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The purpose of this study was to analyze how the challenges of urban schools influence physical education teachers' emotional understanding and connections with their students and the implications on their teaching. Sixty-one elementary physical educators from an urban school district in the midwestern U.S. were interviewed multiple times (N = 136) over 3 years using interpretive methodology. Teachers reported five unique challenges that significantly shaped their thinking about students and their careers, along with strategies they used to overcome or manage those challenges. The challenges were: (a) insufficient instructional resources, (b) implementing culturally relevant pedagogy, (c) dealing with community violence, (d) integrating more games in curricula, and (e) teaching in a culture of basketball. Implications centered on the guilt-inducing nature of urban teaching, developing an informed and realistic vision of urban physical education, and the role of teacher preparation and professional development.  相似文献   
In soccer, the players perform intermittent work. Despite the players performing low-intensity activities for more than 70% of the game, heart rate and body temperature measurements suggest that the average oxygen uptake for elite soccer players is around 70% of maximum (VO(2max). This may be partly explained by the 150 - 250 brief intense actions a top-class player performs during a game, which also indicates that the rates of creatine phosphate (CP) utilization and glycolysis are frequently high during a game. Muscle glycogen is probably the most important substrate for energy production, and fatigue towards the end of a game may be related to depletion of glycogen in some muscle fibres. Blood free-fatty acids (FFAs) increase progressively during a game, partly compensating for the progressive lowering of muscle glycogen. Fatigue also occurs temporarily during matches, but it is still unclear what causes the reduced ability to perform maximally. There are major individual differences in the physical demands of players during a game related to physical capacity and tactical role in the team. These differences should be taken into account when planning the training and nutritional strategies of top-class players, who require a significant energy intake during a week.  相似文献   
滑翔运动是最引人入胜的一种航空体育运动,也是青年们的一种体育运动。在一种没有发动机的叫做滑翔机的飞行器上面,人们可以在空中保持停留好几小时,航行数百公里的距离,不但能升得相当高,而且还能作一些优等航空术的特技表演。滑翔的这种锻炼能使人们熟悉飞行,培养出飞行人员的果断品质。许多苏联杰出的飞行员,例如,A.N.巴克雷斯金,A.N.莫洛得奇依等人,都是从滑翔飞行中锻  相似文献   
科学上的兩個陣營 我們可不可以认识周圍的世界呢?我們能不能在自己的观念或概念中,產生現實底確實反映呢? 這是整個宇宙觀中的一個最基本的問題。對於這個问量,哲学已作了回答,也就是說,和自然界、人類社會以及思惟等的一般規律有着密切關係的科學,也作了回答。可是哲學並不都是一样的,因為哲學的發展是和階級矛盾——進步势力與反動勢力的鬥爭分不開的。在悠久的哲學史中,一  相似文献   
本文是从苏联伟大的矿物学家、通俗科学读物作家、科学院院士费尔斯曼(1883—1945)所著的“趣味矿物学”书中翻译过来的。“趣味矿物学”于1945年出版,已经有几国文字的翻译,是一本生动、活泼的通俗科学著作。我们已约请北京地质学院小塔同志负责翻译,以后将选出一部分陆续在本刊发表。原文文笔富有文艺性,在翻译上不易保持原来风格。有些地方为了使读者易于清楚明白起见,编者曾略加修改;如有错误,应由编者负责。  相似文献   
科学家进行发掘工作以后,在地下发现了古代动物和植物的残骸(化石)。从这些卤获物可以确定一点,就是在远古时期,生物的种类没有现在这么繁多,结构也没有现在这么复杂。高级的动物和植物是由比较不复杂的有机体演发而成的。但是,最简单的有机体,即地球上一切生  相似文献   
著名的俄罗斯科学家,植物生理学的一个创立者,特米雅热夫(Timiryazev),常常反对有人在他面前讲到“纯粹”科学和“应用”科学。他认为只有科学和科学的应用。的确,在科学工作中的每一部门,每一阶段都接触到实际的应用,这就使其  相似文献   
什麼叫完数(Perfect Number)啊?一箇數目如果等於它所有的除数(但不包括這個數目自己)的總和,這個数目就叫做完敷:例如,6=1+2+3,28=1+2+4+7+14。僅有的已知的完全数都是偶数,而且很少,從  相似文献   
Marx對於職业指導頗为留心,此文報告德國去年職業指導概况,極为中肯,用特译出,以供參考。  相似文献   
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