词术语是生物学的一个关键组成部分,但是在生物教学中,甚至生物学家在他们自己的领域中要跟上名词术语的发展也存在着困难。既然教学大纲和教科书中反映了专业生物学家的活动,因此在生物教学大纲和教科书中也必然存在着名词术语这一难题。 在生物学学习中是否名词术语太多了?教师应否有选择地限制学生在刚开始学生物学时所需要的词语数目?在本文中将进一步叙述这个问题并阐明其重要意义。  相似文献   
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